EDH/Commander General

Night edition

Previous thread: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread topic
What creature type would you like to see in a Commander for tribal purposes?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What creature type would you like to see in a Commander for tribal purposes?
Another elemental (Horde is too broad, Angry Omnath is fun but I get tired of RG too fast), maybe Shapeshifters?

Thoughts on Flusterstorm in EDH?

>What creature type would you like to see in a Commander for tribal purposes?
5c changeling

>What creature type would you like to see in a Commander for tribal purposes?
Colored Eldrazi. Tricolor for RotE's B/R/G eldrazi, or quad color for BFZ's addition of blue, or five color for that one stray white eldrazi in OGW.

Really bad compared to just running Swan Song

Literally the only counterspell in my deck.

Mind helping?
I still need to cut 6 cards. I'm reluctant to cut counterspells that draw but some of them are probably suboptimal. I do want to stay at 38 lands though.

It's decent if storm is a problem in your meta.

That said, storm decks often have a crapload of mana when they combo out (either through untap + high tide effects or Waste Not triggers), so simply paying for each seperate flusterstorm trigger happens surprisingly often.

Counterflux or Summary Dismissal do the job far better there (they also cost 4 mana though).

People often tap out to cast stuff, or you get 2-3 copies with your original, so it still works most of the time for other purposes. Still just generally a worse option than Swan Song.

>What creature type would you like to see in a Commander for tribal purposes?

When I first got into edh my friend was telling be about Reaper King and I thought Scarecrows was the coolest tribe. Would love to see more scarecrows

I think because of the massive mana of edh Storm decks, flusterstorm isn't really at its best against storm in edh

Instead I think it's best as just an efficient 1 mana counter that does well in those long edh lategame turns with 4-5 spells

Post em, Faggots.

Anyone looking forward to some EDH this weekend?

Going to get a couple four player games as I take my Gwafa out for his first few games.

Where can I find a solid primer or explanation on storm. I get the end result. Copying a storm spell 30+ times to annihilate the board. But I just don't get how their supposed to work.

Is there a video or a solid primer on the subject.

Id have one if i needed it but I have fow, swansong, pact, counterspell, overwhelming denial, counterflux, remand, cryptic, dispel, arcane denial, and negate for less than one . Also im the closest to a combo player my playgroup has so it doesnt help motivate me to buying one. Id rather buy a mana drain.

please recommend me a fun and hopefully efficient monoblack brew

it can't be the following since i've tried them and i don't like them:

>preferably not stax (endrek sahr)
>zombo tribal

i know this closes off a lot of option but i'm curious to hear what you guys have in mind. the only idea i have right now is geth mill

there's this national holiday soon called "christmas" so i can't imagine many of us will be playing


Phage the Untouchable, just a deck all about putting her on the field and assassinating your opponents. You would be surprised just how interesting the deck is.

It functions like a puzzle each time, figuring out how to land your hits and know your timing.

what can you even do with instants in monoblack? kill creatures? i've always found it trivially easy to clear the board when playing anything with black in it. just living death grave pact innocent blood merciless executioner and everyone's shit just dies

it's the artifacts and enchantments, specifically gy hate, that give me trouble when i play monoblack

>Curse of the Cabal
>Pop your elixir
>Tutor for it again
>Cast it again

Caged Sun, Crypt Ghast, and Extraplanar Lens (On your snow-covered Swamps) have helped me massively in mono-b.

Kill creatures, exile creatures, discard cards, sac shit and draw cards, entomb & reanimate stuff. There's a lot of wacky stuff in monoB Toshi can use. You just need a steady stream of mana to play all of them.

but curse of the cabal is a sorcery

Must suck not to have family that has shared interests with you.

Even then there is still today and tomorrow.

Maybe you have a shitty playgroup?

yeah theyre cucks


R8, h8,comment8

>thread topic

More snakes, spiders, rats, and birds. It feels like each of those decks have just shy of enough good creatures to be alright enough in most metas.

All DC other than Intet.
Meren's sitting in the junkyard until she gets a decent combo

Copying a storm spell doesn't up your storm count.

Or that people would rather spend quality time with their families rather than playing card games.

>What creature type would you like to see in a Commander for tribal purposes?

A true jund goblin commander. Shattergang is nice but I want something that revolves around goblins.

Horrible for my meta, I run either swan song and og counterspell but it has uses against storm decks or if you stack it with white taxes to me at least

You look like a fun person to play with.

I once had a Zedruu player steal my Phage, destroy my Torpor orb, then donate Phage back to me.
Felt bad, man.

My playgroups also spikey as hell. We used to play modern until the Splinter Twin ban, from there we migrated to DC.

I can't play this weekend due to the holidays, also feel like shit because I will be spending my birthday alone its tomorrow as well as christmas because none of my family wants to visit me, and not even a christmas card

What did you do to earn their distaste of you?

Have a cute

What decks do you run

Donating Phage back doesn't give make her re-enter the battlefield.



>What creature type would you like to see in a Commander for tribal purposes?

Isn't it entering my battlefield though?

what the fuck no


Cut: Washout (Engulf the Shore is better imo), Scatter Arc, Flutterstorm, Exclude, Dream Fracture, Dismiss, LED.

If you're plan is card advantage with Archive, you need ways to tutor the Archive up and not more counterspells. Bounce spells would also be helpful here in case something gets out while you're tapped out in a multiplayer match up.
Consider imprint cards like Isochron Septer so you can reuse your counterspells. Once you do that, you won't need as many and you'll get more milage out of them.
You're lack of creatures will get you killed. consider things like Living Lore or Kaho, Minamo Historian to not only resuse your instants but provide a blocker if you have to.

How does MoM + Arcanis win you the game? Kozilek is there, certainly, but you have no way to give it haste. Tidespout is there but you don't have a reoccuring spell to force the opponent to keep replaying things.
Find a way to untap Arcanis multiple times per turn: Freed From Real, Pemmin's Aura will allow you to untap Arcanis and keep your hand full at all times.
Also, making instants and sorcerys do more (Talrand, Sky Summoner) will also help you if Kozilek can't get the job done on his own.

Good luck with the deck and I hope that helps!

>My battlefield
Common misunderstanding! There's only one battlefield, it's a shared zone. Phage isn't "entering your battlefield" because she's already on THE battlefield- singular. All that's changing is who controls her.

Not that user or an expert on magic. but to my understanding. phage the untouchable's ability doesn't saying anything about entering in someone's control. She only makes you lose the game if she wasn't cast from hand. And in your story, She was never recasted.

Do you have a list for Grenzo? WGD + Animate is hilarious and I kinda want to build a deck with it.

Oh, I see.
Well, now I know.


Y'know, we really should change that. It's a fun little line to put up on the blog, but it does kinda perpetuate this exact misunderstanding.

I don't know user. I think they were upset that I moved didn't want to stay in California all my life and took a better job because of it.

Anything that includes green but not white, breya is only my exception and I run no WG. As for commanders Newzuri, Savra, Vorosh, and Xenagod. I feel like doing a vial smasher deck without a partner but I don't know if it would be any good

Eh. The Partners are basically half a commander on their own (by design), so running one solo is... not ideal.

Vial Smasher's not even one of the better ones. She's like a bad Kaervek. So just build Kaervek.

Morning, gA. How are your holidays going?

Slow! It's a half-day here at the office, and most of my family won't be able to make it down for Christmas, so it'll be a pretty quiet-and-cozy sorta weekend. I hope you're having a lovely holiday season!

I see, anything noteworthy to put in kaervek?

Where did you move to? If Florida or Texas then there's your answer for no visiting.

You can go the obvious route of doubling Kaervek's effectiveness with Phyresis/Tainted Strike/Grafted Exoskeleton. You could just make it "nobody's allowed to have nice things" and just pack hella removal and shit. You could run it pseudo-huggy, using things like Mana Flare to 'help' people cast big spells, while punishing them with Kaervek.

I don't have a list but I have the deck sitting next to me. It's not complete but it's not far off. Still needs land improvement and I need to get a LED, Yawgmoth's Will, and Infernal Tutor as part of the ramp.

Unless it says to cast the copies.

And there's fewer than 10 fucking cards in the game that cast copies.


I don't want to be that guy with infect, I'll probably go with Mana Flare since that sounds fun


Early happy birthday faggot

>What creature type would you like to see in a Commander for tribal purposes?



Not everyone here is a mormon

I am aware of Mimeoplasm.


I just want to say that I'm rebuilding Arcanis as a better version of my first ever EDH deck. The first was pretty obnoxious but was very suboptimal.
Main plan isn't to find Archive, it's to find MoM. Archive is just there to help dig and sometimes gives more life from Venser's Journal.
MoM+Arcanis lets me draw my whole deck and infinitely tap/untap any artifact/creature/land.
It's very hard to disrupt without Spli Second, as you can just discard more cards to keep going off at instant speed. The combo also lets you replay any instants/sorceries an infinite amount of times, so the deck can either Blue Sun's Zenith or Stroke of Genius each opponent to death.
Tidespout Tyrant lets me get infinite storm for Brain Freeze.
I'm keeping Exlude, Dream Fracture, and Dismiss in though. Counterspells that replace themselves are top notch.

Here's the list. Looking at it, it's actually quite a ways from being optimized.

Horobi is super cheesy. Definitely play this if your meta is voltron-heavy, since those decks don't work while Horobi is in play.

You can also play with 30+ Relentless Rats (Marrow-Gnawer) or 30+ Shadowborn Apostles (Shirei). Demons might seem big and dumb but it's actually a pretty cool toolbox deck

>Ob Nixilis in response to a Yisan activation
>Demon of Dark Schemes in response to a Craterhoof from the elfball deck
>Shirei in play, sac 6, Harvester of Souls, draw 6 every turn
>Obligatory Rune-Scarred Demon tutoring Thrumming Stone

My Apostles build is combo oriented (Rune-Scarred -> Doomsday, then tutor for Hellcarver Demon and win) but there's plenty of flexibility

what's in the doomsday pile?

How do you build decks that play different every time guys?
I often go in with the intention of this being how the deck should play out but in practice I find myself generally winning the same ways the majority of the time and I tend to get bored of it.

My Meren list would always win the exact same way but would do it a completely different way ever time. I personally love running repeatable tutors and toolboxing.

I play Meren too but I just feel kinda cheap winning through either craterhoof or Mike every game.

Always try to play a color different than your main deck. My most played decks were dimir so i made a boros and gruul deck because those are on the other side of the color wheel.

I never ran Craterhoof, but I scrapped it after Necrotic Ooze got banned. I want to try a prime time oriented list the does Dark Depths combo but it seems like it'd be shit.

i can't imagine not running necrotic...

It's not that it's each deck usually wins the same way individually each time, not all of my decks do the same, I have a lot spread over lots of colour combos so that's not an issue.

Do I build Wort,raidmother or Shattergang brothers ? I'm planning to do both at some point but I'm wondering which one to tackle first.

I say shattergang bros because jund control is an interesting concept.

Hey Fuck you, what's wrong with Texas?

It's full of mexicans and texans.

5 cards that win you the game? If you're hitting them off Hellcarver it doesn't really matter the order.

My preferred one is Ashnod's Altar + Reassembling Skeleton + Initiates of the Ebon Hand + Zulaport Cutthroat/Bitter Ordeal + Contamination/Defense Grid (For protection)

There's also Lich + Repay in Kind + Contamination + Mindslicer + Sac outlet (Last 3 are for protection)

If you don't get to Hellcarver out your pile, wait until you have enough mana to do one of the combos + Infernal Contract as your top card (replacing a piece of protection).

Maybe the most mana efficient way to do a monoblack pile is 1. Infernal Contract 2. Skirge Familiar 3. Mike 4. Trike 5. Victimize. This only costs 7 mana to win assuming you have one other card in hand to pitch to the Familiar. Otherwise it costs 8. The only reason I'm not running it is my irrational hatred of Mike and Trike...it just bores me that it's a default reanimator wincon, so I like trying new things.

I'm still getting the hang of all the possible combos in the deck . Doomsday is hard as fuck to play. I know that's a cliche, and I know I just need to git gud, but it's true.

name it. underfunded, 85% asshole composition, my ex, etc etc. only good thing i know to come from texas is 3 lbs cinnamon rolls

I say Wort because Gruul spellslinger is more interesting

It was posted last thread but I figured we could get more laughs out of it

>user posted some hentai obsessed weeb at his LGS made cards using the ravnica lolis and of the of course they are terrible or just plain dumb

small correction: for the Mike+Trike pile it costs 8/9 mana instead of 7/8. forgot Skirge costed 5


To think kids these days will never understand the joy of trying to trick people into clicking a link.

This is exactly why I can't decide

We have one of the best economies of any state, and I'm sorry if you've had bad experiences with texans before I swear we're nice. Different Texasfag here btw.

Good lord. I started typing up what was wrong with them and stopped halfway through the second one.


>Sylvan Offering for 6 in a 3-player game
>everyone ends up with 6 elves and a 6/6 Treefolk
>no one wants to swing for fear of Mutually Assured Destruction
>Massive Banefire to kill the table

>Banefire to kill the table
You are aware that you can't Conspire more than once, right?

OK sure why not

Yes. Original went to player A, Conspired copy went to player B in a 3-player table

>in a 3 player game
It'd help if I fucking read. My bad, bro.

Let your wallet decide. Build whichever deck you will have to spend less money on based on your collection. If you're building both from scratch then Wort is likely to be cheaper thanks to the 2 color manabase.

Alright, there has to be an Emmara Tandris type of story here. The stats and art just don't match at all with the ability

Holy shit, that RB one is so fucking bullshit. Assuming nobody had removal for that 1 toughness, on turn 4 you make 15 power worth of tokens, minimum

>1R, T: creatures you control have haste and trample
OK sure that's fi--
>doesn't say until end of turn

Don't forget the 3 drop 6/1 that makes 15-18 power of tokens on turn 4.