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What's the best healing perk/item?
Exalted: Infernals Retcon:
Caste - Scourge
Favoured by Kimbery
Name That Unfolds Like Lotus Blossom
Below Notice 100
Orphan Cub of the Devil-Tiger 400
Hateful Wretched Noise 600
Blood of T'Foor Na 800
Emotional Storms 1200
Border of Impossibility 1400
Coven 1500
Leeroy: Drop-In, Caste - Slayer, Favoured by Oramus, Name That Unfolds Like Lotus Blossom, Below Notice 100, Orphan Cub of the Devil-Tiger 400, Mu 600
A Hellish Rival 1300
Heretic 1000
Retconned this mostly because it occurred to me that if all the Yozi were after me a single crafty enemy infernal was the least of my concerns. Plus I figured if I imported my bodyguard as a Devil Tiger and then he created some charms specifically about guarding my body that'd be pretty great.
Went for Slayer for his caste for obvious fighty reasons and bought him both Below Notice and Mu which make him extremely difficult to notice/scry for/discover.
Also picked up Below Notice for myself as even within this jump it'll be pretty handy for at least keeping the non-yozi/infernal/demonic players off my back.
On a sidenote I decided that my coadjutor would be a Gethin who are basically oily chicken lizards that collect shiny stuff and shapeshift. Mostly because the idea of a big salamander knocking down my door and giving me an exaltation is a funny idea.
Bottle of demon's blood, if your tough enough.
Somewhere in EVO, iirc
Do not collect $200.
Hey Jumpers how do you keep yourself engaged?
In the middle of a chain right now and I find it hard to not treat jumps as amusement parks. I don't wanne be like one of those douchey clients in Westworld.
X-Men Movies: Omega Level Healing Factor.
Does it work on non-Jumpers? My goal is to cure Aang from Avatar the last airbender. His spiritual energy is depleted or something.
Why don't you just drop him in the Fountain of Youth?
Divine Caster from overlord in combination with Level 100, in shear power if nothing else.
It will if they can handle it. But it'll also make them partially demonic. Pretty sure Aang doesn't want that.
The Rod of Asclepius from JLD could probably restore his spiritual energy.
The Starheart's constructs don't go up to the level a Green Lantern ring's can. It's all the esoteric powers that make up for it.
Plus it still has its innate wood weakness while the yellow weakness is long dead.
So what traits did you get from the chrysalis? I vote for the goofy face.
Thanks everyone who responded!
I need to find a way to apply it to my patient though.
From which Jump? I don't think there's one in ATLA.
Will look into it. Is level 100 attainable in the span of one jump?
Yeah Aang doesn't seem like a partially demonic kind of guy.
I'll read through Justice League Dark, thanks.
The problem is I'm doing this chain with my little sister (irl) and I don't want to go into a scary/edgy world with her.
By the way, you mentioned last thread that Greatest Magician of the Age can do anything below a planetary scale once mastered. Isn't that kind of massively lowballing it?
Zatanna can do feats on that scale, and the 400 cp perk makes you as strong her already, with even better potential.
Also, Greatest Magician still has the obsolete list of feats that you were going to change.
Feathery hair, mad red eyes and an unnervingly wide smile.
Plus I can secrete oil now so that's something.
Level 100 is purchasable as a perk on its own. Just keep in mind that some people feel that going Level 100 trivializes the chain to a degree.
Why? It's not like it's super high tier power in the context of most shounen jumps or other high power places. Heck, Fate Servants have better feats in things like strength or speed.
If an omega class healing factor mutant injects their blood into someone they get a lesser, but still really good healing factor.
B class, I think?
I read, watch movies, play around with magic, ham it up as a saturday morning cartoon villain, stuff like that.
Didn't say that I agreed, I just remember seeing some people say that.
I thought the weakness to wood was psychosomatic?
Pic related. You can pull off Alan's normal feats because usually he's barely drawing on the Starheart's power ans barley using his willpower in his constructs to prevent it from possessing him.
JLD isn't so bad. Just don't take any drawbacks, don't fuck with the plot, and you can go hang out with Superman or something.
No user. That's wanking Zatnna pretty hard. Zatnna couldn't pull a planet into another dimension, she couldn't just decide the wants North America to be a flying continent and make it happen, she couldn't just change the moon into a Rubik's cube because she felt like it. That's the kind of things you could do. Walk up and bitch slap Wuya if you want to.
It really depends on the writer.
What jumps have the series/setting they're based on as an item? I mean, like how Kamen Rider has the manga as an item.
Worm has the original webfiction on an e-reader or something.
isn't there a perk which gives you that for every jump?
I know there's ways to get the internet in your warehouse, maybe in the Youtube jump
Huh. So it does, didn't even know that.
Are you thinking of Universal Canon from White Wolf, I think it's called? Isn't that more like getting a walkthrough for a setting?
That's true, but I want the actual series 1. for cp protection and 2. because that Adaptor thing from The Princess Bride can adapt it into any form of media I want, the best version of it in the multiverse, in fact.
the Populous jump has a Verdant perk IIRC
Zatanna escaped from Nanda Parbat, fought a universal or greater void goddess , fought Zor, and rezzed someone who had been deleted from existence.
She can ,in fact, reach Planetary level feats and greater. Though some of those instances include prep time
And honestly, several of the feats and references you've given for Zatanna make her base self comparable to what Greatest Magician gets you near it's peak.
Why would you ever buy the Greatest Magician perk when it's at best slightly better than a 400 cp perk in the same tree? Every other capstone blows it out of the water, except maybe Synchronicity Wave Traveling.
Paying for a gimped version of anything is always a complete waste of points. If you don't think the real thing can be offered then don't offer it at all.
Fron what jump?
so /jc/ since we seem to on a roll of perk recommendations I need to ask:
What is the best social perk? My own vote goes to "Brains" from Highschool of the dead since it is a flat out memetic contamination perk.
Perfect Communication Skills from worm. Pair the two together and you're unstoppable.
It'd basically be the antilife equation.
What jumps have notable goddesses you can companion or waifu?
You sound like you just don't want that option to be in the jump.
DC Occult, I think Justice League Dark has one as well.
Oh, this is pretty standard, really. I honestly wanted to make a flow chart for some of these, because they follow basically the same rhythm.
'Why does X say we can do Y when [Random Comic Issue or other canon with self-contradictory scale] means we should be able to be Z. This perk is less useful than other perks and is therefore useless and I don't want to pay for it and I don't want it to be in the jump PAY ATTENTION TO ME MORE I'M LONELY.'
It basically follows the same beats and arguments. Occasionally, it'll be someone trying to make an actual point and they'll explain themselves, but they'll usually stick to the 'IT'S USELESS BUFF/REMOVE IT'.
Jump 229: Santa
>Ace of Pentacles: A new foundation from which to turn your dreams into reality.
>Age: 25
>Location: The North Pole
>Identity: Drop-In
>Drawbacks: Job Hazard (+100), The Nightmare Before Christmas (+200), The Grinch (+300)
Oh hey, it's Pumpkin Jack. Long time no see! How's it hanging? ...ohhh no, you bastard, don't you DARE ruin this for me--!
>Holly Jolly Criminal (Free)
Honestly if I didn't know how to get into somewhere that I wanted to go by now, I don't think I'd deserve to be a jumper.
>A Single Night (Free)
I am pretty sure that I spend one month a year telling the elves what to do and how to do it, and the other eleven months is squeezed into a single night. Thank goodness that I can run at super speed if I need to.
>That's What Christmas Is All About (Free, Drop-In)
The true meaning of Christmas? Honestly? Whatever makes you happy. Whether it's found in family and friends, or buying yourself some neat little gizmo... whatever makes you happy. And if nothing about Christmas makes you happy... that's okay. You don't have to celebrate Christmas, either. Just put on some headphones, kick back, and listen to some Zeppelin.
>Naughty Or Nice (1500)
I think I can already do this, but let's make sure. After all, I'm Santa.
>Summon Cocoa (1300)
>Summon Nog (1100)
Never underestimate the utility of having such things available in times of need. Though the first house fire I come across as Santa that ends up being extinguished by eggnog and hot chocolate is going to be a bit hilarious.
>Electronic Gizmos (800)
Hey, if I'm going to play Santa, why limit myself to traditional toys? People love all kinds of stuff! And just because they'll get something like this doesn't mean that we won't be filling stockings with Victorian-era candies and giving children toys and other gifts crafted out of wood.
Isha from WH40K.
Sadly she's a prisoner of the Chaos god Nurgle. Not great. I still haven't figured out how to free her...
>Peace on Earth (200)
You know, I put a lot of consideration into how to handle this decision. In the end, though... onthing else was nearly as worthwhile as this. Being able to stop any conflict, no matter how horrible... if only for one day. You know what? It's worth it.
>Santa Suit (Free)
Gotta dress the part. And I don't mean spraypainting my power armor to be red with white trim, even if it does look festive.
>Magic Sack (Free)
It's bigger on the inside, of course.
>The List (Free)
This isn't a Tim Allen movie. We aren't having the list sent via FedEx.
>Mall Santas (0)
If I'm dressed up as Santa, does that mean the mall Santas are dressed up as me dressed up as Santa? ...I think I'll leave the power armor in the warehouse this decade.
>Book of Carols (Free, Drop-In)
Well, at least I've got something to sing while I do my rounds.
>Magic Sleigh (Free)
Can't beat the classics.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Ev- Screw you
Fate really only has Amaterasu and Scathatch as still alive, though apparently other gods can be summoned (see artemis/orion). Also Agnsty mandude, but he's... I have no clue.
Percy jackson has the greek gods available who probably are DTF given the premise of the books. It also has the egyptians, though they lean towards possessing the people they like, and also the norse. I know nothing about the norse though.
Puzzle and Dragon, if it's got a valid jump, almost definitely counts. Gods galore.
Stargate has fake gods, including megalomanic snakes, little grey men, and energy squids.
Shaman King has several gods as mochirei, IIRC, though I only know of... Three? But if you're willing to pay for it, you can have your own. Still a ghost though.
Thats all, of the top of my head.
Damaged goods.
This one isn't even canon, though. There's nothing like this in the comics, it's a weak version of the Starheart without most of its powers just because.
Wow Jumper, your kind of a dick.
Extra opportunity for cuddles?
It's like you WANT an STD.
Oh there's a few of his kind around. If a waifu isn't 100% perfect, pristine, pure, and virginal, they're trash. What makes this funny is that the guys who post that are just as trash.
user, she's married to Nurgle. Imagine being where that rotten dick has gone.
>Can't cure those easily.
Deredachi can fix it all of the damage I think. The only real issue is killing Nurgle because fuck that guy.
Just because eating shit can't hurt you doesn't mean you should do it.
who gives a shit
I thought he just kept her in a cage? Nurgle rapes?
Dandachi not Deredachi
>Expecting a Chaos God to have moral barriers.
meant to reply to this
Who gives two fucks if she is
Matter's recycled constantly, user. Everything you eat was shit at some time, but that doesn't stop you. All that matters is what it is when you eat it.
You should have some standards, user. Respect yourself more.
user's just being an over-exaggerating ninny. Nurgle may be a great many things but raping is all Slaanesh's shtick. Isha is pretty much just a songbird in a cage.
I didn't. It just seems like more of a Slaanesh thing. Like if Nurgle rapes someone, doesn't that power up Slaanesh?
First, that was New 52.
Second, Zatanna's powerful, but mostly she's really skilled, really smart, and really good at hax. Could she conceivably, with lots of prep and training, accomplish those kind of things? Maybe. Could she ever just decide to it and then accomplish it through sheer power and willing it to happen? Almost certainly not.
Normal humans have a cap on how much magic they can handle. Homo Magi can handle a lot more, but they're still limited by their mortal bodies. The only way around this is through artifacts like the Helm of Fate or becomint something/fusing with something greater like the Wizard Shazam or Circe.
Agree to disagree.
Besides, originally Alan Scott /did/ just use a shard of the Starheart forged into the shape of a ring before he ended becoming the host for the whole thing.
How dangerous is the Gunnm jump?
There's one character with omnipresence who can punch you with wormholes.
What's that?
She's a damsel in distress more than a waifu. I just want to help her and put her somewhere safe. Where no one will eat her husband, doom her children or feed her plague soups.
Isha belongs to Slaanesh anyway.
Then why doesn't this one have the all the powers his ring did?
Depends on where you go. Stay on Earth and it's Fallout with cyborg kung fu, nothing too scary. Go to space and things get weird and dangerous, as the cyborg kung-fu ramps up in lethality and exotic body modifications. At the high end you've got things like people filling their veins with hypersonic plasma so they can use it to punch harder, it's a crazy place.
Yeah, but Tunpo is a good guy, he's not going to wormhole punch you unless you're a jerk.
Dandachi is one of the Dere swords from Yūsha Gojo Kumiai Kōryūgata Keijiban. It has the unique ability to heal everything except death, even insanity and serious mental damage
We can technically choose New 52 in Occult, so it's a bit of a moot point.
And my point still stands about Greatest Magician being kind of weak compared to the other capstones, just because all of them carry some kind of immediate tangible benefit.
Meanwhile, Greatest Magician offers you nothing but potential, but it's peak is only on par with what the other capstones immediately give you. Or maybe a bit worse, going off of the perk text.
At the very least, I'd remove or change the list of feats for Greatest Magician like you said you were going to.
That's fucking cool.
By smacking it out of you. So this plan involves beating the shit out of Isha until she's healed.
would using it on nurgle just empower him or beat him to death by curing all that disease? That one is kind of confusing
Junkyard- Mostly ordered "society" with the malcontents and threats to tiphares hunted down by robots or hunters. Outside is a wasteland with bandits, mutants, and other threats. Biggest threats are cyborgs multiple times above human peak, Alita, Desty Nova, Mr. Rebellion, and Tiphares if you piss them off.
Tiphares- Society above the clouds where people get lobotomized with brain chips implanted. Basically slaves to ladder like junkyard is to tiphares. Way, way nicer to live up here until Desty sets off the kill switch by letting everyone know about brain chips which sends the defenses into murder overdrive. This is where IMAGINOS body Alita gets her challenges from to start with, stronger tech base up here.
Ladder- Trinidad is the ubor haxxorz and shuts down Alita here via hacking and causal pimp hand. We have jumped another escalation level in tech with the big players coming together, culimating in the space karate tournament. Which is where the solar system's threats all come together like aforementioned omnipresence Tubo who can't use it that often, Zeke with antimatter punches, super nanite colony grey goo penis monster, and general long running shounen end game escalation levels of danger. Alita basically fused with Jupiter and puppets a imaginos body with cat ears and tail at this point to participate.
At least my standards are high enough where I don't listen to dry shit encrusted assholes who puke vomit on their keyboards. Like you.
Oh yeah, forgot to include that tiny detail. I'm mean if you tell her that the sword only heals then she might be cool with it, but you technically are beating someone up in order for them to get over there trauma.
Then why are you on Veeky Forums?
I only go to Veeky Forums to go onto /jc/
...It does? You just don't have the full power of the Starheart. He didn't have the full power of the Starheart then, either.
>We can technically choose New 52 in Occult, so it's a bit of a moot point.
No you can't. If it says you can then it's an artifact from an earlier version.
I will change it. Just haven't gotten around to it, yet.
It gives a balance of power and versatility that the others don't. I think it's fair. Maybe I'm underselling what it can do or something, but you're definitely overstating Zatanna's power.
>beating someone up in order for them to get over there trauma.
Call me when you find a better way.
Zatanna is lolbroken so I'm okay with you depowering her in your jump.
What is she the goddess of? Nature or something? She looks greenish.
>and general long running shounen end game escalation levels of danger.
Too bad it's only the midway of the series and Alita on Mars is ramping up more.
>...It does?
Can't even project exotic energies.
From your earlier statement, were you implying that New 52 Zatanna is actually stronger than Post-Crisis Zatanna? Would Post-Crisis not have been able to pull off the void goddess thing?
Also, does being an Avatar of the Green give you Swamp-Thing's other abilities like mind-melding, being able to create multiple bodies, healing people, and regen?
Firing lasers to cure their trauma.
Only works if they're a magical girl [s]and a lesbian[/s] though.
Uh, the jump describes Zatanna as one of the most powerful sorceresses in her entire dimension. Did you change your mind about that or did you mean mortal sorceresses and not like Circe?
Not familiar with DC Occult, how bad is Written In The Pages? Is it based on something in particular?
Are there any mid level gods that could pierce Gift of Twilight Imperium or beat a FISS to a pulp...that you would be forced to go against?
Exalted Infernals query -
Devil Tiger can form fifteen demons. Each forms seven. How many different races can each of the seven spawn?
Infinite. There's no limit on First Circles and they technically have no metaphysical connection to you. They're just creations, and when they share a theme it's just because of the tastes of your Second and Third Circles.
I think you accidentally "Second-Circle Demons" in there.
Ah, thanks.
How are Second and First spawned, anyway?
Same way you spawn Third Circles.
Varies. As magical creations they have nothing set in stone about them.
Ah, irrelephant.
Second just pop into existence as a natural side effect of the existence of a Third Circle Demon. First Circles are made using charms, but beyond that generality there are a lot of ways to do it. Too many to count.
Alright. Much appreciated.
I'm disappointed none of you have made your fetich soul the fetish soul.
no pls slannesh