What grinds your gears

>>Fantasy universe
>>magic and gods abound
>>no afterlife
>>still has characters that come back from the dead somehow able to remember seeing nothing


By the flow of the inland river,
Whence the fleets of iron have fled,
Where the blades of the grave-grass quiver,
Asleep are the ranks of the dead:
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment-day;
Under the one, the Blue,
Under the other, the Gray.

>user why are you bothering trying to find another system for your game
>just use d20 Modern, you can use it for literally anything!

In the same vein

>user why do you keep making systems and homebrewing? You could just play D&D and call it a day.

Get out of here, frogposter.

Is d20 Modern the new GURPS?

Frog posting is best posting, user.

nobody likes you, not even your family.
Get out out Veeky Forums

Just refluff PF.


>party has a wizard in it
>walk around like a bunch of cunts instead of using teleport spells

I hate this shit. It's like Gandalf and the eagles, but worse

>int and willpower/motivation are just an single stat

>all human nations are multi ethnic and racially diverse for no reason other than muh progress

>Anything related to DND alignment

Do people actually play d20 Modern?

>All nations in a fantasy setting are monoracial, and there are no subcultures, just subraces

It's why I play Eberron if I run fantasy; it's the only one with baked in common sense

>Elves who live on farms, build castles of stone, mingle freely with humans, etc. Basically just pointy-eared humans.

yeah its lazy and offensively inoffensive

I especially liked Eberron take on the drow savage tribes, with their giant slave history. Pretty cool spin on an existing property

>multi-ethnic and racially diverse
>strange in a fantasy setting

Yeah I'm guessing no one would give a shit about black skinned humans walking around the empire founded by white skinned humans where there are literally Orcs and Goblins to be xenophobic towards

This is why that whole nonsense about Finn in Force Awakens smacked of retardation. Why the fuck would the First Order care about the skin color of a human when they can instead proclaim human superiority over literal aliens?

The problem wasn't with it being an in universe problem, only that Disney picked a diverse cast for the sake of widening their market as far as possible with people that weren't necessarily good actors, specifically Boyega.

its strange because the way nations develop and humanity evolved people were of the same race if they developed in the same area people who developed in Europe were white people in asia were Asian. if you want a nation of black people go for it i just don't like every single nation being comprised of every single race

A bow is a spring, it works by storing energy as flexion and releasing it in a single direction. It can never put out more energy than is put in. If you have a device that magically unfolds your crossbow and strings it and even draws the fucking thing WHY DON'T YOU JUST USE THAT TO SHOOT THE FUCKING BOLTS IT'S LIKE TWICE AS POWERFUL AS THE FUCKING BOW

The reason we developed like that on earth is because until very recently it took forever to go anywhere and thus populations developed independently of each other

Wizards with teleportation spells and flying magic mounts in fantasy land make genetic isolation a lot less likely.

Also the whole point was that different enthicities co-existing looks strange on earth because the only sapient species is man. So our entire "us vrs. them" system is based on different looking humans. Things are probably very different on a world where there are actual other species like Elves or Gnolls running about, and members of our own species with different coloration and maybe slight differences in skull shape would not be considered a "different race" at all when there is a dude with fucking pointy ears and a willowy inhuman frame walking on the other side of the street

except both elves and dwarves look equally different from a white human being as a black one does a way to distinguish this would be to say elves and humans cant breed but that's already out of the question

>elves and dwarves look equally different from a white human being as a black one does

on average a black human being has as many differences from a white one as a skinny guy with pointy ears or a short guy

Guys, just say that white people aren't a thing.
Or black people. All ethnicities are technicolor shades like green or blue cause that's much easier than modern politics unless you want modern politics which is perfectly okay if you have a group that can deal with it

Firepower for expeditency is a fair trade. It's the same logic as a modern military favoring carbines over battle rifles.

The topic was what grinds my gears multiculturalism in fantasy does

What, and waste all my spells per day? Fuck that

Aye, I get that.
I guess I'm lucky in that I had history students in my group. So stuff like the odd not!Moor in not!Europe is verisimilitude, but they get that Moors and the like were considered to be "Other" in that period and that people were relevantly intolerant of peoples considered to be "heathens"

>Mean height varies by more than a foot
>Vastly differing metabolism and lifespans
>Bizarre extra senses/processing of senses
>Differences in dex and con (or what those represent) more than 10% on the bell curve
>darker skin

I don't have history students, or students at all, in my group but they get that a society with a racial majority will treat foreigners poorly and will stick out like a sore thumb. I think his point is that a fantasy kingdom made up of 33% of Whites, Blacks and Hispanics without any explanation (because only those races exist, for some reason) while all the Asians are in the not!Orient.

I run WFRP and I have a habit of putting in the odd Arabyan or Cathayan for my players to interact with, usually acting as traders and merchants as they would have a reason to move so far away from their home in search of things to buy and sell. Generally my players regard them with a bit of suspicion, but if they have stuff to trade then it isn't a big deal. They still kick around the hebrews/gypsies that are Strigany.

That has nothing to do with what he said. A collapsible crossbow can technically work, but it'd require assembly.

>Racial, religious, and state boundaries all align perfectly

He was referring to a crossbow whose mechanism automatically unfolds, loads, and draws the weapon, and complains that the device which does so could instead have been used to simply make a stronger firing spring, leaving the unfolding and cocking to the operator.

My point was that trading that strengthened draw for a quicker and simpler drawing process is a perfectly valid choice to make, especially for an assassin who might get far more use out of a moderately powerful weapon that takes only moments to draw and fire versus a more powerful one that requires a winch and a set of allen wrenches.

His point was that instead of having a device that unfolds and cocks a crossbow, just use that device to fire the bolt in the first place.

Original guy here. But trading power for convenience is what a normal crossbow already does. Making it automatically fold out doesn't make it faster or easier to use. Not only that, but the system to do so would necessarily be more complicated. It's like inventing a combustion engine and using it to power a machine that automatically whips your horse.

>But trading power for convenience is what a normal crossbow already does.
Actually that would be trading convenience for power.

>Making it automatically fold out doesn't make it faster or easier to use.
Uh, yes it does, almost by definition, unless the unfolding mechanism is obscenely slow. Which is quicker;
Pull out your collapsed crossbow; with both hands, move both arms into position, lock them in place, cock the bow, load a bolt, raise, aim, fire.
Pull out your collapsed crossbow, thumb the button that releases the automatic unfolding mechanism, raise, aim, fire.

You're wrong. I love frogposters.

Why bother having it unfold if it's already under tension? Just have it shoot the bolt like a gun.


There isn't any need for leverage, the arms would already be under spring tension.

user it looks cool. A crossbow unfolding like that looks cool. That's why they designed it like that.

>This entire race behaves like x

Then why bother to try and defend it in any other way?

Game of Thrones?

>But DManon, why don't you support my homebrew race/class so that I can powergame?
or alternatively
>asking about the minute details of the world that literally no one cares about then complaining that I don't have anything planned

I'm not. It's others trying to do that.

>Player buys fancy gun
>Rules lite so damage cap is higher but that's it
>Player makes no comment to this effect
>Player shoots something with gun
>Rolled damage is low
>>Come on user, it's a Mega Rooty Tooty Pooter Shooter rifle! It'd do more damage than that!
I try and make combat interesting but goddamn it I don't want to haggle over your gun damage every round

>GMs narrating you getting hurt to start a combat
>From a dude who's hostility you are aware of
I'm very adverse to interrupting, but that's what surprise rounds or initiative is for

>fantasy special forces
>best of the best warriors
>lots of women even though they can't even qualify for basic infantry in real life without having standards lowered
I can only suspend my disbelief so far desu senpai.

>gun in high fantasy

literally why? how does it not make archers pointless and why the fuck would you use that shit when you can drop fireballs on peoples heads?

>literally why
Guns are cool.

>how does it not make archers pointless
Perhaps guns are expensive or take a long time to reload?

>why the fuck would you use that shit when you can drop fireballs on peoples heads?
Mages are rare and valuable?

Bows are useful when you don't have access to the industrial base needed to maintain them and if mages are common enough to make guns redundant they'd do the same to bows as well.

>the bad guys auto-win, it just takes time

In real life we live in mostly peace and everyone in the military is someone who was personally motivated to learn, train and become a soldier, which is generally a male thing, often associated with an admiration for guns and vehicles and militaria and so on. There aren't a lot of women who are into that sort of thing and the ones who are generally aren't AS into it as guys, so the result is that you have lackluster female soldiers.

In harder times, when being a soldier is a matter of needing to survive or defending yourself or your people, you can get more female soldiers, as was the case with some of the famos "disguised as a man" female soldiers in history. In some fantasy settings, where your simple peasant life raising a family can be disturbed by some damn wizard's crazy beastmen jumping out on you when you're delivering milk in the morning, I'd say enthusiastic female soldiers would be more common.

You also tend to get more women in ninja-style sneaky assassin groups, since they can blend in as women and get past dumbasses who think only men are a threat to them.

And if you have any kind of flying cavalry then recruitment might favour smaller, lighter fighters to ride them.

>multiculturalism in fantasy grinds my gears
So all the dorfs, elves, trolls and dragons share the same beliefs, values, and practices?

Multiculturalism doesn't mean having more than one culture in a setting, user. It means blending all cultures and erasing areas of exclusive monoculture until, ironically, you end up with an identical spread of diversity everywhere.

Original guy again, sorry I keep dipping out. I'm beginning to see where the problem is. That's not how crossbows work. At all. Unfolding the limbs is not a part of the process in normal crossbow operation. The limb almost always needs to be one solid piece. I'm making an exception in my argument for collapsible crossbows simply on the grounds that I think the entire idea is unnecessary. So, I'm going to rephrase your earlier question with actual crossbow operation:
Which is faster:
Already have your crossbow drawn, aim, fire.
Press a button, unfold your crossbow limbs automatically, aim, fire.
It's plain to see here that the difference is really negligible in the initial deployment of the crossbow, and that an unfolding crossbow barely adds any functionality to the original design. On top of this, there's the original problem I mentioned where any machine that would be capable of setting, stringing and drawing a crossbow with almost no effort on the user's part would be a sublimely more powerful device than a crossbow, therefore: adding it as a device meant to compliment the use of a crossbow would be backwards and a gross misuse of potential.

>darker skin
>just that


Multiculturalism is the presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
It has also come to mean the preservation of those groups.

>It means blending all cultures and erasing areas of exclusive monoculture
I don't think that's right.

You realize that the idea that everyone in a nation should have the same culture and language is a modern invention, right?

You realize that although the concept of the nation-state and self-determination as an international order is modern, the concept of the nation itself and the desire to be self-ruled is ancient?

The idea of multi-ethnic diverse cosmopolitanism as the norm among states has never been the case in all of human history.

Not even as a political point, but purely as a verisimilitude point, its fucking retarded to try and shoehorn modern identity politics into a setting where most people probably never travel more then 25 miles from home.

>Monoculture fantasy races.

I like fantasy races, but it's annoying how writers tend to just make them blanket not-somethings.

>Magic is so mundane and accessible that it may as well be a subject taught at school

I like my magic being more esoteric. I hate having it be neatly explained and basically reduced to a science.

>Magic is, mechanically, just a churched up ranged martial weapon

What's wrong with them?

GURPS is a universal system which, while not bad, has a fanbase who tends to believe that GURPS can do particular settings better then systems specifically designed for a particular setting or concept.

In short they're shitheads. I can only assume that user's friends kept mentioning d20 modern in the same light.


Skin color is hardly the only difference between races, user. It really depends on your Elf. There are more differences between blacks and whites than there are between Peter Jackson's idea of elves and whites.

But GURPS can do some settings better than systems specifically designed for them.

In my settings black people were created when a black smith with skill and power rivaling gods hit a hot sword so hard that it exploded and rained soot in his city for days, painting everyone's skin black. There are no asians because Eladrin fill their niche.

Like Dunmer. Only racist. I like it.

Did you just assume that humans developed along the same developmental paths in a fantasy universe as they did in whatever first-world country you currently live in?

Everyone always says tgis is racist, but I don't see how. It's not like I think actual black people have painted skin. These are fantasy humans that were created by a god as fully formed intelligent beings.

Someone trying to "fix" a setting.

>Dunmer, but racist

So.... Dunmer?

Because Dunmer are super racist

I feel a little with you. They aren't even really cool.

But the most unaesthetic weapons remain those dinky pistol crossbows.

Also pic related.

Go fuck yourself.
Nobody want to play with people like that.

No one wants to play with people who are correct in there statements?

>The idea of multi-ethnic diverse cosmopolitanism as the norm among states has never been the case in all of human history.

What is France and Paris?
What is India?
What is Egypt?
What is Rome?

You are retarded.

Those are outliers then.


>People exist with the opinion that X is true.

>It is my opinion that X is true.

>Reply with nonsensical, hyperbolic assertion

What user should have said is that GURPS fans that ALWAYS think GURPS is better are "shitheads".
Sometimes GURPS is better.
Even a stopped clock is better than one without hands.

>What grinds your gears
Greentext. Learn to communicate with sentences.


And I don't just mean fantasy reincarnation, I mean real life beliefs about reincarnation too.

How the fuck does this shit work.
>More humans in the world then ever, where did the new souls come from if they are all reincarnated
>If souls can also live in animal bodies, how do they live in equilibrium as certain species prosper or go extinct?
>If the soul doesn't go into some other afterlife or never gets to remember all of its past lives, what's the point of going around forever?

I just don't get this shit.

I have some workarounds for you. But reincarnation is just religious messing around anyways: it's not built upon logic per se.

>More humans in the world then ever, where did the new souls come from if they are all reincarnated
Souls aren't bound by temporality, so the amount doesn't matter.
I like to think that "everyone" shares the same soul and it forgets its previous life with every reincarnation.
>If souls can also live in animal bodies, how do they live in equilibrium as certain species prosper or go extinct?
They don't? If you mean that souls have to go to the same species: souls can go to every fleshy vessel, so a human can become a seacucumber.
>If the soul doesn't go into some other afterlife or never gets to remember all of its past lives, what's the point of going around forever?
Find the meaning of the life that was just lived is a fun answer, but there supposedly is an afterlife that you get in when you achieve karmic salvation or whatever.

Not very coherent this post, but it might give some excuses for you or others to use.

you have to go back

to your magical realm

>Vancian magic
>the absence of religion in a world supposedly rife with gods

You're retarded.

>>Vancian magic

There is literally nothing wrong with Vancian magic. It's DnD overly complex, unbalanced and somehow still unfun magic system you are thinking of.

>There are more differences between blacks and whites than there are between Peter Jackson's idea of elves and whites.
Oh boy.
Black v White - skin colour, some generalised "look" of facial features.
Elves v white - elves are immortal (though weariness and despair make them "die"), vast differences in grace and strength, elves don't have to blink in snow, leave no tracks. Actual magic. Elves have extreme willowy frames with inhuman muscle strength for their mass. Pointy ears.

You're hung up on cosmetic differences because you're a racist. Get the fuck out.

>All trade hubs are outliers

I like the idea that people are trapped in the cycle or reincarnation as in Buddhism with the goal being to escape the shortcomings of samsaric existence, or something like the Sea of Fertility tetralogy type deal where you see one soul cursed in some way with any outside effort to stop this cycle driving one to ruin.

No, I'm thinking of arbitrarily specific, wacky, memorized, spells per day.

It was weird, but I was skeptical of Finn at first, but he ended up being one of the least shit parts of Episode 7, barring the whole "I have PTSD and won't gun people down, I'm leaving the Stormtroopers AND GUNNING DOWN ANYONE WHO TRIES TO STOP ME!"

In the cinematic sense he's right thiugh, Jackson's elves were just effeminate whites with pointy ears. Negros look much more alien to whites than Legolas, for instance.

>effeminate whites
>look alien to whites
Listen to yourself.

>because you're a racist

This grinds my gear. I'm so sick of you name-calling label focused shitheads