So here's a handy graphic to help you understand, you fucking retards.
There were some real brainlets in here last night arguing that "it doesn't matter, I only care about USD m8".
If you still don't understand after seeing this, you are hopeless.
So here's a handy graphic to help you understand, you fucking retards.
There were some real brainlets in here last night arguing that "it doesn't matter, I only care about USD m8".
If you still don't understand after seeing this, you are hopeless.
Other urls found in this thread:
I learned the hard way. Put in 10k into a shitty alt 4 months ago, it literally did nothing, it held its USD but didnt move. Consequently its BTC value dropped almost 10x. So yeah, i sold to break even, but would've made 10x more with btc...
If you actually lose btc value trading alts (and/or still increase usd value) you can write that off as a loss for tax purposes. Losing sats but increasing usd value is actually the god tier solution.
The HODL meme is unironically the best advice
What about gaining ETH?
I do my trades with eth just because i hold eth
>hey i didn't make as much money as i could've made
>now i don't have to pay as much taxes :^)
wow it literally makes sense!
yes you must denominate everything in btc now
except btc is a bubble with no use case
>mixing politics, ideologies and philosophy with chasing alpha
this is why you will forever be poor goy
So lesson is sell alts in exchange for btc?
It doesn't matter. You are basically arguing that Bitcoin will always outperform every altcoin just because it did for the last two months. The ultimate goal is to make money, that means fiat.
>last two months
Don't chase a pump you dumb fuck
This picture also assumes that altcoins get their worth exactly from BTC, which is true in some of not most cases, but not all
For byspel,
Why couldn't you go into ETH earlier this year when ETH went from less than 40ish dollars to $300ish and BTC meanwhile was fuckin around only going from 1500 to 3000
Your picture only indicates that BTC got better returns IN USD VALUES and that you should simply hold BTC.
The alt/BTC ratio only tells you about opportunity costs and that's it. Since most of us pay their bills in fiat (and cash out at some point), BTC value isn't important.
Let's say you buy some alts for 5000 USD and the market crashes. Your alts drop hard in USD value but so does BTC => you don't lose much satoshis. YOU LITERALLY LOST MONEY BECAUSE YOU'RE GONNA PAY YOUR BILLS WITH FIAT.
>Paying bills with money you gamble on crypto "investing"
But my altcoin has quadrupled in USD and more than doubled in BTC
>bitcoin brainlet trying to insult others
What happens if Bitcoin crashes? Since you only worried about sats, you’re going to be hit a lot harder than people who focused on the fiat value. Did you consider that?
BTC has already stagnated and you have all these pajeet tier IQs telling you it’s the only coin that matters.
2018 - Year of the Altcoin
If you don’t adjust then you’re no different to boomers laughing at people for buying crypto.
alter... for example not beispiel, du idiot
OK my wording was a little bit unlucky but you get the point. In real life you use fiat.
No, he is making the case that btc will outperform the altcoins you pick.
Fucking baka, he's not telling you to avoid altcoins, he's saying if you made less than holding bitcoin would have made you it was fucking pointless.
Stilleth gets bled by btc, so you might be making a bunch of ETH butt it don't matter cus ETH is stagnant and btc is rocketing (hypothetical situation that's pretty common)
Allow me:
You do understand that this is about Slavery, right? Yer Coinz are awesome now, as they appear to be generating value. Really it's a black hole for fiat. Once it implodes the Governments are gonna take it over and this will be the new fiat of the world. let that sink in
Can't cash out nice just bought 100k hey guys I found my old hard drive trips gets 21 btc
>It was pointless to make gains because if, in hindsight, you would have held something, you could have made more gains - so your gains are actually losses
when will this stupid meme die?
This will be the means by which everyone is kept in line. All hail the new world slave wage order
Pure bullshit
Look I know of you clowns think fiat will be dead soon and we'll all use BTC for everything, but for those who do not ascribe to this world view, you can't get them to care about sats. They see an altcoin and decide to invest. Their altcoin goes up in fiat value for whatever reason. They are now happy. The end.
when btc goes ultimatively to zero in $ values, you will gain a lot of satoshis. just wait.
>buy 1 btc worth of shitcoin
>it's now worth 0.5 btc
sweet gainz bro
I can tell you,ve been here for less than 6 mo this. No worries dude, you’ll learn the hard way (like most of us) to watch out for your fucking satoshis (which actually go up in value) rather than the piece of trash underperforming fiat
>mo this
Fuckng autocorrect
>Buy 1 btc worth of pajeet pnd coin
>It's made gains faster than bitcoin
>Sell back through BTC/ETH for fiat
Now what spastic?
Well that's fine then. You're still checking if what you made is more than what you would have made just holding BTC, which is the whole point of this thread.
if you actually managed this, you are the small percentage doing it right, the other shitskins on this board are just being deluded
When is bitcoin crashing? I've moved all my btc holdings back in to USD. Or is tether just going to pump trillion in to btc for no reason?
Eth did this
Granted you have to pick the right coins (whether its good tech or get lucky to get in before a PnD) but a fiat gain is still a gain, even if the gain is less relative to something else. In some circumstances, yes you would have been better holding BTC, and in others you would have been better holding something else (mostt recently, Ripple), but I just want this "it's actually a loss" meme to go away. Outperforming BTC is the goal, but it's not necessarily a loss if you don't. The only literal loss in crypto is if at the end of the day you walk away with less fiat than you put in (for as long as fiat remains the standard world currency).
You watched that DarkJournalist video didnt you?
Azusa is my private whore.
That was a good trade. Though most retards on here can pull this off like 5% of the time and the remaining 95% they spent underperforming Btc
fuck off Azusa is pure. She doesnt like the cock carousel
dubs of truth
I'm not even German I just use English how I want
byspiel, I like it.
Man, the stupids in here
>Put 10K USD in BTC, moves 5x in USD value
>Put 10K USD in Altcoin, moves 10x in USD value
>Put 10K USD in Altcoin, moves 10x in USD value
>wants to cash out his 100k valued ALTs
>trades back to BTC for a shitty ALT/BTC ratio
That's why I said private. But only because she can't be my waifu since I already have one.
You only a bring up this shit argument because BTC is number one dipshit
Loses what?
>Put 100k valued alts into BTC/ETH
>Sell 100k of BTC/ETH for fiat
Why is this a difficult concept?
That's why with daytrading I try to focus on low value alts with medium volume trading. Didn't do this: but now SAFEX is at 0.00000124 at 0.00000128 I would have already made 3%. While if you invest in Ethereum
0.03847434 making 3% would mean
0.03962857 to sell at. Which is hard. In low priced mid volume alts the volatility is way higher.
no shit do people actually not realize this?
I think a better example of retardedness is when people don't realise the USD value of their alts on exchanges like Binance is literally calculated from the value of the sats they're worth, not directly from their USD value.
That means when BTC crashes, they're looking at their alt on the exchange and suddenly think their alt is the thing that's crashing, even if their alt is holding value well. So they panic sell a coin they think is crashing that is actually holdings its vlaue, since they're looking at the USD figure only.
I think this is true
Exchanges ate set up where you have to buy alts coins with btc or eth
Byc is like the standard of crypto how usd standard of business world trading
They lose relative to BTC, is the point of this argument.
>altcoin x10
>BTC x20
>trade your 100k altcoin for BTC to cash out
>only get half the BTC you could have got if you'd held; you've only got 100k worth of BTC now when you could have had 200k just by holding
It's a weak argument but has a little bit of merit. If we're in it for money and not ideology, then the whole point we're trading alts is based on the assumption we can make ourselves richer than we could if we just decided to have BTC, the dominant original most famous player. We all know what BTC is about and its the first crypto we heard of, probably the first coin we thought about buying. So if we spend time, effort and energy into researching alts to hodl or daytrading alts, and at the end of it all we've made the same or less USD gains than what BTC has made, then this whole exercise was pointless and we may as well have just held BTC and put our feet up. Since sats gives your coin a measure of its value relative to BTC, sats are the way to measure your progress relative to BTC.
It's based on the assumption though that BTC is the special player we're all thinking about - and wagering that we can beat, that we can get more rich off alts than off BTC.
If you have many stocks and one performs well you are not selling all the poor performers and exchange them for 100% of the good performer, are you?
I started with 10 BTC in March this year, if I just held it till now, I would only have ~170k USD (10 BTC) in portfolio value.
In reality today I have ~900k USD (50+ BTC) in portfolio value and it was all from picking and trading good alts and never holding BTC unless it was for waiting for an entry into an alt.
Therefore the argument that the "hodl BTC" outperforms alt trading is not a 100% sure thing
hodling bitcoin > hodling shitcoin
you sold your alts and hodled bitcoins. big difference
>you sold your alts and hodled bitcoins
Because bitcoin always goes up by 60%.... jesus christ couldn't you have been a little more realistic? Do you realize where bitcoin would have to go right now in order to make your little fantasy a reality? $28,291. Us newfags don't value BTC the same way you oldfags do. It was YOUR moon, ours is blue chip alts. The normies don't value it the same as you do either. The bitcoin market is a group of 1000 people who own half the fucking coins and are trying to increase their BITCOIN TO FIAT VALUE.
GFYS oldfags. The days of 60% buttcoin gains every few weeks are over. The new money is going into blue chip alts.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if the subjects intention is to sell any coin for fiat, then they should look at the fiat value of the coin. If you wanted to keep investing, the BTC value of the coin is what you should be looking at.
The BTC value of a coin will most likely drop if BTC is on a bullrun, unless the volume of BTC is new money entering the market
I wrote an AI that scans for patterns on charts to find trading strategies.
Turns out that there is no simple strategy (buy @ +x%, sell @ -y% with a stoploss @ n%) that is better than just holding.
No fucking shit. But this didn't exist before BTC's bullrun. Hindsight 20/20.
Well done man. Which ones did you mostly trade?
You guys are retarded.
This nigger over here is right. I started with 4k in USD in late September and now have 40k+ USD. My altcoins grew in value faster than BTC and I'm pretty sure will continue to do so because I don't buy shitcoins.
If you're too dumb to invest in crypto, then yes, just HODL bitcoins like the normies.
This is because you're a fucking idiot and your bot's an even bigger dumbass.
Crypto being a very emotional and news driven market, the AI being restricted to charts as its only info source can't outperform trades driven by organic factors like fud, fomo and events. Hodling in this case would definitely be "safer" than trading by AI
Profiting off DGB, RDD and XVG of all things increased up my working capital by a huge degree early on. After that it was Antshares / NEO plus some others.
I miss the chipmunk threads. At least those were entertaining.
>what is hindsight
I'll care about your shitty satoshi value when your bitcoin is used to pay my rent, buy my food and anything else I want or need to purchase. Which won't be any time soon, you do know their are billions of people not available to tech like the blockchain and the internet, fuck it's a know fact old people get rob alot more because they hold cash because they still won't use debt cards or efpos cards and how long has that been. Most people you talk to about bitcoin say they don't trust it or it's a scam (not saying it is) but that's the average view on crypto
And did you do day trading with those or did you hold them? I just don't think I can trust myself with day trading, when I misread the signs one time, then I have lost everything.
Held the alts for days to months. No day trading for me too, beyond my risk tolerance.
Kek i cash out in usd dumbass cash is king fedora boy
>If you misread the signs you lose everything
1. Don't go all in
2. Don't trade risky shitcoins that will crash to nothing
3. For short term trades uhhhh stop losses?
get a load of this turbofagot. Buttcoins 2018 Q1 - 50 K put me in the screencap
show me the sat chart
Are you retarded? Is this the average state of normies entering crypto? Jesus.
This is why m buying heirloom seeds and have a farmer who allows me to invest in cattle. m lurking simply to get the news from here on out, Trading on futures was the end signal especially when this game is all about fiat gain in the end
Uh yeah but if you day trade, when BTC goes down you can put your money into a rising alt coin.
So that you are constantly making $
>Treating crypto as a get rich quick scheme instead of a create a better world scheme
May you and a thousand generations of your descendants suffer karmic death
>this game is all about fiat gain in the end
no its not you faggot
>he hasnt already made 7 figures and above from BTC and shady ICOs tax free
>he peddles communism through technology and subscribes to moneyskellys ideologies, even though moneyskelly and other enjoy the same capitalistic gains he thinks they are fighting
stay poor fag. BTC Core is and will always be the king. And it will always shaft you alt holders with red candles
That's great to hear. I more than doubled my investment from late November and so far I seemingly do what you have done until now. That gives me some optimism about what I'm doing.
He even posts Zyzz...
you are my mind off guy. Indeed, we are.
dont marry shitcoins and you will bruhs, im waiting for you
user pls
If someone is that dumb, they should not be doing this.
For those who are new to trading, holding BTC is the best answer.
For traders who are worth their salt, they know what they're doing.
For those who have been here for years in crypto, we've seen many Alts rise and die. Lots of Alts were seen as something that's going to take over BTC. But they failed. Every. Single. Time.
Just realize when BTC skyrockets and you're not near your computer to make a trade back to BTC then your alt will go in the red in Sat value will go down. Why? Because bots like to keep the price in fiat. If BTC falls, Alts bleed out as people sell their Alts, sell their BTC for USDT and wait so they can rebuy which cause both fiat and SATs value of alt to crumble.
Moral of the story, BTC moves the market and whatever way BTC moves, the market will go red until BTC settles.
For those who argue about paying bills in fiat are those people who are trying the get-rich-quick scheme. BTC is here to stay as we can see it's events on Alts when it moves. We also see the Chinese government, banks, Russian billionaires and other powerful entities are mostly invested in BTC. They will not let BTC go. BTC will be considered digital "gold" in the future. Alt coins on the other hand should be just vehicles to instead you sats.
We've tried this game. I've been in it for years and Ill tell you everyone who has been here for a while will say the same exact thing. BTC is where the money is at. Every single year this has been said by the who has been here for a while. Every single year they get mocked and say it's alt coin year by newcomers because they see the huge gains while BTC is refueling. Every single year those newcomers will gain experience and realize by the end of the year that BTC is all that matters. Rinse and repeat.
If you believe BTC is here to stay and believe in it's deflationary nature which means it's price will always go up, I would say hold 2 BTCs and let them sit. Comes retirement and those 2 BTC could be worth millions.
Its a good thing, dumb money
More dumb money the better
Sure. And you are shilling your outdated shitcoin because you care about our well being. Go peddle your bags elsewhere.
This. But you are waisting your time user.
These idiots will never learn. They are probably the same guys who are bagholding LINK.
internet currency is not real money. i cant buy food with my wow gold
>March 2018
>btc hits 50k
>buttcoin faggots start endless threads
>meanwhile, req and link both are above $2, omg is $70, and ark is $50
>hur durp ackumulate satoshiz
>a year later, all those alts mentioned moon harder while btc is either crushed by wall st, replaced by btc cash, or just bleeds out because it's shit tech so now it's $7500
>accumulate satoshis......