Is this the worst super-popular board game of all time?
I played this with my family yesterday and realized it is just an awful game. There are a lot of rules and things to consider in the game, yet they offer no depth whatsoever. Player agency is extremely limited, 90% of the game depends on dicerolls, the few elements that offer some degree of strategy (when and where to build houses/hotels) are extremely basic and whether or not they pay off still depend entirely on luck. On top of that it's a totally tedious slugfest that can take forever and it always ends not with a bang, but with a whimper as the winner is easily predictable once things have settled and everyone is just waiting on the money extractions to finish.
Is this the worst super-popular board game of all time?
It was deliberately designed to be awful to illustrate the problems of monopolies. That it caught on is purely marketing and people having no idea of what makes a good game.
Exploding Kittens is another contender, though in this case it's because the mechanics can be summed up as 'draw a card, eventually you'll lose'.
To play the doubles advocate, Exploding Kittens at least has the advantage of laying it's cards on the table, so to speak, as well as being brief.
Monopoly fools you into thinking you have anything more than a modicum of choice, and takes absolutely fucking ages, whereas You'd have to be a fucking retard to think EK is anything more than luck of the draw, and the fact that it's over in 10 minutes at most doesn't give people the time they need to flip the table.
Is this the worst super-popular tabletop game of all time?
I played this with my family yesterday and realized it is just an awful game. There are a lot of rules and things to consider in the game, yet they offer no depth whatsoever. Player agency is extremely limited, 90% of the game depends on dicerolls, the few elements that offer some degree of strategy (what units to take and where to move) are extremely basic and whether or not they pay off still depend entirely on luck. On top of that it's a totally tedious slugfest that can take forever and it always ends not with a bang, but with a whimper as the winner is easily predictable once things have settled and everyone is just waiting on the money extractions to finish.
well played
it's pretty bad, and yes has a mediocre attempt at making you feel like you have agency. But there are worse. What is the point of snakes and ladders?
Games like that and candy land can at least be billed as "teach my kid how board games work" monopoly is complicated even for that
>To play the doubles advocate,
I am afraid you only got singles.
That's a religious teaching tool, not a game.
You're memeing but you're 100 percent right
Oh and I forgot to mention, the most effective way to play Monopoly if you want to win is to be a total douchebag and prolong the game even more by denying your opponents the complete colour street sets.
So if everyone plays their best, nobody is gonna be able to build anything and the game will virtually never end.
i heard in the burger version players are allowed to buy property in their first round
how fair
This is ironic how capitalism turned an awful game about how shitty capitalism is into an icon.
Even tic-tac-toe is better.
>Is this the worst super-popular board game of all time?
>I played this with my family yesterday and realized it is just an awful game
Congrats OP - you just figured out the game designer's intent! Horray. You win.
I usually agree with the other players in adding a few more rules so that you can blackmail the other players by holding properties they really need, loans, or the option to give free passes in certain properties in exchange of either properties, the same threatment in their properties or a ridiculous amount of money.
Makes things more interesting, but sometimes people get angry
>wanting to make everyone hate each other
I genuinely enjoy Monopoly. AMA.
Why do you hate fun?
I have already said it, it makes things more interesting
I plan to make custom surprise cards that make the whole thing even more dirty yet balanced so thatt even if you have already the best properties of the game you can get fucked anyways. Imagine something along the lines of earthquakes or the wife of one of the players divorcing them and taking half of their fortune away only to get married to other player based on either diceroll, surprise card or nice properties on the beach
That's not interesting, that's just stupid. The game isn't fixed by adding more dicerolls, it's already a way too convoluted, tedious slotmachine.
If the game is taking you and your family a long time to play through it, you're all playing it wrong. When you actually adhere to the official rules of the game and your banker isn't some little kid that won't stop fucking around, the game goes really fast.
well, maybe I should follow the sugestion in and look for other property management game. it´s just that people tend to accept more easily if you say it´s monopoly
I don´t remember a single game that lasted less that 4 hours. Then again its not the original edition
While this guy may be right, he sounds like a total wanker.
>In 1903, the Georgist Lizzie Magie applied for a patent on a game called The Landlord's Game with the object of showing that rents enriched property owners and impoverished tenants. She knew that some people would find it hard to understand the logic behind the idea, and she thought that if the rent problem and the Georgist solution to it were put into the concrete form of a game, it might be easier to demonstrate. She was granted the patent for the game in January 1904
>Although The Landlord's Game was patented, and some hand-made boards were made, it was not actually manufactured and published until 1906. Magie and two other Georgists established the Economic Game Company of New York, which began publishing her game.
>A shortened version of Magie's game, which eliminated the second round of play that used a Georgist concept of a single land value tax, had become common during the 1910s, and this variation on the game became known as Auction Monopoly
I can't be assed to summarize the whole thing, so take this wikipedia article instead
It's surprisingly complex and interesting
Gotta agree with you OP.
That being said for me Cards Against Humanity lost its luster long ago. Yeah it is great fun to see people you know to create dirty mad libs but that shit has a short shelf life for entertainment even if you reach the point where you are trying to play to the card czar's specific sense of humor.
Poorfag gtfo.
I'm sensing that a lot of people that hate monopoly are in tedious low paid jobs and hate anyone or anything being successful.
Cards Against Humanity is awful. The jokes are all shock humor that don't relate to anything else. Sometimes you'll get an interesting combo but the idiot card czar just goes "ha midgets masterbating that's funny" and then you wonder what the fucking point is.
While base game exploding kittens is pretty shit the expansion made it much more strategic
Yes. also in defense of exploding kittens the expansion made it more strategic while still being a quick game I'd much rather play exploding kittens plus expansion over monopoly
You probably main Thimble and that's your problem.
If you could get over your "muh originality" meme and choose a top tier piece like Cannon or Terrier you might actually have fun.
>playing this shit game with my family on Christmas
>get sent to jail
>I have a get out of jail free card
>I elect to pay the $50 to get out of jail while I still have over $1000 to save my get out of jail free card in case I ever become poor
>entire family roasts me for this
I really don't get it, but whatever because I ended up winning
Monopoly isn't so bad really, all that you've to do is to play it with ancap houserules.
>when someone lands on your land a mini battle game starts where you try to kill him for violating NAP
The old Data tactic.
Playing a game of Infinity between rounds to bomb the rival assets?
>thinking you need a reason to want to make everyone hate each other
where do you think you are?!
I was gifted a Game of Thrones monopoly set.
It pains me to even look at it. Instead of money why didn't they use soldiers? You'd gain soldiers by conscripting regions/villages, if you want to conquer a place then you have to pay the cost in soldiers' lives. You win by gaining the largest army to dominate Westeros. It took me one minute to come up with a better conversion than this piece of shit.
>doubles advocate
I hope that was deliberate.
Because otherwise there is a special place in hell reserved just for you.
Posts like that are diamond dozen.
Family wide autism.