So many people are going to fuck themselves over by selling at $1/Link.
So many people are going to fuck themselves over by selling at $1/Link
Nah the most deluded bagholders will unironically never sell, they think they will be able to pay shit using this in 2030
what price u holding till?
If it ever reaches 50ยข I'll cream.
Not as many as people who buy at 40 cents
quad quads
Check the charts. IT JUST DID
>Shorted at 20 cents
if it holds current sat value and btc doubles, sure
nice get btw
I think it's hilarious that so many people seem to legitimately count out Chainlink when in reality the top 100 is filled with worthless shitcoins ranging anywhere from 0,01 USD to 100 USD.
Chainlink with its tech and hype is gonna go at least in the dollars. Theres no question about it.
The fucking smart thing to do is never completely dump all your link but to do so over time, imagine if you dumped all your link at $100 to find in a year it's $200
No, i shorted at 5k sats two months ago
It's still a niche and/or a meme at this point. Veeky Forums is always talking about it but not much noise around it anywhere else.
When this starts to get traction, hold on to your butts. It'll be a moon mission unlike any other.
>comparing coins/tokens by their individual price and not marketcap
>being this fucking new
Hitting 50c by Tuesday,
Screen shot this
Why don't you buy everything they are selling smart investor guy? You will sure be the winner eventually.......
>if it holds current sat value
That's not how it works.
The market values Link (and all alts) in $, which is why the $ price of Link usually keeps going sideways whenever BTC moons.
So Manu people are gonna fuck them over by selling at 5$, heck even 10$
This last month I've seen an alarming amount of people measuring shit in usd instead of sats...
He was talking about the top 100, which is measured by market cap.
i made 5mil if i sell 50% of my link holdings, i wouldnt even care mate
Only way to do it.
Sats themselves are measured in USD.
Who cares about cents ffs??? If it hits 50 cents when btc is valued at 999k and 50 cents = 1 sat you lost a shitton of money
Chainlink is dead move on to ripple if you like banks
>If it hits 50 cents when btc is valued at 999k and 50 cents = 1 sat you lost a shitton of money
If it hits 50 cents, it hits 50 cents.
If other assets (like BTC) do even better, then good for them.
> When this starts to get traction
Have you seen the link pool?
I'm prettty sure they contacted Sergey and that Hudges guy to set up their thing.
They are the real insiders and look what they have on their site:
> Register below and we'll send you an email as soon as we launch in a few months!
> a few months
LINK is already getting traction.
We are going to the moon in weeks and to Mars in months.
LINK is the only coin I'm too scared to daytrade. I was trying to catch it swing when it hit Binance out of the blue. So I learned that LINK is a wild card with unexpected news. At SIBOS I learned it has unexpected pnds too. So, trying to trade it is pure gambling: you can sell it before a major ann or buy it on a manipulated pump. The only action you're allowed to take with LINK is buy more at dips.
The update is incoming soon. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in early January. Nobody knows. But one thing for sure, this update gonna set a new support.
Link is traded against btc. it has no fiat pairs.
And how does that change anything?
Show me where you can directly buy/sell chainlink with fiat.
If you only look at the converted fiat value when trading link, how do you know you arent actually losing link with each trade? Because after all, you are trading against btc/eth and not fiat.
>If you only look at the converted fiat value when trading link, how do you know you arent actually losing link with each trade?
Lmao. Because it remains the exact same thing.
If BTC is up in USD, that just means fewer sats buy more Links.
I know user, I sent them an email today trying to get some info and also saw that.
I'm a firm believer in the project. I can't predict the future but I'm very confident in LINK.
Our man Sergey is a guy with a vision. He already was a millionaire way before LINK and he seems to know what he's doing. If this is/was and exit scam, he sure went to a lot of trouble for someone who was already rich.
Im not selling until $1000/LINK
That is cos an alarming amount of people is afraid BTC is a bubble.
With each fork it is getting more obvious that BTC is a dinosaur and no amount of patches can fix this. We already got faster, cheaper to sustain and more scalable currencies.
BTC gonna fall one day but nobody knows when. In 2018 aka the year when normies learn about alts? Maybe. 2019, when all the Ethereum-based projects start to flourish? Perhaps. Right now, when ppl like you say that you gotta measure gains in sats while the only way to increase your BTC holdings is to go into alts? Unlikely but who knows.
Holding alts is much more psychologically comfortable for me than holding BTC.
true, we will need some of you early holders to sell at $1, $5 and $10. The sooner you are off the books and raise the avg buy in, the better
why would anyone sit down and write this trash? Im glad sergey discovered link or he'd just be a total autist
That shows he has a solid moral compass.
Wow, thanks. Just sold 20K.
Also, exit scammers do not show their face on major conferences.
Sergey is too deep in the project to scam us. One might scam random anons but scamming banking institutions is too dangerous to even try.
If everything goes well with link, as a holder who probably couldn't run nodes, do you think that one day I could possibly sell my link privately to a bank or a big node operator?
Why sell when you can stake it and get dividents?
He spent it all on burgers. SELL
OK so you can stack your link to node operator's, would that be easy for a not computer wizard like me, sorry but can you please explain
Absolutely. At this point I'm 100% sure this is not a scam, you don't put so much work in a highly technical detailed whitepaper, go to all these conferences and talk about oracles so much with such passion if you're just gonna run. There really are only two milestones to cross at this point, the only points where we could encounter issues
1. Converting this brilliant idea into technical reality - ie setting up a fully functional mainnet with full accessibility and no bugs/errors
2. Implementing the product into the real world and having institutions functionally using it. If it proves to be efficient, save time, money, energy and other resources and provide a unique service with it's own niche of usability, there's no stopping it. Marketing won't even be needed, the RESULTS will speak for themselves.
You either set up your node yourself or lend money to an existing pool.
The former is a pain in the a, while the latter should be no more difficult than using Etherdelta.
Yes, he would basically be ostracized for life from any and every fintech company if he was fucking around, doing nothing like people say he is.
This is a legit project, with worldwide implications. All those who are crying about a PND or whatever are just retarded or trolling. We will make it. This is our lamb ticket.
No, it won't. You'll stay poor because you won't be able to run Linux + commands on a VM.. Which is pretty basic.
Just keep your LINK and don't stake it, you can be one of those people and you'll still be fine.
>run Linux + commands on a VM.
You need to do this to use that Link pool?
If it's basic computer shit I could work it out I'm sure but if it's full advance shit I don't think I could and I don't want to fuck it up and lose all my link dude
The link pool isn't available nor do we know when it will be. In the beginning it might need some work around it to start staking but nothing that won't be upgraded, eventually.
With time, it'll be pretty easy to stake.
Sweet I can use ED easy. So I'll be fine to lend money to the pool then
This is what I like to hear, thanks user
The only thing I'm concerned about is that there's no guarantee they won't just shut it all down when Link goes up, take all the staking Linkies and run...
The links will be staking through a smartcontract. It will be impossible to get your links. If someone asks you for your links, he's trying to fuck you.
Wow, that's great. Thank you. I'm looking forward to increasing my Linkie stack.
Nice, thanks user. This helps me having to worry about it so much
I predict chainlink $12 eoy 2018. The main net won't be up by then. If/when it does go live we will shoot far pass $12
the one thing that troubles me about it is we don't yet really have any idea of how much link affects node reputation and how much each contract accessing the node will pay. Is there any info for how much they expect this to be yet?
yeah, they said it'd be audited too, prob by quantstamp i guess
ffs why does nobody read the white paper?
i know that but I mean the amount. How much link tokens affect reputation will greatly affect the circulating supply. If they don't actually count that much the token will be fucked.
That's why Sergey said himself chainlink is overvalued
come on m8 when did he say that? That would be the no. 1 fud talking point if true and I've never heard it. At least make the fud believble. It's not like he doesn't have absolute power to devalue it with the company controlling 2/3 of the supply.
>him owning 2/3
Sergey seems to be a correct person. This kind of guy who you can trust.
>Being this fucking stupid
Falling for the SAT meme
Trick question, they will sell at 40c because nobody is retarded enough to hold this anymore.
It can't even hold 2000 sats, that's below ICO price and it can't hold that level, this coin is that pathetic.
>This kind of guy who you can trust.
The profile of a predatory psycopath
I think he just follows a clear line ro reach his goals without listening to others which want him to change his direction. Entschuldigt bitte my english :)
you have my sympathy germanbro
Well duh the main net isn't even up yet. Before that happens the token isn't being used for anything other than trading back and forth. The whole point of finding things like LINK early is to accumulate BEFORE it blows up. The difference between buying at 15 cents as opposed to $1.50 is that when it goes to $15 you're looking at a 10x which is nice or a 100x which is life changing. Obviously buying before the token is being utilitized is higher risk but with it comes higher reward and I personally don't see them failing unless they completely shit the bed on this in every possible way.
>It can't even hold 2000 sats
How much is that in Amazon stocks?
Veeky Forums just doesn't get this and that's okay, they're the ones who buy ath and give us our gains. This board is filled with people who knew about req, iota, and xrp at 4 cents, $1 and .005 cents respectively but failed to understand the point is to get them before they blew up.
shit chainlinks marketcap isn't even that low but enough people have already recognized the potential to push it up to 100 million even as the team seemingly does everything possible to keep the price low. That alone should give these dumb fudders pause but of course it won't.
>the team seemingly does everything possible to keep the price low.
what's the logic in that?
Keep potential institutional users from getting the impression that they're about to buy a volatile asset at an inflated price.
- no hype
- no communication
- not actively pursuing exchanges
Literally the complete opposite of every other ICO
>Before that happens the token isn't being used for anything other than trading back and forth
Many coins that are worth 5-10x what LINK is worth are not being used for anything.
The problem with this coin is that it's really hard to recover from a 90% dump in BTC value because everyone wants to get out on that one final pump thus actual moons are impossible. This is what brainlets like this guy cannot comprehend.
Potential institutional users won't be buying tokens from Binance, and once again, the price of the token does not matter and the cost of service can always remain the same no matter if 1 LINK is worth 1c or $100.
>not volatile
wew lad
I'm not going to try and explain supply and demand to you or how nodes hoarding LINK for higher priority will decrease supply. Also those other coins that aren't being used but have a higher value are being pumped by empty hype from the team. Some people don't understand the potential that chainlink has for blockchain as a whole and that's understandable. It takes a while to grasp the whole picture.
yea this guy isn't even trying. You can acknowledge it might not pan out, there might not be enough people who want to use chainlinks services for there to be enough staked nodes to push the price up, but to say there's no mechanism for increasing demand and lowering supply is just retarded.
The potential is massive. Again who knows if it will happen. But sergey is trying to make the business infrastructure of tomorrow in the same way linux is the entreprise server solution or AWS is becoming the cloud solution.
>hoarding LINK for higher priority
It's not even that important, there are many things that make up a reputation.
>It takes a while to grasp the whole picture.
Lmao, I can grasp it just fine. It's just that Sergey's autistic approach is not working out so good for him.
We have people spamming SWIFT's tweets that LINK is connected to neo-nazis and everyone else spamming moon, etc.
Do you realize that Sergey is the one who's to blame for this? The public image of this coin is ruined because bagholders try to find meaning in things that have nothing to do with LINK.
And they do this because Sergey implied huge partnerships and then just bailed, leaving a trail of bagholders in the dust.
Now this is why you need to grasp the whole picture, because there are more issues with the community than the actual tech itself.
I'll sell chainlink for ETH and ETH for fiat
checkmate nigger
>Potential institutional users won't be buying tokens from Binance, and once again, the price of the token does not matter and the cost of service can always remain the same no matter if 1 LINK is worth 1c or $100.
I know all that.
But if Chainlink had done what many other cryptos do, it would've had a massive bull run followed by the inevitable massive dump, just like a lot of them.
And that doesn't look good however you cut it.
Instead Link grew gradually to 4x, stayed there for three weeks, and then gradually dropped to 15-20c and stayed there for many weeks.
Link isn't very volatile for a crypto, no.
And it's extremely undervalued.
do you not realize that's happened to literally every cryptocurrency? Someone asked the IOTA team why they support white genocide and routinely post comments exactly like that on every single tweet referencing the coin. Articles come out every day about bitcoins popularity in the alt-right and white supremecist community yet instittutional support keeps growing. They care about money a few retarded tweets from people who have around 30 million of a total supply of a billion coins really don't matter at all.
The "community" you speak of is autistic people trading worthless tokens back and forth. You're right about that, but like I said once they get the network up none if this will matter. To deny the fact that LINK has an absolutely retarded upside is just plain stupid.
It's funny to me how many people cry when they realize Sergey isn't going to pump up the token price before it has a working product. They fucking hate it because they want 10000x moon gains NOW not in 6 months or so year.
>Potential institutional users won't be buying tokens from Binance, and once again, the price of the token does not matter and the cost of service can always remain the same no matter if 1 LINK is worth 1c or $100.
I know all that.
But if Chainlink had hyped their own project like many other cryptos do, we would've had a massive spike followed by a massive sell-off already.
Which never looks good.
Instead, Link rose and fell very gradually and with moderation. For a crypto.
>Sergey implied huge partnerships
You're a bullshit artist, my man.
Those huge companies themselves implied those partnerships; and they did so by getting directly involved with Chainlink.
In fact, I don't think Sergey was ever the first to announce a big name getting involved with Chainlink.
It was always coindesk or something that broke the news.
>It's not even that important, there are many things that make up a reputation.
Read the white paper.
Link is staked by nodes on potential contracts as well.
>But if Chainlink had hyped their own project like many other cryptos do, we would've had a massive spike followed by a massive sell-off already.
But they already did this, 12k ATH to 1K ATL?
>Instead, Link rose and fell very gradually and with moderation. For a crypto.
>pic related
What are you smoking?
>But they already did this, 12k ATH to 1K ATL?
More like 50 cents ATH (for a millisecond) to ~14 cents ATL.
The best Link did was 5x ICO, for a millisecond. Which is peanuts in crypto.
And the rise was very gradual, over many weeks.
And it stayed near the top (around 40 cents) for three weeks.
And the fall was very gradual, over many weeks.
Nothing like the typical crypto hype spike which goes up and down 30x in a few days.
That graph shows how many weeks?
>measuring in satoshis
Literal brainlet.
That's a 1 day chart.
>And the rise was very gradual, over many weeks.
It took 3 days for ATH, it was listed only on EtherDelta before.
>And the fall was very gradual, over many weeks.
The only thing gradual about this chart is the bleeding once it dumped about 60% and then the remaining 30% kept bleeding until we hit a 90% drop.
Everyone who's been in the game for years measures in satoshis, maybe follow some crypto OGs on Twitter and watch them laugh at your newfag fiat measuring.
I'm sorry you have to cope with your shitcoin losses by telling yourself that 90% dump is just fine.
my goal is to collect as many link memes as link tokens that i hold
>mfw only 39k to go
>That's a 1 day chart.
Lol. Good joke.
That 11,970 sats top was Oct. 6, and the lowest sat price CMC is showing was 1,300 sats, on Dec. 12.
>It took 3 days for ATH, it was listed only on EtherDelta before.
Like I said, you're a bullshit artist.
Link was listed on Binance on Sept. 28th, and the ATH in sats was Oct. 6.
So that's over a week.
The ATH in $ was Oct. 16th, so another ten days.
And Link was gradually rising in price before it was listed on Binance, so your whole point is moot anyway.
>Everyone who's been in the game for years measures in satoshis
Wow, good argument.
Sats are themselves valued in $, you brainlet.
Selling at 1$ will be suicide, normies will hear about it and start buying it
Someone please write a script that automatically downloads new link memes
It should be easy. Image recognition is widely available now, just make it search for the link cube or sergey's face.
>Lol. Good joke.
Jesus fuck I had to make a special pic, just for you.
Here is the zoomed in 1 day chart, as you can see my mouse is hovering over the third candle, look at the date.
>listed 9/28
>ATH 9/30
>And Link was gradually rising in price before it was listed on Binance, so your whole point is moot anyway.
The price on ED remained mostly the same from the day of release until the 28th when it was listed on Binance.
Zoom in the first 10 days on CMC and you'll see just sideline action.
>Sats are themselves valued in $, you brainlet.
Nice argument hahahaha, the performance of an altcoins is measured against the pairs it's trading.
LINK is traded against Bitcoin, end of discussion you idiot.