>right? Right? Right? Right?
>gives zero update on project. Github collects dust
This piece of shit.
>right? Right? Right? Right?
>gives zero update on project. Github collects dust
This piece of shit.
He's becoming a big guy
Dude seriously get the fuck over it. No one gives a shit anymore about all you fucking morons. It's a plague on this board. Move the fuck on. If all you obnoxious loser ass faggots spent 1/4 the energy on trading and getting your money back up as you did bitching about fat boy then maybe you'd actually be making money. But instead you are jerking off with your tears on a limp dick you fucking piece of shit degenerate. Fuck off.
haha nolinker fomoing into anger. lol get rekt faggot
he's right kid
now im hangry
I have resisted until now but I just bought some and will now make a thread a day about LINK. I bet you are one of the same people who doesn't think Satoshi price matters. Lurk more!
>measuring in satoshis
Riddle me this; what are satoshis measured in?
>I bet you are one of the same people who doesn't think Satoshi price matters.
It doesn't.
All it tells you is BTC is doing better.
If you believe that then stop, you are wrong. If you are trolling then stop, you are being a dick. If you are a Bitcoin cash shill trying to discredit Core, then carry on I guess because you are getting paid.
Satoshis are themselves valued in $.
Anything you value in satoshis/BTC, you are always automatically valuing in $.
the man is too busy working to give degenerate adhd faggots like you an update
Uh oh.. She really let herself go..
What do you mean collecting dust? What do you expec to have happen with it??? I just set up a master node and the github command lines are up to date. Nice fud though..
Sure, and you cant cash out either. KYS.
>For anybody reading this who doesn't realise this guy is trolling or a shill.
Even ETH and XRP that you can buy directly with fiat is valued based on its BTC/Satoshi value. The only reason to buy anything other than BTC is to increase your BTC holdings. This will remain true as long as things have a satoshi value. They can gain satoshis, they can lose satoshis. If you lose satoshis, you lose dollar value.
>you cant cash out either. KYS.
>The only reason to buy anything other than BTC is to increase your BTC holdings.
And what are those BTC holdings valued in?
When BTC moons or tanks, what is it mooning or tanking against?
If you are really this stupid then you deserve to lose your money and have no place in crypto other than to feed the system your fiat. Enjoy being poor.
I hope for your sake that you are trolling. You sound genuinely moronic though. You need to stop believing the trolls and liars. They want people to work in fiat so they can con people out of their bitcoins.
Stop talking to me, I have no more time for you. You either understand now and are trolling or you never will. Either way, you are no longer with my time. In fact you weren't about a reply ago but I felt the need to reply and explain for anybody else reading your garbage in case you lured another newbie in with your garbage. If that is what happened to you then I am sorry but you are living a lie.
>Even ETH and XRP that you can buy directly with fiat is valued based on its BTC/Satoshi value.
I can get why it's "true" of alts that are primarily against bcore (eth pairs are always much lower volume) beause even their usd prices are affected by bcore movs but this seems retarded. You can value Ford stock in satoshicores too but that doesn't make it real. If anything can be valued in satoshicores than putting money into anything other than bcore over the past 10 years has been utterly retarded, which is obviously not true because there was no way to know what would happen.
you are a brainlet.
Way to back out of a discussion after running out of dumbass """arguments""".
he hasn't had any commits on github since june
what work's he doing?
why what?
>muh github FUD
i remember the same crap when it came to ANS.
Why would you be entitled to this information?
because i'm an investor
>haha guys Link dropped from $210 to $205
>sell sell sell xd deluded linkies xdd
Even if you're a big-time shareholder, you'll be lucky to get quarterly updates.
Golang implementation is on a private repo, read the gitter
The brainlets who demand information and think that there is no sign the project is alive deserve to sell and pink wojack. Just because they aren't posting clickbait articles to twitter six times a day people claim the project is "defunct" fuck these spoon fed fags.
It might hit $200, but it will never reach 10,000 satoshis again :^)
Christ Veeky Forums is normie central
manlet detected
>This piece of shit.
This piece of shit is going to be the future of the financial industry. Everybody jokes about him here, but in 4 years, he will become a household name.
Just kidding. This shit, and the rest of crypto, is just a pen stroke away from going to 0 instantly. Any realized gains have to be made in 2018. Heavy regulation incoming.
well said, user
holding since $.16
please tell me that is shopped
Its real
You got it.
so that means as the price of bitcoin goes up, so does the satoshi value, which also means if a token's price does not rise with bitcoin, the satoshi value will "shrink", despite it being the same dollar amount it was originally?
in theory but usually when btc goes on a rally alt usd prices also drop.
>chainlink is a success, goes on a massive run somewhere Q4 2018
>hits $200, but at that point BTC has become so expensive, it 5% short of outperforming it
>at that point we all made it, but you might as well just've held BTC from the start. all that stress linkies went through for nothing
would be hilarious
How the fuxk will I buy a flat with btc?