Because I'm feeling generous and several fa/tg/uys expressed an interest in the setting...

Because I'm feeling generous and several fa/tg/uys expressed an interest in the setting, I'm gonna storytime Masamune Shirow's Orion (one of his best and most underrated works), in high resolution.

keep the thread bumped if you wanna see it through.


You'll see, it's basically Shirow's attempt to combine Jodorowsky's Dune with chinaboo mythology. As such, it's full of metaphysical technobabble that makes very little sense.

It also has a few references to Moebius's works, which you'll be able to pick up if you pay attention.


Meet Seska Fuzen: she is best girl, and a reaction pic goldmine.

also Lynch's Dune

s m u g








brace up for technobabble

also please notice that seska's eye in the 4th panel seems weirdly edited from previous versions



Veeky Forums storytime? That's a great chrismas present. Thanks a lot OP. You rock.



and there'll be plenty more!

look at this shit
if one of Shirow's mangas deserves a movie adaptation, it's THIS one.









shoo shoo!




can't spell "fundoshi" without "fun"









Bumping, since it seems your posts don't for some reason.


>for some reason
are you new to Veeky Forums? OPs can't bump their own threads, it's been this way for about two years.

That's why I asked you to keep the thread bumped

>foolish wench

Pre-digital Shirow is the best. Thanks OP.

For the convenience of anyone who wants to download:


is that the same version?


Looks like it.


oh well in that case should I go through all 6 books or should I just stop at the first one and then we'll discuss how to implement the setting in a system?


look how fucking majestic that is.


Must depend on the board, on /co/ you can self bump as long as someone else has posted in the thread.


This is so cool. Thanks user. Shirow really is a genius when it comes to style. I love the way the ships look when they jump.


it's probably a reference to David Lynch's Dune, where the combat shields look like this.

Anyway the first book is done

should I continue?

Well fuck, I'm only to this point and I have to stop reading to get shit done. Fuck you OP for making me obsess with this comic while i am doing stuff for the holidays. Gotta download it.


Yes pls.

alright then
book 2

Notice how Susanoo's feet changed from the previous book

we're barely getting into the meat of the story and look at all the cool shit and cool charactrs that have already been introduced.



Look! It's Dali!






this is someone's fetish








Well, I can definitely see Jodo's influence here.


yeah, made-up superscience words are a staple of Jodorowsky's writing.


written five years before the Kobe earthquake










and Seska's back!

and she's gone again


