Veeky Forums's Star Wars Discussion

Since yesterday's thread showed a marked disinterest in discussion of Star Wars RPG's but spawned a prolific analysis of the Star Wars canon and lore, I think we should have a thread to discuss the recent films and not shit up /swg/.

What did you think of Rogue One? Why was the main character so bland in comparison to literally everyone else on the movie?
What did you think of The Force Awakens?What did you think of Finn?
What lies in wait for us Star Wars fans? Any prophetic statements to make so we can screenshoot and awe?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Rogue One
I fucking refuse to see it
It was focus group diarrhoea, Finn and Poe were the only bright spot in a soulless 136 minutes of hell for any diehard fan of the series
>what lies in wait for the fans?
Nothing but pain as Disney continue raping the setting

I'm upset that we never get live action villain women of substance.

>What did you think of Finn?
a decently written protagonist with good justification behind his skills and behaviors and some weaknesses which had a clear impact on the plot. He's actually a well made character, I hope he continues to get plenty of spotlight in future movied

Nigg, Rogue One isn't even that bad.

Poe and Finn is overrated shit, stop defending garbage, sjw-faggots. Rogue One with all its flaws was better than ALL prequels. 90% jf old EU was pure shit.

It still isn't a Dark Forces movie. Search your feelings, you know you'd want that to be true.

Go see R1, you gigantic turbofag

mah fellow traitor of african descent

>I fucking refuse to see it
I hate basement-dweller trash like you
>muh precious canon
fucking pathetic

Go shove your head back up Kathleen Kennedy's vagina, I wouldn't care too badly about replacing expanded universe if they replaced it with something good

>bringing politics into non-politics discussions
He who fights monsters should take care not to become one.

>What did you think of Rogue One? Why was the main character so bland in comparison to literally everyone else on the movie?

She was obviously a script-doctor addition to the film to tick arbitrary boxes. The story didn't need a family/revenge plot to work. It would have been better if it was just about the pilot deciding he didn't want to be a part of the Empire anymore, and being recruited by Hannibal to get the Death Star plans out.

>What did you think of The Force Awakens?What did you think of Finn?

Finn's a good character. Not watched TFA in over a year. I remember enjoying it at the time, but it doesn't stand up very well. Ultimately, my feelings on it are dependant on the next film. Right now it's a good but derivative scene setter. If Episode VIII is another retread then the whole thing is pointless.

>What lies in wait for us Star Wars fans? Any prophetic statements to make so we can screenshoot and awe?

Good things in time. There will eventually be a great Star Wars film. As Lucas is no longer in charge, there will be a continuous creative flux, and eventually the right combination of talent will get in place.

Whether the fanbase will be in any state to recognise that film I cannot say. A lot of the major problems people have with TFA are more meme-based than actual statements about quality. More worrying, people seem to be rallying to Rogue One for sheer partisan reasons, even though it has most of TFAs problems.

It's also frustrating that those utterly obsessed with gays and race, both for and against, won't stay on their containment boards where they belong. This is a problem a lot of fandoms suffer from, though.

I'm onboard the "Rey was a Mary Sue written in to appease feminists" train, but I honestly think most people who have problems with Rogue One would shut up about them if Jyn was a guy.

I feel like the hatred towards Jyn is a reaction to Rey, and they're transposing the annoying aspects of Rey as if Jyn was also hamfisted.

Jyn is a pretty good character with an okay actor.

Rey was subpar in general.

I was super happy when the movie decided to only hint at romance between the leads and had the stomach to kill everyone.

Nigga don't spoil that shit, there's guys looking at the front page who haven't seen it yet.

Nigga where the fuck do you think you are?

Are spoilers a vital requirement of posting on Veeky Forums? Like, I get that we're generally rude, politically incorrect, opinionated and angry all the time, and that's cool and all, but posting spoilers is just being a dick.

> Movie's been out for almost a week already
> Complaining about spoilers
If you wanted to see it, you would have seen it by now. Shut your face.

I have. Others haven't.

>Rogue One
Overall it was all right. Not amazing, not shitty, right in the middle of bland. I was REALLY hoping for Jyn to join the imperials. It was a rebel X-wing that killed her father. And she didn't want anything to do with the Rebels.
It just felt like she was forced to fight with the good guys. I thought the first half of the movie before Jyn's dad died was awesome. It was gritty, a good setup, two rebel factions. Jyn just seemed to change because the main character has to be a good guy.
But of all the characters, the blind monk and his heavy weapon buddy felt like they were just there for no reason. It felt like PCs who wanted to join a Star Wars campaign but not develop themselves beyond their gimmicks of: "I'm a blind force monk because no Jedi around" and "I use heavy weapons." They were useless.

Compared to R1, I enjoyed this movie a lot more. Granted there's a fuck ton more wrong with it. But Kylo Ren was an actually developed new character. Before TFA, all Sith villains were just stone cold "I'm 100% with the dark side and been like this for years." It was nice to see a villain still getting a handle with the dark side.

Things wrong with TFA, summed up in a hilarious 10 minute video:

>What lies in wait for SW?
Hopefully Mark Hamill actually having lines in Episode 8.

Then they should have seen it by now. For example, I'm not going anywhere near Veeky Forums or youtube when Nier: Automata comes out in Japan.

Well, the comment's buried now and they'd have to go into the thread to read it, in which case they're asking for it, so it doesn't matter any more anyway.

>Why was the main character so bland in comparison to literally everyone else on the movie?
I'm gonna guess they took out half of her story because it was shit. If you look at the trailers, it looks like they cribbed notes from Hunger Games, just like every other movie with a female protagonist in the couple of years since then, but thank god we got rid of 2 hours of a female lead talking about how rebellious she is while doing exactly what people wanted.

I think the stock characters and quick characterization is the best part of Rogue One. Star Wars has been categorically shit in general with handling complex characters, it's not like you can't describe every character in the original in one line. Young farmboy with potential, scoundrel with a heart of gold, Princess Not-Princess who's kinda sassy. There, that's everything we ever needed from the originals.

> What did you think of Rogue One?
Wasted potential/10. They shot WAY too much of the movie in one-or-two-shot close-ups or medium close-ups, which is a shame, because when they did pull out and gave a an actual cinematographic sense of scope it was gorgeous. 3rd act was actually great but the lead up to it just was so chopped and hamfisted.
> What did you think of The Force Awakens? Finn?
"This will print money." I actually laughed at some non-comedic points because of how schlocky the writing was. Finn was a good point in the movie.
> What lies in wait for us Star Wars fans?
Same shit repackaged ad infinitum. If the "too dark must reshoot" thing from R1 becomes a trend, then there will be a bunch of "ok" movies, but nothing great.

You didn't miss much. It was better than the TFA, but that's not saying a lot. There was something there, and then the studio came in, and it ended up with Disney trying to fit 10 pounds of shit into an 8 pound bag.

>I was REALLY hoping for Jyn to join the imperials

That would have been a powerfully retarded plot twist.

"I must join the Empire that put me in prison and killed my mother to take revenge on the people who accidentally killed my father before I could rescue him from the Empire!"

I agree that the film ignored it's own plot just to make Jyn do a big speech and lead the rebels, though. Should have been Cassian that rallied the attack and got Jyn to reluctantly agree to come to avenge her family.

Why is this not in /swg/ you fuckers

Rogue One was okay but not because the movie's plot or main characters. It is okay in spite of them.

I hold TFA in the same spot as the prequels. I will watch part of them but skip huge sections because they are just shit.

What lies ahead is more gritty reboot. It is what the fans asked for and it is what they have based their entire franchise on. It is like being in a watered down version of the 90's.

The be honest, /swg/ is shit and is useless for anything not involving x-wing.

Anything else is just shilling ffg's star wars which the people championing it do not even play.

>the people championing it don't even play
lol no, I've ran that shit since EotE came out

And are you happy with it ? What do you think of the system ?

I love it to death. Force-users are relatively balanced compared to the other games, there's a lot of options for characters with more added every couple of months, and the system is great once you get over its specialised dice and open-ended rolls.

One of the only flaws I can find with it is vehicular/space combat, especially fighters and other small craft (put two snowspeeders against one another and whoever gets within firing range first wins, they can oneshot each other) and my personal distaste for how initiative works, but I've used a different method similar to WFRP 3e's unconciously (individual initiative, not slots anyone on one side can take) and I kinda prefer it.

There's no rule anywhere that says conversations about any given topic must be regulated to the most relevant general thread.

See, this is why people think generals are fucking cancer.

Also, /swg/ is a shitshow. There's like 50+ different people every thread constantly talking passed each other about any of over a dozen games and countless media adaptations that the whole thing is a clusterfuck of noise and confusion.

Well that's nice to know since I'd like to try it in parallel of our on-going KotOR Saga Edition campain

What's the consensus on the Imperial Assault boardgame? Does it fix the problems with Descent, which I've heard this game is quite similar to?

You should. I was in a long-running Old Republic campaign using the system.
I played a Hutt heavy weaponry specialist who started out trying to be the next Canderous but ended up his species' first Jedi after one too many bouts of collateral damage with ship-mounted weaponry convinced him he had to change. By the end he was effectively a Force-sensitive mini hovertank with everything barring his head and torso replaced with cybernetics and a retractable arm-mounted lightsaber.

That game was gloriously silly.

Rogue One was great. Like really great. I'd put it on par with ROTJ which is the 3rd best star wars to me. The battle at the end was absolutely a blast, ans good thing it lasted so long, it needed to counterbalance the first 2 acts.

TFA is good to me but I'm not very demanding. I mean, I got teary eyes 3 times in the movie (scrolling text, x-wing reveal and Leia and Rey's hug) so I guess I'm too much of a fanboy. I definitely like Kylo Ren, he's Anakin well written and well acted. Definitely looking forward to seeing his progression in ep8. The New Order aesthetic is fucking great, it's more sleek, perfect for out times. Finn was possibly the best point for me. I kinda expected him to be the token black dude, but Boyega did a fantastic job, and his story is fairly good now. I really want him to get with Rey, but don't want it forced though. It seems we're on the good path. Hopefully he gets even more scene with Poe. The alchemy between Poe and Finn is absolutely out of this world, and their theme is the best in the movie imo. Again, looking forward to seeing their progression.

What awaits us is the Han Solo movie. Can't say I'm really stoked for that though. Give the guy a rest. Fucking he'll his body wasn't even cold the movie was already projected, while the Bobba Fett one has been fucking cancelled I heard. One thing I would really love is one as dark as RO but on the Empire's side. Or even darker. Now they know people fucking love some good SW gritty battles, so they could definitely make it happen.

RO is great though. Go see it user, it's really enjoyable honestly.

The Force Awakens had so much wrong with it that it essentially ruined Star Wars for me.

First, it's been established that Hyperspace travel takes some time. How long did it take the Falcon to get to Alderaan from Tattooine? Enough for a brief training montage, at least. In TFA, Rey goes from Supa Secret Rebel Base to Luke's Supa Secret Hideout Planet within seconds. Am I to believe that he was really in the system nextdoor?

Regarding travel times. Rey takes off in the stolen Falcon and Han and Chewbacca show up immediately? Were they also in the exact same neighborhood as well? Fuck that noise, it's contrived coincidence and it fucks up previously established lore.

Regarding Rey, where to begin? First, a strong female lead is no problem when done right. The entire Alien franchise pulled it off superbly. Rey comes off as the biggest Mary Sue ever. EVER. Luke, one of the most powerful force users, took three movies and several years to become a Jedi. Three movies to be able to pull off a Jedi Mind Trick. Three movies to be able to take Vader (Barely) in a lightsaber duel. Now along comes Rey, with no training (which the prequels have established as taking nearly a lifetime, from childhood to teenager) pulls off a the Jedi Mind Trick and is able to hold her own in a lightsaber duel with Kylo Ren? The same Kylo Ren who is implied to have wiped out all of Luke's other students and has training from not only Luke, but God knows who else? Again, fuck that noise.

On to the Starkiller base. How the fuck can everyone in the goddamned galaxy see those fuckin' planets getting blown up? Handwave that shit all you want, it doesn't work. I'm willing to allow for some suspension of disbelief, but that was too stupid for me to be able to get behind.

tl;dr: The Force Awakens was garbage.

>What do you think of Finn
I think they should have had him leave the first order about half way through the film as opposed to the start. Felt like his development was done and dusted in the first 10 minutes of the film.

A thread on /tv/ pointed out all the scenes from the book that could (and should) have been in the movie for better understanding of the moview and clarification of a few points. However, to add all this would have added like 20 miks to the movie.
Some that I remembered:

>Finn was one of the best Steomtroopers of his class but always had probles with authority, Phasma was considering one of the her most promising dude as soon as he would accept orders

>The Resistance is more like a divergent group than an actual army, as the Republic didn't consider the FO an actual threat. Leia was one of the few to stand up against them and was generally seas a warmonger by senators

>Rey found an old piloting simulator and trained all day during her life, wanting to be a pilot, hence the doll and rebel helmet

>Kylo doesn't go straight for Finn and Rey in the forest after killing Han, he sits in the Falcon and is visibly troubled

>Rey is hinted at developing some feelings for Finn after his sacrifice

>Poe and Rey meet back at the Base, and it's a bit akward apparently

There are others but I didn't read the book, even though some elements were also explained in the sort of Bible for Star Wars sold pretty much everywhere after each movie.

Again, it is true that the movie would have benefited from scenes explainin and showing stuff like that, but it would have uppedal the costs tremendously and could have been a problemail for the pacing.

>I think we should have a thread to discuss the recent films and not shit up /swg/

>I think we should have a thread to discuss the recent films and not shit up /swg/.
I don't think you really need a separate thread for something not Veeky Forums related.
>Why was the main character so bland in comparison to literally everyone else on the movie?
Because that's exactly that they wanted.

Makes me think of my game, my character is incredibly snowflaky since he is a mandalorian jedi and a revanite nonetheless, but he got recked quite a few times and now he is also only a torso with prostetic limbs and also a searched criminal in the republic and a presumed sith by the Jedi Order because he was framed.

So now he just kinda went fuck this shit and just try to stay alive while also searching where in the history of the Jedi it all went to shit.

It's also pretty silly since the other characters are a zeltron spy and notHan Solo

Have you guys not noticed that Veeky Forums Veeky Forums /a/ and even /mu/ sometimes are discussed DAILY in our board?

>"too dark must reshoot"
Literally not the case, did not happen utter fiction.

>is able to hold her own in a lightsaber duel with Kylo Ren?
But that was the most plausible she did, the man had a HOLE in his abdomen.

>What did you think of Rogue One?
Gender quota female protagonist = trash
>What did you think of The Force Awakens?
Gender quota Mary Sue protagonist = absolute insult-to-the-prequels level megarbage
>What lies in wait for us Star Wars fans?
More gender quota faggotry, apparently.

Finn was great and should have been the solo protagonist of TFA

Im running a Saga Edition Campaign for my friends and we are going to be focusing on the KotoR era. I know nothing about it. What do I need to read/see to get it without playing the game?


She's in the hospital.

Decide what powers you want them to be able to learn.

Also enforce the optional rule to make characters become npcs when they are to corrupt.

Also, be warned that healing is one of the most broken aspects of the game. A level 2 noble built the right way can give a character back 1d20+3 hit points in a round while also activating their class abilities.

Fuuuuuuck, it was real

Genuinely thought this was a trololol, but I guess we're looking at the last(?) victim of 2016

Massive heart attack on plane, critical condition, intensive care, damn

It takes less than a week to get from one side of the galaxy to the other in a fast ship dumbass. This isn't star trek or 40k

She stopped breathing for 10 minutes, apparently.

>15 mins nopulse on plane
>15 mins nopulse on tarmac while EMTs resuscitated

It's a little bit worse than "ten minutes of no breathing", user. Half an hour of lacking a heartbeat while not on ice usually means severe, permanent brain damage at best.

Anyone who really thinks that Force Awakens was a shit movie or the thing that killed Star Wars for them never even liked Star Wars. You don't get to go through the fucking Prequels without breaking and then pack it in for a good movie, and if you don't think that Force Awakens was a good movie by any reasonable objective measurement, you have shit opinions on what constitutes a good movie, especially if you're also going to defend garbage like Phantom Menace.

>The Rey Shill Rises
Do you just not have anything to do all day but defend your waifu, guy?

Someone seems a little pissed.

TFA is meh at best, brought nothing new to the franchise and I have a feeling that when 8 gets here you could have not watched 7 and not missed a thing.

Butt-blasted ̶A̶s̶u̶k̶a̶ Ahsokafaggot detected!

I just don't understand what he even thinks he's achieving, in his own mind. It's like spending all your time yelling that tigers aren't stripey, when every human being who isn't blind can instantly tell that you're wrong and probably insane. What's the point?



Go fuck yourself. We didn't start this war.

Thread specifically about the movies to purposefully avoid posting on /swg/? Sorry to be a dick but this is pretty much the definition of off topic

>Jan Ors
>Jyn Erso
>Stealing Death Star stuff
Really gets your neurons firing.
Rouge One wasn't bad, but it's forgettable overall imho. Couldn't connect to the characters, a bit too bland and action-y for me. I could see why others would call it a good or even decent movie though.

Whine more when we do not have a ss13 and a Sauron thread up at the same time.

Agree that movie only discussion belongs on but /swg/ is way, way too fucking broad for a general. Good generals are specific shit like Pathfinder General or for shit that has five fans like GURPS General. /swg/ is constantly kill by trying to be about half a dozen different games.

/swg/ is really great for lore, xwing and RPG stuff, not sure what else you'd want. The pastebin alone makes it worth it.
That's kind of my point though. I'm honestly fine with /tv/ shit not being in /swg/ but /swg/ is already the place for Star Wars talk making extra threads for basically the same thing kind of defeats the purpose of general threads.

>Thing is good by objective measurement
Oh please, let us hear this measurement.

How many ounces of quality were in TFA, fuckwit?

nuStar Wars is corporate committee fanwank. It is designed to be as broadly appealing as possible and to capitalize on nostalgia.

It was bought as a safe investment and it will be treated as such.