Whoever bought link sub 30 cents has made it.
What are you gonna buy with your gains?
I'll buy the dip and maybe some property
I'm not buying your ""king"" shitcoin, Schlomo. Fap to your sats while it last.
And how did you buy link? Your logic is retarded
I love how people that have only been into crypto for 6 months think that their erc20 shitcoin clones are better than bitcoin
If two devs left chainlink, its a dead project. If two devs left blockstream, theres another 200 lining up.
It's still better than one. Yes you know what coin I'm referring to.
With ETH
>oct ~10000 satoshi
>dec ~1700 satoshi
Sergey isnt actually a dev so chainlink?
We already made it
Thats why most of my holdings are in Ether.
I like this new meme where we pretend it was about satoshi all along and how we never used USD to measure all altcoins lol
>is this the linkie bagholder supportgroup?
fucking linkies I swear
It’s a troll/meme which over half of people have started believing because they are new. Some are subversive bcash owners trying to undermine btc. It’s all pretty sad really. The trolls are dicks. The noobs are idiots and the bcash people are giving crypto a bad name to millions.
Fuck off with this crap. Go kill yourself.
lol, all you nolinkie haters gonna get BTFO when we moon and retire. go fuck yourselves
Selling Chainlink was the best thing I ever did. I made about 400% profit, then put it into REQ, and made 400% profit. Chainlink rose .10 cents. I might buy back in, in the new year, but damn, anyone who held this shit that long is a poor sap.
Because of the fucking spam i desided to read the whitepapers of this thing.
WTF?! are you seriously putting trust in this thing?
Shit doesn't make sense at all.
that's the thing, superficially it looks like an easy ticket, thus is highly attractive to poorfags with no experience
it was the worst advice i ever followed from this board. glad i wised up in weeks rather than months.
yeah, okay.
What don't you understand about it?
It's not on bittrex
If REQ gets listed on Bittrex before Link I'm gonna take a vacation with the gains.
This. 2/3rds of the shit that gets shilled around here is purposefully bad.
Have you considered that you might just be stupid?
What is BTC valued in?
I'm way way up on LINK, what are you people talking about?
I didn't even get in early (like a week or two ago) and I'm up 1ETH.