Aether Revolt masterpiece spoilers
>How disappointed will you be when you open a booster case and only get an ornithopter masterpiece?
Aether Revolt masterpiece spoilers
>How disappointed will you be when you open a booster case and only get an ornithopter masterpiece?
Oh fuck, nice
Also very nice!
I gotta say, with the exception of Fire and Ice looking silly to me, the Masterpiece Swords look amazing.
Whats the chance again to open a masterpiece, I´m asking because I got a foil lili the last hope once and I´d like to know what the chances are to get a masterpiece in a full display or amount of boosters?
If there's no Mindslaver I'm gonna shit my pants in rage
The average is 1.5 masterpieces per booster case
No Mindslaver :(
bullshit 2 friends an myself opened each a display and there were none in it
Do they have mastwork tokens too? The relationship between the art of the tokens and the original Wurmcoil was the best part.
>reprint even infamous sundering titan wich have room only in monoU tron
>no mindslaver
just fuck off
I really want to see the full art of this one.
RIP your pants.
That's not how averages work.
>Blue and orange everywhere
Was the art supplied by EA or something?
They cut one of your cards in half?
Thats bullshit.
2 displays only make up for 1/3 of a case. You basically had a 35% chance to see one between the two of you.
thanks i got it now
I hope these are cheap enough so i can get a playset. The sheer excess and degeneracy this represents is too good to pass up. I hope enough people are salty about this so i can make more people tilt by playing affinity.
>all these amazing modern and legacy bomb artifacts
>commander darlings like duplicant and staff of domination
I am going to giggle like a bitch when someone opens this at our prerelease.
So what's the big money card in this bunch, just the swords?
Black Vise.
Ravager, Bridge, and Explosives, possibly O Stone and Wurm
Almost everything except Thopter. Although, it'll do well during the first weeks just because it's so hilarious.
Calling it now that thopter is gonna be the most expensive one as the people autistic enough to actually buy masterpieces will need four instead of just one for their commander deck
This is a spicy reprint
Masterpieces were already a scam but now printing fucking commons in the slot is such a shit move I hope there is a big shit storm about this.
MM and EE having shit mythic was already pissing people off, but this is almost going too far.
>more reprints of reprinted "tweener" cards
Eh, zero ducks given. This is just silly, why do they only reprint valuable cards that I own?
>four copies
Hey Wizards, Modern and Standard are dying. Your eternal formats are effectively dead.
Commander is doing fucking great though. Thanks for printing them shit exclusive to them and these Masterpieces.
It seems like the only format that gets something in every product is Commander. I mean shit that ONLY sees play in Commander. It used to be EDH was happy with whatever was available. Now EDH is getting attention in every product. I'm happy for EDH players, they're lucky to get that attention when five years ago it received zero official acknowledgment.
And now, Legacy, Vintage, and Modern get zero official acknowledgment.
I'm just sad now. Everything about this game is sad. And the people who are ignorantly happy don't see the impending ruin around them.
Calling $50.
Lotus Petal was a common
Calling a "printing error" making these ten times rarer than the other masterpieces and causing the price to be stupid high
Standard has been shit for a while now but maybe might come back now they realized the shorter rotation was a retarded idea.
Modern might be unsalvagable even though it's my favourite format, maybe if they finally admit to print around standard for it
Legacy and Vintage are completely fine without new blood, the people who play it will play it for years to come as wotc can't fuck them over as much
Commander would be better off without all these overpowered prebuilt commanders, the format was way better when it was about creativity and flavour instead of building around a commander targeted around a predefined strategy
>Standard has been shit for a while now but maybe might come back now they realized the shorter rotation was a retarded idea.
The likelihood of Standard coming back is pretty low because of how "game" populations work.
Basically if you want a game to "go" one of two things has to happen.
One, you have an established group of people to indoctrinate any new people looking to play. That way, one or two individuals can find a place to play with little effort.
Two, if One is not available, you need a massive group of people to self-organize and commit to getting something started to establish the One-state.
This applies to all games whether it be sports, cards, or board games. Standard is so dead that a One state is not actually a thing right now in many places large and small. Certainly there are enough diehards in large communities to keep Standard alive but for the most part they've killed Standard so hard that you no longer have a foundation of people to welcome the individuals coming to play alone and as strangers.
I assume Commander gets the most goodies because it's the easiest to pick cards for. WotC just needs to pull out some choice reprints or a legend with a silly ability and Commanderfags are happy.
The eternal formats don't really get cards made for them because in general each is a collection of stupid good cards that exist within a specific timespan. If WotC started printing cards at the level that would impact those formats, people would be yelling about powercreep.
Nobody wants new cards at the Eternal level. They just want more quantity of what has already been designed.
They don't want to reinvent the football. We just want more fucking footballs.
>Modern might be unsalvagable even though it's my favourite format, maybe if they finally admit to print around standard for it
But goyim, think about the investors!
Fuck the investors.
WotC loves to spit in our faces, what the fuck were you expecting?
>Masterpieces were already a scam
Masterpieces keep the packs opened so the actual stuff from the set doesn't balloon in price.
You guys are going to thank masterpieces when WotC reprints the ZEN fetches.
I'm a bit worried about this one. I play edh exclusively, this would be heart breaking to open.
Idk why they did it but the Kaladesh inventions have all had this color scheme
And I mean I understand that blue contrasts with the orange border, but why they chose the orange border is a little unclear
>You guys are going to thank masterpieces when WotC reprints the ZEN fetches.
People will open packs like starving animals for the fetches, not the masterpieces.
He meant that you would buy 1 masterpiece wurmcoil, for instance, for your commander deck, but ornithopter isn't highly played in commander, the people who want pimped out ornithopters will be buying 4 for their affinity deck
When should I sell my Zen fetches?
Five minutes before they announce reprints.
Alternatively, right now. To me.
Actual players will. Casuals will just play the Masterpiece lottery to get a shiny and cool-looking card.
Reminder, someone at a prerelease will open a staff of domination and a quicksmith rebel.
Bro, ornithopter is the one I want most out of these
Honestly ornithopter is the one I'd like the most.
I'd like wurmcoil but I'm not too hot on its art compared to the original.
I just wonder when reprints will happen.
I don't really play but dusted off some stuff last night to hit up the hometown FLGS.
Some dude offered me $30 each for a set Verdant Catacombs and told me that was what they were going for. He was really desperate so I felt bad saying no, glad I waited til I got home and checked the price to see how absurdly high Zen fetches go for now.
Also fuck that piece of shit for low balling me because I didn't know current prices. I'm actually kind of mad now.
>flavor text not "Regardless of the century, plane, or species, developing artificers never fail to invent the ornithopter."
You had one job Wizards.
All of the flavor text is from the consulate confiscating things. Why would any of them (outside of Tezzeret) know about other planes.
I would like to see some hard data in that
I was primed to buy a box of kaladesh. But the masterpiece announcement had Me change my mind
Why? If you were going to buy a box because you wanted the Kaladesh cards then why would the chance to open what is basically an extra box put you off?
Sure you might not want the Masterpieces but you flip them on Ebay for $100 and buy a second box instead. You can't lose. The only people who lose are those buying the boxes specifically because they want the masterpiece.
>I was primed to buy a box of kaladesh. But the masterpiece announcement had Me change my mind
I'd like to hear your logic for that
If he was offering cash money than that was a good deal for 30 a piece. I'd go way higher for trade value though.
Dovin is a walker, too.
Same with Raj.
this was my first concern as well
Because masterpieces make the value of singles tank
I am able to buy every rare and mythic I want from the set as singles for less than the cost of a box.
Buying a box has a low chance of opening a masterpiece and if you fail to do so the trade value of the cards in the box are worth less than the cash you would have had.
Masterpieces are a con
Yea but Saheeli sure as shit isn't part of the consulate coup.
Dovin technically was, but these all seem more "rank and file" people just cataloging shit.
it was trade
he had all the modern staples but no legacy ones so I wasn't interested
Gotta say I think these are a pretty big drop in quality and art from Kaladesh.
>The consulate deploys Sundering Titan
>Literally nothing of value happens because it doesn't do jack shit against nonbasic lands
I have always found it odd that there isn't more nonbasic hate.
But isn't meekstone an ancient Thran artifact that was used in construction of legacy weapon ? Where is that thing now by the way ?
it kills duals dude
>I have always found it odd that there isn't more nonbasic hate.
ALL the good landhate is non-basic (Wasteland, Blood Moon, etc).
You're smoking some real standard player shit my nigga.
>I have always found it odd that there isn't more nonbasic hate.
I'm casual as fuck and only play commander once every few months.
Pretty much all landhate is non-basic.
The ornithopter is the first Masterpiece I've seen and thought "I have to have this"
I don't get why people are shitting on it. It's pretty much the only masterpiece from this set I care about at all.
>blood moon, back to basics, ruination, wasteland, fulminator mage
that's not real thick.
I misposted sorry
Meant to say there hasn't been it recently outside +4 CMC red sorcery tier cards recently.
Last ones I remeber are Anathemancer from Alara, Ruinblaster from Zendikar, and all the attempts for "fixed" wasteland
It could put dent to the stupid-good manabases most standard decks are having
>You're smoking some real standard player shit my nigga.
Though I think modern/vintage/legacy/etc are just as bad
Flavor text reads like a damn SCP
>Their researchers, who weren't important enough to bother naming, have power 3 or greater
>Average Kaladesh researchers can reliably fight bears
It's pretty good, I like it.
Fucking magicians tried to stop a perpetual motion machine instead of exploiting it.
RR - Sorcery - Destroy target non-basic land