>He's a lone wolf
>When he goes into combat he has an uncontrollable rage
>He's mysterious, a drifter
He's a lone wolf
>He starts a thread with greentext
>first post was a green text about starting a thread with a green text
I'm sorry for the shameless self-insert, but I'm running a Quest where the protagonist is a Power-hungry Kitsune Pyromancer with a Scimitar, (I assure you, I didn't start the quest with this, the posters voted,) and he is one of the least edge-lord characters I've ever GM'd.
> Pic related
Tropes don't make edge, poor role-playing and script-writing do. If you want to see for yourself, here's a link. Mods, please don't ban me, this is relevant to the thread discussion.
You're the people who worsen questing's name
It's not my fault that when I allowed the posters to vote on a character, the most votes went to a walking bundle of cliched tropes, but the audience wanted it, and I obliged them. I'm doing what I can to quarantine and minimize the weaboo taint, and I think it's working out quite nicely. Did you actually read the Quest?
Eh, 8.2/10
He isn't asking you to stop running, he's asking you to stop shilling at the slightest excuse.
We've been exiled, the war is over, don't be a fuckwit.
>I'm running a Quest
Kill yourself. You people almost killed Veeky Forums.
As a questfag, shut the fuck up about quests and keep it to /qst/ you dumbass
But user.. that was you.
Back in the gas chamber, questfags.
>a druid that grew up away from civilization
I have seen this important bit of backstory ignored far too often - of course, only when it comes to finding rooms in taverns, buying and selling goods, and obtaining a fair share of loot. Never when they're trying to justify stealing as 'just what their character would do because they don't know it's wrong!'
Druids have their own civilizations, they don't just sit under a tree all day. It's more like the Amish where they shun modern civilization.
Even so, the concepts of "Give me this and I'll give you that", "Give me a room and I'll give you this", and "We all worked together for this so we share it evenly" would only be alien to someone who has been on their own their whole lives.
>the rogue is an orphan
>the rogue wants to join the thieves' guild
>the rogue only uses daggers but bitches about not dealing a lot of damage
I have never played with a druid that has treated it like the Amish - they always just say they grew up without any civilized contact (not all the druids I've played with, but most of the bad ones). They have been on their own their whole lives, but keep up a naive and 'I don't know anything about this' act only when it suits them.
Even some Amish use technology, though the gap wouldn't be as big in such a setting.
>Le quests were bad meme
Somehow ever since the quests were removed, overal quality of the board tanked, alongside with activity on it. Might be a coincidence, but still is an issue.
check out the assreamed questfag
get over it, shithead
I never even played quests, but sure, everyone who says their removad was stupid and literally a defeat on side of mods must be an evil questfag.
Because a precedense when a bunch of idiots doing nothing but crying non-stop for half a year to pretty much force mods into submission is such a great thing!
What is this, shit fanart for ants?
Also, you're a terrible person and should feel endless shame.
>I'm playing a female character, but don't worry, it's not fetishy
>Also she's a beautiful amazon, please enjoy this sexy boobplate art of a model in armor I'm using for character art.
>What, she's a backwoods barbarian from a tribe of arctic savages, and would have scars, muscles, and actual clothing? Don't worry, it's just representative!
I swear to fuck I don't mind people playing other genders but fuck this bit
Thanks user.
That pic is just the right size.
Board quality and speed is basically the same as it was before the Quest "boom."
I'm not relating it with quests.
I'm talking about all the turbulences Veeky Forums is going through since April. And I've specifically noted that there might be no relation with quests (and probably wasn't)
>I'm not relating it with quests.
>ever since the quests were removed, overal quality of the board tanked, alongside with activity on it.
>Might be a coincidence, but still is an issue.
Your cherry-picking skills are too low, user