Tzeentcian Voidship Ideas

So, im playing a game of Black Crusade right now, and my Thousand Sons Sorcerer is about to acquire his very own voidship. However im not sure what weird Chaos stuff i can do with it.
Obviously Nurgle has his diseased plague ships, and Slaanesh has its palaces of pleasure, and Khorne, well, Khorne doesn't really care for ships, but i cant really think of of any driving characteristic a Tzeentcian vessel would have.

Do you guys have any ideas?

Extreme adaptability? Hard to do boarding ops against due to the insides constantly changing? Regeneration due to changingness?

He could very well have his own Silver Tower, which would have entire corridors twisting throughout in arcane patterns across the ship. Not only that but I'm pretty sure he'd have ways to keep things like his library and such safe by having those sections of the ship actualy reside in a bubble of the warp.

An interesting plothook could be that the ship has parts of a Webway portal aboard, the PC would have to try and assemble it and that way the party could raid worlds without having to go through the atmosphere and alert the planet below. Of course, there would be a slight chance that those clowns would take an interest in him.

That and he'd probably have a herd of Tzaangors as his crew, which could lead to all sorts of wild antics.

I like the contstantly changing corridors idea.
Maybe have it so saturated with Warp power that it constantly makes mutants out of its crew.

Yeah, have em mutate to serve the ship better in whatever situation they're in.

You know, along with mutations the crew might start to form sorcerous cabals themselves, around those psychic individuals on board, and attempt to learn from their ships' owner. How he chooses to deal with that would be interesting to see.

How about, making custom torpedoes that are like normal boarding ones, only instead of crew they have a short lived Warp portal in them, that spew daemons on the enemy vessel as soon as they hit?

Time is convoluted within the ship, with entire segments stuck in various time periods that will occasionally shift around.
>The engines are manned by imperial navy engineers during the Great Crusade
>The guns are stuck in the future, their decaying metal held together by pure warp energy
>There's a senior techpriest on board who is stuck in a loop and will constantly announce the newly christened ship's maiden voyage
>Ghosts of crewmates from the ship's entire history wander the hallways, exchanging stories and drinking on their way to their nonexistent shifts
>Cultists and Chaos marines alike will occasionally run into themselves from the past or the future
>A single Lord of Change lurks around the ship, trying to outwit himself across every time zone.

That's fucking amazing

writefags, get on it

There are barnacle-like nests of screamers nestled in the crevices of the outer hull. While the ship is in the Warp they flit around the engines, feeding on waste energy. When the ship is in realspace they retreat to the nests, emerging only to savage hostile fighters and torpedoes. They actually do a better job than the point defense guns, most of which have been stripped out by the crew to make more room for the daemons to nest.

The tzangors among the crew are divided into rival tribes based on their section. The gun deck tribes are particularly vicious, enacting dark rites over their weapons to bring fortune in battle. The sorcerers love to study their behavior. Sure a few voidsmen go missing before every battle, but it's a small price to pay for knowledge.

Some crew members have taken to paying homage to the ship itself as though it were a daemon lord. It's a fringe cult of a few dozen at best. But it must be said, they seem to have fewer accidents than the non-believers.

Small thing, but have the ship transmit different name every encounter.


Timefag here, why not combine all of these?
A disjointed combination of several ships, built upon each other, constantly shifting through time, space, and layout.

It could be a sort of ghost fleet that through warp fuckery, merged into one ship, with your Sorcerer at the helm.

general odd stuff might include
>the ship will appear to be aiming its guns one way, or the entire prow will seem to turn away, until you feel the impact hit your ship
>a shimmering of space around it
>what appears to be life surviving on certain parts of the hull, but are actually sick reflections in the warp, waiting to trick anyone foolish enough to remove their gear
>You've boarded this ship, and wandered for days before reaching the other side, but you found it nonetheless. but why is it taking so long to navigate? are the corridors shifting randomly, or are they changing with a will of their own? Maybe this ship is bigger on the inside than on the outside
>for some reason one of the Gun Batteries imploded and opened a rift, but why are Slaaneshi daemons pouring forth, and why do they seem to enjoy running your ship's mazes so much?

another few interesting ideas
>The ship has no visible means of propulsion, but moves at a breakneck pace
>Eyes. Some n plain sight, some tiny and not noticed until you looked for them. and even when none are in your vicinity, you can feel their gaze on you..
>The Warp and the ever changng nature of your ship has pulled debris, faint echoes of fighters that once charged its form, and pieces of space rock around it, some arent actually there, and some hold tears in realspace, Horrors, or just be used as hiding places for Daemons and Fighters defending your new ship

Perhaps it randomly pops from point to point in space through the warp, and only praying hard enough to Tzeentch gets you where you want to go, but it always take you where you're needed and there's going to be lots of bloodshed.

>This entire thread
is why Tzeentch is my favorite chaos god.

It's guns never point where you aim them, but always fire with pinpoint accuracy where you aim

Something about the interiors layout changes daily. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's drastic. The ship itself isn't changing, just the universe inside of it.

People occasionally meet themselves
Their dopplegangers are immediately hostile, and if they kill a person they will assume their place and pretend nothing ever happened. There seems to be no actual difference between the original and the copies behavior however except for small things, such as favored color or food


The shifting colors of the walls will occasionally come to show utterly realistic personalized depictions of the viewer's hopes and ambitions in random locations.
>You find an open door. You can see some of your brothers within the room, even those you know to have become rubricae.Your father is there. All of them helmetless, heads visible, wearing party hats. A banner hangs from the ceiling, the text reading "Congratulations user for finding the cure". You walk in, to speak to them, and hit a solid surface. It was only a temporary mural.
>You find a mirror. looking back at you is a daemon prince. Can it be real? you move your body, a the daemon moves with you. You raise your arms to rejoice, only to notice through peripheral vision, that your body is still your own. twas only shifting colors on the wall.
>A strange picture of a black man in a suit, with captions in some archaic human script. You have no idea who it is or why it shows up so often.

The ship is definitely intelligent. Maybe it's possessed by a daemon. Maybe it's got an AI. Maybe a possessed AI.

It's also plotting something. All the PCs can figure out about the plot is that the ship needs them. For now.

An intelligent possessed ship sounds like the worst idea possible.
If i where to possess it i would have it slaved to my will.

Bump. This is an awesome thread.

Bigger on the inside, always taking you were you're needed. TARDIS confirmed?

People occasionally meet versions of themselves who happen to be of the opposite sex.

Children sometimes result from this.

Corridors, air locks, and doors on the ship sometimes open to other times and places. After satisfying whatever bizzare agenda Tzeentch had for them, a passage at their new locale will take the players back to the ship.