What racial traits do Santa's Elves' have?
What racial traits do Santa's Elves' have?
>Small size
>High charisma
>Ultra-high crafting skills
They probably have more in common with Gnomes than Elves, actually.
Why high Charisma if they're inside building toys all day?
A robust marketing team with excellent personal skills and the ability to make the sale. They are not only excellent orators but are also excellent in bed.
Whatever it takes to keep various manufacturers in line to maintain production.
Magical Beast
Hit Dice:
5d10+25 (52 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class:
15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple:
Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack:
2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Improved grab
Special Qualities:
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Listen +8, Spot +8
Alertness, Track
Temperate forests
Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating:
Always neutral
6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:
Claws? Why claws?
They're cute, endearing, and have a penchant for singing heartwarming songs. Most of them would likely have high charisma. The ones that don't become middle-managers and dentists.
I do believe that's the traditional Owlbear stat post.
Garden gnomes/Disney dwarfs, yeah.
The D&D Elf is a very Tolkien thing (as well as other fantasy authors, like Lord Dunsany), and thus fairly different from the depictions you'll see outside the fantasy genre. Which are, these days, mostly christmas elves.
I'm feeling sort of inspired now to make a Gnomish religion where the relationship between the Gnomes and their deity is similar to the relationship that Christmas Elves have with Santa. Gnomish Clerics must always be building and inventing things to make others' lives easier or better. These they consecrate as offerings to their deity and distribute amongst the good-hearted folks of the setting. Children, of course, are treated especially well and get toys and clothes.
Do you know how many kids want electronic gadgets these days? They're just Chinese kids.
>The D&D Elf is a very Tolkien thing
Not really, especially recently when they became more fey-like.
> What racial traits do Santa's Elves' have?
They can easily distinguish "naughty" from "well-disciplined naughty".
Let's compromise. They're short, stacked, vaguely Asian Gnomes that are incredibly technically proficient.
excellent sense motive then
>Under rated post?
Under rated post.
Well, Tolkien's elves circa The Hobbit mixed with Dunsany's elves from The King of Elfland's Daughter and a smidgen of Anderson's elves from Three Hearts and Three Lions (hence the Chaotic nature of them).
Later elves got heavily influenced by The Lord of the Rings and similar, though, especially with the whole High Elf/Wood Elf split and shit. Because while Gygax might not have cared much for Tolkien, the later writers most certainly did.
Female elves get the ho ho ho bonus.
If that's not a faction in Shadowrun it should be.
But why do they keep working for Santa?
He keeps the polar bears away.
Everyone needs a job. Santa pays well and the work is fulfilling.
Or you could transplant them into a fantasy setting, cut Santa out of it completely and go with 's idea.
He has the best distributor network.
lurk more
Because Santa claws
>Magical Beast
They are obviously Fey
Clearly Santa is a Dragon who hasn't had reason to break into his true form and they worship him as a god
No idea, saved it from Veeky Forums.
Read that as facial
it's PS4-tan
/v/ drawthreads
+12 cheeriness
Are an important part of any technically-inclined shorty.
>hence the Chaotic nature of them
Elves started out as Lawful or Neutrality-aligned, the Chaotic only came in when Chaos stopped really meaning something.
nah, that's for a pack of bowie's dick