I just bought a tony dumper from yesterday since it was posted here

I’m a little overwhelmed here and afraid I’m going to get in trouble

What the fuck do I do?
Pic related

Other urls found in this thread:


it’s why btc is booming.

Tony is ruthless

Dumb spic
Leave the country

Got some dumps off of him in November and literally made $3000 in btc. Idk if I should cash out though

his latest update from dream


Fucking tumblr kek

STOP worrying. You’re fine.
Kek. Dream market is slow. This is probably better for the nigger

and here’s one I got from the 12th


Looks like the dumper is doing gods work

this guy is either a genius or fucking insane

He is literally why btc is going high.
Carding gift codes for btc is a standard now. A sad truth

*tips fedora*
I'll take my reward in Dogecoin, Mueller.



he has new shit now


What happens when the tax man comes?

oh shit my nigga tony is a savage

What the fuck is a tony dumper?

good q my lad

some autist who leaks info like credit cards

He usually leaks from hotels but claimed the equifax leak earlier this year


what’s a good vpn

This fat faggot is exactly why I refuse to stay at a hotel.

Until tony dumpster is arrested, I’m staying the fuck away

your mom

You are all evil

What should you do?
Leak it all. Now.

a piece of shit theif

don't be a faggot and send me on cc
[email protected]



This isn't crypto, just check your statements and report any fraud, jesus.

Also OP thats a lotta years in jail my dude.

If you're gonna use stolen cc numbers don't tell fucking anyone. I seen many groups of irc tards do it and get busted

GODSPEED YOU FUCKERS [spoiler]boost Ripple[/spoiler]

Nobody gets arrested for cc fraud anymore..it's fucking pathetic

boost your mom if you need a boost


This tony guy is going to get caught soon

amen me too

[email protected]

let's hope

Theft from random people isn't business.

Fuck off.

it's theft from corporations

>inb4 muh robinhood
tony the dumpster scented autist still deserves death

but it is a modern day robinhood

on dream he mentions he only has company credit cards

highly unlikely

How would one make use of the money, and do so without getting caught?

You'd have to be a real moron even considering using someone else's credit card info in this era.

this man is a godsend

so... all these posts spamming this shit every day and praising it are just the scammer samefagging right? or pajeets he is paying .000001 btc to spam his shit constantly?