Once you have 10 Million USD what will you do?
Once you have 10 Million USD what will you do?
Get out of my third world shithole country
>buy a mansion
>live in mansion
Keep like 2mil invested in stocks that pay dividends for passive income so i never have to work again
200k to Alcor so in the event of my death I have a chance to be revived later
Use the rest to fund immortality research
>implying anyone reading this will ever be worth $10 million in today's USD
Devote time to charity
Short 100x on bitmex
Where are you from?
>spends 8 million dollars in immortality research
>doesn't actually make a significant dent in progress towards immortality
>immortality surgery costs millions of dollars that you no longer have
Epic fail, mate.
big house, lots of white
88" tv
$10k rig
heated swimming pool
new porsche 911 parked next to it
I'm a Pajeet law student.
Spend the $300k/yr passive income traveling all over the world.
Pump POSW to the moon just for the lulz. The coin that ripped everyone off. I'd make that shit moon so hard people would buy it just to dump it out of spite. Only the old fags of biz remember these days and only the old fags on biz would be in a situation to have $10 million from crypto and still visit this board.
10 million? Meh. Not really enough to do anything but retire.
Probably start a modding group to fine tune some video games. 10 millions not enough to start a big gaming company but is enough to pay some modders. 100 million, thats enough. With 10 billion I could build thorium reactors.
That's why you'll stay poor
put it in funds and bonds
and live normal life
We're all gonna make it brah. We wuz hardware store clerks n sheeiiit
Buy the girl on hitlers left mmmhmm
Colonize Africa.
pump and dump shitcoins
finally get a christian slave wife and have someone to yell at beside myself
>implying I've never heard of inspect element or shooping or posting other people's pictures
Travel the world, meet interesting people, live carefree life while doing hobbies I love.
Real life shitposting
Fucking kys newfag. You enter your own numbers on that app. You'd know this if you'd been here longer than a day before posting.
Jesus are we talking 10 mil from crypto? Are you all this rich now, that it's within sight? I'm guessing you're close to a million or several? This is not looking good, we are peak bubble
Literally exactly the same shit I do now except without the fear that I'll be homeless in a few years.
dude that's an awesome idea, I calculated that and you could make a passive income of 60k a year... I could move to a country in latin america and live like a fucking king on that money
Who is that nice looking fellow?
you belong in a fucking oven
Care to explain why?
Invest in technology that will bring hitler back
Put 2 million in a fixed deposit and keep half a million in top 10 cryptos to speculate with. Use the FD money for living expenses and do some travelling. Use 1 million to try and get into an Eastern European country alongwith EU citizenship and set up base there. Keep the rest of the money invested in real estate and stocks back in my home country.
hahaha you just unveiled yourself as a nocoiner newfag.
Run for governor only to lose when they found out I've been a long time /pol/ user through FBI leaks
To peel off the Papadums with your no wipey hand Raj
I still remember that lol May was a Veeky Forums pumpfest. How is this shitcoin mooning again?
Cry when the US government devalues the dollar.
Create my own indie video game company.
kys nocoiner, you only need a 1000x on $10k to get there
Yo man I appreciate a "POO IN THE LOO" and assorted memes as much as the next man but that is just unhealthy vindictiveness. Chill.
honestly just give most away to companies that have something to offer the world, mainly dealing with population control and cloning dinosaurs
>almost every girl in that picture was raped and/or killed
Move into a nice house, get a nice car, and retire. I like some game dev, so I'll probably do more of that. I do owe some friends work on some projects, but our dev chat is overrun with crypto talk.
Buy modest house.
Build home recording studio.
Start new nano-machining company (hire VR and nano tech engineers)
Start new biomedical company for rheumatology.
There are higher yield investment accounts only available to 700k+ investors. These accounts are relatively safe and provide 10-15 percent yearly returns. 2 million would give you 200-250k per year in passive income. It's just gatekeeping that mandates a 4 percent return on regular investment accounts.
>Once you have 10 Million USD what will you do?
HODL till 100 Million
I think you’re a good guy user, don’t let the haters get you down
this but sell 20% for the sweet dividend life
new tits.
Promote veganism. In fact I can do that now
Watch Earthlings (2005) if you aren't a pussy
Create and arm my own militia unit ready for the race war
buy a luxury submarine and live on it
Honestly, business-wise I think veganism has an incredible amount of room to grow.
Sure it gets mocked and ridiculed etc by insecure little manlets behind their laptops. Just like being gay, or woman having a right to vote, was ridiculous not that long ago.
Society is becoming more and more left-winged, and I think veganism is the next big paradigm change.
Currently usually veganism is severely associated with attention whoring youtube girls, and extreme hippies. I think this will change though. As soon as some fast food franchise has found the recipe to become the new vegan mcdonalds, where also regular (let's say construction worker type) guys would want to go to, they are going to be one of the next big monopolies in the world, like google, apple and mcdonalds.
>Society is becoming more and more left-winged, and I think veganism is the next big paradigm change.
Learn history, dipshit.
Animal abuse has nothing to do with left or right politics. This is above that.
And it's not hippies who are vegan, they love to eat meat. It's anyone with slight empathy for animals, the knowledge that you can get every single thing you need from a plant-based diet, and anyone with the self discipline to abstain something society says is totally fine
Literally this.
I’d pay off my debt (it’s not much)
Cancel every subscriptions and services I have
Give the money to my family members
Then fucking kill myself in a remote country
buy the dip
shareblue pls
I am just talking about the stereotypes.
I am vegan and I don't consider myself any of those types of people.
LOL, enjoy your manboobs and shriveling nutsack, soy boy
I don't eat soy faggot
But milk contains the most estrogen of any food on the market today
It all depends on when fake veggie meat that's 99% indistinguishable from the real thing becomes possible.
...I live on a country border. Everytime I buy meals in my own country I have to buy vegan, because every thing else is just too expensive. Meat and normal shit comes from a trip over the border to cheap MC cheapland.
I believe this is a reverse problem in the US with veg being more expensive than fast food.
I doubt i'd ever get 10 mill $. I invested 160$ and now i have 290$. I'm a long way off of lambo / boat money.
If i did i'd probably buy my parents a house. They've always taken good care of me even though i'm a piece of shit. It would probably be a means of showing them that i made it and that i can fend for myself.
You seem to not be able to differentiate between left wing voting patterns and left wing morality.
I want you to enjoy your left wing gay-trans friendly utopia when your country is 70%black/latino.
Go and look at veganism adoption by race.
>while drawing funds from the account
Where can I find a personal Warren Buffet?
Which is contained by the amount of growth hormones, while phytoestrogens actually block your receptors.
But wathever.
How about therapy to come to terms with dead you juvinlle autist?
fuck off pajeet
Obviously I would invest it all on a peyote farm. I can see from this post that there must be a current shortage
Read my post again, I wasn't shilling any personal preference, just telling you how I see western society evolve in general.
You don't need to get so defensive, insecure /pol/ manlet.
Mansour, staff that handle cleaning, private cheff who cooks, gardener/pool caretaker
>White Flight to mars on Elons Musks rocket
>By the time I'm there for 2 decades immortality will be available
>Achieve immortality
>Become Ruller of mars, a lee kuan yew if you will, except forever.
>Start terraforming process
>Start European/Jewish/Asian planet
>Leave the muts behind, yet keep a broadcast because I want to hear them scream that its the white mans fault
>Fast forward 300 years, a new race of azkhenazi europe and asian admixtures has been created, we've grown taller and have longer limbs and brains due to mars gravity
>Earth hasn't made any progress has returned to africa levels
>Go back to earth on anti matter spaceships to observe them
>The mutts see us and start worshipping us as gods
>Go back to explore other galaxies with our advanced technology
>Return to earth 2 Millenia after
>tfw the mutts have developed world religions based around your spaceship and are now fighting each other over who is right or wrong
I can't wait honestly.
You don't see shit, the future is Islam, birth rate dictates everything.
Pic related is who you think is going to have 3 kids, pro tip : He won't but ahmed will.
>create personal brand on jewtube
>continue to own crypto
>take some out, rent beautiful penthouse apartment and purchase dream car, porsche 911 turbo s
>from here, use the things I've purchased to flex
>make clickbait "i will help you get rich" videos on youtube
>sell get rich quick course for $295 each
>actually put quality shit in said course
>rinse and repeat
not much different I bet. maybe eat a little nicer
veganism is too much for me. you need eggs butter and milk in cooking. I've eaten less and less meat the older I get though to the point where I eat almost none now. the drop in quality is noticeable or maybe I just grew less fond of it.
reach for 100 million
Which is why you buy $10 million (((USD))) worth of BTC.
Two chicks at the same time, man.
Figure out how to make it a 100 Mill
Get into politics
>the drop in quality is noticeable
I think this is the issue. Veganism is going full retard. There's nothing cruel about eating honey. These people are fucking stupid.
I would build a house off the grid somewhere
Fuck Mars, I’m going to Peter Thiel’s seastead
Nice. Fuck the haters. Here's someone who's donating 5000 BTC to charities, and said he was strongly considering donating to SENS.org
We will be the generation that will be doing literal moon and mars missions
You realize he's coming to mars as well? Remember hes best friends with Elon? And he's not a supporter of democracy as well, have you read his cato essay? Google peter thiel essay and read it.
We'll have an ethnoplanet in 2024.
I'm not shitting you brah
I'll probably still be working and trying to make more money.
But aside from that, I'd start engaging myself in society since I now have an ethos of being rich, like local debates, culture, etc. Maybe I'd start writing for a newspaper or something.
gas der juden.
If I had 10 mil right now I would invest 9 in something safer than crypto; even though it has lower gains it wouldn't matter with that capital. I'd probably hire some Jew to do it so the investments can be properly diversified.
OK, maybe he is a rare pajeet that is intelligent (doing LAW in pajeet land is no indicator of this) but in general certain sub-species of human are no better than animals. The exceptions are most orientals and white people. Obviously, every subspecies has its idiots and geniuses which is why some people, possibly you? user? are alright members of these sub-species. Unfortunately, most are not. Hell, I even think 50% of white people need to be put in ovens. Humanity is dumbing down and most of us need to go, especially those genetically from below the tropic of cancer on average. If OP needs crypto money to get out of their shithole country then they are probably not smart enough anyway. The ice age thinned out the northern people's ranks and made us smarter in survival of the fittest where only those who adapted survived. The rest of the world needs to go through a similar period and needs to evolve naturally. Giving them handouts and helping them with charity is only weakening them, it is killing them with kindness just like social welfare (especially that given to single mothers) does in the west. It all needs to go for the good of mankind. These sub-species need to start taking responsibility for their own futures and eventually, they can be allowed to join humanity. Inviting them in now is a mistake, one we are making due to women in politics. Politics is for protection and the defence and rule of law. Women have turned it into a charity and bunch of social programmes. This is wrong. So very, very wrong and the men have forgotten why. They will remember, soon.
Buy some land and put a ton of beehives on it and start commercial beekeeping, I do hobby beekeeping and I really want to start a business that I'd enjoy
>Hell, I even think 50% of white people need to be put in ovens.
The problem with this is that it is tough for us as humans to define which humans carry good genetics and which don't. Yes, we can all agree that certain mental disorders and diseases are bad but even then it's complicated - some "bad" genes also code for other positive attributes, and putting 50% of all people in ovens because of their subhumanity could limit the gene pool should we be exposed to an epidemic for example.
I agree that yes, we're being dumbed down because society allows everyone to breed and it basically boils down to who is the most driven to reproduce, not the person who has the best attributes (such as intelligence, strength, health). At the same time plebs like you who think you can somehow define subhumans from true patricians are the fucking worst. It's good that you can see the problem, but you aren't coming up with a solution.
Iceland made a good start with getting rid of the downsey. I agree it is hard for us to play god (although that is essentially what we3 are doing anyway by helping the sick and needy + giving charitable aid to the '3rd world') but lets be ho9nest, if we just sterilised anybody committing a violent or harmful crime then that would go a long way towards solving the problem int the west. Much like i believe removing welfar except for short term emergencies would, it would force people to make better decisions (especially mothers with their choice of mate) if they didn't have a safety net. If they still fail then let charity (religious or feminine men/ women's job. Not governments) help them, if there is not charity then tough. As for the rest of the world, I say stop giving them foreign aid. Let them go through their ice age and let evolution take its natural course. They have all the tools at their disposal now via the internet. There is no reason they can not innovate and succeed in most situations. I realise sometimes the land isn't great for farming or whatever, but humanity will find a way even if it takes a 95% population reduction and 50 years before they discover it in some countries. It needs to happen.
It all boils down to tough love really. There is that saying, 'give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime'. Well, all we are doing to even our own is giving fish. It is also not our place to teach unless they ask and want to do things our way.
these people have no place in the civilized world for the most part and they are destroying it.
On a side note, I think the Japs survive all this. Pic is them visiting from the future maybe, the lone survivor of a multicultural world where we all die out. KEK. It is mostly a joke but give or take a thousand years of evolution, maybe a mini ice age and some nuclear fallout forcing them underground... stranger things have happened.