Why didn't they make her into a planeswalker, /mtg/?

Why didn't they make her into a planeswalker, /mtg/?

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Too white.

Because seek and destroy programs can't be Planeswalkers.

Also they needed cheap drama for return to Best Plane to aid in their ruining it.

Angels don't have souls, ergo, they cannot be Planeswalkers. Read Karn's lore if you're not sure why he gets to be a special case. I suppose if Sorin wanted to he could sacrifice his spark and give it to Avacyn but instead he destroyed her because he's a failure.

I wanted the B/W powerpuff to come back to innistrad sooo bad during that story arch

WotC's official statement on retcons is "fuck the lore, we want to be appealing"
They can and they will backpedal any thing at any time for any reason

I'm gonna call bullshit on this though. Demons are basically the flipside of Angels and we have Ob Nizzle running around.

If we get an angel planeswalker it's probably going to be Saint Elspeth or something lame.

No, it's gonna be Gideon

But Ob was born a human with a spark.

She's an artificially created being, those don't have real souls and thus can't have sparks. Unless they're Karn. Karn is special.

Ob isn't a proper demon though. He's a cursed planeswalker like Garukk.

Which I why I fear the day they'll bring Phyrexians back as cheap mooks and villain of the week for the friendship squad. Only good old Nick has stayed the same, for the time being.


>Sorin isn't hunting down Nahiri to use her spark to bring Avacyn back.

I'm still mad.

He's too busy being imprisoned in stone. Like he imprisoned her for, oh, a thousand years or so

Guys I have an idea.

What if a human was so devote they were allowed to ascend to angelhood. AND THEIR WALKER SPARK IGNITED. And also they're a thicc waifu walker.

I love having original ideas.

I don't have the integrity required to dislike this idea.
Thicc Angel is where it's at.

I love that everyone in this situation can be considered evil.

I'm not saying neither has a reason, or that they aren't understandable, just that they're both cunts. Cunts with a reason, but cunts.

The sad thing is, it's probably the most complicated and morally ambiguous that we'll get post-Origins.

Can artificial beings gain the spark by themselves?

Good one, friend.

I don't really like thicc, but everything else Is fine
Thalia planeswalker Ángel when?

>villain of the week

If they set fire to elesh norn I'll be mad. Still kind of tilted how they handled the eldrazi to be honest.

They could be given one or take one. There is no real precedence for a spark being "created" but I could see that happening with how mediocre the lore is.

If you want an angel walker see Sera.

Please see I was doing a bad job of shitposting.

Unrelated, but can anyone please link me to the old mtg snowflake repository?

Yeah, I'm upset that we don't have mardu Sorin ripping out Nahiri's spark and shoving it in Avacyn's ashes.

Serena, gtfo.

Sera wasn't an angel. She was a human with an angel fetish. Just like

Hello friend


Is it time for another snowstorm?

Here's what I have.



probably not

>the cock hath spoken

but the dubs, tho

>wanting another fucking useless PW
No. Leave her as a creature, she's infinitely better as one.

How can she be infinitely better as one when she's dead?

You could target her with Zombify or something.

Zombie Avacyn < Planeswalker Avacyn

Boy angels means there can be girls can be demons you faggot

What if it turned Gideon into a girl?


Because SoI and EMN was a fucking trainwreck in terms of lore?

Because instead of making Sorin out to be a 3d character they went with 'And then the thousand year old vampire does something badass!'?

And that instead of making her remotely likeable or even justified they make Nahiri come off as a spoiled child and a gigantic bitch?

Because they still have to make a gigantic Eldrazi circlejerk three fucking planes over because 'IT'S EMRAKUL OOOoooOOOoooOOOoooHHH!'?

Just wanted to say that knowing you guys are well and still around helped make my Christmas nice.

Thank you.

Also, the snowstorm should be resurrected when there's a good game system in place.

Thank ya!

There's only one way to mix phyrexians and gatewatch, and that's by making the phyrexians the villains where shit gets real. As in, half the gatewatch dies in a big battle with the phyrexian forces, forcing them to flee. Maybe after that there could be an arc of rounding up strong planeswalkers from across the multiverse.

You too, friend. Hope all your Christmases were lovely.

Avacyn isn't a real angel though, which is the point. Angels look at avacyn and see a nuke-tier monster.
