How would a race that, for some reason now lost to history, purposefully strives to be EVIL, work in a low-magic medieval setting?
I'm asking because I'm trying to flesh out a setting where orcs are really fucked-up and grim and scary, but aren't just minions of a greater power. So I figured that'd be a good premise.
Joseph Long
if the race is civilised enough they would end up having philosophical schools where evil is defined and discussed.
Parker Perry
they would probably work the way pagans, jews and heretics were accused of working in medieval propaganda, with some systematic satanic twist, like the o9a
Kayden Bailey
They believe hell has limited space and heaven dose not. Onec hell is full the world ends, but if an average person suffers enough in life it is seen as enough suffering for there sins to be spared hell and to go to heaven
So they believe they are keeping the world from ending by making as much suffering as possible
Jayden Walker
what if they just believed force, violence, cruelty, selfishness etc... to be virtues?
they could have some prophets and saints that teach these revelations they recieved from demonic powers on how the way of the world is evil and so malicious foulnes and murderous cruelty are the only way to truth and selfrealisation, and how this reality is hell and somekind of final eschaton is comming where only the most terrible will transcend into deamonhood
or maybe they could see evil as something sublime, maybe personified as a sort of shiva/kali character
how they would actualy work would depend on what they are like in relation to other creatures, like how numerous they are, do they live in tribes or what, do they make technology or use magic etc
Cooper Fisher
I'm not asking for a justification (which is already contradictory) I'm asking for the effects of their values
Mason Morris
>>But wait isnt this concept of "Evil" a unifying force in your peoples land creating a culture identity and making them work together to farther this evil concept and thus doing a great deal of internal good for them?
Dogar and Kazon FTW
Julian Morgan
let's say they're pretty numerous, about as old a race as the others, and mostly centered in one empire but have offshoots in remote parts of the world where nobody else goes.
My main issue is basically -how does their society work without collapsing in on itself -how have they not already ruined the entire world even though they've been around for thousands of years
Michael Morris
Inshallah my brother, what we do is not evil, but serves the great prophet(peace be upon him)
Jaxon Anderson
This. Make them NotISIS and NotMuslim.
Jaxon Perez
I know you're just trying to preach to the choir as usual, but I could see an order of black knights arising from Orc society, and enforcing a tyrannical rule under the pretense of creating peace and order, SOLELY because they feel that it would be more cruel, more hypocritical and therefore more evil than violence for the sake of violence. The notion that tyranny is more evil than chaos.
So that could be a basis for a working society of assholes.
Ethan Ortiz
No, muslims think that they're the good guys and I'm explicitly trying to do the opposite.
I mean I know it's fun to point out that muslims are hypocritical dicks but let's stay on topic.
Cooper Fisher
>guys let's make a society of people who DON'T believe that they are doing anything right and purposely try to do shit WRONG evil beings don't think they're being evil you skub loving retard
Bentley Peterson
That may be the case, but OP is explicitly asking about a society that likes being evil and is aware of it. So stay on-topic.
Alexander Morris
This but their ideology is basically SPOOKS and other fedora strong desrerve to rule the weak, saying morals inhibit progress and other retarded shit.
Noah Lewis
Elijah Jenkins
>how does their society work without collapsing in on itself have you ever read about Rome? cruel arseholes are not exactly uncommon. Cruelty as a societal driver works. It's even pretty efficient if twinned with reward for the best sperformers of their duties: see pretty much every empire ever.
Zachary Ward
>-how does their society work without collapsing in on itself
thats easy, look at any ancient or tribal society, or even just imagine how a horde of intelligent baboons or hienas would function, and just make it x times fouler
the strong dominate and terrorise the weak into strict submission to hierarchy and slavery while themselves routinely fighting and killing each other for power and position, the weak cant fight back basicaly cause they emulate the strong and are thus more likely to backstab each other trying to climb the ladder, all this forces them into somesort of constant cooperation without real trust, and the need to organise and consolidate forces them to maintain somesort of group identity with whoever is the momentary incarnation of the biggest baddest alpha beast around being the momentary leader
and to this kinship ties and a sort of priesthood that interprets somekind of 'holy law' and such and you got a sustainable society, even if its one where the father eating his children and siblings raping each other into submission is seen as normal or other shit along that line
>-how have they not already ruined the entire world even though they've been around for thousands of years
they allready have, or almost have, they themselves might be the result of someone alleready having done that in some before time
there are other entities, factions groups peoples etc... some realy powerfull, so basicaly they arent as powerfull as the rest of the world at the moment, and the rest of the world knows them and treats them as a infestation, with frequent genocides and total dicrimination in the meanwhile
Ayden Adams
Did I say that my orcs should be objectively evil?
No, I said that they should STRIVE to be evil.
And I know that you're aware of this, and are only trying to confuse me into letting you turn this thread into a /pol/ circlejerk.
I don't give a shit about muslims. yeah, they're evil, they're assholes, fine, who gives a shit? They don't think that they're evil, they don't want to be evil, so they're off-topic.
Now that this has been made explicit enough to prevent you from trying justify your shitpost as if you weren't aware that it's a shitpost, let's get back on track.
Adam Gray
What counts as "evil" isn't really an agreed upon term, so there's a lot of functional (in the sense that they can survive at all) societies which some people consider to be evil. The problem here is, if you want a society that embraces the things that nearly everyone considers evil, what you have is a non-functional society that simply cannot survive longterm. A society that is okay with perpetrating horrors against its own members is a society that will quickly and inevitably descend into internecine warfare. They won't necessarily exterminate themselves, but the constant war will shit all over their economy and they will be outpaced in technology and population by societies whose armies don't regularly suffer massive attrition from clique vs. clique warfare. Even if you have a society where doing horrible things is okay but only to non-orcs, the idea of their surviving longer than a few hundred years or so before irritated neighbors burn them to the ground is pretty far-fetched - and a few hundred years assumes they get lucky with having lots of neighbors who are either too weak to resist or too contentious with one another to band together against the orcs. Both these states of affairs can only last so long, and the first one in particular solves itself. Once the orcs finish conquering the weak neighbors they will eventually run into stronger ones. Bear in mind that ISIS is both recent and quickly getting bombed to Hell. They're an example of how extremely evil societies can exist /at all/, but they're very much /not/ an example of how an evil society can exist for a long period of time.
A society can work out longterm while having quite a few dickish qualities, but they need to have a couple of redeeming qualities that allow them to 1) avoid terrifying everyone nearby them so much as to cause coalitions to form and 2) allow them to work together at least enough to maintain a coherent government. Rome and Sparta are good examples of this.
Noah Peterson
No off-topic. see
Jordan Thompson
Another thing to keep in mind that they probably don't consider themselves evil, or wrong. Think of stuff that was totally accepted despite being considered horrifying in earlier periods- such as slavery in antiquity. Just think of awful shit- the right to murder those that wrong you, no legal protection against torture or cruelty towards those below you, along with social pressure to avoid looking "weak", and have it be seen as merely the status quo. The evil lord isn't just whipping his slaves half to death because he's a cunt- he's doing it because everyone knows that people don't do things unless you force them, and fear is a motivator. They're too weak to stop him, so they suffer. There's nothing wrong to him, hell, if you told him not to he'd rebut that not whipping them would encourage violent revolt and make him look weak- unwilling to do what is necessary.
Caleb Garcia
>How would a race that, for some reason now lost to history, purposefully strives to be EVIL, work in a low-magic medieval setting?
So by now it's clear that you don't mean "a society that is morally committed to doing stuff that we think is evil" but rather "a society that is morally committed to doing stuff that they themselves think is evil." And that is incoherent, because "evil" is "stuff we believe shouldn't be done" so it makes no sense for a society to dedicate themselves to doing things they think nobody should do.
Ryder Torres
So what it boils down to is:
either they're too strong and have exterminated everyone else
or they're not strong enough and everyone else has ganged up on them and exterminated them.
But of course that's only thinking in abstract terms, plenty of ebbs and flows of history could have happened to maintain a semblance of stability in the world between the literal "forces of evil" and the rest.
Daniel Thomas
what if it wasnt spooks, but somekind of rejection of control, like if they taught that a urge or a impulse isnt merely the manifestation of a need or a internal conditioning, but a sort of holy imperative, a order, just the way things should function
so a urge to forcibly fuck someone is not merely the manifestation of a momentary need, but the lust itself is a divine order to perform a function, the impulse to agressively attack someone is the order of a divine will which manifests in the agression and violence itself, one has to submit to these and so go down the path of becoming a great beast as close to the gods as possible
basicaly by being evil bastards they manifest the sublime reality into mundane reality
Oliver Russell
Yeah but I'd argue that only good is supposed to be coherent. Moral contradictions are the stuff of injustice. And injustice is pretty evil.
Adrian Rodriguez
No see and The reason is irrelevant.
Cooper Hernandez
>Another thing to keep in mind that they probably don't consider themselves evil Yes, they explicitly do
Or at least they're doing their best to be evil.
Levi Martin
whats their definition of evil?
Lincoln Ward
Yeah, that seems like the best option, really.
After all, whether you're trying to be good or evil, you've gotta survive first, and then do what you want as a person or as a society.
Blake Cox
But I am you cunt, shut it. Feel like rewritting it a bit better since Im off the shitter. They're nihilist anti-socials, Evil is the new moral high point of their society while following another civilizations morals is considered bad. They aren't low tech or uncivil at all but as I mentioned, anti social and most likely formed from being either uplifted by the civilization which they abhor or have been an long standing enemy off. Either they do so because of natural instincts of pleasure from cruelty or its formed from rebellion. This enemy is the entire livelyhood and stability for the orcs as without it they'd turn on themselves.
Their civilized ways wouldn't change much, battles for dominance would be rapier duels, making the weak into your slaves would be fiefhood.
Elijah Young
Unless they have some kind of overwhelming economic advantage, there is no plausible version of the world where they are strong enough to exterminate everyone else. Your main issue here is that if an orc's justification for evil is "yay evil" instead of "it's not evil when we do it to other tribes," then there's no reason why orcs wouldn't be doing evil stuff to each other all the time. Orcs probably don't like being tortured, maimed, and enslaved, which means they're going to fight back against other orcs trying to do that sort of thing when they're able. Since there's no taboo on doing these things to your own kind, the result is incessant internecine warfare for as long as they're on the "yay evil" philosophy.
If they /do/ reserve acts of evil solely for non-orcs, then they still need to bring and maintain order and a reasonable (for the era) standard of living for the bulk of the population or else face constant revolt. A powerful empire can succeed indefinitely in the face of constant revolt, but only if they have no major competitors. You can only be Assyria so long as there's no Rome to kick your teeth in. The most successful empires are the ones who rule with a touch just harsh enough to insure that the taxes keep coming. Any worse than that and you're provoking rebellion for no reason. A society dedicated to provoking rebellion as much as possible is going to have basketcase economy from perpetual war and thus a hard time surviving against all but the weakest of neighbors.
Gavin Turner
They don't have to have a single one. Just like humans don't have to have a precise, coherent, single definition of "good" to seek it.
Brayden Evans
Sounds like ripping off Orks from 40k and adding more dark stuff is what you want
John Richardson
That doesn't make any goddamn sense then. Why would they actively decide that something was wrong and bad, and then do it? The only reason is if they were actively filled with spite and hatred for others and acted as such to harm them (unlikely to be sustainable) or are kept together as a force by an outside group of being of great power.
But again, why would you ever say "This is awful and bad and wrong, let's do it." Evil isn't just a shirt color and some spikes, it's moral wrongness. Why would a society form a moral compass, decide to act opposite to that compass, and then KEEP thinking what they are doing is wrong?
Connor Gray
Could work.
David Rivera
>Since there's no taboo on doing these things to your own kind, the result is incessant internecine warfare for as long as they're on the "yay evil" philosophy. That is, unless circumstances (like a coherent effort from all other races to exterminate them) forced them to adopt a somewhat functional social order that has remained strong enough to suppress large rebellions for a long time.
All you need for that to happen is for them to hate other races even more than they want to kill each other.
Mason Moore
The reason is irrelevant. "they're trying to be evil" is my premise, work with it or leave the thread.
Brandon Torres
Your premise is retarded and restrictive. The ONLY way it could possibly work is if they've reduced "evil" to being some sort of arbitrary team, declaring themselves to be on team evil and being mildly more tyrannical than normal. Otherwise, under comprehensible human psychology, they're exceedingly unlikely to last for more than a decade or two.
Ryder Carter
This is fantasy, if it's conceivable, even in a somewhat confuse way, then it's okay. I'm basically trying to find the point where the whole thing would go from "very implausible" to "impossible".
And yes, the premise is retarded and restrictive. Just like "elves are dicks" or "dwarves like gold". Many authors drop the premise because they don't find it cool and don't want to have to deal with its implications. Same shit with orcs. The premise "orcs are malevolent assholes" is often dropped in favor of "orcs are under the control of a malevolent asshole" or "orcs are just misunderstood" but I'm trying to play it as straight as possible because I don't want to compromise.
Eli Torres
Right, so my suggestion would be to give them an external reason to both cooperate, and hold to being evil. I suggest a cultural or even racial hatred of an outside group due to some ancestral wrong, or possibly an ongoing wrong (nasty curse or the like), or an outside being of power that intervenes in their society to prevent breakdown while enforcing evil "virtues". A god is the classic for this- and has an example. The Drow are exactly this- a society that embraces cruelty, plotting, vicious social darwinism, sadism, might makes right, and so on. The drow have an explicitly self-consuming society, but because the priesthood of Lolth is so pervasive in their society, and because Lolth is CONSTANTLY enforcing a sort of vicious, murderous status quo through constant small interventions- condemning those she dislikes to sacrifice or driderdom, blessing those looking to overthrow those she disfavors, and brutally coming down on dissenters or external invaders to her social order, drow society continues despite being built entirely on slavery and a social system that encourages overthrowing and murdering both superiors and inferiors.
Carson Roberts
This is a retarded viewpoint, the whole "everyone is the hero of their own story" bullshit. Some people just don't give a shit, they're selfish assholes and care only about what benefits them and will happily take it at the expense of others. The society OP is looking for is probably something akin to objectivist philosophy, only with vision replaced with strength and self-gratification. If you have the strength to take something, why shouldn't you, the weak don't deserve. If you can gain gratification by hurting someone else and they can't stop you, you should do it, to fail to take that advantage is weak.
Jose Hernandez
well, in a low-magic fantasy setting where everione is bound to be somewhat of a brutal bastard the whole 'trying to be evil' thing gets you into fetishistic territory, or at least it would have a fetishist logic of going into extremes and perversions past all points of no return
what i mean is that if they arent just being brutal bastards they have to have some idea of good and evil, and then actualy purposefully go full evil, precisely into things that are foul destructive and wrong, and that would mean weird bizzare fetishistic shit, willfull insanity, turning everithing upside down and isnide out, necrophilia, incest, snuff and black magic
maybe there could even be somekind of sinister gnostic slant to it where its a way to either go against some divine power, or consolidate with it cause its a evil god, like going full evil to the point of eating your own babies is a way to become liberated from a fake reality
maybe part of why they havent been exterminated or why they function in that world is because its a global thing and there are others doing the same, like necromancers and death cults and such, maybe it could be part of how the world works in terms of distribution of religions and political systems and such
Landon Jones
Here's a thought.
Orcs don't have a society. They are wretched, disgusting creatures that live in dark, damp places. They live by scavenging and hunting. They are completely, irredeemably evil in that they don't need but the slightest excuse to kill their own offspring, or anyone else.
But they are like a disease. They breed insanely quickly, are very hard to kill and resistant to diseases themselves, though they do carry them. Sometimes their hellish warrens overflow with young, and the weakest (and bravest) are forced outside to raid and pillage until they find a new lair.
Point is, they don't need a stone-cold, working logical society. It's fantasy, so some kind of an excuse works most of the time.
Oh, and about the above idea: you could have different flavours of orcish tribes. Maybe some orcs who were more brave than the rest and more intelligent to boot realized that fucking over humans is more fun that living in a squalid pit, so they raided a human town and eventually became a clan that learned how to fight in a formation as opposed to a ravening swarm. So you could have a uruk-hai/hobgoblin style orcs more about slavery, conquest and subjugation rather than psychotic, mad murderraping.
Ryan Gonzalez
if its about actualy being evul or worshiping evil then there might be a self negating, transcendent aspect to it different from objectivism
as in, self harm, decadence, sadomasochism, self denial, rejoycing in the moments when ones face is pushed into raw steamy shit and forced to chew
that might sort of be part of the glue that keeps society together, that they merrily accept getting fucked as much as fucking others
Nathan Phillips
That would help the society exist long term. Maybe there are castes, perhaps designated by some physical quality, like size (I'm the biggest, so I'm the boss).
Christian Perry
So Drow.
Jordan Long
So you're trying to create a parody tongue-in-cheek setting? 'Cuz with something serious it's not going to work
John Martinez
it could be a question of the society doing such terrible shit to its members its members end up supporting the system just to get their chance to do terrible shit on the new generations, like revenge by proxy, thus passing it on, while others just become completely reconditioned to 'true evil' and neither can nor want to '''help''' themelves, like its a addiction, a need they loose whatever is left of themselves in
Carter Rivera
They are natural predators of humans.
Aiden Reed
>I know you're just trying to preach to the choir as usual >as usual You know who that poster is? How? Are you some kind of leet russian hacker?
Christian Butler
>Some people just don't give a shit, they're selfish assholes and care only about what benefits them and will happily take it at the expense of others. And those people believe that is the right way to be, and everyone else is retarded for not realizing it.
Nathaniel Sanchez
They could just define what we call evil as strength and goodness as weakness, I mean they're mostly right. If your people are willing to start devouring each other at the drop of a hat (a pretty evil thing) it'd help you deal with famines, if your troops cared literally zero percent about civilian life it would make making war much easier particularly when it comes to getting supplies. Basically have them be fanatical utilitarians who view the more fucked up conclusions of utilitarianism as more valid then the nicer ones precisely because they show they have strength of will, they're willing to ignore their conscience and do the "right" thing for their empire/kingdom/race/whatever. Sentimentality is weakness, success is everything. You inculcate these values into people from childhood for enough generations and you'll wind up with something pretty fucking evil by any objective standard.
Austin Perry
IDK if one can be considered evil without being capable of choosing to be good.
Gavin Hall
The fact they're intelligent implies that they can, they are just too wretched to
Carson Brown
I hate shilling goblin punch no I don't, but I always thought God Hates Orcs was pretty neat, maybe you could mine it for ideas? I would link it, but spam filter
Charles Robinson
Just make them muslim fundamentalists
Carson Stewart
But those orcs are actually good and just trying to appease evil gods
Evan Campbell
I think there's a middle ground where they're not strong enough to conquer everyone else but they're strong enough to prevent being conquered themselves (or have some other advantage from local terrain/magic/etc.). Think of modern day China: it's army's so huge that it makes the idea of a land invasion of china completely insane but at the same time it has no real ability to use that army very far beyond it's borders so it's not capable of conquering the whole world either.
Liam Ramirez
They still strive to be evil though, even if they believe it's for a higher cause. They're still " fucked-up and grim and scary"
Lucas Reyes
This goes beyond making little sense and into la-di-dah land.
An evil race/society that believes it's evil ways are the correct way to behave (either 'good' from their perspective or amoral). This is possible. It's a matter of either incorrectly identifying right and wrong or deciding that there is no right and wrong.
A society/race so inherently programmed to identify right and wrong, then choose wrong, is also possible. It's in their very nature, they can't NOT be evil. But this comes with a lack of choice.
A race that has both the ability to identify good and evil, and the free will to choose, but actively commits evil because of some external motive or factor bearing on their society or personality is also possible. But that lends itself to 'the ends justifies the means' or throwing their lot in with the winner and similar tropes.
What you are asking for: A race that can IDENTIFY good and evil, has the FREE WILL to choose between good and evil, has no REASON to choose evil over good but CHOOSES EVIL ANYWAY.
Honestly, it doesn't make sense. For a race to make that choice they'd have to collectively be insane to one degree or another and that's basically saying they had a very warped FREE WILL anyway.
Benjamin Long
Make them lawful, with their state religion lawful neutral. they will follow laws set by their leaders be them religious or otherwise out of fear of punishment. create a coded set of laws that allows slavery and rape of "lessers" make the laws coded around the concept of individuals as property and that those that are not citizens of this orc country are not granted rights under this law. have them be smart and wise enough to understand the morality of others....there solved your issue
Evan Gomez
Is that comic any good?
Hudson Adams
You could imagine a society that believes in a god that demands evil deeds (because of reasons). They can identify good and evil. They can choose freely (though their god prefers evil). Then as the eons pass by the god is forgotten, but the evil ways are not. Now we have a society that strives to commit evil, though why they do it is long forgotten. It has simply become the accepted culture.
To prevent a collapse they made a concept in ancient times called evil-peace. That means that while it's a virtue to commit evil acts, you will refrain from doing so within your own flock. You won't just butcher random villagers for teh lulz (as long as it's in your own village). Basically you won't do stuff that would jeopardize your own livelihood.
But the evil stuff you do everywhere else make for some great stories around the bonfire. You all laugh and your status increase as the rumors about your evil deeds spread throughout the village. Kinda like warstories, but expanded to anything evil.
A race with this knack for evil would be a well armed and dangerous race. Luckily they are kept in check by rivaling villages.
But really... why not just make them particularly cruel, bloodthirsty, sadistic and cunning?
This is gorgeous! What is it from?
Bentley Wilson
Orc Stain
Landon Diaz
Sooo rampant slaughter and looting? That would be the effects.
Lucas Russell
This is a shit thread and OP isn't even a fag. Just a moron.
Jackson Robinson
Just mix up Tolkien, Easton Ellis, Herbert and Gibson.
Orcs are psychopathiuc cruel selfish creatures, that naturally want the best for themselves. This results in a Harkonnen-ian hyper-material hyper-capitalist society where everyone is always backstabbing everyone in order to get the most stuff.
Adam Roberts
Just imagine the business card scene in American Psycho, except now they're not discussing business cards, but the quality of screams uttered by their freshly flayed-yet-still-alive dwarven slaves being rubbed with citrus juice.
And then suddenly, one of the bodyguard orcs pulls out a dagger and stabs one of the orc nobles to death because he let his guard down. Now the bodyguard orc owns everything that the now-dead orc noble owned.
Nolan Young
>From "A History of Hordes, Vol. 2 (3rd edition)"
"Perhaps the most obscene among perceptibly intelligent races are the Orks. Though one would be remiss not to acknowledge their origins when attempting to account for their behavior:
"Born from the World Scar, the oldest ancestors of these savages are believed to be men and elves who have been twisted by magical and ethereal corruption surrounding the World Scar after The Tragedy. The appropriate academic nomenclature for their species is still hotly debated, with some schools of thought believing them to be "aberrant descendants of fair races" (Hominis Tretakus) and some believing them "visaged as fair races, though aberrations" (HoMonstrous Dittoli).
"The governmental structure of most Orkish hordes can be most uniformly described as follows: A Chieftain (or God Chief, in the case of the Rotted Empire) acts as a monarch, alone at the very top of the ladder, though not ruling directly as much as delegating duties to his Captains. Each Captain has, in his service, around ten Governor-Lieutenants, each acting as a sovereign head for as many as two thousand Orks and determining at their own wishes how to govern their people.
"Without divine providence, dynastic rule, or even a representative council (as seen in some villages in the Garlande's, outside the reach of any King), succession to positions in Orkish government is instead determined by ruthlessness. The fastest way to ascend in the hierarchy is to murder your superior. Fortunately for the Orks, they breed rapidly and reach maturity in a small handful of years, and so are never without replacements. Food and shelter are earned on a daily basis, and the sustainability of any given population is based on their ability to forage and steal, as they are blighted by the gods and cannot grow crops or tend to livestock their own."
I would keep going but I'm on mobile. Feel free to take over or discard this.
>tl;dr magic radiation
Bentley Moore
communist orcs
just read some shit about russian bolsheviks and chinese cultural revolution
Easton Reed
Nah, I prefer what the previous guys said.
Egoistic murderous douchebags that live by some anarcho-capitalist ideal.
Connor Nguyen
Perhaps they have some religious belief where they believe they must play the role of evil in order to bring some sort of cosmic balance in the world or perhaps they are have completely alien mindsets and for some reason by exposure to humanity, they find it amusing to play the foil of evil to good?
Xavier Wood
I like how the /pol/fags got slapped down early in the thread.
Oliver Morales
To spring off on what this user said, they could be creatures that understand the concepts of good and evil, but themselves are completely amoral. Rather they choose evil because they are a race of insane actors and thus they try to be evil in order to make themselves the most noteworthy villains of some cosmic play.
Parker Perez
Hi, everyone. I have an AL army starting, with two 10 men, tactical squads, a 5 men heavy support squad, 5 headhunters, 5 learnean termis, and two contemptors. I want to take some vehicles besides transportations, any recomendations? I was thinking in getting a vindicare and a jetbike unit. Are they good choices? Something that can help me better?
Colton Rodriguez
>That is, unless circumstances (like a coherent effort from all other races to exterminate them) forced them to adopt a somewhat functional social order that has remained strong enough to suppress large rebellions for a long time.
That's a contradiction in terms. If your society is faced with consistent large rebellions, it's a weak society. No amount of unity will change the fact that war spends resources much faster than they come in and you are at war more often than not. An anthill couldn't outfight a competent opponent under these circumstances.
Robert Mitchell
>I could see an order of black knights arising from Orc society, and enforcing a tyrannical rule under the pretense of creating peace and order
Before the Hierarchy, there was suffering and chaos.
We were living in tribes and clans, small bands of hunters scrapping a living right out of the borders of the civilized kingdoms.
The elves, with their arrogant believe that they were the rightful guardians of Creation, were killing us off to "thin the herd and maintain Nature's balance".
The dwarves, greedy for metal, would dig in our caves and push us out, treating us as vermin infesting "their" underground mines.
The humans, hungry for farmlands, would do likewise in the plains and hills, claiming more and more of our hunting grounds.
Each generation, those so-called "civilized" races would take living space needed for their new families, condemning our own to dwindle in number, closer and closer to extinction.
Some of us tried diplomacy. It mostly only gave opportunities for our foes to trick us, to buy a peace during which they would ready their walls and prepare for war, waiting for an excuse to rush on our defensless camps.
Others honestly tried to assimilate into the ways of the "good" civilizations, going sometimes as far as to forget our gods in favor of the "benevolent" ones that the soft-skinned races worship. They bought that creed of kindness, mercy, charity, tolerance and all... only to watch in horror as their new brothers would easily put blood before spirit, betraying the "monsters" at the first sign of hardship.
In the end, only the strongest, meanest of our clans were ever able to stand against the slow genocide that was playing out. Still, those were divided, fighting as often against each other as against the encroching soft-skins. And the soft-skins, snake-tongued "good" kingdoms would use and abuse such divisions, making sure we wipped ourselves out, winning their own battles for them.
Evan Johnson
>If your people are willing to start devouring each other at the drop of a hat (a pretty evil thing) it'd help you deal with famines
If by "help you deal with" you mean "cause horrific depopulation events far in excess of the original famine," then yes. That's great for the people who don't have to go hungry during famine, but it's bad for society, because the total number of survivors drastically decreases.
>if your troops cared literally zero percent about civilian life it would make making war much easier
Converting 100% of the enemy population into potential enemies is not a good idea.
Evil is short-term effective, long-term stupid. Evil individuals are very powerful. Evil societies are a trainwreck. This is the reason why evil people frequently try to become moral authorities instead of just military commanders or economic moguls. Being able to convince people to continue being good despite your exploitation means you can keep the exploitation going longer before the bottom falls out.
Kevin Taylor
The Hierarchy revealed to us that goodness was a lie, a weakness, a disease that the strong ones could use to dominate the weaker ones, for the kind hearth is easily abused if his master gives the illusion of caring for him.
As the faith of all orcs that have sworn fealthy to so-called "good" soft-skinned kings can attest, being good only make you a blind pawn, easily sacrificed by hypocritical masters and allies.
The Hierarchy revealed to us that all those talked of better cooperation and friendship the good cults were babling about were lies. A strong whip in a discipline hand can make warriors walk as one as surely as a shining crown. And no so-called "friendship" with the soft-skins can ever compete with the loyalty born from self-preservation of your own kit and kin.
The Hierarchy united clans and tribes, crushing bloodfeuds and divisions under strict laws where cruel, honest pragmatism made any "justice" look like a disfunctional parody of governance. Harsh punishments, regulated rewards and meritocratic authority replaced the outdated customes and traditions while the leather totems of old family lines were casted out for the black shields and spears of the legions.
Grayson Rodriguez
The Hierarchy didn't put an end to suffering. It made it organized, reffined, it gave it a purpose for each of us and, most of all, made it useful for orc race as a whole. There might be some clans and tribes that still resist the inevitable advance of progress but they shall comply over time and rally our banner. Either that or they shall disapear, their warriors defeated in battle by the soft-skins and their youngs left to die in the harshness of the hills, hunted by wolves. For only a strong, disciplined and united people can stand against the threat of the so-called "good" civilizations.
Such a threat is first and formost in the minds of all young warriors, from their first steps to their rite of confirmation, the importance of hatred against the soft-skins repeated by their elder brothers.
It is in the name of countering such threath that we sometimes draw the steel against our own brothers, for their hunting grounds are needed to feed the armies of the Hierarchy Such territories cannot be wasted in preserving remnants of an outdated way of life out of misplaced sympathy for those who choose to follow it. For such kindness would be weakness and only delay the inevitable time when the soft-skins come to seize the land, kill its inhabitants and use its ressources against us !!
The orc race shall be united or it shall die. In preserving it, no sacrifice is too great, for even if nine out of ten orcs were to die in the struggle, it would let the survivors inherit the world for the next generation.
Goodness is weakness. Weakness is softness. Softness is in the enemy's skin.
Isaac Nelson
>Now we have a society that strives to commit evil, though why they do it is long forgotten.
There's no way this would last. If the race still knows that what they're doing is evil and has the power to choose, institutional inertia will only carry them so far. And even then, the vast majority of orcs are not choosing evil, they're forced into it by institutions built in the era of the dark god. Once the justifications for doing evil fade away, the desire to do evil will quickly fade with it. You can play with alien mindsets, but then you get into the issue where orcs cannot successfully identify good or evil rather than orcs actively choosing evil.
The idea of orcs as a race knowing the difference between good and evil and choosing evil doesn't even have backing in any actually good material anyway. In Tolkien, they /don't care/ about good and evil and are bound into kingdoms by the will of Sauron. The idea of orcs who actively choose evil is the work of hacks who failed to understand how orcs worked in Lord of the Rings and created nonsense settings. Not settings in which some people believe in nonsense, but settings that are themselves nonsense.
Isaiah Hernandez
The Hierarchy didn't put a true end to chaos. For chaos is sometime a necessary ally.
When present in the ranks of our enemy, it is the small crack that allow our spear to find the flesh and take the day. When present in ours, far away from the battlefield, it helps make our blood strong, rewarding the fittest to lead and crushing unwarranted ambition among the weakest of our brothers.
We all want to be the Hierarch, to stand on top of the litteral food chain, eating the hearths of our rivals while making the legions and each of their members an extension of our will for power, down to the lowest slave and ugliest female.
We all want the privilege, the authority, the raw shill of overwhelming might upon which our ego calls. We all want access to the best food, the sturdiest weapons, the confiest tent and the fiercer females, all while looking at our growing descendance attempt to take our throne.
But we all know there can be only one Hierarch and that only the truly gifted should stand there, for a weak leader makes for a weak people. And while no weakling can stand forever at the top, each winter under his thumb would put in danger the Hierarchy's cause.
Hence the ritualized duels where subordinates can contest the authority of their chiefs and offer a more suited candidate.
Under the eye of Gruumsh, we fight and die, for the glory of our god, our race, our tribe, our clan, our family and ourselves. We put our life in the service of said glory, only bowing to those we wish to serve, not because they are kind or selflessly devoted to the cause but because we see them as more capable than ourselves to bring the glory we seek while keeping us alive longer so more glory can be had.
No orc is another orc's slave, for we never submit to anyone, only bowing to our better as long as they are useful to us. Hence why all orc are slaves to duty but only because duty brings glory.
David Fisher
I like this christmas present!
Christopher White
Aaaaand that's about it for the IC speach.
Survival is the final word.
The Hierarchy is an order of Blackguards of Gruumsh all about making sure the orcs, as a race but also as a people, survive against the growing territorial advance of the soft-skins.
It's about safe-keeping enough living space for the orcs currently living. It's about conquering enough living space for the future generations. It's about weakening the other races by taking their living space and the product of their labor so that neither can be used against the orcs.
The end goal is the total victory of the Hierarchy by the total enslavement or extermination of all other races.
To reach this goal, it's perfectly acceptable to enslave or exterminate other orcs. Those won't be competition for females, which means more females for the true warriors. But in the end, the whole Hierarchy is nothing but a well-oiled war machine where each orc stand at a different level of slavery.
And it suits each orc : he get to have an amount of power, wealth and confort equal to the one he is competent enough to reach and maintain.
If he is incompetent, his chief will see it and either kill him, which is bad, or demote him, which is humiliating. Or his subordinates will plot to challenge his authority, reporting collectively to his chief to have him demoted or killed. Maybe his chief will back him because he is competent "enough" but then one of his subordinate will eventually challenge him in a ritual duel, taking his life and all that belong to him.
So no orc will aim too high just to see how far he can reach, since the name of the game is to reach AND hold your position, having a good life while reaping glory in service of the Hierarchy.
Kevin Hall
Intelligent Orcs that view themselves above humans. They think human morals make no sense, and because they get such a kick out of fucking with humans they go out of their way to act extra evil, mindless, and cruel to humans because it keeps humans afraid
Evan Reyes
Spiders best race. Umgah a shit
Asher Roberts
>So they believe they are keeping the world from ending by making as much suffering as possible And, as a noble goal, they end up in Heaven for this?
Dylan Sanchez
Give them completely alien morality. To them, butchering a defenceless village isn't an evil act, nor is sacrificing any survivors. When questioned, they could give you an incredulous look like they don't understand. To them, trying to tell them about good and evil is like trying to speak Swahili to an Aztek. They just don't understand as not everyone needs to operate on the same morals and values.
Owen Carter
Well first of all I'd establish that orcs don't really have a concept of family, no real parents, definitely no lovers. From time to time they'll just asexually lay a clutch of eggs into a swamp and forget about it, the children being more like tadpoles with very low chance of survival. I can't see a race of "all evil all the time" working any other way.