What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Story focuses on Planeswalkers I don't like.
Blue gets to do so much degenerate bullshit.
Black gets to do what everyone else can do, on the caveat that you pay life to do so.
Maro's head is now so far up his own arse that he's actually convinced by his own lies.
A decades old game that can't stop moving forward due to momentum and money, desperately trying to continue innovating and keep the game fresh and interesting despite having to work with increasingly outdated core mechanics.
Given what they're working with, I honestly think they're doing a pretty good job, but the faults are clearly visible and have been for years.
They're doing a great job? Have you seriously worked at their new standard sets.
Standard became as expensive as modern and is as linear as it can be. Three viable decks in the format.
Rakdos can't touch enchantments
>Driving Garfield Away
>The bitch that's been shadow-puppeting the arti director since Origins.
>Trick Jarett
Magic is a great game produced by a terrible company, and Hasbro is not helping, it's just shoving all the bureaucracy of a megacorp without solving any of the incestuous shitfest problems that have been festering within WotC for two decades.
>the faults
Please tell me how your favorite shit game does the resource system better, I could use a good laugh
When you know that the most expensive cards in MTG are for the most part the ones that give you said ressources there's a clear and visible problem there.
>Three viable decks in the format.
1. U/W Flash
2. G/B Delirium
3. Vehicles (Mardu-R/W)
4. Aetherworks marvel
1. R/B Aggro
2. Dynavolt control
3. Jeskai control
4. R/G pummeler
You're full of shit user. The standard is bad but not for the reason you pointed out.
It's burdened by the weight of its history, which is unfortunately an unsolvable problem. There are so many cards that already exist and so much interaction that it became impossible to design cards that worked well organically in all formats. That was 10 years ago. But, because Magic makes money, they keep going.
Also, bad business practices have made the secondary market into an unbelievable shithole, but that was 15 years ago or more.
Wow. ONE more tier 1 deck!!! I stand corrected. Have an upvote!
You know that compared to any other rotation or block this number is simply garbage right?
This is a good answer. I would say they're doing it a little less successfully than you say but mostly you're right. I would add in what the people above me have been saying in that MaRo probably needs to go - the best you can say is that the game a becoming stale because the leadership is out of energy/ideas/creativity, s d the worst that can be said is that NWO design philosophy is a real disaster that while successful in getting short term buy-ins will probably ruin the game due to offering little to no depth mechanically or creatively, while driving away the older players that made the a me successful.
The problems the game has with pricing and reprinting are a whole other massive problem that WotC is immenewly bad at addressing due to a too-conservative mindset. This mindset is likely due to the fact they know they have a mediocre game and couldnt successfully sell it without the prize of high dollar reprints (see expeditions, masterpieces)
Christ I need a new phone, sorry for the errors
It hasn't been sigmar'd yet.
MTG is an example of a game ruined by its company. The same happened to WoW: whether or not you like WoW the game started with flaws, got new expansions and then the game was at its peak during BC and WOTLK. Then they gradually dumbed down the mechanics of the game and so the game becomes dull, uninteresting, the lore is mediocre and doesn't respect the lore of its predecessor ( Warcraft ), and so on. But the game keeps selling because newcomers arrive and like that the game is easy to pick up but leave after a few months of play.
This is exactly the same that is happening with MTG: Attracts newcomers that stay for a little while and then leave, while the long term players leave because the game is seriously rotting.
Tier 2 decks are perfectly playable you memeditor.
>You know that compared to any other rotation
Like origins-shadows, or khans-zendikar? The last good rotation was innistrad-rtr.
The decks are just a symptom, not the cause of the problem plaguing this game.
>The decks are just a symptom, not the cause of the problem plaguing this game.
You're implying this wasn't my point user.
This is just to show that there's no better strategy than linear and putting your creatures sideways and that's a huge design fault. Shows what WOTC truly wants MTG to be nowadays.
>Trying to please "investors" and "collectors" and not reprinting high demand cards.
>Creating and pushing Planeswalker cards to the core of the game
>The introduction of Mythic Rare cards
Mark rosewater
like very other bad thing in the world the jews (investors) are ruining it
>Straight up combo decks and control decks are viable and a part of the meta
>whaaaa creatures the tappening!
Bruh your bait needs work
>4 decks that can win in a format thats supposed to be ever changing
>even pretending like other decks can beat the top 4
honestly half if not more of the people at wizards should just be fired
>not answering anons question
>Tier 2 decks are perfectly playable you memeditor.
they literally are not though, i cannot remember the last time i saw a tier 1 deck lose to a tier 2 deck at fnm in this standard
i still dont understand why with all the money that wizards has they dont set up a second printing facility and just use it to reprint old staples that are retardedly expensive and sell them all year in a modern/eternal master style set but without it being limited print. ya the initial cost would be high but it would bring so much money in the long run and the amount of players it would also bring in would be huge. you may piss off investors but does that really matter when for everyone you lose you get 20 new players entering the game because a deck doesnt cost 700 dollars to make?
And we keep letting them do it.
>The deck consists of getting bigger creatures and playing Magic The Tappening
Yeah nice " combo " deck right there. This is as much of a combo than Tron.
dont lump players into it, thats shit is straight up wizards fault for being such massive cucks who seemingly hate money
>The last good rotation was innistrad-rtr.
INN-RTR was a garbage standard idolized by "financiers" and people who started with INN block. Here's an accurate summary of the hot decks from that time:
>three color goodstuff
>three color goodstuff
>three color goodstuff
>three color goodstuff BUT WITHOUT GREEN
>three color goodstuff
At least half of your deck was rares and mythics, some of which could be as low as $10 if you were lucky.
Wizards won't do this for two reasons.
First, their biggest money maker is Standard and all the packs that have to get cracked for people to play it. If they constantly supported eternal formats with the products you describe, why would anyone play Standard if Legacy costs the same or less suddenly?
Second, they are keeping their retarded promise never to reprint certain cards, and at this point I'm convinced that they will only get rid of the Reserved List in a last ditch effort to save the game 5-10 years down the line at the point when it'll already be too late.
No it actually weights on us too, StarCityGames wouldn't exist if nobody bought singles. There wouldn't be buyouts if people didn't buy overpriced cards, and WotC wouldn't be able to make introductory product so mediocre if nobody bought it.
>why would anyone play Standard if Legacy costs the same or less suddenly?
the same reason why people pla different formats now, because some people are more interested in one over the other. nothing is stopping people from playing more than one format
wizards could single handedly fuck over kike city games by reprinting key cards to hell and back
They tried to go the competitive esports route, ended up alienating one of their major formats (Modern) with banlists not for balance but for "diversity". Not only that, it's been so badly managed in-house that it's led to poor viewerships and fan demands for third party casters and hosting with better production quality.
On the development side, progressives keep trying to shove the SJW narrative down the throats of nerds and gamers who couldn't give a shit about tranny khans or black womyn planeswalkers. Instead of doing things like reprinting key cards needed for older formats, citing bullshit secondary market values, and either driving customers away from the game due to prohibitive costs, or turning towards China and using reasonably priced fakes.
>They tried to go the competitive esports route
They haven't even started.
Magic Digital Next will kill paper Standard and LGS with it.
What if someday, maybe tomorrow, WotC announces that 2 years from then that they MIGHT remove at most a certain amount of cards from the Reserved List? They don't have to reprint the cards immediately or even reveal them, just say "X number of cards are being removed from the Reserved List on [date]" or "These cards are going to be removed from the Reserved List, but its safe to say they will not be reprinted until [date], and even then don't expect it".
Hiring Rosewater seems like an easy answer that the circlejerk'll agree to. We polchan now so I guess I'll also blame pandering to liberals.
They could print the Vintage Masters Cube in gold border and remove Legacy/Commander from the WPN tournament app. Then we're basically allowed to play "non-tournament playable cards" that don't break the Resserved List, and have all the awesome new art for P9, LED, and Duals on paper.
I don't like /pol/ bitching about muh white male characters either but you're just as big a faggot
There's nothing wrong with multicolored people and magic lesbians. There is a lot wrong with us not being able to say Fate Reforged sucked dicks because Alesha may like sucking dicks and WotC's media/PR people are using politically correct shit to divert gameplay and distribution complaints into "muh stop being sexist shitlord".
Honestly they could print Reserved Masters tomorrow, and not a thing could be done. A vague "I promise" isn't legally binding.
In case you havent noticed (Maybe you haven't looked at Marvel in the past 8 years), companies would rather lose money than be the target of minor controversies.
Not much to be honest.
The core rules are a bit wonky, but that's to be expected with a 24 year old rule set.
Still dominating the market by a large stretch.
Blue eating the color pie in general is pretty wrong.
>Blue can get manadorks but that's okay because it's colorless mana!!!
>Red can loot, but that's too good for red so blue gets good looting and red has to discard first!
>Blue's the color that can warp time and space, control the minds of everyone around it, and build the deathstar, either with enchantments, or with machinery
>Black, the color of power at any price, can't break an artifact or corrupt an enchantment
>Oh, and blue can have hyper efficient big creatures like green, but only as long as they're seafood.
I would rather that
1.) Prices do not plummet too fast
2.) Promises are not broken too quickly
3.) Cardholders can prepare for the event.
Which is why I suggest announcing the removal of PART of the Reserved List in advance so that collectors know what to expect.
Also if the Reserved Cards were to be reprinted, I would reprint them in a shitty standard set as Ultra Mythics, because WotC mostly focus on Standard, but they could also be reprinted as Ultra Mythics in a Masters set.
People think the color pie was a defined and prefect thing, then trying to implement that, and changing it for worse.
People not being flexible enough when things change.
People whining before they test.
I've largely noticed the people making gameplay and distribution complaints and people complaining there are too many brown people depicted in card art are not overlapping groups.
/pol/ and tumblr have the tendency to bitch about things they have no actual passion in.
I am pretty lax when it comes to forced diversity, as long as it doesn't turn into actual pandering (glorification, overfocusing on it at the expense of the overall story, shaming groups of people, strawmanning, exaggerating mistreatment). As much as I hate having tumblr win, I would rather have creative freedom win along side SJWs than to have a shitstorm between self-righteous tumblr freaks and cynical buttholes.
Blue can't remove any permenants except by bouncing or "transforming" it (unless you count hate cards). Rapid Hybridization only technically destroys a creature, but really its just transforming the creature into a vanilla 3/3.
Green has better big guys, can ramp better thanks to tutors, dorks, and the ability to play multiple lands. Blue's mana dorks are restrictive and only produce colorless mana, although I will say that Blue also has the ability to reduce mana costs of instants and sorceries, since cost reduction is almost always better than colorless mana.
Blue doesn't have much reanimation or salvaging except by graveyard shuffling, instant and sorcery salvaging (which is expensive), or Snapcasting (which red can also do on its own). Green, Black, and even White have better reanimation and salvaging, and Green can do what Blue can do for cheaper.
Black and Red can control things, although Black controls the dead and occasionally players, and Red's control is temporary
The land mechanic is pretty shit for being a core mechanic. It only ever fucks you over, the best it can possibly do is not ruin your game. Mana fixing makes decks really expensive, the mechanic isn't any fun, and it introduces a lot of no-fun games where you or an oponent is mana starved or flooded
I didn't say it would be a good idea, but it would be possible. Also, honestly prices plummeting is a good thing for the health of the game itself, even if it spurns collectors. Card Games do not exist for an investor to buy cards, invest in stock if you wanna do that.
>Blue's mana dorks are restrictive and only produce colorless mana
Which is usually what's needed anyway. Manadorks usually don't need to fix for mana, that's what lands are for.
>Blue can't remove any permenants except by bouncing or "transforming" it
Which is usually just as bad as removing it because now your opponent is just as behind on their strategies, if not worse of when blue decides to make them spend a turn redrawing what was bounced.
Red does get flashback too true, but blue's is almost absurdly better. In fact, compare red's limited arsenal to cast spells with blue's.
Red hardly gets rituals. Blue gets "limited" mana dorks. Blue gets cost reduction. Red doesn't. Blue gets fairly good creatures. Red doesn't. Blue gets good looting, red doesn't.
They're both supposed to be the instant and sorceries colors, but other than burn, red doesn't really get anything to support that.
Tumblr winning is literally against creative freedom.
Sometimes you need a big black man to be a furious savage with no options left because that's the hand life dealt him and that character be it an antagonist or protagonist has an open path ahead full of divergent choices. Tumblr won't allow this. Neither will /pol/, their goal concerning media exactly the same shit: Disallowing certain people from appearing in certain roles.
If Tumblr wins Koth wouldn't get to be violent, agressive and anti-social. If /pol/ wins Koth wouldn't get to be noble, brave and patriotic. What gives us good characters is telling non-creative people who are not even your enfranchised audience to go fuck themselves with their bullshit politics.
But they did try. Or have been trying. Their coverage and promotion of paper tournaments as "esports" is so god-awful that unless CFB or SCG are hosting, nobody gives a shit.
Hell, sometimes they even say "lol no GP stream coverage, we don't want to pay for it". And they want to be taken seriously? That's like League dropping random games of the Championship Series.
The problem with Magic is that they don't quietly introduce "a trasngender Khan" or "black Planeswalker" like they do any other character.
They SCREAM all over their website "HEY LOOK, WE MADE A CHARACTER WHO'S PRIMARY CHARACTERISTIC IS THEIR GENDER/RACE." All they ever do is shallow token callouts because they've realized they don't need to spend time actually writing about them if they can make their entire life story about their genitals or skin color.
You don't understand.
They'll remove all Pro Tour and streaming support to the paper product once their new digital product is released early 2018.
They didn't really scream about Alesha. They gave Alesha an article, same as all khans and that was about it. It was on social media, like tumblr, where it was made a big deal out of.
They didn't make a big deal about Koth or Teferi at all, now did they?
>They'll remove all Pro Tour and streaming support
If they were smart
they would license it out to CFB and SCG.
>is released early 2018.
Yeah okay. :^)
Blue has very little pump spells, but Red has Bushwhacker effects, haste, trample, menace, and first strike. Blue only has prowess as its offense. Red has burn, which is generally more effective than mill, which is Blue's "burn". Red can smash artifacts, wipe most creatures from the board for 3 mana, and burn stuff. Blue can't really bounce multiple things efficiently.
Frankly, Alesha's gender only came up in that one article, which was still mostly about how Mardu war-names work and that Alesha taking on her grandmother's name was not challenged because Alesha earned that name by killing dragons. The article in which Alesha's gender was mentioned is still mostly about Mardu philosophy to set up how much Kolaghan taking over the clan changed everything (for the worse, as it turns out). Beyond that, Alesha is treated in all stories as an ordinary female character.
everything, which is why the guy came up with jyhad/v:tes
And complaining about their self-righteousness would be useless since whenever anyone complains about tumblr bullshit, they become smeared as "racist, misogynist, homophobe, etc.". I prefer to wait until they start attacking their playerbase. If they do, just stop buying Standard shit, since WotC makes most of their money off of a format that is currently overpriced anyways. Ghostbusters failed because they pandered to feminists and attacked the fanbase, and in response the fanbase denied the movie support by voting with their wallet.
To be fair, you could argue that it is best to apply the brakes before the situation reaches the slippery slope. Enough liberals will eventually learn that the use of aggressive identity politics is backfiring and will learn that not everyone opposed to them is racist, misogynist, homophobe, and all that shit.
Times do change. Koth and Teferi were before the resurgence of Social Justice activism. So far I think things haven't gotten too far for now. However, the only thing I worry about is that we get another 15 year-old Chandra saying "Gids" and "sowwy".
At the same time, I do think it does bear mentioning that people shouldn't take non-white characters appearing in Magic as a political statement. It doesn't exactly ease the feeling there is racist or homophobic sentiment in the fanbase when gay or black characters get slammed when they show up and held to much higher standards to not get bitched about than others. Rem Karolus and Hal & Alena were both ordinary humans who didn't get cards in SOI block, and managed to fight off Emrakul's attempts to touch their minds. Hal & Alena did this through their bond with each other, Rem Karolus did this through sheer bloody-minded determination to kill the monsters ravaging his home. People complained about Hal & Alena but not Rem even though both situations showed a minor character using a mental point of strength to fight off the Eldrazi corruption.
tl;dr people in general need to chill the fuck out. Not all criticism is racist/misogynist/homophobic, but at the same time people also need to stop taking the introduction of more female, non-white, or LGBT characters as a personal attack or an inherently negative story development.
Note: Blue's side is incomplete.
>proven wrong
>Whips out the snark.
>Card drawing.
Hah, now that's funny.
>looting (shared with Blue sort of)
>exile top card (shitty card advantage, but card advantage nontheless)
>Stealing and redirecting is also Red, although stealing in Red is temporary.
>Any color that isn't Black can untap most or all types of permenants relatively efficiently.
>Red's evasion is weaker, but it hits harder. Red is also better at going wide.
>Red and White also appreciate Artifacts, although White is Equipment specifically.
>Red looting completely inferior to Blue's
>Shitty red card advantage vs Blue being the king of card draw
>Red stealing and redirecting is shitty temporary and "Y-you too's" compared to blue's permanent stealing and "Stop hitting yourself" tier redirecting
>Red can only untap sometimes, meanwhile Blue gets full on sleep effects and that's the bottom
>Evasion vs Damage is a fair enough trade-off
>Fair enough on red finally getting artifacts, but that took forever to realize and Blue's advantage
For the 10% of players who actually complain online, I'd say this is true. Most people in person don't give a shit about identity politics when they come out to play video games, and anyone who brings it up is shut down hard.
Frankly I think it depends on how everything's presented.
Luke Cage, for example, has been a highly popular Netflix series. The hero is a black man, but all three of his major antagonists are also black. I didn't see any complaints that there was something wrong with a black gun-running mob boss and his emotionally unstable supplier being the villains, as we're clearly meant to sympathize with Luke Cage and his friends, many of whom are also black.
Simple balanced presentation seems like it solves a lot of problems. Most people will not have a problem with ethnically diverse villains if a similar spectrum exists among the heroes. People don't have a problem that the villains of Kaladesh are either Indian or the racially ambiguous Tezzeret because you also see heroes of the same race in the set. People generally liked Kaya even though she is intentionally a morally ambiguous character, and I think Koth's character flaws are not seen as troublesome because he is still a good guy and flawed heroes are perfectly fine.
They won't need to, paper magic tournaments won't exist anymore. It will all be done online with a new digital client.
Griselbrand costs 8 mana. Emrakul costs 13.
Design and development go in to a meeting. Design is going to argue that the 7/7 that pays 7 life to draw cards should cost 7 mana. From a consequentialist perspective design is *wrong* and its up to development to make that case. At the end of the day, when both parties walk out of the room, the cost should be 8. Critically, we should understand that this does not mean design did a bad job or needs to be removed. Design argued the case they were supposed to argue and lost, like they were supposed to.
But something happened between Inn1 and Inn2 such that our 13/13 with spooky abilities came out with a cost of 13, which is obviously and entirely inappropriate. The game sucks. Design is at fault because they argued for this (even though that's always been their job) and development is at fault because they didn't stop it. A million other little things (marketing, social media, and beyond) are at fault because they all lead to this power dynamic, but it the end this is what it all comes down to. Griselbrand costs 8 mana. Emrakul costs 13.
To be fair, Emrakul has a built-in cost reduction mechanic that will generally put that cost closer to 8ish if you're playing with the Delirum mechanics that surrounded its release.
Blue is too flexible.
Black stopped needing as much self-sacrifice for goodstuff.
Unless you're running straight burn, Red usually needs help from other colors.
13 is too low, not too high.
Tumblr was whining like hell that it was "too black" and reeked of blaxplotation.
At a certain point people will have to realize /pol/ and tumblr don't really care about the bullshit they spew, they care about their victim complex being validated, they just use politically charged newspeak to try and hide it.
>>Driving Garfield Away
How did this happen?
Do you even have to ask?
MaRo nagged him away.
Shit, I had no idea. Full story/source?
Lands, The reserve list, Modern's no fun allowed banlist and nobody knowing the fuck they were doing when Magic was first created, thus resulting in the power 9.
And to a lesser extent Mark Rosewater.
I think I covered all the bases.
For you, if it's a pretty good game to play casually with people who don't interact with the competitive crowd, then nothing. Otherwise, participating in its community is like swimming in a septic tank.
Triumph of Ferocity.
Garfield went to vidya cause it payed better.
>another MTG thread turns into a /pol/ vs tumblr thread
The downfall of magic has nothing to do with forced diversity or other memes.
Why did the retards that comprise these groups recently start flocking to MTG anyways?
Do you think anyone use to give a shit that Mirage block was filled with brown people?
>Garfield gets a kid
>MaRo nags
>Garfield gets another kid
>MaRo nags
>Garfield says Mirrodin is undertested
>MaRo nags
>Garfield leaves to design Star Wars: TCG because muh franchise money
>MaRo cheers
>Years later WotC begs Garfield to return
>MaRo nags
>Garfield designs Innistrad
>MaRo claims he did
>Garfield leaves Magic forever to design/consult vidya because fuck MaRo
WoW TCG just from the top of my head. Having one third of your deck with cards that do nothing apart from enabling you to play the rest of the deck is just plain silly
>Having one third of your deck with cards that do nothing apart from enabling you to play the rest of the deck is just plain silly
It creates a risk vs reliability payoff, which adds strategy.
>lands do nothing
>being this bad ad magic
WoW TCG was too good for this world.
More luck means newer players have a chance to win games.
>The continued false equivalency meme
Shut up fence sitter.
The introducing of mythical rare ruined both draft and standard for me
a 2 decade old relic that survives on a cancerous business model
No, it makes it to where you have a 30% chance to lose just because you didn't cheat-shuffle. You're fundamentally wrong, go back to you tumblr hugbox.
>a cancerous business model
What business model would you like then mr libertarian, patreon funded print on demand?