What's a good rpg system to play an ERP?
What's a good rpg system to play an ERP?
Maid RPG
It's a very comprehensive ERP ruleset.
because I love getting fucked by a system
Depends on the setting
Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d6)
That works too
>tfw no GURPS Gays
D&D B/Xº
Depends on the setting. What do you want your characters to do when they aren't fucking? Do you want to fuck elves or aliens? Do you want rules for the fucking?
I'm mostly looking for simply a regular tabletop rpg session with the possibility for having sex and such. I think that my player will be fucking monsters and beastfolks most of the time. And I'm looking for rules for seduction, sex, and maybe even some other stuff such as magic, magic items and whatever.
Risus is the best ruleset I've found for lewd games.
Not OP, but this seems like it would work well enough. I've always wanted to do an ERP campaign but I'm not sure exactly what it would look like. Mostly because for me it seems like a lot of things I would enjoy lead to less agency for the most part. It would be hard to make much of a game out of it; maybe I'm just not creative enough.
>things I would enjoy lead to less agency
Details? Do you like stuff like captured princess knights?
More like being captured myself. It seems like it might get dull.
>roll to resist interrogation
>roll to stave off Stockholm syndrome
>maybe try and seduce captors to find an opening to escape?
I guess it's hard to really flesh out much beyond a one-shot, on top of including what other players, if present, would like their characters to be focusing on.
Maybe I'm over thinking this.
Legends of the Wulin's Chi Conditions are really good for letting you have some mechanics in ero stuff without it being overbearing.
A Chi Condition is just a narrative clause tied to a mechanical bonus or penalty. Obey the clause and get the bonus, or neglect the clause and take the penalty.
I've had players get opponents so flustered and horny in combat they can't fight, or influenced someone towards sluttiness by having things just seem to go their way whenever they used sex to their advantage.
There are almost never rolls during sex itself, but Chi Conditions created in fights or in the rest of the game can have an influence, while sex can also create Chi Conditions of its own.
One NPC is actually transitioning from a skilled mundane fighter to a full Xia through a sex based condition, giving her Wood Chi cultivation the more people she fucks.
How do Chi Conditions get created?
The system uses them to represent a lot of things, but the primary way is Secret Arts. These are split into five archetypes- Warriors, Doctors, Courtiers, Priests and Scholars.
The latter four are most relevant here. I've had Doctors use herbal medicine, massage or acupuncture to do sexy things to people, Courtiers are all about seduction if they want to be, although they can also do the 'Reduce them to nothing and make them kiss my toes' stuff just as well. Priests are a little weirder, but you can still do some odd sexy stuff with curses and mystic influences. Priests are the strangest still, because of temporary conditions on people they can create global prophecies that affect the world. This has been used for in setting shipping purposes more than once.
The primary means shared by most archetypes is 'Discovery'. In universe, it represents finding and categorising what's already there, but OOC you present evidence to the GM for a condition existing, then make a roll against a difficulty based on how plausible it is.
There's also the more direct approach, which is actually usable in combat, rolling against someone to create and inflame conditions on them. Which is why some fights have ended with opponents on their knees begging for it. It's rather fun.
*Scholars are stranger still
Not priests, damnit.
Yeah, now that I think about it, I guess I'm looking at it in a bit too "gamist" a view. A lot of the things that I would find enjoyable seem like "losing," like getting cursed or being captured. I guess the perfect party would be one full of characters that have fun at my expense.
Want to keep this thread alive.
I don't see this as a mechanical issue so much as a dramatic one, but you could play in one-shot vignettes, if necessary. Your character gets captured and turned into a rape-bitch; cue up the next character. You just have to try to be vocal and interactive as the victim and not just sit there and say "okay, then what happens to my character?" Because that's boring and makes the victimizer essentially write a story all by himself. It can help if your character basically ends up being a switch, capable of being both a victimizer and a victim within the plot, though obviously that's not everybody's cup of tea.
Of course, if you have ERP elements in an otherwise normal campaign, it can give impact to the ERP bits and help alleviate the issue of quickly coming to the dead end of your character being an enslaved mind-broken fucktoy. That can happen at the end of the campaign/adventure... or in the middle if you don't mind switching characters midstream. But either way, it will give you more time with the character.
If you're okay with succession of capture-and-escape scenarios, then that gives you a bit more leeway. This is how I play a lot of the monster bits, with a betrayal within the party tending to be more permanent.
As far as a rules system goes, I don't know that it much matters other than to say that any mechanics that apply to the actual ERP part should be minimal to nonexistent. Sex shouldn't be a long series of mechanical challenges. That's fucking boring and very unfun.
Rolled 12 (1d20)
>Sex shouldn't be a long series of mechanical challenges.
Roll to see if you successfully insert penor into vagoo
>Of course, if you have ERP elements in an otherwise normal campaign, it can give impact to the ERP bits and help alleviate the issue of quickly coming to the dead end of your character being an enslaved mind-broken fucktoy.
I think this might be the best way to do it. It would seem kind of... silly to have a character that's only purpose is to "avoid" getting captured. Being able to fully flesh out a character and have them do stuff outside of an ERP context gives the erotic scenes more of an impact, at least in my mind.
I've run adventures in which bands of characters brave a high-tech arena full of death traps, genetically-altered beasts, killer robots, and a whole shitload of other "gladiators", but where one of the greatest dangers is the other members of your party (whether they want to split the credits you've earned together between fewer people, or they just want the opportunity to rape you six ways to Sunday). It's all about scheming, double-crosses, and intra-party violence against the backdrop of a sci-fi labyrinth, and more often than not, a given character won't make it out alive and free. But when a character dies, a clone is activated and receives most of the memories of their early incarnation (total recall up to the point of their last scan, which occurs before they enter the arena, and possibly some fuzzy recall thereafter, depending on how I'm running the game), so you don't have to constantly create new characters. Of course, your clones can run out, but character creation is pretty quick in any case. All of this enables a breakneck pace with serious consequences without having to rationalize a way for a particular character to get captured and escape over and over again.
What do you think the G stands for
I've never done it--not really, anyway--but it seems to me that something like Fate, with aspects that let you influence the narrative would be ideal. Rather than everything just being about your character's mechanical capabilities, you can shape the direction the story goes in. After all, unlike normal games, you might not actually want your character to win, and choosing "rape bitch" as an aspect could certainly help steer the story in the direction you want it to go. I'm not sure that I'd go with the standard invoking/compelling scheme though. Since it's less clear that you want good things to happen to your character, there may be good reason to blur the lines between the two.
Helmet lady is checking out slave 1. Slave 2 is checking out helmet lady. Good money has it that slave 2 joins the dark side and helps helmet lady have a go at her erstwhile friend.
You should watch the movie
You up to run anything?
Every time this thread is made, it eventually comes to the same consensus: Just freeform the ERP bits, use whatever system you like. Rolling for sex is dumb. Rules for social manuevering seem nice on paper. Like the CofD social manuevering rules.
The more important question is this:
Which online game community has the best pool of players to recruit for ERP games?
GURPS? (If people actually play this and don't just constantly suggest it to every person asking for a new system for "X")
Are you recruiting?
GURPS, use the erotic art skill