If elven craftmanship is so good why don't they ever get sub-contracted to make the other mortal races?

If elven craftmanship is so good why don't they ever get sub-contracted to make the other mortal races?

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Mexicans terk their jerbs

Did you know all those prestigious Mercedes' that are the result of German engineering actually have French engines?

That's how elves work. That expensive 'dwarven' sword may very well be an elven-forged blade being screwed into a dwarven pommel by a dwarf assembler.

Pricing is kept too high. Fucking communists.

Elves can only make so much semen, all the glossy white "stone" takes millennia to build up, this being the case why build for races that don't even have lifespans longer than a good edgeing session.

My potions are too strong for you, warrior! Is pretty much why.

But you'll note that powerful weapons are just as often made by Elves as they are Dwarves, and it gets even more blurry if you look into traditional folk-tales where they're kind of the same thing.

In general, though, Elven architecture is both beautiful and durable beyond what should be possible, their weapons are stronger and enchanted, or so well made that their quality is pretty much magical on its own granting it unique properties that are intrinsic to its nature.

Finally, maybe it would be entirely possible to sub-contract Elven work, but it's unlikely that it would be finished within the lifetime of the one contracting it out, which is usually seen to be a negative for both the person ordering the product and the sub-contractor who might have to renegotiate with their successor or even have the contract cancelled outright.

I want to make some elf semen in that Kenderiffic booty

I could ask the same about dwarves. Also were aside from some Noldor is elven craftsmanship praised?
>it's a shitposting thread with elves as a premise
Why am I even bothering with this.

>Also were
Sory. I even forgot to sage.

>buying gear from elves
>when fucking dwarves exist
>when fucking humans exist
Baka desu senpai