Is MYFAROG any good? How complex is it compared to AD&D, D&D 2 and 3?
Is MYFAROG any good? How complex is it compared to AD&D, D&D 2 and 3?
No, stop asking
It's similar to D&D. Not complex, but there are a shit ton of modifiers and little rules for every specific situation. Overall, it's better than AD&D but worse than most systems nowadays.
It's DND with shitty random tables and boring rules. Just play whatever system you want and homebrew your own ironic pseudo-/pol/ setting.
And go back to spamming /pol/, Christian.
pdf when
Stop making MYFAROG threads.
Don't be a dumb faggot, and go back to /pol/.
Never it seems.
Never, communism is for jews!
Speaking of, why do you people use Jewish criteria of racial purity that have nothing to do with actual genetics?
What is the deal with this pic of this guy telling me not to do things?
It's just a shitty meme. /pol/ loves this idiot because he's down on the niggers and the jews.
It's fun for adventures that involve traveling around vikingstan. Emphasis on traveling. While lots of the mechanics may invoke AD&D, one of the main inspirations was actually The One Ring, so there is a lot of emphasis on getting through the unforgiving wilderness alive and in a timely manner.
Its a mess of over-complicated mechanics an laughably dumb caricatures of broad ethnic and religious groups written by an autist
In other words its a slightly more competent version of FATAL. The difference being Veeky Forums has been Stockholmed by /pol/ to the point some idiots actually defend that instead of just pointing and laughing as we did with FATAL back in the good old days.
You mean the guy himself is spamming the images in hopes of forcing a meme, something he's been doing for the last couple of years.
No one, not even /pol/, likes him.
What 40k army does varg play?
Sweet, there's one
Some people on /pol/ likes the guy because some of them agree with him. Name is Varg, used to be in a metal band.
Truth of the matter is he is a convicted murderer who killed a guy then claimed it was in self defense despite the only witness saying it was pre-meditated, he used to burn down churches, and he was planning on blowing up some leftists with many pounds of explosives. Spent sixteen years in prison, and now makes youtube videos where he is essentially just extremely contrarian. He thinks christians are actually jews and are killing europe, that white people with brown hair or eyes are not white and killing europe, and he thinks capitalism is killing europe, but so is national socialism and communism. As far as I can tell, everything is killing europe.
His name is Kristian and he's and a crypto jew who wants to ruin Europe with his neo-pagan bullshit that only brings disunity.
Yep. Contrarian faggot.
He also makes cool videos about Norse culture and religious beliefs. Pretty eloquent.
The font makes me want to commit genocide.
I wouldn't mind a scan of the latest edition thou I think I'm going to stick to my 2.1 and supliment books and just fudge the rules and not worry about getting new book. its a good system its the best version of ADnD out there atm. thou really you need to be with a group that wants to play AdnD to even bring up myfargo its old school RP its that simple and its well made because its all he did for years in jail. the supliments are cool and id say his take on ethnic stuff etc is obviously bad but its not that aggressive in the games that's over hyped like varg comes from a racist part of the world its not just him its his culture of his hometown etc that made him who he is and this game isn't like "hard to play" with black people etc if your playing even with strangers the stuff in this game isn't offensive enough to be able to larph it off with a stranger at the table its not as overt as people say. this games ok personally I'm keeping MYFARGO as my go to "simple DnD" and then 3.x or maybe soon Starfinder as my go to advanced system. like varg made some thing better than dnd4/5th ed its just that simple 5th ed trys to create the situations Adnd had via adhock ways while this book actually does it by referencing stuff people who actually remember what adnd was like in full swing. every one here on Veeky Forums is 3.x generation you guys deep down know you should all be playing 3.x with minis but if you want to see what old DnD was like myfargo is currently the best way to do that and if you think theres a "new dnd" don't kit yourself 4th is garbage and 5th is a weird attempt to have what 3.x had while patching in the freedom of adnd and it just leaves it a mess.
RP is simple
if you want to pen and paper use myfargo or any thing adnd era.
if you want to use minis or tokens for complex combat use 3.x
and if you want just 1 bloody book to do every thing and you know your group will do fallout style campaigns then you should get a copy of Starfinder when its out.
so going forward based on what most of you guys want to run campains on id say if you want to use tokens and models save up for starfinder and get as much 3.x content you can if you don't want to use token and models and keep it loose get MYFAROG and THE COMMING expansion and go nuts. like literally 99% of campaign ideas I see on here are not suitable for vanilla dnd but to hunt out a specific system for one ideas silly you should keep your rule set generic and adaptable and that's why vargs game is great because the expansions for it are actually quite good but ultimately the product is simple but effective.
I currently have the 3 3rd ed books with 3.5 errata printed out in them and a file of 3.5 spells and I plan to get Starfinder and start using that as main book and the rest as references but content wise ill use any thing 3.x and look into converting guidelines to make 5th ed content work with 3.5 but it might just not be possible as I suspect. ill get into 5th if they release a amazing app for it until that day (if they have one its obviously not good enough to make waves) if they release some like pokemon go style app for 5th then maybe Dnd has a future but right now and for a really long time 3.x and Adnd have been the only 2 systems worth using as a base (WHFBRP lost its appeal when FFgames added paper craft DRM to it) like RPing is easy you can get all your specific rulebooks you like but ultimately you should use myfarog and 3.x core system and use the rest as reference. its not that hard to adapt systems. and what Varg has done with myfarog is adapt adnd to newer thinking and if you don't find maybe 5 references in a entire book as offensive its actually possible to play Vargs stuff is no more offensive than the DND guys who started it all being Christians like people have bias just get over it varg is fucked up about race and sex and stuff but tahts his problem so just look over it and enjoy his game.
its very good and ive played amazing 3.x
>swimming modifiers
It's great. Reads like a /pol/ post
might as well dump a couple of gems
>gender, race/gender mods and suggested character motivations
of course the camera fucks up, well well
>elven backstory
>sunshine vitamins
>nig... darklings and foreigners
>foreigners part 2 and some other races
>classes and their requirements
>irrefutable evidence that prostitution didn't exist in Europe before Christianity
>the white power gardeners
>mus... the horrible cult
i love varg, love his music since the early 2000s and his youtube videos are entertaining. he's a cool guy who doesn't afraids of sounding a bit dumb, and has a rad beard.
he has no idea how to design games though, and it was a waste of money. his maps were cool though.
Holy shit, this is hilarious. It's like white knighting on an epic level.
>M-muh Nord waifus are pure!
>cultists part 2
He really doesn't like girls having sex, does he?
>the ((((Merchants))))
oh come on man, that one is just straight up side down.
The book goes on to describe things that is completely irrelevant, while leaving out descriptions of things that would actually be relevant.
I saw that after I posted. It's not intentional and I'm sorry. It displays fine on the computer but when I uploaded it it got fucked up somehow. Probably the ridiculous resolution
no, absolutely not, see
>Their symbol is the picture of two candlesticks
he doesn't even try to be subtle
You thought he was being subtle after he mentioned the evil monotheists with a fish symbol?
This is huh, wow?
Lots of people like him. Even if some of his beliefs are antiscientific.
>bump after six hours
There's another for that bingo card.
>all races have disadvantages.
Except fairlings apparently
I kind of like that concept, honestly
Pretty sure it's a thinly veiled metaphors for jews considering it mentions sicarii
Why would you think that was intended as evidence? It's really just a statement that happens to be factual.
He's pretty kind to Muslims. Considering he jumped to defend them after one of them ran over a bunch of people in a Christmas Market.
>Muslim extremism is okay when it kills Christians
The guy is a fucking joke.
I don't know, I didn't buy it because I don't give money to arsonists, murderers, or Pagan dogs.
It's a shame I don't speak french or I'd report him to his government for child abuse. Raising children to be deranged criminals like him is almost certainly illegal. His children should be taken from him and he should be returned to prison.
Pic user, scan the whole thing and you might kill the myfarog shilling here for good. Think about it.
>females have higher charisma and lower strength
He did it, the madman actually did it!
Yet because his game sucks so much no one really cares
>I don't know, I didn't buy it because I don't give money to arsonists, murderers, or Pagan dogs.
btw, are you advocating the death penalty? because if everyone would exclude convicted felons the way you do the death penalty would be the more merciful punishment.
Anybody here thinks 'frog' when they try to say 'my farog'?
That's just like, your opinion man
In my country, Varg Vikernes would've gotten a needle in his arm, and it would've been a quicker death than he deserves. I'm as far-right as they come, but there's a difference between Nationalism, even ethno-nationalism, and psychotic antisocial behavior. He belongs in the ground, not in some hut in France. The world would be better if he were a corpse.
Well, fuck. Now that's stuck in my head.
>symbol is crudely drawn fish
It's Christians and it's not even subtle.
Varg confirmed for secret SJW
Christianity, alternate timeline Judaism
>cunning sicarii
Islam, Hashishin cult
Judaism, Christianity and Islam
>crudely drawn fish
Judaism and Islam (circumcision), possibly Christianity (flagellation, cilicium, standing/walking on knees, etc.)
Things in fantasy rarely are a 1=1 transposition, since the setting is based on tribal europe the cult is a stand in for ancient hebrews and similar peoples, just channelling some christianity/islam.
Quit bumping your faggot thread, Christian.
>blood libel
Gee I wonder who that could be.