I need historical-ish character art, preferably viking styled

I need historical-ish character art, preferably viking styled.

Plan is as follows.
>A bunch of vikings and saxons were rescued by Valkyries to carve out a foothold in a new world
>Almost Dwarf Fortress styled base building and exploration ensues
>Other gods/pantheons begin making rival strongholds
>The native elves take offense
>Monsters attack
>FUN ensues
>Players are Fates, the heroic spirit that allows one to reach greatness
>When they get killed, the Fate finds a new host
>Player starts back to level 1 (homebrew system) and party returns their gear
>But they're now someone else from the stronghold
>They have to randomly pick a new character image and a random new name and continue the adventure

But, so much as I would love to have them all be stuck with pictures of cute girls, I need some men in there as well. So can you guys help me round out my collection? I'll try to post what I have, but it is Christmas Eve and all


Other cultures of the same time period are cool too


yeah, i don't have nearly enough viking stuff



Most pictures don't fit to the description OP posted.
Here have some Normans from Sicily




You are aware that Normans were entirely French by the time of the Norman conquest of Sicily, right?


Yes I am. But they are still called Normans by many people. And I think that they are still way better fitting into the system OP wanted than those dudes in plate armor which were posted earlier.



That was me (OP), I stopped posted because I was disappointed by how far from viking my collection was.

Thank you anons

Does the campaign pitch sound sane to you guys?





Bumping on the assumption that most of Veeky Forums is currently eating christmas eve dinner with their families.

>tfw moved to new city
>no family except for roommate's Muslim family
>spending the day eating pork I roasted and morning drinking while putting Warhammer together


I'm so sorry user. You were unable to make the trip back for the holidays?



Whoops, didn't read OP. Figured this and the 2 other character art threads were all the same.