OSR General - Christmas Eve edition

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My Christmas gift to you all; 50 ways to prepare your daily spells.

I just skimmed it, but there seems to be a disturbing amount of sexual things in that list.

Challenge to /osrg/: turn this game into an OSR-style module, preferably in DCC or S&W

(And do try to look past the uneven translations into English - the developer is an Italian who made the game nearly solo.)

Rolled 34 (1d50)

Anybody got a good list of cantrips? I don't think I can convince my players to be MUs if they can only cast a spell a day.

Three is not a disturbing amount.

Just let them ask for stuff.

Let them cast as many spells as they want each day but in order to refill them it takes one turn of preparation/one wandering monster check.

Here's a thing:
To cast more spells per day they must ingest some obscure drug substance, like good ol' purple lotus powder, quicksilver, or Slaanesh's breast milk.
One dose per day is safe, but take more - and you'll have to deal with some consequences(possibly save vs Magic to avoid?).