What's the best course of action if the savage-barbarian PC just beat and raped our young and spirited party helper...

What's the best course of action if the savage-barbarian PC just beat and raped our young and spirited party helper? He assaulted her while she was out foraging for the party. She always lifted our spirits but now she is a traumatized husk and won't leave her tent. She was like a little sister to my PC now she's afraid of me because I am a man.

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You kill the barbarian. That's it. End of story. You kill him. If you can't do it in a head to head confrontation then you slit his throat in his sleep, but either way you kill that fucker.

Yup I was just gonna say kill him. If you are a paladin have fun smiting evil.

This. It doesn't even have to be about moral bullshit, you have an in-character reason given your PC's prior relationship with her.

There's something obviously wrong with the player, have a talk with them about how the group plays and how he shouldn't be having his character rape a cherished NPC. Kick him out if shit like this happens a lot with no story and whatnot behind it

Howith the fuck did your DM allow this? I'm all for freedom in roleplay but fuck that seems like something a DM should put his foot down on

>she was like a little sister

Then why do you even have to ask? Kill him. Slowly, if possible.

Well, I suppose you have to confront the player about why they're being a prick.

IC the answer is some good ol' fashioned Frontier Justice™.

Also, this. Can OP explain more of this situation to us?

Smite the evil

Unleash a can of righteous, and justified PVP whoopass on the savage degenerate, castrate his corpse, burn it, and feed his dick to starving dogs. Look, I'm a forever DM,and I heavily discourage inter-PC conflict, but at this point, YOU would be the bad guy if you let this crime go unpunished.

I'm assuming your DM is accepting of PVP conflict, given the edginess of the situation. What is your race, class, level, and equipment loadout? What's the barbarian degenerate's? Who else is in the party, beside you, the rape victim, and the barbarian? How do they feel? What is the party doing right now?

Well, the justice commands that you beat and rape his healer.

Kill him. Then drop the player. Role-playing is fine, but he shouldn't have made a character that can't work with a group to the extent that they beat and rape party members in the first place.

it's time for the savage barbarian to be put down. quietly. in his sleep. so that there is no further danger to the party.

We have kill him, kill him loudly, kill him quietly, kill him and mutilate the corpse.
Can we just have an old fashioned hanging?

I suppose you have no choice, but to find a wizard, transform the barbarian into the girl, then send him back in time to be found by your group.

Kill him in the game and slap him at the table.

Also, pic related.

Girl is just an npc so I think that's why he thought it was ok to go all out roleplay against her.

ITT: idiots take the bait.

Karmic, AND my fetish.

Still kill his ass

Oh yea and SLAP YOUR GM

This is not a thing that should be totally ok to RP

But i like taking the bait.

No one actually believes this happened, you mongrel.

Get raped by the savage also to show your lil sis that thick barbarian dick doesn't discriminate

If this happened, then rape him. The player, that is.

If it didn't, then do it anyways. Assert your dominance in your friend group.

barbarians are known for going berserk. you'll need strong chains and manacles just to give this guy some minuses while he goes into a frenzy and attempts to kill everybody in his vicinity.

End that motherfucker.


Our group is pretty tight nit and are pretty serious in the roleplay aspect. Somehow we weren't prepared for this despite it being a sword and sorcery kind of game ala conan.


It says nothing bad that you weren't prepared for a PC to rape another character...

RP your character responding to the situation rather than looking for advice from Veeky Forums to deal with a situation that probably never even happened. That Guy played his barbarian how he viewed his character would act. Now you do your part. That's how tabletop is played. If you have a problem with what your fellow player did from a meta perspective, as in you feel they've seriously cramped your fun RP times without warrant, maybe air your complaint and discuss it like an adult.
And holy shit, all of this silly righteous indignation in this thread. The most likely response is retaliatory murder, sure, but geez, it's just a story. Detach yourselves a little.

Train her

You kill that motherfucker.
No single combat, no chance for redemption.
You kill him while he rests, and leave his head on a spike.


I'll play rapist's advocate.

Is rape worse than murder? No, and if you say otherwise you've never experienced either.

I'm more interested in why the player did this, than anything else? Is he like my players, where they just do whatever they think will amuse them in the moment? Or did he think this would make his character more interesting (and does it fit the tone of your game)? If it's the former than you have more pressing issues than what to do in game. If it's the latter, to kill this character might stifle some great character building and dramatic role play.

I think these are things you should think about before you make a decision, and you should recall that this is not reality and that the player is not a rapist, and you should recall that even the inclusion of a rapist can create a more thrilling story.

>What's the best course of action if the savage-barbarian PC just beat and raped our young and spirited party helper?
Join in the fun. She's already damaged goods, so you might as well make good use of her.

>She always lifted our spirits
Fuck toys are great for lifting spirits.

>She was like a little sister to my PC
Which only makes it hotter.

The barbarian has showed you the way; don't be too much of a pussy to follow his lead. Bros before hoes. Speaking of hoes, maybe you could make some money off her while you're at it.

If he had murdered her, people would still be responding in exactly the same way.

You're a better storyteller and a calmer mind than half the dweebs in this thread, user.

As a distant descendant of Hussites I feel all kinds of confused learning that this exists. Mostly because Dívčí Válka was totally unrelated to Hussites but rather some proto-feminist movement.


>If it's the latter, to kill this character might stifle some great character building and dramatic role play.
Doing something dramatic and controversial should not be a get out of consequences free card. His character development should not stifle the development of other characters. "Oh, you were trying to develop your character, so I'll compromise my character to facilitate it." is not a good mindset.

>all the white knights itt


I'd say which is worse than the other is dependent on the views of the person suffering through it. I don't really have any authority on these things though, but then again no one really does. Hell, let's just rape and murder EVERYTHING to be sure! Wait, what was the point of this again?

>Getting revenge for the brutal rape of your sister is white knighting
Careful not to cut yourself on that edge

>Killing someone who raped someone so close to you they were practically family is now a white knight thing

Sign me up for that shiny virgin alabaster armor then.

>Hell, let's just rape and murder EVERYTHING to be sure
Now you're catching on.

Nothing about the edgelord who wants to go full evil and clearly isn't even baiting, but 'avin' a giggle, but otherwise
>maybe we should consider the actual narrative implications of this and work out what direction from here would make the best story
>gets called bait
If anything, the opening post is bait because it hooked all these white knight moralfaggots whose only response is thoughtless homicidal rage. And frankly I think PKing the barbarian is peachy keen, but it should be motivated by the player's desire to tell a good story befitting his character rather than out of some vague sense of entitlement to the circumstances of the plot.
And I'm not saying it's wrong for OP to have an emotional reaction to the suffering of an NPC, either. It really speaks volumes that he's gotten attached! But all the faggots flipping a tit and saying to expel the other player because he hurt an NPC? It's a damn game. OP needs to play it.

>But all the faggots flipping a tit

One person other than you said he should be kicked out. I'm not advocating kicking the player of the barbarian, but OP's character SHOULD be responding with homicidal rage considering his not-sister just got raped for no reason by a traveling companion.

>Is rape worse than murder? No, and if you say otherwise you've never experienced either.
As a child molestation victim, I can confidently say fuck you, and you have never experienced either, but are quick to tell others how they should feel about them.
>I'm more interested in why the player did this
That is for the GM to settle, NOT the player. The player has the onus of settling this as per their character's temperament, not trying to figure out why the player made a choice.

You know, alabaster actually looks like a kickass armor color.

Well obviously you have to rape his character.

The barbarian has laid down the dynamics of this groups social hierarchy, and it is clearly rape. Soon one of the other party members will be out for your black cherry in an attempt to make a statement about their status in the group. The Only way to avoid this fate is to establish your place as the top dog.

When you receive a chance, you need to bend that barbarian over, and start plowing His boipussy until he starts begging for more. Don't worry about doing it in public, having an audience shows that you are secure and not afraid of being undermined. Only once you have broken the Barbarian to be a slave to your cock in front of everyone, will you be truly safe from the rape.

He should be hanged for the offence against king's peace. End of story.

Just like my Japanese porn comics!


Those aren't porn comics. They're informative educational pamphlets made to facilitate survival in society, very serious business.

>he does bad thing to npc
>I do bad thing to him because of this

narrative consequences and implications fully considered, realized and appropriate response given

daft git

Right in the town square.

Hanging really needs to be brought back as a form of capital punishment.

I don't think this scenario exists.but i'll bite how does raping someone, make for interesting roleplay?

Everytime time I've seen it done it's been done for the evil lulz.

It just seems like something that needlessly provokes drama, if you know a member of the party likes said npc, your trying to display nerd dominance, by ruining nice things.

It also smacks of the basest form of bullshittery that shitty Chaotic Neutral rogues use. Trying to hide under alignment if Dnd, or flaws/disadvantages and what not with a system that uses those methods. My character is a savage barbarian, its what he would do. Nigger your saying you like these other assholes enough to travel with them, but would total rape their camp follower knowing that it would likely piss them off? Granted people are dumb and random enough to do shit like this.

And lets be honest if the players are murderhobos like most are how does the player, not expect to be killed?

Eh, watch this story be totally true, and its some nerd trying to insert as Khal Drogo and wanting a rape waifu.

Then I can also say fuck you. It's not as big of a deal as everyone thinks.

Letting the barbarian get away with raping an NPC companion is like letting the rogue get away with stealing your stuff. Just because it's in-character doesn't mean it's above in-character retribution.

Plus nobody likes the guy who unilaterally fucks with the group dynamic in a cooperative game just for attention.

Theoretically, it's a very quick way of introducing tension within the group, provided the group is unable to disband for one reason or another. It could work if the players knew each other well enough and/or hashed it out beforehand.

As somebody who has been repeatedly murdered, I think you're both full of shit. Also, what kind of wuss lets children molest them? You should be way bigger and stronger than they are.

Maybe if you weren't such a faggy kid your uncle wouldn't have stuck it in you.

>, what kind of wuss lets children molest them
Hey, there were 3 of them, and I was 12.

I guess it understandable as long as their combined ages were as much as yours. I'm 30 and could pretty easily stomp a one-year-old, but get 30 of those fuckers together and I could be in serious trouble.

Killing's too good. Too nice.

Honestly there's no reason to debate this topic since even among people who've gone through it the opinions will vary. I just say whichever is worse depends on the person who is experiencing it.

I've had to run from far more situations than I'd like to admit where the group of five-year olds was too great to handle.

Rape him back.
Then you kill him.

Yep that sounds about right best thing you can do. And for the girl slowly try to get her out her shell and offer her support.

I'm normally strongly against PVP, but fuck that guy.

Utterly destroy him.

Yep and that dramatic role play should end with you killing the rapist and seriously talking with the player out of game.

>Honestly there's no reason to debate this topic since even among people who've gone through it the opinions will vary.
Oh, I agree. Being raped has lead people to kill themselves, so obviously for those people, it's hard to argue that murder would've been worse. For others, it's a traumatic experience that they bounce back from with comparatively little psychological damage.

>I've had to run from far more situations than I'd like to admit where the group of five-year olds was too great to handle.
Yeah, but that's usually just because society frowns on people killing five-year olds and you're trying really hard to fit in. Either that or you aren't making proper use of tools. Killing a bunch of five-year olds with your bare hands is very tiring and can take far too long. I suggest employing a club of some kind or, failing that, a relatively light-weight piece of furniture, like an end table or kitchen chair. That's assuming it's a spur-of-the-moment sort of thing. Obviously, if you have prep-time, you gravitate towards knives and guns. Or attack dogs. You'd be surprised how quickly a rottweiler can take down a five-year old.

>Inb4 shit that never happened
Really, who let's this kind of thing happen at the table, what kind of DM accepts to narrate this, and furthermore, what kind of autistic edgelord wants to force his magical realm that much

>abloobloobloo this offends my delicate sensibilities, don't bring up this thing that happens all the time at my table ;_;

>I DM a campaign and willingly accept to narrate the rape of one of my NPCs

> now she's afraid of me because I am a man.
Her fault.
The only thing remaining is to rape her yourself.

Who will marry her now?

>what kind of DM accepts to narrate this
>There are no novels in existence that depict rape
I find your incredulity...amusing.

>what kind of autistic edgelord wants to force his magical realm that much
In context it might make sense, the character might be evil, or what if they were sexually abused as a child? To say that a PC can never rape a character is rather closed minded.

Players craft a narrative as much as the DM, and that's a good thing. Think of the storylines that open up now! The barbarian, if he isn't killed outright, will have to flee and can become a recurring villain and OP will support and care for the NPC as she tries to pull her life back together.

You kill your that guy.

>As a child molestation victim, I can confidently say fuck you, and you have never experienced either, but are quick to tell others how they should feel about them.
Then you should be the best person to answer this question, user: Would you rather have been murdered than molested?

>Then you've never experienced either
Pretty sure if you experience being murdered, you dont have an opinion anymore.

And how interesting a character dilemma, oh no, poor grognak beat and forced himself inside a helpless girl, how terrible that must be for him

Traumatizing and leaving a person in pain is worse than ending them. Torture and rape are worse crimes than murder. Killing can be justified. Rape and torture can not be.

Well, it's true that it adds complexity to a story, I'll admit, that subjects like that hurts my sensibilities

I'd be dead, and in heaven, and the murderer would burn in hell forever, so not entirely happy, but the reward of paradise is mine, so I'm pretty damn ok, how about you?

In heaven with the God that let you be raped? That's going to be an awkward stretch of eternity.

Are you even considering the group or what they want out of the game? Imagine you've been a victim of rape, or close friends of yours have been raped, and now your game night, when you want to have fun and escape into something heroic, now centers around chasing some rapist? Beyond "offending" people, or "triggering" or whatever other buzz words you'd want to use to delegitimize those against this line, you can't see something as real and coarse as this just ruining someone's time and pulling them out of the game and into dark places?

If that's what you want to explore with your group role play, fine, but I'd walk from the table. I know rapists, and I know victims, and it burns a hole in my head when I can't get it out.

>To say that a PC can never rape a character is rather closed minded.
No, it means that there are some things the GM or the players are not comfortable exploring. When I run a game where such themes can come up, I ask each player, individually, if they are alright with xyz being a thing, and if they aren't, I will excise it from the game, because I am not a shitlord and respect my fellow players.
You are a shitlord, and do not respect the desires of the players or GM, so die nameless, preferably in the forests surrounding Albany.
user, seriously, lets try to keep the discussion above elementary level?


Now you're just trying to get a rise, and you arent even keeping to your original point. The victim would have rather been murdered, there's your answer, sit on it.

So first you say RP, then you say don't RP and murder the barb?

If living with being raped is worse than death, wouldn't you kill yourself immediately after?

Because most people don't have the internal strength to take their own lives.

If you were a robot, or sufficiently autistic.

So it's mental illness that drives the delusion that rape is worse than death. Seems accurate.

>What's the best course of action if the savage-barbarian PC just beat and raped our young and spirited party helper?

Beat and Rape the Barbarian.

I wasn't saying definitely not to kill the barbarian. I in fact say it's a perfectly valid direction. What I am advocating against is what basically amounts to jumping on the hype train - getting carried off by senseless emotions and PKing the barbarian just because the offending player, who multiple anons have denigrated despite knowing very little about him except when he's apparently at his worst, hurt the OP's precious little feelings. I never assert that murdering the barbarian is not justified, either. My only advice is that the OP should do what his character would do - whether that is murder or arresting or whatever -- and that asking Veeky Forums is pointless because he's going to get a bunch of triggered princesses calling for the barbarian's head anyway - the most obvious response - rather than chilling out 'cause it's a game.
Apparently people have trouble with this distinction, but since so many are just riding the crest of their exasperation over fictional rape, I can see why.

Also, this, but that one might prove more difficult.

He won't stop with just once. He'll rape her again, and when you get her away from him, he'll rape the weaker party members. the wizard, the rogue, and then move up to the other martials.
The only way or preventing this is to murder him, or turn him into the broken rape victim.

Why is it ok for evil characters to potentially murder NPCs for profit or chuckles but the second it's rape, an objectively lesser crime, everyone flips their shit?

You kill him. There is a time for reconciliation and morals, and there's a time for murdering a motherfucker. This is the latter.

I think the bigger concern for OP is that it was an NPC that his character was close to.

This was the original point, before we started debating moral values and what constitutes a more evil nature than the other.