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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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So, can Morpheus appear in the Warehouse? What's stopping the jumper from just grabbing the powers and spending the rest of the jump avoiding him in the warehouse?
Would he be heavily tempted by the Games of Divinity in the Sidereal Jump, if you've read it?
>Personally, I would say avoid stacking. Because a homing GBE is just going to cause too much collateral damage and loss of innocent life.
it's also enchanted to concentrate the remainder of The Beam's energy on the target once it reaches it , rather than continuing off for several more kilometers so that's not a problem.
I think the worry is more that it would take the path of least resistance and wind up destroying things along the way to the target.
but on the other hand , where else am I going to get a copy of Earthworm Jim's gun and a tiny spaceship that Shoots at my enemies, for me? Sure, I could have Leo Build me these things but it probably would be As cool.
Of the newer jumps released, which would you say are safe/recommended for early-chain?
Don't have much time, but I think this addresses most of the concerns. the mandatory has been removed, the fail condition has been made into a drawback, the price on Jumper Sensei has been fixed, We've got each other has been zeroed and its discount only applies to one of the companion imports it's linked to.
Fable should be ok. Hero BBS should be ok. Not sure if starting Exalted early means potentially missing out on some of the stuff you can grab from the setting.
>I think the worry is more that it would take the path of least resistance and wind up destroying things along the way to the target.
This is a good point, I always thought of it as working more like an Omega beam , but I could see were that would be a thing on the other hand , the heck blaster has invisible bullets and High Dragun's can only be avoided by Dodge Rolling through Gaps in it. So maybe that would work better?
>Due to his history of dimensional travel and unique luck at picking up trinkets and absorbing strange energies he may take anything free for drop-ins in every world he visits (unless he’s imported into the world).
For the last time, get rid of this.
>Note: any usage of methods other than peaceful negotiation to get these toys will result in him being returned to his home dimension immediately taking everything with him.
See, you wouldn't need arbitrarily binding clauses like this if you just made him be a kid who tends to pick up supernatural stuff rather than pick up jump purchases somehow.
Exalted is not a good early jump outside of the gauntlet. You can do it but agency is going to be hard to come by without a bunch of personal power on your part. Although if you're just want access to some cool shit early but are worried about missing out on loot you can always just go back with another one of the exalted jumps
>binding clauses like this if you just made him be a kid who tends to pick up supernatural stuff rather than pick up jump purchases somehow
have you read the Comic? Because he's basically a jumper in canon,don't blame me, blame Aaron Williams .
That was the compromise that was settled on yesterday. or last night or whenever.
All I've really come to understand from the last dozen threads on Exalted is something about making inner worlds and Devil Tigers, so I pretty much assumed that's all people would really want out of it.
The Games of Divinity are exactly the sort of thing that would fall under his little sister/brother Desire's purview, and it's implied older Endless siblings are stronger than the other younger ones considering Death and Dream have both threatened Desire, and Destiny (the oldest) once silenced Lucifer in an argument by embodying predestined fate when Dream himself admitted he'd stand no chance trying to confront him with his purview.
On the other hand, Dream is prone to melancholy.
So it's hard to say whether he'd be affected, but he absolutely would not be tempted without firsthand experience given he'd see it as one of Desire's tricks.
Whatever gender is, Desire is a total bitch. I don't care Gaiman says there's more to them. If the user who hates Luna's out there-Desire is worse than Luna by an order of magnitude, because for all her other faults Luna is loyal to the other Incarnae.
Desire orchestrated Dream's suicide.
>he's basically a jumper
That is not an excuse to metagame your special snowflake characters.
And I'm disagreeing with it.
Oh, there's plenty of cool stuff to get. Summoning magic, manses and other geomancy, a lot of cool magitech, really powerful martial arts, and that perennial favorite for summing up Exalted's weirdness: dinosaurs that piss heroin. First Age Solars got up to some weird bioengineering projects.
So, besides Sidereals' special brand of surrealism, what can the various levels of Martial Arts do in Exalted?
Yeah you can't even do that for until thousands of years after infernals.
It's not the only thing in setting worth getting either but I'm phoneposting so I'm not in the best position to explain what charms can do. They are really good stuff though however exalted is very dangerous so it's best to put it off till at least jump 10 for security
He is not my special snowflake character,he is Aaron Williams's special snowflake character,as such, if the jump is to be representative of the setting. He needs that.
there is one that can make you fight better The drunker and more stoned you are.
I recall talk about punching people into ducks.
But I think that was sidereals.
The main thing you'll miss out on if you take Infernals early is getting the non-Reclamation Yozi to open up their Charmsets, though you could theoretically do that in later Exalted jumps.
There was barely any one on and it was a compromise between two people.
>if the jump is to be representative of the setting
Jumpchain doesn't exist by default in other settings, you complete imbecile.
Stop metagaming. I can't believe you're still trying to push this bullshit after literally dozens of threads of people telling you how stupid your decisions are.
No offence, but please don't bother selling your setting to me. I understand that you want other people to enjoy the setting as much as you do, but the way you're selling it just makes it sound like I should be looking at it like a supermarket shopping list. That's kind of what the Fate discussions feel like sometimes too to be honest.
>He is not my special snowflake character,he is Aaron Williams's special snowflake character,as such, if the jump is to be representative of the setting. He needs that.
There are other ways to do this Bancho. Why are you trying to justify an option that explicitly gives you shit in other jumps?
Not him but why not just give him his canon powers of plot armor, power detection, and EX level looting?
I mean, the "he has a knack for collecting supernatural items" in other jumps thing in itself is perfectly fine by me.
The drop-in thing is completely redundan.
this was my attempt to Do a weaker version of that and I screwed it up,I screw up everything don't I?
My apologies. You said that it seemed like there was only one thing anyone wanted, I thought I'd share some of the other cool things available. I can see how my phrasing does make it sound like it's just a grab bag, though. I guess I'm just used to that being the only thing anyone cares about, so I thought I'd go for them. Would you rather I talk about what interesting potential for stories it has?
>If the user who hates Luna's out there-Desire is worse than Luna by an order of magnitude, because for all her other faults Luna is loyal to the other Incarnae.
>Desire orchestrated Dream's suicide.
I don't necessarily think siblings have to be loyal to each other. Does Desire frequently betray loved ones and do gross fetishistic stuff with animals?
That's fine. That makes sense and does the 'you get things from other jump's purchases for free' in a much better way. It's the free cp shit that's not okay.
>It doesn't matter how many tricks you have, how strong, fast, smart, or good at magic you are... you will be able to learn, train, and improve from the teacher's lessons here... as long as you’re a student and you apply yourself. The teachers
and coaches only teach and coach students.
...why? This is stupid from the perspective of someone who's existed long before the teachers' civilisation has.
>Yes, you can set up ambushes with a little privacy, please. Yes, you can bring other people into the space “A Little Privacy, Please” creates for the duration without it disappearing.
I'm opposing this on the basis it clearly works against the spirit of the perk and isn't a thing that happens in the setting.
Credit where it's due though, the other notes seem fairly reasonable and informative.
Except-who's Victoria and why didn't you describe her further when she seems like a legit threat out of the trio?
Preferably yeah, I'd much rather hear about stories of the setting rather than what's on sale and why I should pickpocket it instead of buying it. So far I still really see no reason to invest time into the setting at all and it seems like it's the sort of setting that I'd have to dedicate a substantial amount of time into just to get the foundations of it.
If he isn't selling it well let me try!
You are an Exalted! one of the heroes of the world through blood, fate, or just being a badass. It is your task to defeat and/or help the forces of evil with kung fu that rewrites physics. . . or just dick around in an interesting setting full of magic, martial arts, politics, and a fuck ton of weird shit.
This is not the thread speaking here, this is you being a whiny little bitch.
If you try something special to make your jump stand out, there is always a high chance that it'll backfire in your face. If you have no way of blindsiding people this is always going to happen.
Terrestrial is... well, think fighting game or beat 'em up stuff when taken at face value or more grounded wuxia/anime. A straight upgrade from just punching someone in the face, but nothing too crazy.
Celestial... I could never really get a grip on it. But at that point, you start going away from pure fighting into magic bullshit. Teleportation, becoming a conduit for Oblivion and shitting necrotic Essence everywhere (which is understandably unpleasant for anyone who's not the martial artist), or just getting a bunch of combat bonuses are examples.
>frequently betray loved ones
As the personification of Desire, as in ALL desire in existence, Desire is the root CAUSE of betrayal between loved ones.
I should also note that as far as can be told, Desire mainly orchestrated the suicide because they were salty Dream won a bet against them by way of Emperor Norton, who didn't want Desire's hot bitches because he was perfectly happy with his dream of being an American emperor.
>gross fetishistic stuff with animals
Again, technically the reason why that stuff exists I suppose. It is pretty likely. After losing said bet she basically drags someone called the King of Pain into her carriage, and he looks scared.
I am not and have never claimed to be the thread. Yes, I speak my mind. What of it? Isn't that the point of these threads?
You, however, are not going to successfully justify metagaming other jumps without looking like a toadying fanboy.
Well, the main political scene is like Game of Thrones if everyone important was the Avatar in training, and it goes about as poorly as you'd imagine.
So I don't blame you for not getting into Exalted. Most people there are kind of awful.
No offence again, but this is even worse. You've somehow condensed this setting in a way that makes it feel no different from a xianxia novel. Like, what is it about this world that sets it apart from others? What is the history of this place like? Why is it worth investing time into learning about the characters and what they do? What notable people are there, and what did they contribute to the worldbuilding? Right now you've given me a prompt that has no surroundings to it.
You are literally defending someone who thinks a companion getting their own CP budget is a good idea. In all fairness, that someone is not necessarily SJ as that decision's a holdover from Bancho's old work. But it wasn't a good idea then, and it isn't now.
Alright. What sort of stories are you interested in? Creation's a big place, you can find more or less anything somewhere in there. Do you want to fight against a brutal dictator and his army of mind-slaves? The Perfect of Paragon is perfect (and paragon) for that. Want to raid lost temples of ancient pre-human races? Head to Rathess, it's great. Deal with nature gods terrorizing people? That's all over the place, actually, the Terrestrial Gods are kind of dicks. Mess around in Dynastic politics? Again, all over the place, but the Realm is good for that. Fight Sauron and his armies of darkness? We've got 13 of him down in the Underworld, you can pick your specific flavor. If there's a fantasy aspect to the story, you can find it in Exalted. Tell me what sort you like and I can go into greater detail.
Dream isn't a god. He existed before the concept of gods.
If the Primordials can resist the Games, then the Endless won't be consumed by it.
There literally isn't anything. It's all up to the GM and players to flesh it out. Much like The Gamer, Exalted is a bland, one-note setting that anyone only goes to because they want the titular power.
So Desire is like Luna if Luna was a Primordial and thus had the opportunity to program her sick shit directly into reality. Sounds like a terrible being.
It's worth noting on while DCverse gods normally have less on-the-fly mojo to throw around than Exalted's gods, at the right time and place they can do Solar-level things. The most influential ones like Izanami can claim to be forces of reality incarnate within their own dominion.
Is fantasy supposed to be its selling point? Like, I'm looking for something where I can delve into the psychology of characters and come to understand them as people. If this was Berserk, that would be folks like Guts and Griffith. If there are really in depth characters in the world that have been written really well that'd be nice to know.
>at the right time and place they can do Solar-level things.
>wanking Exalted this hard
That is...not inaccurate. I would compare the Endless more to the Shinma if they were conscious than the Primordials though: Their sphere of influence is multiversal, but they can be fucked up with using the correct approach by beings ostensibly lesser than they. Also, their spheres are true constants of reality that have always been around rather than anomalous concepts.
More importantly, Desire is like Luna if Luna was permanently, TRULY immortal. Like, she dies? It's possible some poor schmuck out there transforms into the new Desire. It's also possible one just sort of...appears, slightly unhinged by their death. Delireum used to be known as Delight.
What happens when the Endless...cease is vague and unpredictable, but they are truly endless.
See .
You're not going to find well-written character interactions or personalities in Exalted. I magin every weeb on 4-chan got together and performed a ritual of mass wanking. That's Exalted.
More powerful than that, really. But they're also more dependent on either their worshippers or the activity of their domains. Ares has been reduced to a powerless old man in times of global peace but has at times been sky father tier.
Sorry, I was thinking of things like sorcerous working and Shinmaic Calibrations. Christ, that sentence legit makes me feel bad in hindsight; you're right that they're WAY better at passive or indirect stuff to the point of being casual reality warpers. As opposed to people who have to actually spend tangible units of energy to achieve a specific effect.
Pretty much, yeah. Actually, I'm only really familiar with the Norse ones, Izanami's family and some one-offs during the course of Lucifer; what other notable deities are there in the DCverse occult scene?
Well, then I guess I'm sorry for leading people on a wild goose chase.
It's a tabletop game so a lot of personal character psychology is broad or vague so the st can improv for whartever story they want to tell. The setting is neat to play around in but the story mostly comes from playing the game
...I'm not him and I'm still going through the books, so pardon the potential mistake, but this is a TTRPG that centers on the PCs being awesome and wasn't popular enough to get any big adaptations like D&D. Most characters around are designed from the ground up to be written as any given group's game needs them to develop.
Well, it's an RPG, so the established characters are meant to be loose sketches rather than fully defined, so the GM can write whatever plot he wants with them. They do have their own stories and distinct personality traits, but they're intended for being adapted into multiple situations. So the Roseblack could be a noble warrior fighting to cleanse the Realm of its corruption or just another warlord seeking power, depending on the plot you're using. All the characters have personalities written so as to be heroes or villains depending on whose side you're on. While and clearly have a bone to pick and are just slinging shit about the game, there is a kernal of truth there. You're there to make your own story, not read about others'.
>You are literally defending someone who thinks a companion getting their own CP budget is a good idea
This isn't even remotely rare these days.
Yeah from the way the thread was discussing it like crazy I had gotten the impression that the folks behind it had done several years of worldbuilding and writing for the lore and characters before releasing it. Just a misunderstanding on my part.
Mind, making PCs and slowly developing them into well written characters is fun, but I personally don't feel like dumping more time into an external system just to do some writing.
Getting their own budget within the jump they originate isn't rare. Nor is getting their own budget in other jumps, if you pay for it. Getting their own budget in every jump, for free, is pretty rare.
Tell me one other jump that does this.
I can't think of any besides beersmark and he's really old
Nine to Five, the Assistant.
Right to summarize the background information:
A very long time ago there was nothing, noting but the wyld which is by it's very nature hard to define as anything specific. From the wyld came beings called the Primordials who wanted to make something out of the randomness/nothingness of the wyld. So they created a universe called creation.
Eventually they got bored ruling creation and made the Gods to rule it for them while they played Cosmic vidya, the gods got pissed about doing all the work so they decided to rebel. Unfortunately for the Gods the Primordials created safeguards in the Gods when creating them so that the gods could never defy or attack them, this is a good idea when making beings as strong as yourself.
In order to defeat their creators the gods needed a way to indirectly go after them in a way the Primordials never planned for, so they turned to mortals who were so weak the Primordials never worried about them. With the Help of two Primordials who were also sick of the other's shit the gods made the Exalted. By breaking off pieces of themselves and fusing them with the souls of mortals they formed armies.
The Exalted then spent an extremely long time killing or imprisoning all the Primordials other than the two traitors who helped the gods, once the war was over the Gods basically did the same thing the Primordials did before (leaving Creation in the hands of the Exalted while they fucked around with the vidya they stole from the defeated Primordials).
Unfortunately for everyone the Primordials who died in the war left a curse on the Exalted that eventually brought their empire to ruin, the soldiers of the Exalted (Terrestrials) betrayed the leaders (Solars) with the help of the Ninja Accountants (Sidereals) due to psychological issues caused in all of them by the curse.
Now the world is falling apart under the rule of the Terrestrials as they along with the Sidereals do everything they can to hold the world together. Cont.
Look, there are lots of cool characters. But they all exist in potentia. Metaplots make for shitty game scenarios, there's a reason tabletop games don't really use them so much anymore. There's established backstory between the characters for GMs to base stuff on, but ultimately the PCs are the driving force of change in a setting.
>We've got 13 of him down in the Underworld
One of 'em will even suck your dick for busting her out from her bosses' control.
Victoria is the little sister of Victor I think. Either that or Victor cross dresses. It's been a while, but I remember her being pretty scary, scarier than her brother or the boy in the chair. Zargon or something.
There's a bit of a difference between a companion gaining your perks and giving them their own budget to get your perks /or/ something else.
Oh I'm not sure. Mostly just a fan of the old Wonder Woman stuff.
Actually, the Vertigo gods in Sandman/Lucifer may be different, I don't know.
Metal Gear Solid,
You mean the one the creator wanted to remove and only didn't because the thread screamed at him until he left for months and still never returned to do more then give an okay for someone to make City of Heroes DLC?
I was typing up a response about how I wouldn't want to let her anywhere near my genitals when I realized that her name references her lips: Princess Magnificent With Lips of Coral (all Deathlords and Abyssals have overly flowery names, it's something the Neverborn force on them). So yeah, she probably actually would be really good at that, wouldn't she?
[Desire to know more intensifies]
Check the jump again. You'll find something missing.
>You get a companion who gets free shit
This is bad.
Give him luck and skill at picking up items and maybe even magical power sources but this is just terrible.
Jumps are designed for the purchases made inside them, by adding this you are unbalancing other peoples jumps.
I see what you're going for but it simply doesn't reflect Cecil very well and doesn't work with how jumpchain is balanced.
>Lips of coral
Dunno about you but that sounds kinda rough on your dick to me.
The Dream/Desire split actually goes back much further than that. They used to be best friends up until Desire played a practical joke on Dream and ruined his relationship (thus leading to the rule that the Endless can't live mortals). As their mother put it, they're too similar to get aling. The Norton thing was just the latest in a long list of greivances between the two. (And perhaps the final straw).
Although I suspect Morpheus' suicide had less to do with Desire than you seem to think. It was more an internal issue that he himself more or less brought about and then allowed to happen. It was rooted in Morpheus' inability to change.
Not her call. It's from Bancho.
No I understood where the other anons were coming from. I just don't have an infinite amount of time in real life to dedicate into researching a tabletop, and I have other things I'd rather be doing, so I have to gauge based on some checklist if you will whether this is worth the investment or not. I think I've already said that based on what I'm seeing it doesn't look that well, so that's fine.
>As their mother put it, they're too similar to get aling
Wait, the Endless have a mother? Bwuh?
The Imprisoned Primordials, Now called Yozi are making plays to retake Creation with Exalted of their own. The dead ones couldn't die properly and are doing the same thing as the Neverborn, only they are a lot more edgy. Both of their Exalted are formed from corrupted Solars.
Presently the Solars and their corrupted counterparts are returning to creation with varying goals and levels of interest in those goals. Shit is about to hit the fan, or get saved. Hard to say which. It really depends on what you do.
Some varieties of coral are poisonous and/or have stingers.
The Princess Magnificent With Lips of Coral and Robes of Black Feathers (again, really flowery names, it's telling that their favorite servant gets to have a simple name like "Walker In Darkness") majorly screwed up her first invasion into Creation. The only thing that saved her from the Neverborn scrapping her out of embarrassment was the First and Forsaken Lion offering to take her as his personal servant. She hates FaFL, so she would do pretty much anythingt to get out from under his thumb.
Well, I assumed it was a reference to color, not material. Her picture is black and white, but appears to be made of flesh. Ectoplasm, technically, she's a ghost, but fleshy ectoplasm.
Ummm... Sort of?
You should read Sandman Overture. Partly because it answers your question but mostly because t's fucking fantastic.
More importantly, do you really want a blowjob from the Deathlord who seems capable of fucking up unfuckupable tasks? She'd probably hiccup st exactly the wrong moment.
True on both counts. But Desire did seem awfully quick to take credit near the end, and did set up the kinslaying thing.
Universal Ammo is a perk in Dead Space. 200 CP, no Discounts, if I remember right.
>do previous enhancements on guns stack
Your choice. The example I gave when talking to a friend while writing it out was of taking three enemies' bullet patterns. You could have the three and be able to switch between them, combine just two and switch between the combination and the one you left alone, or have all three as one pattern.
Also, I would feel remiss if I didn't mention that all the bullet patterns are gun magic, magic being the operative term. If you have mimic perks and took any of the gunjuring perks(this is a personal thing, really; I rule that I need to be able to use the magic of the setting to learn it by sight, so this might not apply to you), it would work on them, though it wouldn't necessarily allow you to make items that do those things, or even incorporate those things into existing weapons, it would just allow you to cast them. Magic item creation perks, things like Conjoined Conjures, and the like, would help in this regard, as would talking to the blacksmith in The Forge.
flectoplasm, if you would
Fair enough. Not every setting is going to be interesting to everyone. I've tried to share my interest in it, but I guess we're different enough people for it not to translate well. Nothing wrong with that. Carry on, user, and have fun jumping those settings that you are into.
>Really Minor Meta [100]
Thus need to be dropped to 50 CP, all if those powers you listed suck, this seems more like something you add to use up 50 spare CP or something.
>Special Needs Teacher [+100]
I could see this combined with Staff if you were a security guard who had to look after the juvenile delinquents, as an example.
(Does this count against drawback limit, or just make your background cheaper?)
>We've Got Each Other... [0}
Since this no longer gives points directly, probably remove the "counts against the drawback limit"
>Detention [+200]
Does this count as a homeroom for the standard sult and projector items?
(Is there a reason members of the faculty would not have access to them also, since the holo watch is more about keeping the secret, I would think everyone would get that one.)
>Cristina Kyle [100]
This is the homeroom that costs 100 CP more then every other one, but does not have its own power discount, besides the one of choice. I think it should have the Misc Meta discount added back in. so you are not just paying to be able to be part of the plot.
>A Job Well Done
Can you buy this more than once for more then one for multiple areas? (like that head of security who had to conduct anger management classes for those in Saturday detention)
Preeteen Superteam,
>You can discount any one power for your companions, with double discounts not possible.
Can you give them each discounted power individually, or do you choose one power that is discounted for all of them?
>Teacher Teacher [100]:
>This allows them to be Staff or Teachers in their own right, but it means you cannot discount a power for them.
They still get to choose the one power to be discounted themselves by the teacher background, right?
>Cecil Holmes
You kind of gutted a lot of the Drop In discounts here, but this really should still have a discount for Drop Ins because of who Cecil is.
>The Revenant
should also have a discount for Heroic Legacy, for in story reason
>People talking about powerlevels and setting terminology
Might I make a suggestion? Make it so that if you don't import him he'll show up in the world anyway and end up collecting all manner of stuff from the setting.
No interacting with chain mechanics required.
The book even talks up how she'd be willing to betray the Neverborn themselves if someone would help her. So yeah, they made her to be an obvious waifu target.
Okay then Bancho.
I believe that it's mechanically a bad way to reflect what he does. Cecil doesn't have some backer giving him special shit, he trips into it. Besides that other jumps drop-ins won't be things he would get through his luck.
Say for example Hero BBS. Cecil wouldn't randomly become super beautiful because he went to a new world. He would trip over the SWORD OF DESTINY(ALL CAPS).
Make him have explicitly supernatrual luck at stumbling over items and pools of power. What he does right now simply doesn't make sense in some jumps.
Say for example Wuxia. Cecil would become a master of drunken boxing. That makes no sense given the explanation for why he gets things.
>Say for example Wuxia. Cecil would become a master of drunken boxing. That makes no sense given the explanation for why he gets things.
Wouldn't drunken boxing be the perfect style for someone who randomly stumbles over things of importance, though? So he'd still learn that, he'd just have to pick it up on his own instead of suddenly knowing it from CP purchase.
This is how most western tabletops are. Some Japanese tabletops are different, at the cost of being more restrained in what you can do.
I agree. this is probably the best way to handle it.
He might learn it but it wouldn't be like Matrix style "I know kung-fu" instant mastery that the jump gives. Also drunk masters are crazy fucking precise and know their shit. You don't trip into a magic pool and become a drunken master. (Unless you're in Ranma)
That's what I meant. He'd learn it naturally, probably from accidentally running into a drunken master and getting taken under their wing, taught to use his weird luck instead of just having it carry him along, appear to still be randomly chaotic while actually controlling it.
>do you really want a blowjob from the Deathlord who seems capable of fucking up unfuckupable tasks?
Just don't let any gods spread stories about it and you're fine. Her issue is that she decided to turn tail and run because people told her some peasant knew her weakness.