Could Someone Tell me some ancap setting

Could Someone Tell me some ancap setting

Medieval Iceland.

Bump for memes

>inb4 a bunch of examples that violate the NAP

Go binge watch stefan Molyneux and read some Ayn Rand.

That is my honest answer.

If you want a joke go to a ancap memes thread on /pol/.

This is now a political compass thread.

>tfw when your wife and kids were killed by a band of roaming orcs but by doing this they violated the NAP so you appeal to zurkrothal the destroyer to send a child solder death squad to slaughter their tribe and take all their posessions
>tfw you're denied because he's too busy fighting a copyright war over the polymorph: burger spell

Rapture (of Bioshock vidya).


Not gonna lie, settings with dragons and wizards in them are easier to believe than ones where ancaps manage to be successful.


It's memes like these that make me wonder why anyone out there chooses to be anything other than moderate.

>when you copyright the idea of roads and make sure none get built but the druids from the local forest have a copyright on grass and grass is technically a road so they send in bear cubs with fireball scrolls to destroy your farmstead

>in an ancap society
Try again.

Usually because they get sick of one side's shit especially.

Isn't there some meme indie rpg that takes place on a space station and the only currency is spacebook likes and social influence?

Really easy to discard as Tumblr RPG before you realize you're supposed to play it as secretly dystopian?

How does anarcho-capitalism work if anarchy means people can take your stuff and capitalism means you can own stuff and profit from it? Do you have to pay people to protect your stuff? Can we all club together and pay one group to protect everyone's stuff cost-efficiently?

Every side's shit, unfiltered by reasoned response from its opposite, is insufferable. Without a counterbalance they all fall on their ass, and the farther towards the edge you go, the more likely you find someone who doesn't even understand what their opposition is or that they too have good points and counter-arguments, simply hating them because they *are*.

It's unreasonable nomatter what stance you're on. Even morally lauded things like pacifism are unreasonable unless you're willing to measure and compromise in the face of changing scenarios.

>Can we all club together and pay one group to protect everyone's stuff cost-efficiently?

hire a samurai

>How does anarcho-capitalism work
it doesnt

Well, it does until literally anyone has the idea "how about we band together, set up our own rules and fuck up the random bands of faggots who don't like it through numbers and cooperation".

You know, the thing humans naturally do because it's sensible.