Tell us about your loots this year
Work, I had to work today,
That's harsh, user.
I moved about a week ago and have been hemorrhaging money ever since, but I got myself a starter kit for the wargame I want into and am getting back into any hobby at all.
I received a number of bottles of nice inks for fountain pens, a nice fountain pen, and some large, agate book ends. Plus a lotta books. How about you, user?
Socks and underwear. Not joking.
socks, sweatpants, t-shirt, sleaved shirt and 1000SEK (~$119)
I got Seafall Legacy, but I haven't heard anyone that really likes it.
I'll probably just hold on to it and exchange it for Pandemic Legacy Season 2 when it comes out.
I'm still getting loot, mostly old furniture since I got a new place.
Stethoscope, and an alehorn cup.
I really despise this artist's style, but I don't know why.
Sweatshirt, kitchen set, taboo and apples to apples.
An ammo box, hollowpoint rounds, a spare magazine, a water filter and some tea & tea accessories. No joke.
5 ed. Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's guide, a bunch of cargo pants, an amassment of Magic cards, a guide to breeding beetles, some nice headphones, and some cargo pants.
Warm socks, a pair of hiking boots for myself, and a goat and some medicine for poor African kids. I also got the stomach flu so had to stay home from our family celebration. An odd kind of day.
2 dollars in scratch offs, some cash from the senpai, and a new bag & harness for my field sound recording kit.
And some skeleton minis for myself
Some sentinels for my genestealer cults
My favorite bottle of vodka
And some cash which will be acolyte hybrids and heavy gear in 14 hours
Dashboard Cam
Couple 3DS games
Multi-tool thingy
Camera Bag
$20 Steam Gift Card
$25 iTunes Gift Card
Hand painted dragon portrait by my niece
Socks, Cashews, Ammo.
Gamebooks for WFRP and Rogue Trader.
> Hand painted dragon portrait by my niece
She's a keeper.
>> Hand painted dragon portrait by my niece
>She's a keeper.
Umm, the phrase "she's a keeper" implies marriage, and hence sexual relations.
Probably not what you intended to mean. I hope.
A new suit and some fancy beers. I buy my own RPG stuff when it (rarely) catches my eye.
I had more fun buying games for and playing games with my son this year.
Depends, how old is she? Are you related by blood?