What RPG is the best for playing cute foxgirls/foxboys?
What RPG is the best for playing cute foxgirls/foxboys?
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Why Pathfinder?
Pathfinder is a good system to sequester shit players like OP from the rest of the tabletop community.
Golden Sky Stories is a good one
Maid RPG
Not CoC.
It's not that bad man
You get Whitefire that you can use even when muted and shit
Not like any racials actually matter in endgame
Fatal, GURPS, KoD, WoD.
The japanese conception of kitsune is fascinating. Trickster spirits are great.
If you have to ask what rpg is the best for X the answer is anima, because we hate you and want you to suffer.
>because we hate you and want you to suffer.
But Anima is great.
>Anima is great
>Maths the mathening is fun
Pick NONE.
>waah numbers are hard
It's got a table you giant sissy.
Fuck off retard
>help I can't deal with anything more complicated than addition of single-digit numbers
It's clear that you've got little to know experience playing TTRPG's considering you apparently hate one of the basic things you need to play.
>Defending anime rolemaster
>it's anime so it's bad
>it's complicated so it's bad
What do you play, user? Apocalypse World?
D&D3.5, 5E, PF like all normal humans?
And you're deriding Rolemaster and Anima as over-complicated shitpiles?
>not an overcomplicated clusterfuck of overly specific rules, edge cases, and trap options
>Not playing full blooded furries
If you're going to be a faggot, own that shit and go all out. Don't half arse it,
>Proving to be fucking retarded
You sound like playing AW is something bad.
Pathfinder Kitsunes are full on furry.
The only way to be a fox person in Anima is by using an end-game magic.
Or by playing as a Daimah, but that requires a GM willing to run in Hell.
Neph daimah pretty sure still have cat ears/tail, like full daimah, just no claws.
The one that lose monster things are Jayan (no full horns or size) and Ebudan (no full wings)
Actually in MAID kemonomimi are just an estetic touch, which is kind undewelming.
Golden Sky Stories
They're the Fae of Japan and that is titillating. The way they've been conceived through tg-memery is very different from how Japan portrays them.
Apparently that official Log Horizon ttrpg is going to have them as a race, their gimick is high stats but have the risk of losing skills at random every level up or something.
>Neph daimah pretty sure still have cat ears/tail,
Nope, just pointy ears and slightly cat-like eyes. They wear cat-ear headbands and shit, though.
They're only cat-people, though, not fox-people.
Suck your GM's dick into having one of the few races that are OK (although worse than humans, because they're master racists), and try to work it into the story outside of not!asia will be hard.
At least you're not a duk'zarist!
4e DnD if you want to play heroic foxgirls.
Suicide: the rpg
Looks good. I might try to get the book (I hate using pdfs)
All these waifupics are from Japanese artists.
>how Japan portrays them.
This is stupidly disingenuous. There's no single way kitsune are portrayed. Never has been, from their origin the depiction was different all across Japan. You had loveable fox waifus, fun-loving tricksters, and man-eating monsters, and everything in-between and even weirder.
Hell, your talk of the 'fae' shows you have only a pop culture understanding of them. The trend now is to make them evil, because people love their edge, but similarly to youkai, fae all across Europe were thought of differently at different times. Often, it'd vary entirely between species of fae. There's no single depiction of fae, or even any species of fae.
I should also mention that pre-modern people in the west had all kinds of waifu monsters too. Huldra and selkies are two examples up front.
Why did nobody send him here?
>You had loveable fox waifus, fun-loving tricksters, and man-eating monsters, and everything in-between and even weirder.
They seem to be almost portraying real women!
>not even being sexist
It's good but kinda limited. Basically you have these fixed scenarios and the players stick to them, per the rules (for the rest quite good rules, in any case).
Granted is not COC, they're seeing a grumpy old man that obviosuly need some mellowing, not trying to grasp Nyarlathtep's plans, they will not wander around. Still, kinda limiting per the book.
REALLY like the flavour and the example town.
Also I'll never see the fairy alternate setting. Gah.
In picture, typical japanese grumpy old man.
Because kitsune in Pathfinder are full on furries. Not foxboy/girl kemomimis.
Like you couldn't homebrew one in it, if your DM is playing pathfinder he'd probably go for it.
Isnt it possible to just make up a scenario out of the base rules? I mean, it'd be possible with mice and mystics out of all games so why not this one?
>Like you couldn't homebrew one in it
This is equally applicable to each and every tabletop.
Yeah but pathfinder is kind of built for cringey shit, as evidenced by all the hate for it, right?
No, that's just your typical edition wars. It's a manifestation of that some teenage mindset that leads to console wars on /v/.
Oh, sure it is! That's the usual way, there aren't even many adventures already done. Didn't want to imply that. It's pretty simple as well, should take 15 minutes tops.
What I'm saying is that there isn't technically much room to sandbox things: it's the typical rigidity of Japanese rpgs in this regard, which I don't like (rest of the game is pretty open, though). The problem isn't really that you couldn't fatten up times or let players wander around, but that you have a simple goal and not really any room to improvise things. It's most surely a design decision, but I dunno... combine this with the episodic nature of the game...
It's more a feeling I have, didn't play enough to try to do that.
I was led to believe PF was kind of pure and unadulterated bullshit because it was advertised as fixing 3.5 and failed to do so, as well as adding even more bullshit in that broke it further. is this wrong?
if thats a compliment thank you, if not whatever.
First, do you know anything about 3.5, or why people like and don't like 3.5?
Thanks for your insight user. I'm pretty fucking poor with little to no ttrpg stuff (not that I havent played the shit out of dnd at my friends places) so I though a 20$ rpg book could be a nice purchase.
I know that people disliked 3.5 primarily because it was busted in favor of Casters while leaving Martials in a state that to even be tangentially useful it kind of forced you to be a power-gamer, I've never had the opportunity to play it, and can't say I want to, I think GURPS might be the system for me.
That's still a problem in PF and in 5e. This is the later's most constant criticism of the former so it's kinda invalidated by still being a problem for them.
It's like an Xbox owner and a Playstation owner complaining about subscription services.
5e's gulf between Martials and Casters endgame seems a fuckton smaller though, as I've heard, it's really that a fighter type has less overall out of combat use, than a Wizard does, at least that's I've gathered, not saying i'm right, just discussing.
>as I've heard
Did I not just tell you that you're dealing with console war fanboys? It's lies.
>it's really that a fighter type has less overall out of combat use, than a Wizard does, at least that's I've gathered
This is what it is in all three editions. 3, 5, and PF. It's because fighters are never given esoteric powers of any sort. In something like Anima your fighter equivalent will start getting special attacks and abilities straight out of some anime. In DnD, fighers just attack and maybe cleave sometimes. This is an innate design problem with DnD itself, because it and its fans insist on realism with fighters ONLY, and ignore ancient western heroes like Cuchulain or Hercules who were 'fighters' yet had special, larger than life abilities.
Anyway, it wasn't fixed in 5e OR PF. Anyone telling you it has been is fanboying.
Not dissing the game, it's just that it's not that... hrm... a little different.
Never said they weren't lies, but in every lie there's a grain of truth. I assumed the flaw was still there in 5e But had been amended some I know they knocked casters down about 500 powerlevels, so to speak. Looking at the players handbook, fighters do get abilities in 5e just not as many as a spell-caster would have. I know I've heard that too, why do you think I said GURPS seems right for me?
The only real new limitation in 5e is on buffing spells.
The spells all are less powerful and a lot of the most powerful ones of old aren't in any of the books some still are though. I'm no expert on the system though.
While you're right that the problem still exists in 5th, it has nothing to do with what type attacks they have. It's the fact that spells do things outside of combat. The fighter becomes uninteresting because unless he kneecaped himself, he can't convince people to do anything. The imbalance starts in full around level 12, when casters get access to long range teleport, pocket dimesion, summoning, and such.
>I'm no expert on the system though.
Then you'll realize that brokenness comes with age and supplements in DnD. There's a reason you're encouraged to deny their usage a a DM if you don't want them.
Sounds like it's a fairly simple fix for a DM interested in balancing out stuff, is to ban stuff or focus on places both character types can be useful in.
I didn't deny that, I'm just having fun discussing this,and it's fun to learn. It's rare to find objective opinions about D&D pretty much anywhere on here, it's usually either hater or fanboys.
>Because kitsune in Pathfinder are full on furries.
Not with Bloodforge: Infusions!
There's no good solutions without introducing new mechanics. Because to balance the whole 'not interesting out of combat' thing or to keep wizard from being good in combat, you have to make magic users no fun to play.
You're going to have to tell me what that is. I don't recall it and I can't find it on the srd either.
uh except you know in 3.5 the core books alone were as broken and imbalanced as could be
No DnD corebook is a model of tight and competent design. However, most of the shit people complain about, and pretty much everything that's not in 5e too, is a product of a billion supplements. An issue 5e doesn't have yet, but will eventually unless they decide on much shorter edition lifetimes (which will cause its own problems.)
Yet some people love the huge class variety and gishing a hundred things, but that's another matter.
Or just make someone choose Combat Mage or Non-Combat Mage and divide the spells up but leave the combat with some buffing spells and defensive spells anything that has a direct effect in Combat, with some very basic non-combat spells and make the Non-Com have only the most basic combat spells but be incredibly useful outside combat. just not taking up a Rogues place.
>just make someone choose Combat Mage or Non-Combat Mage
That doesn't solve the issue. Because now Combat Mages have the issue Fighters do and thus it's boring to be one, and Non-Combat Mages can't be useful in combat, which makes up the majority of a DnD session and thus aren't doing anything but staring at their phone most of the time.
What needs to be done is add new mechanics to martials so they can be effective in both situations.
>DnD corebook is a model of tight and competent design
Druids and monks are in the same book, aka literally the most powerful class and literally the weakest class (not counting NPC classes like commoner).
I put up a decent idea, not everyone would find that boring I'd even say most would be willing to try it, and honestly Fighter should just be combined with Paladins giving them quite a bit of magic wouldn't that fix the biggest share of it?
Did you miss the 'no'?
Read that again thats not what he said.
Fighters having magic would help them, but martial fans would be very upset.
Why though? I honestly don't get it. You could even make the magic optional so you don't need to have it.
They fantasize about being tough armored regular men who stabby stab giant dragons to death with their raw strength. Magic taints their fantasy.
13th Age has a Kitsune option, I think
Anima: Beyond Fantasy
Shadowrun 4e
Exalted 3e
D&D 3.5e
Basically any weeb game.
Well the Badass Normal concept is cool but it's not the only way and is certainly one of the rarest of tropes and only rarely happens in settings with magic that can't be resisted entirely by willpower, and Hercules and other awesome fantasy/mythological characters are almost always explicitly magical in origin if not in ability.
Why do fox girls get dedicated shitposters? Viera are obviously better
It's a third party splatbook that allows for human looking kitsune with ears and Tail but no furry muzzle.
>13th Age has a Kitsune option, I think
Since when?
They don't like men or humans.
Which one?
Oops, I read that as "No, ". Regardless, my point stands that the "shit people complain about" is literally part of the core rules, at least in 3.5, and not a product of later supplements.
Nobody ever denied that. What was said was that 5e commits most of the same sins that weren't introduced with supplements.
Hell, there have been varying depictions of humanity across the world as well, from two foot tall people that are practically halflings to towering 500 pound giants, some of them being cannibals with no qualms about eating their own kind while others won't even eat fish, they're just as prone to being generalized as every other race.
Dunno. Might've just been a player talking about spinning a different race as a Kitsune.
Actually, I think that was it exactly. Some sort of elf princess, I think?
I once played a wood elf wizard-prince whose One Unique Thing was that he was the world's first fox-elf.
He dressed as a princess.
The Labyrinth Lord supplement Mad Monks of Kwantoom includes Kitsune, Tengu, and Tanuki, focused more on their trickster spirit aspect than anything.
some of them like men and humans, a few of them live in human cities in the games
But that's not "half-assed". Despite what that one picture says, it's not a spectrum, kemonomimi and furries are different things.
Don't bother arguing. He's probably a furry trying to lump everyone into his fetish so he can feel normal.
Yiff yiff >:3
Shadowrun, oddly enough. Biosculpting and SURGE means you hae two routes to fluffy tail.
Because I have 'general' filtered.
Vulpine shapeshifter retains their tail in metahuman form
Bunnygirls are good too, but the tails aren't as fluffy.
If you want to go full kitsune, sure.
I just play a foxgirl whose ears and tail are cyberware/bioware, nyah.