Lets have this as our sacrament. This is the thread for everyone who is waiting for something unspeakable. Come and post anything with tendrils or bubbly and centipidean appearance. IÄ IÄ!
Lets have this as our sacrament. This is the thread for everyone who is waiting for something unspeakable. Come and post anything with tendrils or bubbly and centipidean appearance. IÄ IÄ!
Other urls found in this thread:
UUH dat sexy innsmouth look
Did you ever think that the deep ones are only cannon fodder and the lowest of the low? They have no other merit than their number and capability in reproduction...
the deep ones are like the degenerate hordes of the de la poer family
The rules of Cthulmas:
>Nobody says "Happy Holidays" at Cthulmas. It is a profoundly unhappy holiday.
>Unlike other winter holidays, Cthulmas doesn't start earlier every year. In fact, we try to fend it off for as long as we can.
There was indeed a manger at the first Cthulmas. But nobody yet knows what was born in it.
>Other winter holidays wish peace on earth and goodwill toward men. Cthulmas expands the scope of those wishes to a much, much more diverse spectrum of entities.
>People sometimes worry that their Christmas tree may catch on fire. With a Cthulmas tree, you should be so lucky.
>You will find gifts under the Cthulmas tree. Nobody knows where they come from, and you should NEVER open them.
>Mistletoe is a notable Cthulmas hazard. There's no telling what you might end up having to kiss...
>There are 12 days of Cthulmas. But they take place on a planet whose rotation takes vigintillions of Earth years.
>Be advised that phrases like "Cthulmas spirit" are NOT figures of speech.
>Cthulmas comes but once a year. We hope...
>Snowmen are traditional in colder Cthulmas climates. DO NOT attempt to discover what is actually underneath the snow.
>Something does indeed come down the chimney on Cthulmas Eve, but you're better off not knowing what it is.
>Wise Men were present at the first Cthulmas. TOO wise, having delved into realms of knowledge men were not meant to know...
>Some say that Cthulmas Carols are sung to wake certain dark, ancient powers. Other say the songs are all that keep those things asleep. Frankly, not nearly enough effort has been put into clearing up this discrepancy.
>A white Cthulmas is traditional, but only because most of the more relevant colors aren't visible in this spectrum.
>Cthulmas is a time for family. Particularly the deceased.
>There is such a thing as a Cthulmas advent calendar, but nobody has yet been foolhardy enough to open any of the doors.
>Cthulmas gifts are usually called "offerings." It's truly better to give than to receive, in that you're usually trying like all hell to get rid of the things...
>Finally, let us never neglect the legend of the first Cthulnnukah, when the Three Lobed Burning Eye burned for eight days instead of just one. Nobody was terribly happy about this at the time, but it was a miracle nonetheless.
This is the thread for your diehard Veeky Forums feminist. Only euclidean genders here.
actually I'm thoroughly non-euclidean-kin, you cishet shitlord.
I'm thinking about running a CoC group soon and one of the players want to try a caster-ish character.
What do I need to know about players and spellcasting? Any particular spells to avoid giving out? Anything I should be prepared for?
I wonder why Abdul didn't make cthulmass an actual thing among the arab peoples.
I'm thinking it's not that difficult to role play an insane (for what ever reason) cultist/do it aloner.
For spells, let me whip out the book and check if there are any overly powerful spells that might be unsuitable for pcs.
also d20 or chaosium version?
In no particular order.
It is, but they became ghouls.
The surface dwelling moon worshippers tend to prefer slicing through necks to discussing conversions.
Should I retire my character and keep him at home safely reading eldritch tomes, while a secondary character gets things for him?
Actually just now I began to think and got distracted from my min/maxing -mindset. Do you really need to be insane in some way, to be a caster in the Lovecraftian universe, like most sources suggest you'd need to be for casting spells? Why couldn't you just not care? You can still then know things without losing your coherence. Or is not caring about using forbidden knowledge considered some kind of mental stuntedness?
This is the most cringey shit.
But Satan cringe is only the first feeling before your mind melts.
How retired would he be? Might he become an antagonist at some point if the campaign goes for enough time (thus giving him time to indulge in eldritch things enough time to make him a conduit for the outer gods)?
They can't even figure out technology like most other Mythos sapiants. I can't imagine they could go up against a modern military with tanks and nuclear subs.
Ghouls seem pretty chill if you get to know them.
So does that make the bottom of the sea the same as the equator, where people had difficulty in making better of themselves?
I like the way you think.
Chaosium 7th edit.
I imagine it was for similar reasons. Advanced technology never became feasible or more feasible than what they already had, so they never bothered upgrading. Non-linear technological growth is a bitch. So is not being able to smith or make primitive electrical equipment because you live under water.
Also I just realized, the Deep Ones are just as much a result of Elder Thing tampering as anything else evolved on earth. I wonder how they feel about that.
I only know that you need to be insane in order to be a true cultist.
A caster usually turns gibbering insane or transcends it if he's good enough but it's not a requirement though.
Being insane usually confer some additional control/flexibillity/strenght to your magic due to widened perception and understanding in any case, so it's not all bad.
It takes considerable strength of will and character, but I would suppose it is possible. Old Wizard Whateley is most certainly a sorcerer, and honestly I wouldn't call him that crazy all things considered. Armitage also gets into some basic stuff to defeat Wilbur's twin.
Oh what I'd give to just be a Lovecraftian anthropologist.
they're immortal
Obligatory post
Consider the following. What if deep ones are all so stupid and lowly because they are only the juvenile form of the species? Only creatures such as Dagon are the fully mature form.
Deep ones have the same intelligence as tregular humans, expect variations in motivation and obsession though.
Father Dagon and Mother Hydra are the exception what with being several hundred years old.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I hate to be this vague to say something like the storyteller should consider additional costs/drawbacks/house rulings, but most of the spells are so overpowered I can see very few balanced uses for them. Only a handful the spells are not "broken" in the hands of a potential power player.
What do you mean by "balanced use?"
Would you give me a few basic scenarios where magic would unbalance the game?
And power-players to what exactly in CoC?
I ask because I'm not experienced.
not if you have a sense of humour.
This is something that kept me thinking on the damp sleepless nights: If the deep ones are immortal and the Innsmouthians dealt with their average populus, what conditions did it then take for father dagon and mother hydra to develop to their stage. After all they are mostly said to be the oldest and thus largest of their species.
Well a meta/power player could use most of them to just make the game a cake walk. The nukes this game has are just insane for example.
Also I actually have only played once the chaosium game, I'm mostly just a husbando for a shoggoth.
Would you mind proving examples?
I saw the Withering as an example of a combat spell; but that does basicaly the same as a gun.
The vagueness tells me nothing.
Where is How Nyarlathotep stole Christmas ?
Well what might the setting or further the goal be in your game? I just rolled d20 and started from going from page 242. I ended on page 260. This is only because I see most of the spells as having so many uses my drunken mind can't come up with a proper example.
On that page there's mental suggestion, mind blast, mind transfer and mind exchange. Only mind blast to me seems not outright sick.
I hope my method in choosing an example is an indicator of the endless possibilities the spells hold. I'm sorry, but I'm not imaginative enough to give you a narrative example.
>almost 2017
>not being dead inside
Oh yeah. I agree completely that spells hold endless possibillities for plots and stories; But in your entire post you haven't actually said anything.
Spells like Mind exchange and Mind Transfer sounds to me like pretty cool ways for the players to literally kill themselves or to have a reason to establish contact with NPCs.
Mindblast is a combat spell that makes people insane. A gun does a better job if you want someone dead. If you want someone termporarily insane though it seems pretty solid, but I'm not experienced enough to know how power-players would abuse throwing insanity around though.
>It's like you're asking to get shot by the police man.
Nigga what? P'thy'la'lei'I or however you spell her name is 80,000 years old.
I did NOT know that.
Thanks for sharing that piece of information.
>I'm still not technically wrong as 80,000 sorta is several hundreds. Technically.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.