Warhammer 40,000 General

Happy Sanguinala, folks edition

Old thread: >Freshest Rules in Epub (Use Readium for PC or Kobo on Android)

>Older stuff in PDFs:

>As current as the FAQs get

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Dragons are red, Avengers are blue, the Wraithknight is huge, and he's going to kill you):

>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you

Any Salamandres related good-decent novel?
(I don't care if 30k or 40k)

>Curze is a Demon Primarch

>Fall of Cadia
>Curze is the true Prophet of the 8th
Curze rules when?

Wip raptor talon

Will 3 Melta Melta Combi Melta and a Melta fist lord be a good idea for black legion?

Seems like with some good rolls I could disrupt some enemy vehicles turn one. Is it worth the 500 pts

Painting Veridyan on this most holy of days - have YOU praised The Emperor this day user?

why do you keep posting this stuff you typed up in word?

They are beautiful.
Not as beautiful as attached though.
But still very beautiful.

I really hope things aren't going to turn into Horus Heresy 2: Abaddon's boogaloo.

It's from Void Stalker, by ADB, thanks for showing us your pathetic ignorance though :)

It's in the BL Mega in OP BTW.

Fuck those night lords make me moist

I think I might need to do a proper night lords force, time to talk to the chinaman

oh, its not from a codex or ruleset then? hit me up when its actually canon

I still don't understand why you think this is Curze as a Daemon Primarch. It's not like this is a present depiction of him in M41. It's most likely someone from the past remembering Curze during the Heresy.

I am spamming my headcanon as we speak silly little billy, don't stress about me spamming it once it comes true.
Every single Primarch is coming back in the next few years except for Sangpenis, Horus and the 2 forgotten Legions
Whether you like it or not there is room for this in the current canon.

>keeps spamming his crappy oversized uncropped blurry photo

Why are NL players such faggots? The Daemon Primarch guy, this guy, Curzefag, the "we're Space Sharks" people. Why?

Is it cause they're so edgy and skin babies?

I'm sure a novel from 2012 means we're going to get plastic daemon Curze in 2017.

It is, it is a conversation about who Curze was at the time of his death. ADB throws a lot of hints towards Curze's corruption, which means that in his death on Tsugualsa, far from the Emperor's light, his soul would have been easy to corrupt and twist in to a Demon Primarch.

Do Primarchs get to be resurrected as a daemon after death though? All the known Daemon Primarchs were turned while alive.

>Think we are special for liking them
Thanks for that wonderful insight

All the Primarchs are coming back, there is alot of evidence for this, I have shown you the inroads to how they can justify Curze.

While there is no evidence of this happening with Primarchs, it has happened with plenty of Space Marines in the current HH lore.

>YFW I am the Deamon Primarch guy, this guy and the Curzefag all in one perfect little package

What's better? 5 squad of blasterborn in a venom w/splinter cannon? Or a ten man squad of kabalites in a raider with splinter racks w/ blaster and splinter cannon?

ok, ill let you have curze as long as i get corvus corax, the best and most trusted of all the emperor's primarchs, back

>Any Salamandres related good-decent novel?
You do know who has a monopoly on them right?

Blasterborn will demolish vehicles, Raider Kabalites are more durable and slightly better at anti-infantry if you Jink.

You will in the next few years, stress less little buddy.

>Why are NL players such faggots?
For a second there, I thought you hated all Dutch players.

>most trusted
>after the travesty with those clones
l m a o
How does it feel knowing you will never be as good as Dorn?

>posting on Veeky Forums
>on christmas day
what is wrong with you sad faggots?


Why are you here?

My son is in bed, and I have Curze shitposting to do. Just because you are under 18, and Christmas is still important to you doesn't mean that we all still give a fuck.

>what's wrong with us Faggots posting o. Tg today
>posts on Tg

R u ok?

>only primarch that the emperor trusted his secret of cloning with
hey wasnt dorn just sitting around twiddling his thumbs while sangunas and the emperor were getting kilt?

>MFW I am on a board with young cunts who still care about Christmas :(

its 3am, the wife and kid are asleep and i need to up the amount of corvus corax posting, it seriously is lacking on Veeky Forums does anyone here even play ravenguard, i dont think ive ever seen any army pictures here or in /wip/ of them

Were Ravenguard even around during the HH? I thought they were a successor chapter

>not wanting to kill time whilst your in laws dick around
i mean,i know why *I* am posting, i wondered what everyone else's excuse was.

19th founding legion mate, they were on istvaan whatever shithole when the traiters traitored and got all but annhilated, something like 5k marines left out of however many a legion was, over 100k marines

what killed christmas for you user?

I have no friends. Maybe getting into 40k will help me network?

Having to travel to three different familes with my kids every year, just to keep them happy, while they then ignore my kids and get drunks.
So then I have tired, bored, disappointed kids on Christmas.
We did nothing this Christmas, and still had a shit one. At least my son is happy because he got skylanders.

Kids are in bed

Wife and in laws are watching some shit on the TV about the Queen

All I can think about is painting black legion dudes and getting back into 40k

Yeah my dude, join a 40k facebook group in your area, don't be a WAAC fag, and don't stress if your lovely little man dollies die en masse, its just a game.

I'm currently looking into building the endless swarm formation. It requires 3 broods if hormagaunts, two termagaunt broods and the obligatory warrior babysitters.
The question is, if I increased the size of oneof the termagaunt broods to 30, could I take a tervigon? Or would the tervigon require an additional brood of 30? Also, how many termagaunts should I keep in reverse for spawning?

How's this for a list to start working towards?
Or should I start with a smaller list first, seeing as by the time I have finished painting my first 500 points I might get overwhelmed at what to buy next?

It's 6:30 and I can't go back to sleep. Going to take my grandmother to my uncle's in about 3 1/2 hours or so, and it's too quiet to paint or model.

If your family are shit just to tell them to fuck off, traveling around all day on Christmas is unreasonable.
At least wait until the day after to do mandatory family shit.

I dont know how to link...

well, a kabalite warrior is a good start, but for 1500pts you might need a few more
(one is 8pts, btw)
and yes starting witt 500/1000 is usually a good idea

Have 1500 rough list worked out, start with HQ and some troops and aim for 500, but you won't get much out of the game until about 1250 points in my opinion.
Try and find a shop doing a slow grow, that is a great place to start, as you can build up your dudes alongside other people.

Uhh, yes of course. Are some colour schemes easier to paint than others? I know darker colours are easier to pain, but are some darker colours easier on novice mistakes? I was thinking either a deep purple (last hatred), violet (the severed hand minus the green) or a dark crimson (flayed skull)

Can't be, I've never heard of any chapter called "Ravenguard" not in 40k and surely not in 30k!

It's too early in the morning for me to post on Veeky Forums.

Alpharius and Omegon better stay dead. Let it fucking rest already.

Merry Sanguinala you tremendous fags. Yes even to you Craftworlders.

They are coming back, make peace with if friend.

Omegon aint dead you dummy

Merry Christmas guys, hopefully I'm going to get my first 40k army next year.

You got your Archon loaded to bear for melee combat but no melee squad to stick him in.

Also Realspace Raiders might seem flashy, but remember that first turn cover save doesn't stack with jink and you are giving up FAST MOVING OBJECTIVE SECURED UNITS which win maelstrom games, trust me. If it was me i would drop a unit of scourges for a Ravager so I could make it into a CAD but if you got your heart set on Realspace Raiders then don't let me stop you. Just be aware that it's a very shitty bonus that you have to really build around to get your money's worth.

Rate me? 2500 points, Gladius with Convent, 1st Company Task Force and 10th Company Task Force

Idea: 3 Drop pods, 2 of them with locator beams. I can get 1st turn and then set up my devastators in the back and let them fire on everything on the table, with support of the dreadnoughts.
I then use 2 of my 3 drop pods to attack the bulk of the enemy, and use a locator to get two Terminator squads with attached Librarians to the front.
The bikers with the captain and the Vanguard and Assault squad with the Chaplain flank the enemy. The troops with the razorbacks attack directly.
The tactical squads are simple 5 man squads with a specialist weapon, often flamers.

Does that make sense?

Oh? what is that? How I get that? For which armies I can use it?

It's easy once you can afford $50 or more a month to waste of whatever you want. The only time 40k ever felt expensive to me was when I was broke or jobless.

Well I'm pretty much broke and jobless at the moment. That'll change once I'm done with my finals and get a proper job though.

Good points, thank you. I will change to a cad.I realised afterwards about the lord having no real role. The cad certainly does add new restrictions and choices to consider

At 1850 I tend to run Double CAD to get all My Fast Attack, and four troops is a tax I don't mind paying, also as Deldar we get the privilege of taking a 10pt HQ for our second formation if we want. Of course double CAD might be too restrictive at 1500 pts, but just something to keep in mind as your army get bigger.

What would Christmas be like in commoragh

I'm starting to get into 40k at this point, right now I'm in the middle of reading the rulebook and I have the Necron codex (heard that they were an OK start). To get around the cost of making my first army and so I can get some idea of the game to see whether it's really for me I'll actually be playing 40k on Tabletop Simulator. I have a bunch of Necron models already (not an Obelisk, Triarch Praetorian, Command Barge or named character e.g. Nemesor Zahndrekh) and since it's TTS I can spawn in whatever I need that is available. Any suggestions for a beginner army (points are up to you)? I can clarify anything further if necessary.

Every day is christmas in commoragh

Feel free to use my list as a base user (at least the Reclam Legion)
I went Destroyer Cult because i'm actaully a DE player and like fast units

Is there any secret dark/2nd founding SM chapter that are rumoured to be the loyalist successors of the Alpha Legion? Like the Silver Skulls - IW and Minotaurs - WE connections.

Thanks kind user, this looks helpful.

Just watch battle reports on Youtube, also go to a store and make them show you the game, touch the models etc. in action, trust me there is a vast difference in reading the rules and actually intreptating them in real life during a game.

Don't jump straight in with models and paints etc, actually take your time and see if the hobby is for you so you don't regret it.

How does this sound?

2 Units of Centurion Devastators
2 units of tacticals with 2 rhinos for each
1 unit of Assault Marines

Raptors probably got replaced by Alpha Legion when they got declared wiped out in M37. By M39, they were at full Chapter strength, had a new Homeworld and using stuff like camo armour after prior having bright yellow and blue armour.

like its missing an HQ,and that you are a grav-spamming dick guzzler

when i use my HH AL as marines,i always use raptor tactics: it fits AL so well!

It sounds like you're trying to give your tac squads two dedicated transports each.

You can't do that

That one sounds cool. I was wondering about this and thought about making a OC chapter, but this might work too

So i have this list and im not sure how to outfit my guys anyone know what to do?


a) your list is illegal, you can only take a splinter cannon on a 10dude squad
b)nightshields on razorwings

personally I prefer more smaller squads in cheap raiders/venoms as they die fast and when a transport explodes it takes many warriors with them

as for painting, its best to try (hint the old 3rd edition dark eldar look shit compared to current, which is why they are VERY CHEAP on ebay. Great for tryin colorschemes, learning to paint....)

Can't trust a work out of her mouth anymore since "Sisters soon" became "Sisters....eventually"

So what? She can't be 100% accurate, no one really can unless they're actually a higher up for GW.

Doh! Of course! I deleted one kabalite to make room for the archon, thanks for the correction user :)

Scorched earth is the best, either that or the last short story in tome of fire (don't have it to hand so can't give the proper name sorry)


Will GeeDub do a Boxing day sale?

You must be new to gw frondo


BTW going to the 2nd of Jan Open Day at Warhammer World if anyone wants me to pick up the limited stuff to sell to them.

>not dropping by to say merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone

>captcha is of pizza

look at all their christmas sales and tell me if they're going to do other sales around the year that actually mean anything

Get intel

Corax was there during the massacre. He nearly killed Lorgar before Curze interrupted and he promptly tried to gtfo because he was fucked up and Batman can actually fight. He also lead a bunch of sabatage runs in the months following the battle.

if I have my regimental standard inside a chimera, does it still have an effect?

Check out newest order from China. FLAWLESS

Purge coterie, the formation from the SC! Box, isn't actually that bad of an option either btw. The Kabalites can actually be upgraded to Trueborn as per an FAQ.

The only thing I'm not 100% sure of it whether or not you can also take dedicated transports in addition to the raider.

I always get Curze and Corax mixed up. I honestly thought they were the same primarch seeing as Curze has an obvious Multiple Personality Disorder
