Classic Risk pt. 2

Got banned on pol for playing risk. If you guys can see this then let's play.

Can anyone be a bro and show this to the guys on /pol/? The board is called classic risk in the catalog. I can't post there.

I'll join next game

Thanks desu for coming back
Fill Belorussian

Can we have a new game, OP? Pic related:

Fill Turkey. Spills invade Scorpiongirl

Fill Greece then defend against Kebabs.

Hey! I found OP!

Spill into baltics

Attack Scorpiongirl in all full regions I can touch.

Keep filling the Netherlands, spill into Germany


Change roll to invading Cyprus and Lebanon through Crete.

After filling Greece and defending against Kebabs, kill the Serbians.

Sorry mate you're finished. Twas a good fight though.

No roll changes.

if bavaria dont rejoin can i step in


Do you have the 30 years war Europe wide map?

Ah, well. Nice guys with nice tactics finish last.

I will be monitoring this thread to see the glorious ass-kicking soon.

im okee dokee with that

Nope but I could look for it.

Well dick me in the buttock, my plan to sweep up German clay goes out the window then.

Hey Poland, can we take a NAP?

Can I join as Russia if it's free?

Serbia is now dead.

Don't touch Bavaria or Poland, invade Denmark

No one trusts you.

I'll add your previous roll to this turn.

Fill in Northern Italy

Defend, Conquer Turkey, spills into Cyprus and Greece


Kill Kebabs in Turkey then Caucuses.

finish up Ukraine and push into Sweden okay

Updated Bonus

Thanks mate.

Fill Russian territories

NAP me maybe Polska?

You can't get into Sweden, help me defeat the degenerate. their alliance is attacking your alliance. Work with me.

we still allied, or as a new player you want to end the Slaviance

He can move through Denmark?

Also break scorpiongirl NAP, not declaring war

We're still allied, right m8?

Sorry, wrong person.
Also, you want him to break a NAP, you Kebabs are the true jews.

I'll stay allied with you but I might attack other countries you are okay with if I run out of space

Sweetness, thanks friend

yeah it's fine, just not Bavaria

Sure it would a dick move to just join and attack someone who is allied with my nation. Maybe I could help you later if you want

But why though? You can move through Denmark to fill Scandinavia.

You can't get into sweden

okay then attack the danes

Thanks bro. Can you ask Poland for Moldova, or head through Norway
One of my allies left, yours are all here. What do you think?

He can move through Denmark to Sweden though.

I am assuming that you wanting the Scandinavian countries in which case I must ask where you stand with Scorpiongirl

You would have to attack France to get to Denmark.

Hey France can you cede an opening to Scandinavia to Poland?

okay, just fill the Ukraine. fortifie against scorpiongirl border with spill

Sure, I'll scede some of my Denmark land, as long as I can still get to Norway though

I won't mind letting you pass through a little bit of Russia if you cede me Moldova later on. You can have Finlan

don't worry about it, i have a plan. you just do you

are all of you okay with me absolutely raping africa


Okay man it's just that this map is pretty cramped and I'll need to fight someone at some point

Attack the scorpion menace to the south. fuck up that jew

Cede all danish territory to the french

Remove Scorpiongirl from Turkey, then defend, then push into Greece and Bulgaria to jew bonuses

fill in missing land in my territories

continue to rap africa

Defend against Poland, then attack Kebabs in Turkey.

OP was that pink part of Russia a mistake? Continue filling Russia (and the part in the south) and spills go to Finland

fixing trip code


forgot to change bonus kek

Invade Polska, and defend

you have to wait a turn to break NAP

Leave room for me kek

fixed Bonus

We need someone to take over Asian Dawn, then we'll have everyone back in the game.

Scandinavia is all you friend,

MMM, forgot about that rule, okie doke

So... Looks I'm not the only one who despises you.

Poland cede Moldova to Russia, it costs you nothing, and it lets Russia get into the fight against Scorpiongirl


Cede moldovia to the rooskies

Cede Romania to Jimmy

Take over for Asian Dawn, they left, and we need someone to play them.
Also kek at Ghost Serbia

I break my NAP with Poland, diet Germany is overrated .

Can you guys wait a hour or so? I have to go out to dinner right now.

thank you friend i have seen this person before in other threads and she is not kind

fuck me

no she isn't, she a jew

I promise I'll be back.

How much?

you dont have to accept the ceding

Half the thread hates you m8.
Can Serbia take over Asian Dawn, they left, and Serbia could play them?

>half the thread

Serbia wanna take over as OP for some time?

oh poland you are mine now you nigger i want to sit my fat ass in Krakow

OP, do you think Serbia would be a fair OP, when he has been complaining for the last few turns?

I trust Serbia to be fair

okay, just saying scorpiongirl is a bitch. nothing against you just trying to remove this jew