If you measure in USD you are lying to yourself. BTC is the benchmark. Ever since I started in 2013 everybody measured in satoshis, its you newcomers who dont quite get it - the goal of even touching shitcoins is to stack BTC thats what will land you in lamboland. christs sake open a satoshi chart and fiat chart in different tabs and see for yourself
#1 mistake - read this dont make this thread again
Other urls found in this thread:
>He measures his new tech with old (and dying) tech.
95% of this new and amazing techs are quick cash grabs that will never deliver. keep marrying your shitcoins idiot
Measuring in tulips
>He thinks bitcoin can gain adoptance without coins like ethereum and Link to make it useful.
Have fun putting all your eggs in one basket newfag.
If you measure in USD you are lying to yourself. Apple is the benchmark. Ever since I started in 2000 everybody measured in apple stocks, its you newcomers who dont quite get it - the goal of even touching shitstocks is to stack Apple thats what will land you in lamboland. christs sake open a Apple chart and fiat chart in different tabs and see for yourself
>tfw when a Veeky Forumstard calls you a newfag and you already made it thanks to being early and having +10000% ROI on everything
>i'm a core cuck.
I measure in the only thing that will matter in the next 5 years: GWEI
It doesn't make it false.
if you watch anything with usd pairings for more than a few days you realize that it's actually local fiat that matters, people having the most fun with this market don't give a fuck at the end of the day about BTC
it's about BTC being the shitty gateway into everything else
the moment BTC stops being the gateway crypto is the moment is really starts to die, if that hasn't already happened
The only thing the IRS cares about is USD.
dont mix politics, philosophy or ideologies with alpha
I’m currently sitting at 325 AAPL.
Well no, I mean, like I don’t actually have any AAPL shares. But if I sold all my crypto I’d have AAPL shares. So it’s a nice thing to think about when measuring their worth. I sure know I’ve messed up my investment if I end up with less if all traded in for AAPL!
AAPL is a tremendous store of value. I mean, it’s more likely that Apple will be around in fifteen years than Bitcoin. It makes the most amount of sense to accumulate AAPL.
>If you measure in USD you are lying to yourself. BTC is the benchmark.
No it is not.
As long as BTC is fluctuating wildly, has zero real world uses and an uncertain future, it does not have any place to be used as the basis of measurement for anything.
when will it stop huh? probably 1 year into the future, until then if you can trade or hold another coin that beats the Bitcoin market, well and good. If you cant just park your investment into BTC
Thanks OP, finally something useful to come out of Veeky Forums
okay friendo whatever you say. But the fat green percentages on my spreadsheets dont lie. I know its unintuitive but can you pause and think about it for a second?
It's not only for the gains, it's also for being able to sleep at night. Can't do that with badtech Myspace-Bitcoin but I can with Google-Ethereum and Paypal-OMG.
just sickened sometimes by the amount information in my favourite anonymous Cambodian goat milking subforum
if you bought for usd and gonna sell for usd there is no reason to care about bitchcoin and it's insane fees.
t.bought xmr and eth for usd
>I am a shipload of salt
Yes, I can pause. In fact, I already did multiple times, whenever one of you folks crawls out of the woodworks.
And I simply do not agree.
What is value?
Something that is universally seen as valuable and that you can exchange for other things and with which you will be able to do so in the future, should the need occur. So Dollars have value. Euros have. Gold has. Even a car has value.
And yeah, a BTC is worth like 18,0000$ or something right now, but if you wan't to use that BTC you have to convert it to fiat, so why bother with it at all?
And yeah, you might use the pump of the day, to acquire more BTC, but what's the use when suddenly the 3 BTC you acquired are only worth 10,000 in total?
BTC currently is only about hoping to time the top, and for nothing else.
Which is a shame, btw.
Yeah, its pretty obvious that BTC is seeing its final days. It may take a week, it may take a few years, but it has proven that in its current state its less than what it originally promised to be. Anyone who actually tries to transact with it has realized this and moved on.
Just think, all those normies getting excited about the 10 dollars of free bitcoin you get if you use a referral link, and none of them will even be able to move it because fees cost more than they are buying.
you must be the newfag. When I cash out I dont even use btc. I mean for fucks sake if I have BTC i want in USD i change it to Etheurum first. I use sats to compare value to BTC like I do to eth or other currencies. I dont want to buy a bag of weed. I want real money. If my assets appreciate Im happy. I dont see you measuring everything in XPR and saying actually BTC went down today.
you just described the entire crypto market of which btc has the majority market cap.
so yes its useful
everything is correlated to BTC, if BTC were to be taken out be rest assured most of the others are also going down with it
trading is done offchain, the case for fees is not in question
Yeah, that's why it doesn't dip anymore? Jajaj
Coinbase is offloading their bags faster so they can switch to a different platform right now.
Hi newfag, you will see in 3 months. A lot of us thinked that way, but in the end I quitted winning around 60k
If your shitcoin maintains his usd value and btc moons, you are losing money
>inb4 opp cost
Yeah, they are dumping so that caused the new ath??? I'm gonna love seeing all of you newfags lose everything
i wonder if it would be nearly as volatile with more fiat gateways into every pairing and higher volume and real establishment of the market
nah those are never gonna happen
by holding another coin and if btc rallys you would have destroyed value...
i said BTC is a benchmark. Im not arguing for its ultilty here. My argument still appllies in your case If you want real money buy BTC in a fiat exchange leave it for a few months, cash out your principal and go on about your life with your passive income.
just had a friend ask me yesterday why he was gaining in fiat but losing BTC and I had to explain this to him. After a few weeks youll notice the same and come to the realisation on your own
thank you
This is some of the worst English I have attempted to read. Holy fuck man. You write like a mentally ill psychotic.
you can see for yourself.
top 10 coins often have multiple pairings in btc/eth/fiat.
everyone still trades in sats
shove your dictionary up your asshole, Im drunk
ATTN NEWFAGS: this is the most important crypto lesson. DO NOT hold bags for months thinking ehh the USD value is only down 10 or 20%. You are getting RAPED in satoshis and your coin is underperforming against bitcoin. Go compare the green and orange charts on CMC and see for yourself.
>by holding another coin and if btc rallys you would have destroyed value...
And by holding BTC and BTC drops you also destroy value.
Yes, BTC has all of the hype, but no one fucking knows what will happen next.
You don't have any oracle insights about the future. You are just gambling and assuming you figured out the system, because in hindsight it is all very clear.
>confirmed retard
look at the chart I uploaded. How has BTC dropped in value? Fucking Veeky Forums I swear
Newfags like this need to shut the fuck up and LURK MORE.
Veeky Forums is about making money or developing value.
Value is subjective- set a goal for yourself.
> I want to make $5000
> I want to make 1BTC
Either way, the value determination is subjective. If you bitch and moan about how OTHER people value their own assets, then go the fuck back to /pol/ where people actually give a shit about your opinion.
You newfags with your opinion pieces, crystal ball predictions and "I TOLD YOU ABOUT-" threads give me a fucking migraine.
because people don't want to use tether, they want to use their own currency. how do you think things would fare if there were 10 more pairings opened on coinbase along with canadian, brazilian, and european exchanges, all in CAD/BRL/EUR respectively and not meme tokens
>95% of this new and amazing techs are quick cash grabs that will never deliver. keep marrying your shitcoins idiot
And those remaining 5% are more innovative and valuable towards increasing economic efficiency and economic decentralization than bitcoin will ever be. Maybe bitcoin cash can seize the window to gain merchant adoption before ethereum scales, but bitcoin core is doomed. it will die sometimes in the next 2-6 months.
>calling me newfag
>he is also a trip fag
go fuck your fat mother namefag
Wait, there are ppk who trade alts by usd rates? Thats so retarded the posibility didnt even occur to me.
I cound shitcoints towards btc and thus btc towards fiat.
Apart from when ethereum has already rendered bitcoin obsolete.
people would still trade in sats
That's how 90% of the alt markets work though.
If you can't see that you're just deluded.
Measuring in BTC/sats used to be a good idea because back then it wasn't a heap of shit with 500 trillion unconfirmed transactions, ridiculous fees, in a bubble and about to have futures.
People who still measure in sats are fucking kidding themselves to fit in to be "one of da old fagz".
nice just realized all the hedge funds around the world margin trading all the accessible pairings on GDAX/Kraken/etc are measuring in sats, because they are enlightened fedora tippers like us who realize that bitcoin is world currency now
Veeky Forums strikes once again kek
If you measure in USD you are lying to yourself. IOTA is the benchmark. Its you newcomers who dont quite get it - the goal of even touching shitcoins is to stack IOTA thats what will land you in lamboland
in the crypto world bitcoin is world currency
>If your shitcoin maintains his usd value and btc moons, you are losing money
>Unrealized hindsight gains are losses, even if you took away more money than you went in with
The absolute state of this board. I guess since a pajeet coin pumped and increased more than BTC today that means you THOUGHT you made a gain, but I guess not because something else went higher huh??
bitcoin isn't even fit to be a currency anymore, it's purely speculative garbage for normies. why the fuck would anyone care about measuring in sats.
>sell low buy high
thanks, just sold all my bags for ATH buttcoin
jk, I have no bags, now neck yourself retarded nigger
Preach it.
I’ve seen some stupid cunts trying to put all their alts into BTC (in a crash) thinking their portfolio is going to grow. It won’t grow (if you have intention of staying in the game), you’re just retaining the amount of BTC you have relative to your shitcoins
>Comparing alt coins to the early days of BTC
You're not going to find that kind of growth anywhere today especially not in BTC. And why would you expect to, BTC was the first of it's kind, of course it's going to grow the fastest at launch with nothing to compete with. The fact is though, despite the recent down turn, the alt-coin market cap has been consistently outperformed bitcoin and bitcoin market dominance only has a few more years at best.
Deluded buttcoiners who think the money train is going to take them to 1 bitcoin being with 100 gorillion each EOY
like the tripfag said, if you want to stack USD do it, if you want BTC do it, but BTC is a better strat
tfw invested in golem, made 30% USD gains, but lost 70% bitcoin gains
tfw only 3500% ROI
I-I am going to make it a-aren't I?
>look at the chart I uploaded. How has BTC dropped in value?
I don't know.
But anyways, there were mutiple times were bitcoin lost value and where you would have had more "money" - in whatever form - left, had you exited BTC.
You just think you cracked the system because you got lucky.
>look at the chart I uploaded. How has BTC dropped in value?
This is how
>consistently outperformed
>by total alt index
unless you created an alt index yourself the closest thing to an alt index.... is bitcoin
normies arent even fully in yet wait till they drive the price up
this one cant read charts
>doesnt know what a price multiplier is
even drunk me can run circles around your brainlet logic
what you are saying is still months if not years away, but answer this what if bitcoin crashes hard, what happens to your alts?
Why the fuck wouldn't you create an alt index yourself? You only need the relatively large cap coins. The smaller ones have mostly just moved sideways.
this one is know a data scientist
because bitcoin the majority market cap holder.
that means an alt index might outperform bitcoin but not by much.
>but answer this what if bitcoin crashes hard, what happens to your alts?
Buy more of them and they adopt new trading pairs while the king of shitcoins is still stuck on a clusterfuck of unconfirmed transactions of people trying to get in and out
I'm not buying your bags, OP.
>what happens to your alts?
Some alts, unlike buttcoin, actually have fundamental value you retard
I know, hard to imagine for someone moronic enough to buy and subsequently shill digital tulips.
BTC being the number two coin may be years away, but alts have been giving better returns for years. If BTC crashes, they will obviously crash too, but time has shown they outperform in the long run.
It doesn't take a genius to look at a chart and see which way the wind is blowing.
1000% gain in sats in
>buy BTC
>it goes up 10x if you're lucky
>buy a good altcoin
>it goes up 1000x if you're lucky
>what are high risk, high reward investments?
i wasnt lucky, i took a risk. i read the fucking whitepaper and new this shit was gonna be a trend put ~250.000K into it. Everyone thought I was retarded but now Im like a god in their eyes
who will? the exchanges. everybody likes the system the way it is for now
steady gains sure returns user
I margin trade fiat pairs. I use the fiat to buy btc on the dip. I come out ahead every time over trading btc pairs.
But I agree still, deluded linkies need to start looking at how much btc theyve lost instead of clinging to "bbut its up a few cents!".
>even drunk me can run circles around your brainlet logic
No, you can't.
You posted a broken graph.
And yes, I know which of the lines represents BTC, but still, that graph would have gotten you another F- in your math class.
You are just a kid that got lucky and now believes he figured it all out.
You haven't
>everybody likes the system the way it is for now
Behold, the mind of a deluded buttcoiner.
>caring about tripcodes on Veeky Forums
I use a tripcode specifically to spot /pol/tards and other newfags on this board.
Only the newfags care about tripcodes because on Veeky Forums, tripcodes are completely irrelevant to making money. The only things you should care about are;
Lurk more faggot.
>1000% gain in sats over 3 years in not much?
yea in crypto thats not much
250k in bitcoin in 2013? Then you really are retarded or already were rich
He's talking about measuring alts in sats and not usd mongoloid, it has nothing to do with buying or not buying alts
Half of the thread is filled with low IQ mouthbreathers who can't even read what OP's saying, and it's really fucking simple
>sure returns
what are you smoking?
>sure returns
>i wasnt lucky, i took a risk. i read the fucking whitepaper and new this shit was gonna be a trend
You were lucky.
Because the current increase in value is for reasons that are totally contrary to the whitepaper. Global decentral currency my ass.
>stack BTC thats what will land you in lamboland
>it has nothing to do with buying or not buying alts
>but time has shown they outperform in the long run.
OP's graph shows the exact fucking opposite.
You are a retarded faggot
When I can buy property, food, fuel and experiences with BTC, then I'll stop measuring gains in fiat. I have no intention of accumulating electrons, faggot.
i know the polo owner, and his mindset is totally different
cant hear you over the sound of my lambo
aww did I strike a nerve tripfag?
richfag family meh
bitcoin is only going up. deal with it anons, returns are sure for now, and besides I already cashed out most of my principal
>he saw bitcoin on /g/ and thought it was a scam
sorry you fucked up your chance to be free from slavery. my uncle probably owns your company
No dumbass, bitcoins growth has slowed since it inception. For as long as we've had data on both alts and btc, alts have beat btc easily.
>richfag family meh
So you made like 25M then? Congrats! I got in 2013 too but only made like 5000%
>probably took an R course on udemy
>thinks he understands various market forces and can generate valid hypotheses
Not an argument faggot.
>sorry you fucked up your chance to be free from slavery. my uncle probably owns your company
Jokes on you.
My uncle probably owns your uncles company and I'm not wageslaving, I'm in academia at the minimum wage, because I don't care about my wage since I can afford it.
>bitcoin is only going up. deal with it anons, returns are sure for now,
It might do so, but there is no fucking guarantee for this.
you are just a deluded rich kid.
all the more reason to measure against btc.
this doesnt mean youre only holding btc maggot. it could be fiat but measured against btc price.
we all know fiat isnt going anywhere so measuring in fiat doesnt tell you anything about performing relative to the market. btc does.
bought ETH too. the only shitcoin worth holding. Thats what really made me
fuck you then if you dont get it
im not deluded
I don't care if you measure in btc. It's as good as anything. But the idea that alts don't outperform btc today is just silly.
well not today. over several years sure, if you could somehow buy an average alt index.
I measure shit in eth
>Makes no money on /pol/
>Comes to Veeky Forums with his financially useless mentality and rhetoric
nice. When can we see the next CBTS thread?