Custom MTG Power Creep Thread, Go:

Custom MTG Power Creep Thread, Go:

>"And Hans was never seen or heard from again."

Wrong. Hans is done with running away.


So its just a bad Nahiri...

Damn Hans is a BAMF

Why can't this be a thing?

because you would play them in the same decks

I believe the first and second ability would be in reverse order, but cool card otherwise.

that is a terribly worded card

Let the creeping continue!

Tough Grizzly Bear
Creature - Bear

Powerful Grizzly Bear
Creature - Bear

Since he's a creature he gets unearth, not flashback. But otherwise yeah.

iirc flashback technically works on permanent spells, they just get exiled instead of etbing when they resolve.

...which would make etb abilities not work, unlike "when you cast cardname" abilities.

anyway, the increased cost might not make this better than the original snapcaster.




>eight grizzlies
>is an 8/8
>when two grizzlies are a 2/2
It's Grizzly BearS, plural.

I didn't make it, this one has been floating around for a while.

saw this in a thread would love to see real

that's an awesome card with lore in the mechanics plus being able to find the answer you need at any time is great too

Man, I've been gone a while. How's everyone been? Happy holidays all around, I hope.

Here's Livewire, from the Superman animated series. I have to admit, I have a hard time coming up with ideas for people with lightning powers that don't involve pinging. Though I was wondering about modifying the numbers of cards that get drawn and discarded with this.

Feels strange to be able to Wish to hand, and Wish your permanents too. I say choose one or the other, probably lower P/T as well. Also, you realize you could just word the abilities so it requires you to exile as a cost, right?
>1, Exile a card from your hand: You may choose [...]
>3, Exile another permanent you control: You may choose [...]

You realize you could use this to effectively steal creatures you don't control, right?

It should unearth for UU or 1U, maybe U.
You can only unearth as a sorcery, so you can't flash in a counter spell.

Never got around to making an actual card.

Yoshi, Who Leads Armies (3)(W)(R)

+1: Place an Honor Counter on target Creature you control. It gains Bushido X, where X is the number of Honor Counters on it and becomes a Samurai in addition to its other creature types.

-3: Untap all Samurai you control. They gain first strike until the beginning of your next Upkeep.

-6: You get an Emblem with "Samurai Creatures you control get +1/+1 for each point of Bushido they have."


I feel like a planeswalker with these abilities should have a much lower CMC to make up for it. If you want to keep the CMC where it is, I suggest getting rid of the Samurai tribal aspects, including Bushido, and changing the counters to regular +1/+1 counters.

That was kinda the point, being that this is a "power creep" thread.

not mine just saw it in a custom card thread and thought it was awesome

Give him flashback rather than unearth, make his ability on cast.

>Samurai power creep
>Still way below average
Sounds fitting

"I'm just pretending to be retarded!"

the thread

Since when does power creep mean color pie warping?

Thanks for the appreciation, though I rarely make custom cards anymore.

I would put the exile part into the cost. Still nice overall

Abilities are supposed to represent her spear, which fires blasts, and her armor, which takes a lot of the damage for her. Not sure how to cost it though. Kinda sad to see IDW reboot the Spaceknight stuff, I hope Marvel can use Ikon again for something.

Pretty cool. Though it should probably be
>All lands are Mountains until end of turn.

How'd I do?

The +1 needs to specify duration.

The -2 ability is super confusingly worded (the "its" should be "that permanent's", because otherwise it looks like it's referring to Momiji's controller, ie you, making it a wash with the life gain).

And the ult is super underwhelming. The color restriction is just a totally needless drawback, and even without that I'd expect something rather more than simply a single Relentless Assault for an ult that takes 4 turns to build to on a walker that can only protect itself reactively, not proactively. An emblem that gives you that effect every turn would be closer to a proper ult (maybe a bit of an overshoot, but closer than that piece of crap).
Also, it breaks the usual formatting for extra combat phases, since it doesn't give an extra main phase after the extra combat.


The color pie can kiss my ass. One of the many things responsible for the atrophy of interesting content in this game. I agree there needs to be some delineation between the colors, but not to the extreme that it is now.

Not him, but I played many games with color differentiation, but no exclusivity between colors, and it's shit, it starts to look like everything has a color-shifted version. Which entirely kills the reason why colors exist.

I'm not saying you're wrong. There definitely needs to be differences in colors. I just feel that the colors themselves are either two narrow (red, green) or too broad (blue), things like abilities are unnecessarily hamstrung as a result, and that some colors are typecast into dead-end mechanics as a result of theme, and nothing, even a new synergistic theme or concept, can break this mold. Because MaRo, or some shit.

So, your problem is not with the color pie, but what was delegated to each color, which I agree.

In a nutshell, yes. That, and their current "design philosophy", if they have a coherent one.

To expound, I don't think counterspelling should be exclusively Blue. Blue should be the best at it, but at least one other colors should have the mechanic as a secondary ability.

Same with burn; Red should be the best, and most efficient, but not have an (nigh-)exclusive lock on it.

At the very least, it would be nice if there were more cards that offered a variety of abilities that are "traditionally" in other color pies, but with a color appropriate drawback.

I don't really have much of a problem with blue getting almost all counterspells, as long as they give the other colors stack interactions too. Green could get something that gains control of creatures spells, and white could exile spells for example.

>but with a color appropriate drawback.
I am not a big fan of this one since this is what Black does. Everything for a price.

>[muffled dunmer screaming in the distance]

>but at least one other colors should have the mechanic as a secondary ability.
I thought white liked counterspells too

>Non-Blue counters
White gets some.
>Non-Red burn
White and Black get some.

Though I do want to point out that the point of the color pie, at least in theory, is to distribute power so each color has some strengths and weaknesses. For example, Blue gets, and should continue to get, the most counters because it otherwise has a very hard time dealing with threats permanently, as the vast majority of its removal is soft. That said, I will speak out against Wizards when they fuck up, like allowing Blue to permanently exile a creature and replace it with a 2/2.

Oh, and in another example, one of my favorite articles by Maro has him talk about how they specifically push color combos in certain directions, as he noted that RB could actually be used to make an effective control archetype, since B's discard and destruction working with R'd access to cheap burn means it wouldn't be very hard to take control of the board.

Make this card legal.



Probably wouldn't be too hard to make work legally.

I like it.

Making it a 2/1 has the same effect.

I think one of most misunderstood aspects of magic is what exactly makes cards powerful

It's not so much the size of the effect, It's more about raw efficiency

This is a great card but in a format like legacy or modern it's worse than vanilla snap caster because you can't snap back a lightning bolt for 3 mana, it now costs 4, even though this generates more value most magic formats are about raw efficiency

A truly better snap caster would cost 1 blue and be a 0/1 with flash

Nah, a 2/1 will trade.

First strike works though.

>I think one of most misunderstood aspects of magic is what exactly makes cards powerful
>It's not so much the size of the effect, It's more about raw efficiency
Definitely. I've seen multiple times where people don't understand why people freak out over things like Snapcaster, but nobody even bothers with Platinum Angel or Wurmcoil Engine.

>nobody even bothers with Platinum Angel or Wurmcoil Engine.
I thought Wurmcoil was a Tron staple (or is that just my local meta)?

It is, but only because you can cast it on turn 3

If you're planning on hardcasting it then it's probably a bad idea in a format like modern

I mean the effect is white but the result is really a strictly blue or black effect.

Certainly not enough.

A handful of cards across several blocks doesn't really qualify as part of their color identity, which is what I'm getting at. Especially when some of those come out of Planar Chaos.

You're not wrong about distribution of strengths and weaknesses. It's just that some colors almost completely monopolize certain abilities, which shouldn't happen.

I get what you're saying. This wasn't a serious effort, it was just a tongue-in-cheek jab at power creep-iness.

You're putting the cart before the horse. The power balance of the pie should be the most important thing, and if that means having abilities get monopolized by a certain color, then so be it. If you add a mechanic to a color simply because you want it to be there, without any regard to how it will affect the color in relation to the color pie as a whole, can you really say that's a good idea?

>>Veeky Forums is bad at magic

I agree with what you are saying in principle. My counter argument is simple: blue.

OK. And Red impulses and prevents blocking, Green forces blocks and hates fliers, Black can tutor without restrictions, White can give you Hexproof. "Blue" is not a valid argument. I realize you hate Blue and don't like how sometimes Wizards implements crappy design for Blue, but that doesn't justify more crappy design for the other colors.

Making a cycle of monocolor planeswalkers. What do you think of my first one?

The second one.

I really wish I could multi-image post

Here's my personal favorite.

Oh god, it reminds me of the shitty planeswalker duel decks Wizards is making now. Thank god they're just supplemental and don't take up an actual set. But really, this feels pretty underpowered to me, not really feeling it here. I honestly think it could be something like 2G.

OK, not every ability has to incorporate a specific theme.

Then use PhotoJoiner.

Red and green both had blue specific counterspells and other toys to cut into blue's near monopolization of stack interaction.


Oh my god these are painful to look at. Why MTG Cardsmith quality right here.

Give me something relevant printed from the past few blocks.

Intentional that you can blink your own thing?

White searching for Plains is always tied to narrow condition, they don't get it like candy.

The first ability is functionally nonexistent, so one should judge this as BBB sorcery with two modes, draw or kill.

One could slap them together nicely in MS Paint in the time it took to figure what the fuck that is.

Funny thing is, I don't hate blue. I play it more than all other colors. Doesn't mean I don't realize that it has more toys in the toybox.

And the last thing I want is more crappy design for the other colors. In fact, I want the exact opposite.

>And the last thing I want is more crappy design for the other colors. In fact, I want the exact opposite.
I don't believe you.
>Now, let's shove these mechanics into colors where they don't normally go, my arbitrary quotas demand it!

Thank you for your constructive criticism


When EGG+ enters the battlefield, scry 1.

1, discard a card, sacrifice EGG+, tap: Draw two cards.

>Card with my name
>Its ult sucks more than everything I ever saw.
It's -4, you can at least put it in your hand or something.

What about a two mana planeswalker that doesn't completely suck?

There already is at least one good two mana walker.

im lurking and that really triggered me

Head Wallop
For each Enchantment target player controls, that player must either:
Sacrifice an Enchantment
The Enchantment deals 3 damage to its controller.

Why can't Red hit people hard enough in the head that they forget whatever the fuck maintained spells they had?

Think it should be something like
>For each enchantment, its controller sacrifices it unless he or she has ~ deal 3 damage to him or her.
I feel like being symmetrical is more Red, like Aura barbs.

Not gonna happen. It's pretty much impossible to make a good planeswalker at CMC 2 or less, as the mana cost really restricts what the card can do, making it so weak it kinda defeats the purpose of planeswalkers.

Expanding the color pie, questioning the validity of its limits, and looking for new ways to flesh it out hardly counts as blue hate. It is, in my opinion, the most egregious offender, though.

Meh, I took a shot at it.


This is fucking awful

Thallids are all typed as fungus, so his -6 needs different wording.

What was that site that generates cards based on weird algorithms and it ends up super hilarious?

Example like, 2RR: 'Destroy target player'

There was some pretty hilarious power creep in there

Playing around with a retro game tropes. Is it usable?

And a stupid cycle.
I love supertypes

Roborosewater, it's a Twitter account.

3 toughness is too low, I'd make it a 3/4 at worst, a 4/5 at best. Probably just a 4/4 though.

Also, cards that have used this wording before, use "As it enters", not "when it enters".

Both work of course, but with "as" you can have the hero fight as soon as it enters if you choose power, which is pretty flavorful.

Thanks, I'll change it to a 4/4 and update through wording

Make a 4 damage burn spell or name one that's adequate (besides Flame Slash).

Get off it dude. That's good, but it's nowhere near Bolt power level.

I think, this one is the most broken card I made.

This is better than any of the laces. Also better than Painter's Servant. You just change colors of things as often as you like at your whimsy. If your opponent play one you're both locked out of changing colors, though.

Hey, remember Contract form below? What if you could paly it in non-ante games?

God, Contract is so broken.