What would happen if someone ate the Tarrasque
What would happen if someone ate the Tarrasque
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They get a stomach ache and probably buy laxatives.
All of it?
all of it.
>First, catch your rabbit.
The whole thing?
All at once, or a bit at a time??
well you gotta eat it all at once or else it comes back to life in 18 seconds.
It would be extremely painful
>What would happen if someone ate the Tarrasque
They'd take a 'Tarrasque' sized dump later...
well if you think about it. if you keep ripping chunks off of it every six seconds at a steady pace, it won't revive.
the rules state that "it will revive in 3 rounds (18 seconds) UNLESS you continue to deal damage to it each round."
>What would happen if someone ate the Tarrasque
They'd probably become the next Tarrasque.
If it doesn't go past the stomach they'd never go hungry again.
Eventually you couldn't rip off another piece from the Terrasque, you would only be left with a singular atomic point that would regenerate in 18 seconds.
But that wouldn't be true because all parts would be inside your stomach being dissolved by stomach acid, fulfilling the damage stipulation while also turning it into a substance that isn't Tarrasque, leaving behind no way for the Tarrasque to regenerate.
The tarresque is immune to acid damage.
Go to bed, Talrand.
>you don't have to explain anything, but you do need to eat all the tarasque.
Oh god you couldn't digest it.
It would just stay in your stomach.
Or you'd shit straight tarasque.
If you are a tarrasque, you'd just shit out a tarrasque.
Funnily enough, My character actually could eat the tarrasque by herself. In six seconds. and instantly metabolize it into HP. She'd heal 60 HP from it too.
>tear ass
You don't deal acid damage to digest things, you simply did do digest. It's like how you don't deal unarmed damage to objects to break them with your hands, you roll to break them.
Don't eat the Tarrasque, man
Instead befriend the Tarrasque
+5 to all physical stats, duh.
Care to explain?
That's ridiculous rules lawyering. You're looking at what it says without taking into account what it means. The body of the tarrasque can't be broken apart by acids. Including something as weak as stomach acid.
To paraphrase a very famous professor: "Listen; this is going to be one hell of a bowel movement. He'll be lucky if he has any bones left."
"Isn't time for your nap Professor?"
Are there any creatures in DnD with unusual methods of digestion that don't use acids?
Ungermaw, Gonzo 2 3pp supplement for pathfinder.
Turns you into a human kirby.
You can choose the character option Corpse Eater at level 6.
"As a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the ungermaw may consume the body of a dead creature (not an undead above 0 hit points). Doing so heals the ungermaw 2 hit points per HD of the creature, and destroys the body. The creatures must have died within the last minute, and needed to have a number of HD equal to or greater than ½ the ungermaw’s level. The ungermaw must be at least 6th level to take this talent."
god it's dead just eat the fucking thing where the hell is your gaming spirit
Actually, does the immunity to acid thing come from the skin naturally, or is it a magical effect exerted by a living Tarasque? Because if this infinitely regenerating creature can produce super acid and magic resistant skin, than it would probably be worth hiring an army of murderhobos to constantly harvest one for its skin and organs.
says it has to be dead. Do you have a way of eating it live? or have you already killed it?
That'd make for a cool Monster Empire plot. Like they use the ever-trying-to-regenerate body of the thing to fuel organic ultratech using its incredible hide and alchemical functions of the organs and infinite power food of the meat. And it's a made struggle to ever hew the beast down and apart as it regrows, because if it does, it'll rampage again.
There was a thread about this.
Thats a good question
On one hand, I would say that the parts of a Tarrasque would probably still retain their aspects, a gland was taken from it for a spell canonically so it would make sense.
On the other hand, if you could just take a scale from a Terrasque and forge a set of armor you would be the most broken thing imaginable if it had the same resistances as the Terrasque. If you used a tooth of a Terrasque would you deal the same damage as it would?
At level 9 she gets swallow hole for medium creatures, but she only naturally can swallow whole gargantuan creatures at level 18.
But all is not lost, She can self cast Enlarge person if she eats a spell effect (basically dispel magic). It lasts for a number of rounds equal to the spell level she ate.
Not surprised, seems like an easy idea to try. Could have bone weapons, hide armor, tons of spells and blood power, could make it an entire demon empire kinda deal.
This is the kind of quality discussion that I expect from Veeky Forums
To be fair though. unless she's got a belt of godly constitution +9000. The tarresque is probably getting out of her belly inside of a round or two.
Her stomach wall only has HP worth her level + Con modifier. so at max level. that's only about 26. Then she has to vomit the tarresque back up.
and before you ask, its technically a stomach like pocket dimension. not her real stomach.
So its preferable to Temporarily kill it first.
You ever heard of Grom the Paunch?
He's a pretty big guy, but he's also look like the ultimate Manlet in comparison to what this theoretical person afterward
Salt and Bone.
Discovered it while on 1d4chan. Its entire concept is that there is a living terrasque chained and nailed to the earth. An entire city has been built and various military orders and aristocracy centered around the creatures bones and hide.
(No I'm not the creator.)
>That's ridiculous rules lawyering
No, it's not. An item with enough DR/hardness/whatever rule to be immune to your unarmed damage can be burst with ridiculous low DCs by the same character. This is because the HP and damage rules are for combat and don't really apply when doing shit outside of it.
not finding anything for it there, although there was a similar concept over on RPGnet
My apologies, my memory was foggy and I'm retarded (need sleep).
A quick Google search turned up this:
Or alternatively, search up "Salt in wound".
Awinita, Why are you so scary? why you gotta eat the tarrasque, was the prospects of eating the kraken overlord not enough?
holy FUCK this is cool and makes me want to dm again
well barring it reviving inside of someone. it'll be digested and turned mostly into fat.
The average kilo of meat renders out to an average of 2,000 calories.
The tarrasque weights about 130 tons. which equates roughly to 117,934 kilos.
Assuming all of that weight is edible meat (i know it isnt' but fuck measuring bones and the carapace.) assuming 70% of that is edible meat. you get about 82554 kilos.
Run that with our average cut of meat calulation. and you're looking at about 165108000 calories.
assuming again that the majority of that is going to get stored as fat. our poor devourer is gonna gain 21,442 and a half kilos of fat.
that's 23.6 tons. or there abouts.
That's not even counting the bone, chitan, and other wierd stuff in a Tarrasque
Ever seen the ending to Godzilla 2000?
>165108000 calories.
Tarrasque confirmed for God tier bulk food?
>bulk food
If you intend to use the tarrasque for gains... Go then, become HUGE.
never thought I'd see an official published version of that setting, here's the original RPGnet thread for the concept(which oddly enough doesn't appear to be mentioned anywhere on either the blog or kickstarter page for the setting);
It would be delicious.
Typically supernatural flesh is poisonous.
>Stomach acid
Ok, user. Go ahead and drink the H2SO4.
>You can't eat it cause it has immunity to acid!
>accuses someone ELSE of being a rules lawyer
only if it states in the stat block, user! Otherwise we must assume its perfectly edible.
>5% HCl
On the contrary - unless you have Swallow Whole in your description, than you are unable to eat anything.
so the real question that needs to be answered here is: how are you all overcoming its damage reduction with just your teeth?
amulet of might fists
Teleport it into the heart of Menzoberanzan then sit back and watch with a bowl of popcorn.
Motherfucker, do you eat all your meat raw?
Just cook your fucking food.
Cut it into little bits with an enchanted dagger, swallow it whole, and die horribly when it regenerates while passing down your esophagus.
I bet the various planar metropolises get real tired of smart ass adventurers teleporting the Tarrasque into their city.
Though I bet places like Menzoberanzan have means in place to handle shit like that.
Like their own Teleporter to hot-potato the damn thing over to that Illithid city.
You're all ignoring the obvious answer. If you eat the Tarrasque you gain it's power.
Can you cook it in under 18 seconds?
Actually, would the heat of cooking it be continually dealing damage to it?
In other words, you turn into the tarrasque.
>Target you and touched objects or other touched willing creatures
Doesn't work.
Not immediately though. Every time you regenerate, you gain a few more of its features.
What if it's like that Tomie comic and every single piece turns into an entirely new Terrasque? You'd end up with an army of them.
I mean who's to say the ripped off bits wouldn't grow on their own?
It would be extremely painful.
I'm surprised that's printed in an actual (if 3rd party) book. I know Veeky Forums has done something like that at least twice (the all-devouring vore loli for PF and the devouress class for 5th edition), but that's because Veeky Forums doed weird things.
Incidentally, both could swallow a tarrasque at high enough levels (although the latter only in one specialisation), but would have trouble actually damaging it (unless 5th efition tarrasque is not immune to acid damage. I can't remember) or keeping it down. Devouress could also digest a dead tarrasque, since the ability to digest a dead creature does not deal acid damage, while the ADVL would have to spam one ability and hope the tarrasque fails a con check (not very likely) to get instakilled.
In PF lore I think it's established that there must always be a tarrasque, but there can only be one. If it gets chopped to pieces, one piece (the largest if they're different sized) regenerates, and if it gets completely destroyed, a new one will be created beneath the earth and rise to the surface.
You're a big guy
>solving the problem in a creative, outside the box style
>rules lawyering
>following the books text and rules to the point of absurdity
>somehow not rules lawyering
If one half of the argument requires the word 'technically' then that is typically the more rule-lawyery one
>I'll eat it
>but your stomach acid won't work since it's immune to acid
>TECHNICALLY stomach acid doesn't cause acid damage so it's fine even though it makes n sense to work from a flavour perspective
>something should automatically work because it is 'creative'
Well the problem with you is that you think of every problem and situation through combat rules.
But I'm not, the Tarrasque is immune to acid, ipso facto stomach acid should have no effect, I really don't see why the conversation would need to go any further
The Tarrasque is immune to acid in a battle, as in a situation where is get splashed with a small amount of acid at most. Do you think that the Tarrasque wouldn't dissolve if it was submerged in nitric acid over 1000 years? It's like saying a creature immune to fire wouldn't die on the sun.
Immune is immune, you're thinking of resistant
and the sort of acid used to be effective in combat is an order of magnitude more powerful than stomach acid. Heck things like gelatinous monsters actually digest things as attacks and they deal acid damage, which the Tarrasque is immune to
So you imagine a red dragon could live on the sun?
It would not die from fire damage on the sun. Gravity and pressure certainly, but not fire.
Remember, there's an elemental plane of fire where creatures immune to fire live, and layers of the abyss that are just oceans of flesh-stripping acid that creatures immune to acid live in.
I understand what you're saying, and you can rule that the tarrasque could be digested, but your particular example is a little off.
Just as long as you remain cute.
no, it just wouldn't die to fire, since it is IMMUNE
Teleport traps are a thing, user.
Fine, I concede that it's immune to acid and can therefore never be dissolved.
I guess we can try drowning it in alkaline.
Alkaline does acid damage in D&D
So the tarrasque is immune to anything with a pH value?
it would be pretty safe to assume whatever deemed to make the tarrasque so invulnerable wouldn't leave alkaline out of the list of inuvlnurabilities
That's far to basic to work on the Tarrasque.
I remember some thread a year or so ago, setting building.
A city had captured a tarrasque, and chained it down with adamantium. Holy clerics/butchers continually cast spells on it to keep it down, and harvest its flesh for free food/leather for the citizens. A river of it's blood flowed out from the temple where it was kept.
cute as can be.
Could you kill a Tarrasque with suffocation, similar to how you can shove a Troll's head into a puddle if you don't have fire/acid handy?
Salt in Wound, further up in the thread.
>pH between 1 and 3
>Battery acid at 1 or so
Yeah, it's pretty good. Its no ClF3 or something, but you don't want any on your face.