What makes someone a normie, biz? It has very different meanings to everyone, I'd consider and normie a person that has or had sexual partners without paying, kissed, been on dates, has friends, good soical skills, a job that requires a high I.Q and/or good soical skills, gf/bf/wife, kids ect. Are normies to you people that just got into cryoto into the last few months? Wouldn't you be considered normies at one point also by the people that invested before you ?
Normie meaning
Other urls found in this thread:
Very general i’d say a normie is someone who is oblivious to internet memes/culture and is outgoing just like you described
i would say someone who is a normie has to ask if they are a normie or not
A normie is someone who watches cable TV, loves texting, and thinks school is important
except for kids I have/had everything you stated. still a Veeky Forumstard though
People who use the neutered, facebook safe "normie" instead of normalfag
Normie is socially accepted humans. Non normies are misfits. They can't be a part of certain social group. It's social.
Someone who is socially adept and has proof of it. Like the ability to communicate with women.
Basically, someone that the typical female considers as human.
someone who is painfully generic
normies are the people who achieve more than you while putting in way less effort for it
if you
>can hold a conversation with someone (not your waifu, family member, or yourself) for more than 20 minutes without feeling exhausted, anxious, or spaghetti
>have ever had a close friend after the age of 13
>have sexed/kissed with non-family members
>(even occasionally) are being invited to hang out with other people
you are a normie
>sexed/kissed with non-family members
I always see hipsters or band music people call other people normies, but wouldn't they themselves be normies becuase they have soical groups?
In the context of /biz, normies are wagecucks and/or people who think that working hard for the same company for 50 years and retiring is a good life.
Only valid answer ITT
If you don't know the diffrence between yourself (implying you aren't a normie) and a normie than you are a normie plan and simple.
It's hard to put it into words the difference between a normie and non normie. I don't want to be like condecending but I kind of have to in order to define normies. Also I'm speaking from a standpoint of having done some psychadelics which imo help you really see the normie gap but then again if a normie were to take psychs they still wouldn't see that they are indeed a normie.
But basically normies don't get "it" and or are brainwashed by culture and aren't self aware. It's hard to describe in words what I mean by the "it" but I'll try.
Stop looking at my words and look around wherever you are I'm guessing you are in your room but maybe you are just sitting down somewhere on your phone or laptop right now reading what I'm writing but whatever. But yea just look around the room, you are a lifeform sitting in front of a screen filled with pixels allowing my words to be seen by you. This would be unheard of one hundred years ago but hey here we are and here I am now in your world. What does your world consist of? How is your world different from mine? Surely they should be the same right? We are all on the same planet at the same time so how are our worlds different? Our worlds are different because of how we perceive reality and life. Normies all think they are in the same reality and that is what makes a normie a normie.
Reality is whatever YOU make it out to be. If you think for example that North Korea has already nuked the US despite no news or media saying so then they did nuke the US. If that doesn't make any sense think about the stereotypical PTSD Vietnam vet who thinks spies are after him all the time. Spies ARE after him in his reality.
Normies don't have their own reality, they have their own normal reality with all the other normies that they all live in. They aren't open to new ideas until normie reality adopts it.
shut up you fucking incel
nice blogpost faggot
Normalfags are typically people who enjoy mainstream things and live typical, ignorant, mundane lives.
No problem tranny cunt
• Uses social media
• Believes everything they're told by newspaper of choice
• Thinks Will Ferrell is funny
• Used Pokemon Go for a month, never deleted from phone
• New phone every year, yet unable to pay off credit card
• Starts every sentence with 'I mean...' and excessive use of the word 'literally'
• Believes that they live in an episode of Sex and the City (if female or gay)
• Regularly rides a bicycle
>>have sexed/kissed with non-family members
As opposed to having done said things with family members?
>• Regularly rides a bicycle
I mean, WTF does that have to do with anything? I mean if anything, riding a bycicle is literally a non-normie thing to do in the Veeky Forums context, since you don't have to buy an expenisve car from (((them))), you don't need to pay money for gas to [[[them]]] and it does not loose that much value compared to a car. At least that's what I read in the WaPo.
I could probably write a book about what makes someone a normie and why normies are disgusting people. I’ll try to keep it short
Normies think there’s only one way to live life and that there’s something wrong with you if you deviate at all. I’m a virgin and I’ve never had a girlfriend. Every single normalfag would think that’s a problem even though I don’t. Normies just can’t see things from anyone elses perspective because they’re stupid. That’s why they’re so easily manipulated by what they see on TV. Anyway, just thinking about normies is pissing me off so I’ll probably have to end my rant. The problem with them is that they’re dumb.
One last thing is that normies seem to have zero self awareness. I come across their retard mouth breather posts all the time regardless of board and I just ignore the post but I know that shit eater is going to hang around even when nobody is replying to him. They can’t see that they’re out of place. I know why stupid people exist (to do all the manual labour) but that doesn’t mean I have to like their existence.
"Normie" as a Veeky Forums meme term originates with r9k, but is in turn an ironic-humorous appropriation of language used by various autists who've thought themselves particularly intelligent or special in some way. The Church of the Subgenius for example was using the expression "normals" for decades before "normie", in much the same light as r9k.
Although used in this tongue-in-cheek manner, there's some truth to it in that are obviously large numbers of people who live within mainstream social norms and are either incapable of questioning those norms or are too frightened to.
The interesting thing is that the term once it became a meme gets taken up unironically by true normies. If you've supported a mainstream political party in the past few years, or if you believe CP should be legal, you're probably a normie. If you used the word "cuck" more than once in the past 6 months, you're a normie. If you've used the expression "normie" unironically anywhere other than on Veeky Forums as an anoymous poster - you're almost definitely a normie.
>t. triggered normie
A normie acts like what an NPC would in a game. Predictable, extremely boring and robotic, has no grandiose ambitions.
Fuck, you got me.
Welp, I guess I have to go back to my sad, normie life, with a fantastic gf, a loving family, an unironically great job, a nice stock depot and a good bunch of magic internet money to top it all off.
>mfw I'll never feel those autistic looser feels everyone else here is having all the time
Add another one to my list:
• Overly defensive about lifestyle, needs to compare self to others for validation
>um... my life is fantastic actually. that’s why im here with you losers :’)
This is how stupid you look. It’s twice as stupid as you think.
You're literally just a beta fag.
>have had friends means they are a normie hurr dur
>nice guys finish lasttt :((( :3 rawr
Watch this : youtube.com
I'm an ashkenazi jew, we see gentiles the same way you see normies.
Read a book called you gentiles.
I have all of those things except kid/wife. If you want to call me a normie go ahead, in reality you're just jealous I've experienced love and friendship so you have to pronounce me as a normie and talk shit. In reality you desire feeling loved and having friends as much as the rest of us, you're just bitter. Change your mindset and it will all come, its a lot easier than you think. hit the gym and dress better, and have something in your life that's worth talking about and being proud of. It's really that simple. I love studying engineering and it's working for me so far. Find a passion.
anyone can be attractive in some way.
oh and stay off pol. It will fuck up your social abilities no one wants to be friends with a racist, prejudiced asshole riding on the achievements of others. most girls do not like trump supporters either, its just the way it is
hopefully this helps some of you turn around
>Overly defensive about lifestyle, needs to compare self to others for validation
To be fair, you and your kind started that whole
>overly defensive about lifestyle
thing. If you weren't, you wouldn't care about "normies".
>>um... my life is fantastic actually. that’s why im here with you losers :’)
I mean, yeah, you are right. I could also pick other folks to make myself feel even better about my life, but you are such an easy victim. It's like stealing candy from a toddler. The perfect crime!
Nuh uh
Yes huh
Nuh uh
Yeah huh
Depends on what you mean.
This is a crypto normie, just watch the first minute and you will understand why: youtube.com
>Change your mindset and it will all come, its a lot easier than you think. hit the gym and dress better, and have something in your life that's worth talking about and being proud of. It's really that simple. I love studying engineering and it's working for me so far. Find a passion.
Give up.
I tried to help those poor sad fucks quite a few times, but they'll always just shoot me down.
It's like they WANT to be miserable victims.
Now I'm just trolling them and laughing at their misery.
>this entire post
This has to be satire. That’s the problem when your website gets infested with normies. You can’t tell the difference.
You have to belittle others to feel better about your miserable normie life. That’s what you’re doing. I actually feel bad for you. It’s like you’re almost smart enough to see that you were forced to live a certain way but it’s too late. Think about why you’re here and not somewhere like Reddit or Facebook or Twitter or whatever the fuck. Because you know your kind is disgusting and don’t even want to speak to them.
I think that having some form of human interaction ocassionaly, be it friends, acquaintances, sexual partners, etc, doesn't automatically mean you are a normie. I see normies as gullible people that just eat up what's popular or even considered "normal way of living" in the current year and follow jew imposed trends without being aware of what they are doing. Basically drifting through life copying stuff they saw on some form of mass media designed by people with ulterior purposes. So, the current rush towards crypto means that they only became aware of it because they saw it on TV, Facebook, etc. No effort on their part. They are just passive lifers dominated by what's popular.
A normie is an NPC. A normie exists to keep society running for the rest of us to enjoy. Normies don't have souls. They're not real people.
Normies typically watch cable television and mainstream hollywood films, things like Game of Thrones and Star Wars. They don't think for themselves, but rather conglomerate into a hivemind of popular thought. They follow one another around in their beliefs, and you can usually tell where they stand on any given issue before you even ask them.
Normies are incapable of deep or critical thought. They shy away from anything that challenges their deep-rooted worldview instilled in them by other normies. They are unable to accept that the reality of something is different from what they believe if it contradicts the popular bandwagon belief.
Normies don't think about death. They "know" that everyone dies deep down, but they never fully wrap their minds around it until someone close to them passes away or they're on their death beds. But for the most part, they spend most of their lives thinking that they'll live forever even if someone close to them dies. In general, this makes them happier than you or I. They enjoy life and they're pretty happy.
A normie is someone who has no interests aside from what can be found in the mainstream, and who isn't capable of critical thought. What I mean by that is that an educated man (truly educated, not filled with propaganda) can consider a position based on it's merit and make a determination on whether it's true or not. Normies aren't capable of this, they automatically reject anything that feels like it might conflict with whatever narrow worldview they hold.
it's not satire. I don't get why you think that.
Something that really helped me was joining jiu jitsu, i suggest it to everyone. It's hard at first, but you get to learn to defend yourself, make friends, get fit, and leave the house. Or you can just shitpost. whatevs dude its your life
>Normies all think they are in the same reality and that is what makes a normie a normie.
Very nice user, I like this. Indeed, normies operate as if there was only one reality.
Normie dork.
Normies are either unable or unwilling to think for themselves.
They possess little to no self-awareness and react to any form of criticism with vicious insults, most of which are projections of their own insecurities.
Normies think themselves above all 'outsiders' and therefore are extremely narrowminded and controlling of their social and material networks.
However, because of the aforementioned characteristics they rarely, if ever, break the 'wall' and achieve success. If they do, they are most likely riding on the coattails of visionaries or coaches (in the general sense).
It only takes a light education to see that it is the outsiders, not normies, who direct the course of humanity. Normies provide nothing of substance. This is why they are so easy to manipulate, and why you should too.
Their game was rigged from the start, user. Outsiders stood no chance. That's why we're driven to do more, to be different, to pursue our dreams. Normies will never understand, but they'll always envy those that do what they cannot.
Why play their game? Make your own, and let them come to you.
I try ;)
Not sure if making fun of my condescending post or actually trying to show me some good philosophy but I enjoyed that video and that well showcases my point.
A normie is someone who is more normal than I am.
But, if serious, it's the one who is outside of internet culture and memes. However, there are normie memes. I am lost, damn it.
>You have to belittle others to feel better about your miserable normie life.
I can assure you there's nothing miserable about my life. >you were forced to live a certain way but it’s too late.
I forced myself into this life. At some point I realized that I'm a kissless 30yo virgin with no friends and that I don't like this anymore.
So I turned my life around and now I'm happier than I have ever been before.
>Think about why you’re here
> Because you know your kind is disgusting and don’t even want to speak to them.
See, that's the toxis attitude that's holding you back.
Yes, there are many idiots and worthless people in this world. But there are also many others. I choose to associate myself with the others.
Everybody you know in your real life is a normie. Everyone i know in my real life is a normie. Try to keep it neet and edgy with comments while i work around san francisco. Go on the occasional rant using 'edgy neckbeard terms' no one is ever reveals themselfs, their all on r_ddit. Hes a loner dottie.... nobody gets my autism. Coworkers unironically use my lingo wrong to try to connect. I am not a normie rheeee.
>They follow one another around in their beliefs, and you can usually tell where they stand on any given issue before you even ask them.
Funny how that also applies to all of the non-normies on here.
Look into a mirror at some time.
If you use the word "meme" (a word I fucking DESPISE) in the real world then guarenteed normie.
If you had internet culture knowledge >2013 then you are not a normie but normies know as much memes if not more memes than us because of how adopted they have become to mainstream.
A true normie is roughly a year or so behind on current memes. So if your memes are outdated then you be a normofagi
>getting emotional and defensive
>"g..guys I'm just trolling them and laughing ha ha"
kek you're the gift that keeps on giving, friendo
I follow no one on here in my opinions. For example I believe in Ripple's vision for the future of international payments. I know they'll be huge, a household name by 2020. But look at how unpopular they are on here.
>duh joos
>duh ebil banks
>muh centralized
All retarded and untrue FUD. Bandwagon autism.
This post is pottery, screencapped
> This board with chainlink
Normies don't know how to look into the "mirror" as you well descibed and that's why they are just not self aware or even aware of the reality around them.
I don't want to hate on the chad's who say "WORLDSTAR" and "Saturdays or for the boys" but they have all adopted those sayings because they think it's the "norm" for college aged boys to do and it helps the actually weak fags befriend the dumb chads. In the end both of those sayings are just well devised market schemes targeted at chads.
Good post. Normies are basically the masses. They’re all followers. They do what they’re told - by their employer, by the man on TV, by their group of friends, etc. That’s why I completely avoid normies. I can’t tell them apart. I was going to continue but this retard had to reply to me.
>I choose to associate myself with the others.
So are we meant to be the “others”? Because you’re here with us right now, by your own choice.
For example. I think there are no intelligent people on Reddit so I never visit Reddit. Do you see how that works? If you don’t like a certain type of person then you avoid where they hang around. I don’t like people like you so I come here to Veeky Forums to be with people like me. But then people like you wanted to post here as well. EVERY OTHER WEBSITE wasn’t enough. That’s how disgusting normies are. We have this tiny little corner and it’s too much for them. I can’t even consider normalfags people anymore. They have zero empathy so how are they people.
EXACTLY. All of the people unironically using "normie" are young, white males, often virgins and racists who love to blame their lack of financial and sexual success on the "system", females, minoriites, and whatever else they can.
It's funny how predictable and easily manipulated the bitter and lonely people on here are compared to the rest of the world.
Normies are those that don't own EOS and/or BTC
If you bought anywhere above $1000 you are the normie.
If you gotta ask, you can't afford it.
Nah. I'd consider normies to be people that are into (((Facebook))) memes, which is an internet culture as well.
Please explain why you’re here and not somewhere like Reddit. Have you been to Reddit? I’ve been to Reddit. That’s how I know what it’s like. You would fit in there. I don’t fit in there. Why are you here? Because you’re fucking stupid. That’s the reason. Fucking brainlets.
>read first line
yea exactly
>read second line
Really re think your first point there
kek, same for you, pal'o
This is how the normie responds when you call him a normie. Incapable of critical thought, he instead lashes out with insult and falsehood. You have invaded his bubble. Cognitive dissonance drives him to anger.
>So are we meant to be the “others”? Because you’re here with us right now, by your own choice.
The good people. Not the shitty ones.
>For example. I think there are no intelligent people on Reddit so I never visit Reddit. Do you see how that works?
Yes. You have your opinion and you stick with it, even though you have made no effort to prove or disprove it. Same as with the SJWs who will also not care for facts or even research into the "issues" they adress.
>But then people like you wanted to post here as well. EVERY OTHER WEBSITE wasn’t enough.
I have probably been here longer than you. If anything, you fucked up my Veeky Forums. Yes, it always was an autistic shithole, but then people like you wanted to post here as well. Apparently /pol/ and /r9k/ wasn't enough.
A normie is someone who gets phonecalls from people other than their parents
This is how the MGTWO virgin racist responds when you call him such. Incapable of critical thought, he instead lashes out with insult and falsehood. You have invaded his bubble. Cognitive dissonance drives him to anger.
Not sure if serious or bait
I am none of the things you have called me. I am the higher human being, and you are the drone. Accept your role, normie.
Not trying to make fun.
Also not a narcissist who thinks his above others, but that video is very good and motivates when I need it.
You can also read a book called you gentiles or watch a movie called jewtopia to get an inside on how some jews view gentiles, it's the same way people in this board view normies, quite funny and in a way enlightening.
> outgoing
> fucked 20+ girls this year
> have alot of close friends, actually a group of 5 that we hangout since we were 6 or 7
>Invited out every friday
> 4fag for 6yrs
> 13k hours in wow
> 5k hours in csgo
But if that makes betafags feel special, gut for you kek
I can go wherever the fuck I want. This is a business board, and it's annoying to see you retards constantly being annoying as shit. You are also the same ones who sell at dips out of fear and buy at highs out of FOMO. Then you lose money and post wojack/pepe memes about how upset you are.
how does the second line contradict the first line.
whatever ya say bud.
Honestly you fags are worse than the SJWs that have infested my university. Just as radical in your beliefs and just as convinced that your problems are caused by someone else, and that you couldn't possibly be responsible for the situation you're in.
>I am the higher human being, and you are the drone
OK, so what is the objective measure for "higher"?
Number of mates mounted?
Breeding rate of your cryptocats?
Normies to me is what gentiles are to some Ashkenazi jews.
Wrong you fucking /r9k/ and /pol/ idiots. A normie on Veeky Forums isn't someone who doesn't lack social skills and isn't a virgin, just because YOU are shit at interacting with humans doesn't mean you're not a normie. A "normie" for Veeky Forums is simply a stupid person. An ignorant, lazy, aloof individual who dreams of getting rich yet doesn't put the effort to learn how to do so, instead posts his "mad gains skills" on social media and moves onto the next trend once the current one collapses. You awkward autists are dumb as fuck and thus you're more of a normie than you think.
Fuck no dude. I've done and am capable of doing all that shit and watch 20 episodes of anime a week and play like 20 hours of vidya and my choice of fap is r34 of cartoon/anime girls
Normie drinks, watches football, and goes out to the club or concerts. There's a fucking spectrum.
Paying women fuck you isn't the same thing.
Wrong, you fucking normie.
>Just as radical in your beliefs
What beliefs? Just calling you a normie? Honestly, you're sounding like a centrist, with your "le both sides suck XD". That's about as normie as it gets, seeing things in black and white, only two sides, and refusing to take a stance on anything other than the notion that you're better than people who take a stance on anything.
I am ascended. The things you have listed are meaningless to me. I only care for one thing, and that is anime girl feet. You don't appreciate that, you can't, because you are not ascended. I'm sorry. I can't make you see.
>I can go wherever the fuck I want
Classic shit eating normie. You see how they’re insects? They don’t care what you think. They don’t care that they’re a small minority. They just want to crawl around because they can. So disgusting. I tell him where he can find his like minded shit eating brethren and he doesn’t care. His brain just doesn’t function.
It’s incredible how Anonymity fucking backfired this hard. If everyone had usernames, you could just filter messages from certain people. Imagine if we could filter all the normies. Nobody would have to read their shit and speak to them. We can’t do that. It’s a nightmare.
A normie is a person that doesn't visit Veeky Forums, this is the most common definition especially in /b/. Specifically for Veeky Forums it's a person who isn't into crypto or is brand new to it.
>I am ascended. The things you have listed are meaningless to me. I only care for one thing, and that is anime girl feet. You don't appreciate that, you can't, because you are not ascended.
Well played.
It's not really a contradiction but you sound like a self proclaimed chad. Your first line was chad like but it was all true and then the second line you almost showcase your own personal bitterness
why the fuck are there normies shitting this thread up, go fuck yourselves you know who you are. just fuck off
I would say someone who doesn't formulate their own opinions and follows collective thought. Fucking neet virgins use it just to refer literally anyone with a functioning social life but they're are wrong a lot of time they are normies themselves just after the same shit with people who have functional social lives.
100% wrong
>a nomie is a stupid person
Holy shit can we get this nomie out of here?
I am too hot to pay for sex kek
you fucking niggers dont realize that the literal definition of a normalfag is not subject to change just because you switch boards
normies should unironically all be fucking roped
Normies, or Bots as I like to call them, have no free will.
They follow the mainstream opinion on any kind of topic. Those bots will repeat what their group leader, be it a YT persona, a politician or a athlete even if they don’t understand it. When challenging their views they often instantly fall back to Ad Hominem or other logical fallacies. What is also often used are Appells to Emotion. Often heared that “but the kids in Africa” “Argument”? Congratulations you’re surrounded by normies. A bot without it’s group can’t function. I often observed how bots picked on certain people or topics like they would want to kill people anyhow associated with that. Then when alone, they suddenly switched their opinion on that topic to a more balanced stance. Why the internet is important: It removes the barrier for a normie to say stupid shit only in their echo chambers. Normies think that all people share their stupid views. Thats why you have to read bullshit they wrote so often.
A normie doesn’t have to be high on the social ladder to be a bot. That all anons are basement dwellers is also an old meme.
Good reading but...
For me this whole 'reality' isn't reality. I feel, like we are trully in matrix. For me matrix, is that you're chained to your desk and making cents fullfiling not-normies dreams...
For me normie/not normie is this:
Normie - working for company 9-5, watching tv after work, no interests/no hobbies, eating crap food, not working out, not reading books, not evolving, live to work
Not normie - someone hungry of success, owing own bussines or trying to open own company, doesn't watch tv, read a lot of books, eath healthy/unprocessed food, working out, trying to improve, wanting more from life, trying to escape the matrix
So in my eyes - I'm not normie :)
Best explanation ITT
Doesn't this guy know our websites culture? Nah, hes just a normie. kek
He’s not wrong though. There are 4channers with legitimate mental problems and they still seem more intelligent than any normie. Think about the smartest thing you’ve heard a normie say. Nothing is coming to me. Whenever a normie makes a thread, he’s either asking for help or insulting us.
>new to crypto pls help thx igot $20 to invest :p
That’s what they contribute to this board.
The truth hurts to realise people are more successful then you in multiple areas of life. You're lazy to put proper effort in developing yourself, and thus forever will remain bunch of normie clowns,
Bicyclefag detected
Fuck off normie scum
I know you’re a normie bc you wrote all that shit out expecting anyone to read it or give a shit what you think. Day of the rope is coming.
But the fact is you DO have a reality and that is that we are in that sort of matrix reality you are describing. If you think we are in a matrix and I am just code what do you think about me acknowledging your reality. Surly the matrix would have no other person on your side or believe you. Frankly if we were in a matrix they designers of it wouldn't allow their code to make a movie called the matrix for people to see through their ploy.
You can't just disregard others reality. I'm certain that some people who work 9-5 jobs are not normies and are aware of the fact that what they are doing is shitwork.
Being self aware and aware of the "it" as I previously stated is how you avoid being a normie.
Just because others have diffrent dreams as you does not make them a normie. However if their dreams are just based off the conception of what a dream should be then congrats you found the normie.
>implying normie and not just \v\irgin who heard about the hype.
Stupidity comes in all shapes and sizes.
That's how pathetic you clowns sound. Just like getting better in your financial area of life, you have to get better in other areas of life too instead of looking down on people or feeling sorry for yourselves. If you don't you're LITERALLY a fucking normie.
But you're too much of a lazy fag to do so, won't admit it to yourselves and will end up going back to /pol/ or some other shithole that wastes your time later today.