So, I'm building a 450 points list of imperial guard and any criticisms would be appreciated. My list as it stands is: 1 ADL, 1 CCS (with a master of ordnance and an autocannon team) , 1 PCS (with a mortar team) with 3 Infantry Squads and a basilisk.
Help a new Guard Player
Take a leman russ instead of the basilisk.
What variant? That list is 450 exactly so any other substitutions to afford a better leman russ?
Get 2 team of vets with meltas, a CCS (with meltas ofc) and 3 chimeras. Bam, 500pts.
The list has to be 450 unfortunately.
So how about this?
Astra Militarum-450pts
Company Command Squad (5) - 80pts
1 Company Commander: Senior Officer,Voice of Command,Refractor field,Laspistol,Close combat weapon
2 Veteran: Meltagun
2 Veteran: Lasgun
Chimera (1) - 80pts Dedicated Transport
1 Chimera: Multi-laser,Heavy bolter,Recovery gear,Extra armour
Veterans (10) - 80pts
1 Veteran Sergeant: Laspistol,Close combat weapon
2 Veteran: Meltagun
7 Veteran: Lasgun
Chimera (1) - 65pts Dedicated Transport
1 Chimera: Multi-laser,Heavy bolter
Veterans (10) - 80pts
1 Veteran Sergeant: Laspistol,Close combat weapon
2 Veteran: Meltagun
7 Veteran: Lasgun
Chimera (1) - 65pts Dedicated Transport
1 Chimera: Multi-laser,Heavy bolter
vets are expensive, you should blob and tank.
do you know who you are playing with? what factions do they run?
Its a tournament setting. I know 1 guy is running Space Marines, thats why I was taking the basilisk and the MoO as their blasts in theory could turn 1 table if the scatter wasnt too bad. That and instant death
Not him, but Chimera vets are the shit dude. Your multilaser take on hordes and meltas burn anything tougher. Also its 450 pts, so almost no heavy armor.
oh ok rough
you're list looks good as long as no one runs salamanders
or harlequins
My teammate is running Harlequins with other Eldar units, a good friend of mine is running Necrons and the last guys is running space marines also.
thats why I was saying go guard and tanks
I'm not a guard player, but I'm trying to figure them out
also do you know which games you're playing? is it all kill points or objectives? or both
Its the missions from the rulebook so mostly objective based games. My plan was to use the blob to expand while holding multiple points at once while shelling shit out of others
Thats a good plan to be honest. But I think that a russ would be better, since there is almost nothing that would threaten it too much, and it will fuck shit up if left alone. Just keep meltas away from it.
yeha AV14 is really good in small games
but melta pods will fuck up your life
any ideas on a blob list?
What variant of russ should I run then?
It depends, but agianst all the diffrent shit you`ll be facing the good `ol battle tank should be good enough. Others are more specialised, while the battle tank is just all around good.
Something important I probably should have mentioned. No Forgeword models are allowed. so that limits both my choices as well as anyone I go up against
You might consider running 2 wyverns instead of a basilisk. They are not too great as MEQ killers, but they throw so many wounds they cant save all of them.
That also reminds me. Apparently we can only bring one artillery choice. GW love to fuck us over
Wew. That sucks, casue Wyvern is really great. Then ethier stick to be basilisk or get a Russ. Your choise, but I`d opt for the Leman, since its tougher.
The issue is points. I would still need 25 points from somewhere. I could either scrap my ADL ontop of the basilisk or I could remove my HQ choice and replace it with Pask. I'm also assuming no side sponsons since it would be firing snap-shots so averaging abput 1-2 hits
Maybe add some fun stuff to the Infatry Squads? Two meltas and a granade launcher come to mind.
I would need to subtract points, not add any. removing the basilisk leaves me with only 125 points and a basic russ is 150. I could run an Exterminator by removing he mortar team on my PCS?
Ah, sorry. I think scrap the mortar, its not worth it really. An Exterminator is really good to chew through hordes, but its not gonna do too much agianst heavy armor. But it is 450pts, so unless you`re gonna play agianst other guard player you should be fine with just it.
only problem, If I want to kit out the exterminator with heavy bolter sponsons I would need to drop something else like the Master of Ordinance
Its all up to you mate. I`d cut him if I were you, since Exte Russ with heavy bolter is AWESOME, but if you feel like you need that extra punch in a form of MoO, just use the Basilisk, since they are pretty fun togherther.
OP here. So I have come up with 2 possible alternative lists. at 445 points: 1 Punisher with Pask as a HQ with multi melta sponsons, 1 Exterminator with Heavy Bolter sponsons and a single Wyvern. Or at 450 points, The original list but minus the mortar team on the PCS and the basilisk in place of an exterminator
The first one sounds really mean, you will fuck people up, just pray then dont pack a lot f meltas. The second on is also good, its up to you really.
does it have to fille a CAD, because yours do not
you only have a single troop choice....
(the platoon with PCS and 3 inf-squads is 1 choice)
basilisk is a bad idea, its very fragile and expensive. As others said, russ up
You might want to shell out for an Astropath if only to get one more die to deny incase of psykershit
you could try to squeeze an leman russ exterminator with multimeltasponson in
throw the ADL out and advance with the russ wrapped in guardsmen.
(bonus points if you take conscripts instead of that 3rd inf squad, they are cheaper. cover your regular with conscripts.)
as far as I'm aware, its an unbound tournament
unbound... IG only one slolution acceptable:
max conscripts
accept no subsititute
sorry OP but user here is right
No ADL? I could stick them behind it and let the volume of dice fuck 'em up
450points are >100models you do not want them behind an aegis anyway
Then just get conscripts with priests and/or commissars. Thats all. Zerg rush the fuckers, they dont have that many bullets.
100 models of conscripts for 300 points. Stick a Lord Commissar in there and deck him out to high hell, put a commissar in each squad and just shove them as far up the table as possible as fast as possible?
does not work, you only get one conscript blob per platoon, unbound does not help there.
I made you a list
Infantry squad (60)
Infantry squad (60)
There you go almost 100dudes, 450points, i even got some antitank with it
so nominate the Commissar as my warlord or the PCS? Then just shoot fuck out of whatever gets in range?
Lt as warlord, keep them behind, possibly out of sight to prevent an easy slay the warlord victory point, also orders.
one autcannon on each side, so you can better get potshots at side armor
advance boht melta squads to the midfield
blob goes infront the meltadudes
bring a BIG bucket of dice with you
And if the orders fail use the commissar on the conscripts to make an auto-pass? Sounds pretty good
oh and play for objectives
Good luck painting that. Thats why Im playing a melta vets oriented army now- I dont have too much time to paint shit.
I've got till April to buy the models, assemble them and paint them. That's more than enough time. I'm not exactly going for best in show, just as long as I thin my paints and make sure they don't look like they're melting
>not making a penal legion of psykers who are melting in repentence for the Emperor to justify your shitty painting
I mean, I'm not that bad at it
Not saying you are. But I know I am . Also it sounds like a fun concept.
really bring 50 dice and a big cup.
its psychological warfare
> implying that you aren't going to paint them all pink and purple and call your regiment the 70th Corquemunchers
I actually made up my own regiment quite a long time ago, homeworld, legends history and all. Waiting to get the minis now. BUT IT WILL TAKE 2 WEEKS BECASUE THEY DONT HAVE 3 CHIMERAS AND 2 SHOCK TROOPERS BOXES IN MY STORE.
the genestealer boxes have the same sprues, repurpose from them
why not order from the online store? My ideal regiment would be from a backwoods feral world that specialised in night time shock and awe tactics with Valkyrie squadrons dropping guard units behind enemy lines while waves upon waves of medusa's and Leman Russ' bring down their walls
A LR BT will basically do the same thing as a Basilisk in this instance, but actually be able to survive and fight if you don't get lucky.
I already ordered them. I should have asked you guys first...
I did order them from an online store, but Im living in fucking Poland, so non-GW stores never have enough shit, so they gotta order it. Seems IG isnt too popular here.
LR BT? Not the most experienced with guard. I've only ever played Chaos
Leman Russ Battle Tank if Im not mistaken.
damn, sounds unfortunate. Lucky here in Scotland I have two stores that I can get to with a a quick train ride
If it is, the problem is points. I'm taking the basilisk because it is the most cost effective form of decent MEQ killer artillery that I saw in the codex