>Friday Night Magic
>One of the regulars is soft-spoken and always wears a Nike cap
>People start calling him Nike
Is this ok? Is it bullying?
>Friday Night Magic
>One of the regulars is soft-spoken and always wears a Nike cap
>People start calling him Nike
Is this ok? Is it bullying?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's okay you fucking pansy.
Of course it's OK you retard
Of course its fucking okay you worthless SJW shit. If he wanted to be called something other than "nike" he should have actually spoken up and done something instead of being a beta bitch. where do you think you are, tumblr?
>Friday Night Magic
>One of the regulars speaks with thick accent and always squats
>People start calling him Adidas
Is this ok? Is it bullying?
>Friday Night Magic
>One of the regulars say that his name is Robert
>People start calling him Bob
is this ok? is it bullying?
>ywn have a cool nickname instead of your lameass name
Depends. When they say it, does it rhyme with "Mike" or "Mikey"?
>People start calling him Adidas
But Łucja is a woman user
>Friday Night Magic
>One of the regulars is a soft-spoken Greek goddess of victory
>People start calling her Nike
Is this ok? Is it bullying?
Chillax faggot nigger.
is that way.
sounds like good old bants
I started playing when I was 12 (in a small, regular community of mostly ~30 year old dudes) and everyone mockingly called me Elfboy.
Granted I only played elves because I barely had other cards and Onslaught block had just come out.
Ask him, dumbass.
>Friday Night Magic
>One of the regulars speaks with a lot of grandeur and wears a top hat
>Start calling him Magic Mickey
Is this ok? Is it bullying?
then she needs to be removed before the SJW filth infest and infect.
>In a soft voice, he says he doesn't mind while blushing
What does it mean??
What is a nickname?
It's not like you call him shitface or fuckhat.
No it's not bullying. Go back to your safespace.
It's probably friendly. What planet do you people live on?
You can really tell the difference in this thread between people who have been around on Veeky Forums and people who just started posting on Veeky Forums this year and somehow wandered in here
>Friday Night Magic
>One of the regulars speaks with husky lisp and always wears leather pants
>People start calling him OP
Is this ok? Is it bullying?
That's the SJW Magic designer who chats on Tumblr, right?
It's okay. That /pol/ faggot posted gore which means he'll get a nice ban.
Wielding a poison counter, yes.
For your information I'm a twink and always wear girl's jeans.
Why do Americans NEVER wear long-sleeved tees?
>Friday Night Magic
>One of the regulars is jon finkel
>People start calling him jonnymagic
Is this ok? Is it bullying?
Because most American states have climates roughly analogous to South-Europe/North-Africa?
Long sleeves are an European invention.
One we don't need to be quite honest.
>Is this ok? Is it bullying?
Did he enthusiastically consent to this label?
Not enough lines, they look like frumpy jumpsuits
>You will never have an mtg group where everyone has a stupid nickname that nobody can really remember the source of
>You will never be J-Blow playing cards with Bigmac, Moshpit, Johnnie Pickard, and The Swamp Thing
>You will never have long, meandering conversations that start with "Hey, does anyone remember how James became Bigmac?"
Probably not but whether this is bullying depends 100% on whether the kid feels bullied.
If it is some new guy who is really quiet and shy then calling him Nike might make him feel singled out and unwanted, and he may stop showing up.
If he seems chill about it then it's obviously not a problem.
Dude, I thought it was a piece of colored glass. Not the iris being reflected.
He's secretly getting off to it.
This sounds so familiar, where do you live?
The greatest american of all times wears them
it is bullying because you didn't ask him what his preferred name was. you just assumed based on visual cues what you should label him as, you shitlord
>he should have actually spoken up and done something instead of being a beta bitch
excuse me shitlord but not all men are meant to fit into machismo alpha stereotypes. guys can be shy just like girls. shyness isn't tied to gender, which is a social construct.
just because someone seems chill doesn't mean it's not "obviously a problem". there were a bunch of chocolate Americans being held in captivity for hundreds of years as slaves, yet a lot of them "seemed chill" because they didn't want to be whipped or lynched
most names are given
and visual ques
You used to be given a name after something you've done or cause of an usual feature you have.
Still happens, people called me 'D' sometimes in school. Cause went into puberty at 9 and had bigger dick than everyone else in class for some years.
"The D" came later on around 13/15 when everyone had sexuality in their head.
Still use it as a name in games, quite funny pham.
That delicious goop at the end.
>being ridiculed for choice of headwear
Correction, why do Americans NEVER wear long-sleeved tees, except girly-style underneath a short-sleeves tee?
Because you can wear a short sleeve and a jacket. It's like having detachable sleeves.
Please read this guide for what's acceptable at Magic tournaments.
>What a lot of people seem stubbornly unwilling to grasp is that “political correctness,” as a concept, is incredibly simple. It basically boils down to “don’t be an asshole.” Maintaining a basic level of respect, independent of your own personal views, is the type of base social lubricant that societies require to function. As soon as you privilege your beliefs over someone else’s lived experience, you are being offensive. When you rely on stereotypes, you are failing to see the other person as fully human.
The last paragraph applies to you too.
I've come to find that males in some rock crowds, have otherwise feminine stuff. Black nail poilsh specifically. Gay as fuck. I think it's Satanist. I guess they're all bisexual anyway.
>using a nickname
Someone autistic enough to think this is bullying deserves to be bullied for real.
>you can wear a short sleeve and a jacket
What do you wear under your jacket then, a spaghetti top?
A black shit with my black tie, goes great with my fedora
>Jess Stirba is worried about parallels between pre-fascist political climates and the 2016 election.
>authorities on anything
>throwing an opponent off by invoking an avatar of oppression is a shitty thing to do.
The ironic part of that article is that their liberal hypocrisy can be applied to themselves. They're stereotyping 60 million Americans and putting their own beliefs over someone else's experiences. The cognitive dissonance in this article is simply amazing.
>The great thing about being respectful of other people is that all it requires is keeping your opinions to yourself and treating the people with whom you are interacting in the manner they wish to be treated.
They can do that too. Why are they privileging their beliefs over my own?
> take that person aside and explain to them the way that image is going to be seen by women, people of color, the LGBTQ community.
Again, another egregious stereotype. Plenty of women, people of color, and LGBT people support him.
I have this on a playmat and I have not had a single person file a legitimate complaint. In case they do, I have the Reagan one, Clinton one, and for the most tried and true SJW, the Lincoln one. I've had a couple people scoff, make stupid faces, but otherwise ignore it.
Our regular group consists of Einstein, Sysadmin, Beard, Token (she is the token girl of our group) and Bobby (protip: his name isn't actually Bobby).
We don't know or share any personal details besides those that occassionally come up in the conversation, despite the fact we've been playing for almost a year.
They're the best goddamn group I've had in years.
Is it silk?
Did you ask if you can call him Nike?
If he said yes, go ahead pussy.
If he said no, go ahead pussy.
>Plenty of women, people of color, and LGBT people support him.
>Not Victoria
How are you enjoying being fucked in the ass every morning, you greek fuckboy?
It's just objective fact. Exit polling data is very clear that Trump did not win on the white vote alone. Hillary lost white male and female votes, while also losing some latino, a lot of asian, and a significant number of black votes. (Romney only won 1% of black votes in 2012, Trump won 9%.)
Ironically enough, he was down with Jews by 2-3%.
It's called a nickname
Nobody wants you here or anywhere. You are so victorian you want to regulate dress. Kill yourself.
Or at least go move to the 8 mile. Or Dearborn. Go be a faggot with those you want me to tolerate.
More like a nikename amirite.
>Implying that being nicknamed after the Goddess of Victory at an MTG tournament isn't dope as fuck
Fucking tumblrites need to stop reading all the wrong meanings into things.
I do, but only under a jacket. I roll up the sleeves when I come out of the cold, so...
>Calling someone Nike
>Normalizing capitalism
Are you guys even post-Marxist?
>players who spend thousands on cardboard
>who live in coastal studio apartments on the coast costing upwards of $2000 in rent
>have the audacity to play social police and tell you how privileged you are
I... can't deny any of that.
Well, going by what I recall from my brief exposure to satanism they sort of have the "hole is a hole" mentality going on.
Letting slav women into your games
Hate slogans aren't dress. Wear normal red caps all you want.
Make America Great Again isn't a hate slogan. Just because you believe it is doesn't mean it actually is.
To easily determine if your views are biased, turn them around: If you were asked to remove a Bernie shirt/hat/playmat, would you deem that reasonable?
Sounds like you want to be a biker as represented in a family-friendly TV show.
Read the article. All anyone is asking is that you don't be an asshole and try to understand other people's feelings.
>>authorities on anything
They get preview cards from Wizards, so...
That's a two way street bub.
I have read the article (and I wish I hadn't). It is the same leftist drivel that has been spewing out for the past year. It is a gross mess of hypocrisy. It's virtue signalling for someone trying to disguise their "I don't like Trump" Spoiler: Read their other articles after the election or look at their twitter feeds they advertise under some sanctimonious garbage.
>Don't be an asshole
Who is the asshole, someone wearing a perfectly acceptable article of clothing?
Or the person impsoing their will and beliefs on him through the shame and intimidation tactics they are claiming to be fearful of?
>try to understand other people's feelings
Something the author of the article fails to do themselves. They have no desire to understand other people's feelings. They only want their own feelings understood, and for everyone else to agree with their viewpoint.
Now answer the question. Should I be allowed to ask you (or anyone else) to remove their Bernie 2016 clothing/playmats? If your objection to MAGA is on political grounds, then you must remove your Bernie/Obama/Hillary memorabilia as well.
If your objection is on grounds of it being "offensive" you need to explain why it is. Because if you retort with "no I don't I just think it is offensive", then maybe I find your anime playmat offensive charicatures of the Japanese. Maybe I find your illegally reproduced artwork offensive for commiting art theft. See where this is going?
You may as well just show up to Magic with a plain t-shirt, blue jeans, plain KMC sleeves, and a monocolor playmat. Lest some delicate flower gets "triggered".
Everyone and their mom who has a youtube channel gets preview cards from Wizards. It doesn't make their opinions hold any authority.
I have hairy arms and I really like rolling up sleeves so I wear normal button downs
What could go wrong?
No, goy, Russia is all powerful cyberbully puppetmaster. No one voted for Trump!
You want war with Russia, goy. Just listen and believe!
>Ironically enough, he was down with Jews by 2-3%.
How's that ironic?
I'm offended by your playmat and sleeves. I'm colorblind and this is discrimination and hate filled.
Clearly the only acceptable answer is a clear plastic playmat and clear sleeves.
This thread is stupid and this question is asinine, but for what it's worth here's an answer from someone with a distinctive article of clothing they wear all the time:
I fucking know I wear it. I suspect some of you might not recognize me without it. If the idea that it might come to define me in your eyes bothered me, I wouldn't do it in the first place.
Wrong, see the MTGHQ controversy
My mother slit her wrists with clear plastic. You're triggering me with that and as this is obviously a malicious act; you're a bully nike.
You have Trump and Clinton playmats?
And here I thought 2-0'ing a guy after denying his request to split first place because of his MLP sleeves was going to be the highlight of my accessory-based pettiness. I hope I play you next prerelease.
Not really. Nike is the goddess of victory.
>some fat guy who only opens packs doesn't get to preview
You do know his controversy was only because he was openly shitting on other channels and people, right? And that the preview he was allowed to do was completely by accident and someone's fuckup, right?
Don't get so autistic. But to alleviate your pedantic trigger, MOST youtubers get preview cards.
>Is this ok? Is it bullying?
Bill Clinton. They're done by a guy named Sharpwriter, who makes overly dramatic political artwork.
All these nicknames while playing Magic reminds me of my friend.
He developed the tendency and talent for nicknaming people.
In college, he actually managed to rebrand himself as "Sex Machine" while remaining a M:tG and Star Wars geek.
Ok that one is actually pretty funny, I'd let you draw into top 8 with me if it came up.
You'll be stuck playing only Slav games
All day everyday
>crocodile with a nuclear bomb
>Ronald McDonald firing a shotgun
>I'm 6'8", generally pleasant to be around, and love playing green decks
>People call me the jolly green giant
>no one knows my real name, eventually someone asks
>I tell them, but there's another Brad
>I'm now known as B-rad D the Gangster G
>everyone always rhymes like 10 words that sound like Dee every time they see me
I honestly preferred jolly green giant.
Please educate yourself over what actually happened and then you'll see why it is an endorsement for Hasbro to send previews.