how the fuck can monero be #11 in coinmarketcap and 5 literal shitcoins be over it . why the crypto market so fucking stupid ?
Market is retarded
>muh super secret transactions
it'll pump soon enough... just hold steady brah...
>he bought monero above $350.00
yeah cause lets say bitcoin gold has any reason to have such a marketcap. PEOPLE ARE BRAINDEAD
Only druggie losers and pedos care about monero desu
Thats literally why Bitcoin became big.
longterm holder since 80$ but really makes me mad that market doesnt truly recognize this coin
especially iota showed me people here dont even understand the basics of a blockchain and why we want it instead of a centralized useless piece of shit fiat copycat like iota
fuck this damn shitcoin and fuck coins like bitcoin gold
You forgot bcash
I hold 2 monero. Just in case they ever reach 5000 with its limited supply.
Because it is set up to fail
Because anonymous coin is a meme that has no chance of ever surviving more than five years at the current market cap pace.
You are literally retarded if you are holding anonymous coin for long term investment.
Bitcoin gold
It's fucking out of belief how these can be top. Especially iota and bitcoin gold.
btw aint holding any of the top 10 coins or monero except btc but i would rather be a stinky linky a cashie or a stuttering pothead than holding shit like ripple or iota
i would rather be a gay faggoty ass tranny soyboy than holding ripple or iota worse than scum those holders trying to undermine blockchain technology with their jewish shitcoins
If it's not on coinbase it isn't really a crypto
>quote from normiebase normie
Remove NEM from that list you filthy casual.
Monero is and away will be a secondary coin. It will only feed off the market, never be the market or a market mover.
But thanks to that it will always be a player and always keep up with the market.
0/10 bait*
*hint for newfags: he is saying what normies used to say for btc
Maybe normie money doesn't care about anonymity
>longterm holder since $80
get out, i held this shit since 2014
wait till next year when the sec starts black bagging people and selling them as sex slaves
Yes, you discovered the first truth of this market:
1- It doesn't make any sense and it's heavily manipulated.
>MFW the most powerful country in the world already has a bill in the works to make anonymous cryptocurrency illegal.
>MFW there is 100% certainty that a bill of its nature will pass if the marketcap ever reaches 1 trillion dollars.
>MFW the coin would literally only be able to be used on illegal markets for illegal goods with 0 liquidity as exchanges would be shut down that accept the coin.
>MFW no legal way to cash out
>MFW No illegal business is going to want the coins because it will effectively have 0 liquidity unlike bitcoin which has always had liquidity thanks to exchanges. Cash will literally be more profitable than user meme coins.
I have no face. Enjoy being poor.
in short am stupid and i dont know how economy works. if any bills comes out against monero/user coins it would skyrocket their value you stupid fuck. it is unreal how dense you people are
>MFW all 5 of your 'argmuments' its the exact same argument rephrased
Monero is everything you'd want in an anonymous decentralized currency, and I think people realize that. With RingCT introduced, and I2P soon-to-be introduced, even the NSA would have an extremely tough time tracking you down if they dedicated vast amounts of resources to it.
Thing is, the market cap reflects the people who believe they have a use for it.
You want the market cap to increase? Travel to Mexico and lobby for the cartels to pick it up.
Bitcoin Gold MC should be all on XMR. What a waste of crypto currency.
i am not sure if am delusional but i really think monero deserves to be a top 5 coin, i would even say that it will happen till 2022 but thats a pretty longterm/lol prediction.
$80 was what, 6 months ago. Can't really be a long term holder there, you've only lived through pump - sideways - pump - sideways movements.
Bitcoin Cash is non shitty Bitcoin.
Dash is a completely different paradigm on block rewards that mixes POS and POW, and has a built in kickstarter.
Cardano is super technically innovative (though I wish it was lower priced and it does seem to have just jumped into the top ten so quickly)
probably means that he bought at $80 with the intention to hold longterm
Bitcoin gold is forked and a lot of people would rather hold it than get rid of bags
>I literally can't see the big picture.
I'm sorry user, I didn't realize you were so retarded that you can't understand what will happen even after I phrase it several ways. Let me phrase it a different way.
You realize money only has value if you can use it for things you need right?
What drug dealer is going to accept a coin they literally cannot use to pay for anything aside other illegal items?
How will they pay their mortgage/rent?
An illegal currency will only have value if it has an illegal ecosystem it can run off of. Hodling an illegal currency is going to be way too sketchy for necessities like I just listed which means those hands will not accept the currency which means the price will plummet.
Monero has already mooned considerably and is useful as fuck to cash out to fiat without paying the IRS. I imagine we'll see a steady pump before tax season. One thing I've learned in this time doing this, if the coin has some use in the eyes of the market (not theoretical uses on some whitepaper for nerds) it'll gain value.
It'll be easy to bypass, especially with the decentralized exchanges around the corner, but I agree that the market cap for XMR will fucking plummet as normies lose access. And I think that's a good thing, and I'm a true Monero believer. I don't want Monero to be an object of speculative bullshit. It has its very real life uses, and no matter what the governments of the world choose to do, it will continue to exist and flourish. Because its entire reason for existing is to bypass those governments to begin with.
>Sell weed for XMR
>Go to decentralized exchange and trade XMR for shitcoin
>Send shitcoin to Bittrex and trade it for BTC
That's what you aren't grasping you mongoloid. Once user coin has been deemed illegal no exchanges will accept the coin due to being shutdown if they are stupid enough to accept it. That's a huge risk and considering how profitable regular coin is, there is no way an exchange will risk its livelihood so you can cash out a couple bucks.
>only rich spenders care about monero
Oookayy poorfag
you call people mongoloids and you cant even grasp what a decentralized exchange is . monero is what bitcoin should be, am not delusional to think that it will take its place but it can really go to top 5 even in 2018 when hardware wallets+kovri+first bulletproof outputs are out
>making things illegal makes the price drop
T. Brainlet
You're jumping to conclusions that it ever will be banned and that it can be banned. BTC started as le illegal drug buying currency and wasn't banned (at least in first world countries), it's highly unlikelyany of the altcoins will ever become popular enough to be banned. That being said, if I see a bunch of news stories on normienews talking about the evils of Monero, I'd reconsider.
But we're all still in the very early phases of cryptocurrency dealings.
check this
>news stories on normienews talking about the evils of Monero
Wait until the very first case of XMR being used as a means to fund terrorism. That's when you know the jig is up, at least in the US/UK.
BTC can easily be tracked. XMR can't. It's their absolute fucking nightmare.
But see
XMR will always survive, because its only reason for existing is to bypass the governments. But market cap will drop like a fucking rock when normies lose access to trade on the big exchanges.
idk muh refugees
idk what's the point of this coin anymore
well you cant even withdraw xmr from binance right now. binance is THE top exchange for all the smartest traders in the know. the chinks have a definite problem with monero, and thats definitely not a good sign
>idk what's the point of this coin anymore
Normies wrongfully believe it is, or has the capability to be as anonymous as XMR. Meanwhile some of the devs actually work as consultants for companies that specialize in tracking the DASH blockchain.
It's a real piece of shit, and when XMR is inevitably banned from major exchanges, DASH will essentially function as a honeypot for anyone who seeks anonymity.
Market cap i doesn't mean shit with crypto currency. These aren't stocks. Its an easy number to manipulate. Look at how many "circulating" coins there are for IOTA and Ripple. That artificially inflates the market cap
i know at least 5 people that have 500k$+ in crypto and none of them is using binance, wtf are you talking about? the only people i see using binance are Veeky Forums users
wtf are you rambling about you brain dead moron? Monero will be the only coin that goes the distance. None of these shit scam coins will be around in a few years. Not to mention Monero is very likely to be added to coinbase. you can lalready get it on Kraken with cash, and Poloniex and Bittrex and Bitifnex.
Binance bypassed Bittrex in volume just a few days ago. It has far better layout than Bittrex.
The only reason I still use Bittrex for my large trades is because I don't fucking trust the chinks with $20k+ trades.
If you bought Monero at the beginning of the year instead of Bitcoin and held you would have made more money
>This coin is so amazing at transactions I bought it and held on to it
That casual speaking how a XMR ban would plummet the coin is just clueless. Do some more research.
You can send monetary value, with 0 fee, guaraneed under 30 seconds, using GAS on NEO.
Yes, I like monero too. But those raw currencies have the first mover effect, but it's somewhat hard to argue why platforms that do 20x more things would be "shitcoins".
IOTA and Cardano are similar.
what's wrong with nem :^(
I just bought some
Monero is about complete anonymity.
Why the fuck would someone who's aim is to be anonymous opt out of a 2-minute anonymous transaction just because there's an alternative that offers a 30 second transaction time, but strips the anonymity away?
When the fuck did transaction speed become the single point of valuation?
>another Veeky Forums thread with people arguing like children
Since forever?
Feels good trading against people like you.
I am offended by your stupidity
Hurr durr if i dont know what it is it must be garbage, hurr durr my opinion matters so much i need not explainthe reasoning behind it.
Kys faggot
Yup fortunately for us 90% of people are too autistic to see around the corner with damn near anything that matters
That's good. It means it has room to grow.
This market is filled with delusional schizos that live in an alternate reality.
A coin holder without any delusion about the future of coins and their uses is very rare.
So many half wits writing off Ada, why?? Whats 1 reason why its bad? You not being able to read doesn't count
>based ceo
>peer reviewed (no other coin bothers)
>scientific low and slow vs get any old shit out there mentality
>can perform transactions on all other blockchains
>dapps can be written using any language
>automated funding and forking part of blockchain
>written in haskell
But its garbage, because you can't see how ANY of that matters, which us why i beg you to erase yourself from the gene pool
>implying litecoin isn't just another glorified shitcoin
But muh 600 usd!
1. The senile king
2. Centralized "blockchain" that can't handle 1 popular app.
3. Centralized (((blockchain))).
4. Scammy usurper.
5. Retards' silver.
6. Centralized unproven technology for refugees.
7. Instamine, centralized, proof that no one even reads up on what they buy.
8. Mite b cool.
9. The nxt clone that fooled the japs.
10. "Free money" (ok retards).
11. Anonymous until nsa starts caring.
I'm a NEET in college. When is tax season lmao.
>in college
pick one
(NEET stands for "not in education, employment, or training")
>in college
Also there are 2 more shitcoins above the shitcoins you pointed out. Lol@ bch and ltc.
I'm aware what NEET actually is. I just mean I have no clue when tax season actually is.
Eth will die probably in the next 12 months, once the next gen dapp platforms w side chains and several development languages come out. Viralik is a burden to them because he already knows everything and wont budge his opinion one inch or ever ask for help. Hoskinson is the opposite and theyre writing forks as part of the autonomous govt in cardano as well as ability to add support for consensus algorithms and quantum resistance.. on any other board ada would be the most based chad choice but i feel this board is filled with not real neets who will never get it. Ill be waving at them from the moon...
You do know cryptocurrency's are a speculative asset right?
>I'm a NEET in college
Are you using your crypto to buy eggs or things you can buy with crypto?
There is your answer. There will ultimately be a crypto that can handle mass market (talking grocery service + restaurant service industry level) transactions but coins like ZCash and Monero will always be insanely valuable relatively speaking to everything.
They are perhaps the most valuable because in the case of a massive market shitstorm either through a mass selloff or regulation, they would still have excellent utility.
Pay the fuck attention then, god what else dont you know, whens the 4th of July?! I bet you know exactly when all the video games come out though
>Not a NEET
>Declares self as NEET
Goyim, I..
isnt aeon a 300k satoshi coin?
I am asking the same thing, and please add litecoin to that list. I'm getting so fucking tired of this bullshit now, nothing makes sense anymore. All the shit projects get pumped by retards.
biz was right, normies really do ruin fucking everything
>cucked by the nsa
>Cardano is super technically innovative
How so, just tries to be the next ethereum right?
There is no fucking need for the next ethereum because we already have the original one which is the only one that counts
Is this coin ever going to come to any non Bitrex exchanges? I'm interested but don't want to touch that exchange.
Monero is the comfiest coin that will win in the end
>not including Ripple and LTC in the shitcoin list
hoping will be listed moar
its on HitBTC too
im mining it
Wrong. Next time read before you say something retarded.
>hurrr someone else said it so it must be true
this shitpost here is the proof is why you fucking pajeets are poor and will stay poor for ever! instead of asking why find an entry point you poor fuck! fucking plebian...
People don't realize that Monero's supply is lower then BTC and will stay that way until about 2040 and will very slowly increase with the tail emission. With the anonymity, privacy, and scalability Monero is what OG bitcoiners wanted BTC to be.
>says wrong but provides no other info
Are you that retarded? First of all i said to READ BEFORE SAYING STH RETARDED and if you did you would habe seen my 4 other posts ITT with lots of info. Second if you do 30 seconds of googling you would see that its totally more advanced... its like saying "hurr furr why do we need Switch, we already have NES"
I dont need to help you morons, im doing it to be nice. Youre hurting yourselves by not listning.
You forgot ripple and bcash.
Arrogance is ok if you can back it up, but YOU(and most on this board) can't , they just open their mouths and shit flies out and thats good enough for your ego. Pic related, its you today
People amaze me, talk a bunch of shit with nothing to back ot up and leave and go about your day as if you werent retarded just then...
>listing treasury as a strong point
charles ran away with his tail between his legs when he couldn't implement his rent-seeking into ETC
dash has already shown you can't use cashflow as a proxy for developer talent
in all likelihood crypto/bitcoin came from hal finney, who developed much of pgp taking no credit for it, died with his bitcoin millions untouched and remained humble to the bone
petty money grabbers do not drive innovation in this space