EDH/Commander General

Show me your playgroup Edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Topic:
Just how good/cancerous is your playgroup? Do you wish you had another or are you fine in the one you're in?

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for What's the most fun commander you have ever built?

>Just how good/cancerous is your playgroup? Do you wish you had another or are you fine in the one you're in?
they are ok. me and my buddy who have been playing magic for forever and 2 guys who just started playing this year. i wish i had another play group with people who were willing to spend more money on it, it gets a little boring playing against budget decks that never really get anything good in them

Not explicitly commander related but can you specify a specific basic land art on tapped out or just the set.

>Show me your playgroup Edition

>Just how good/cancerous is your playgroup?
The best guy left a few months ago. The rest are 2 wanna be spikes and a piece of shit whos decks are cheap and dont interact with the board at all. I basically spend all my time removing threats. I hate it now.

That's a matter of opinion but I think my playgroup really likes the "romance of the three kingdoms" decks I made for us to use. Personal favorite out of those Comes down between Lubu and Lady Zhurong...and I'm not sure if I could choose between them because they are both super fun to play in their own way.

>looks at image

I'd rather spend time playing MTG instead of having to do homework for you user.

Alright, I'll bite.

>Just how good/cancerous is your playgroup? Do you wish you had another or are you fine in the one you're in?

They're all terrible players, but my LGS only has turbo-tryhard spikes, so they're the best I've got.


r8 my Phenax bullshit, thanks. If anything obvious looks like it's missing, it's probably because of budget reasons.

what's the best artifact recursion for grixis colors? even returning it to my library will work

Look at some Breya decks on tapped out. They run some good stuff.

Also, Trading Post.

Braids seamonster deck is my favorite deck on a budget (I got omniscience in a draft)


My Phage deck is the most fun because I splurged to get the deck in order


I have to say that Braids is the most satisfying general to win games with because nobody expects you to shit out massive seamonsters and ruin their day

12th for discord circlejerk


>T1 Trinisphere
>T2 Lodestone Golem
I am not a nice man

1st for all I want for Christmas is for Braids, Cabal Minion to be legal in group EDH.

And come January it still won't be.

Someone hold me.

I'm sure you could find a group that'll allow banned cards.


Make a case with your playgroup to allow banned cards.

I like wort,bogart auntie

Yeah I can allow braids in EDH.

But not as your commander. Fuck that.

That feel when half your cards are somewhere else and you didn't pay attention to the legendaries you had

That Braids deck looks real fun.


yea boi

Time for that guy story

>Be only blue player at the table
>two combo decks and a vampire player opponents
>durdle about with bouncing a etb tapped land from the nekusar player until i draw into a counter to stop his wheels with venser and riptide lab
>vampire player tries to strip mine my riptide
>stifle it
>he proceeds to then throw all his removal and swing at me every turn he gets
>tell him he should worry about combo players
>he says i'm being obnoxious by telling him what to target and that i'm the person at the table preventing him from playing cards, mind you the only counter i used on him was stifling an effect targeting my land
>use removal on his shit
>combo player combos off and kills vampire player

Dipshits with terrible threat analysis just astound me. Did he legitimately not know that Scion and Nekusar are combo decks or was he that much of a troglodyte to see red when I didn't let him pop my lands?

It's tricky to pull off but I think you can do it.

How was your Christmas lads? I hope yours was splendid.

I pulled a Masterpiece Painter's Servant from one of the packs my bro got me, so that was nice. Too bad it's not EDH legal though.

tunnel vision is a hell of a thing, user. People get weird when you fuck with their shit

Sup dudes, filthy casual here looking for some help.

I run a stock standard Open Hostility deck, and for Christmas my roommate gave me a bunch of his spares so I could fix it up. Problem is, I have no idea what to get rid of. Help please? Here's what he gave me:

Elvish Mystic
Llanowar Wastes
Primal Wastes
Karmic Guide
Swords to Plowshares
Martial Coup (shiny)
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
Overwhelming Stampede
Rakdos Charm
Purphoros, god of the forge
Hammer of Purphoros
Ob Nixilis, Unshackled
Night's Whisper
Animate Undead

some people don't have good situational awareness all it takes is for combo decks to push their shit in for them to learn.

The smart person at my table targeted me when I was playing my Saffi deck and everybody else was durdling around.

Then I combod Saffi, sun titan and milled everybody out. your guy sounds inexperienced.

Sorry, I meant Primal Rage, not Primal Wastes


No contest

What is this? Daretti, Ragnar, Kami of the asscrack, Chandra, Isamaru? Can't figure ot the girl with glasses (unless it's Jaya Ballard) and the blue chick with white hair.

Can anyone tell me of other cards games which require/support 3-4 players?

I'll share one as well

>5 man game
>that guy is playing a precon Kalemne
>plays a boardwipe, think it was earthquake, with only 3 creatures out and on turn 4 of all things
>later in the game everyone has an established board besides him
>his turn comes and he plays fumiko ehile controlling only fumiko
>everyone else doesn't want to lose their creatures since we're all pretty much even so they swing at kalemne guy
>he gets pissy and claims everyone is picking on him

I could go on about that guy but that's the most recent game involving him

My friend made me a Naya deck for Christmas with the partners. I haven't played it yet but I think it looks pretty nice.

>Show me your playgroup
I'm green/[other] though frequently mono green, mostly just a timmy.

My friend's mainly green too but he branches out a lot more often.

Most of the rest of the people in our playgroup are some flavor of control.

This doesn't even sound bad. What gives?

>overhear argument between local That Guy and someone he's playing EDH with
>That Guy claims that Possibility Storm is a really fun spell
>When asked why he's running it in his deck, he says 'because it's fun!'
>He's running 'upgraded' Yidris
>From playing with him prior, I know he's also running Knowledge Pool

Why do people find removing all strategy from the game fun?

>last thread, people said slow duals are good in EDH
>other threads, people have said slow duals are trash


Careful now, one of the resident autists with his tier chart will call you a faggot for implying that chaos isn't the pinnacle of EDH.

I think they do it because they're bad and chaos gives them an excuse not to win. Same with kingmaker group hug players.

People like him are playing a different game than everyone else sitting at the table.

Anyone else really wish they'd make a ninja commander that can ninjistsu from the command zone?

New to commander, are all decks supposed to feel like half the turns you aren't doing anything or is my deck just bad?

Depends on the deck. Does it require alot of colors? Is it a fast or a controlling deck? You can figure this out for yourself.

The first two turns aren't generally too important in an EDH game, and past your first two land drops it's functionally an old dual, so...

Pls print me B/G slowland wizards

This is my first deck, can someone please take a look at it?


Why no Koskun Falls?

What would you swap it out for? And if I'd go harder on the pillowforting, whoukdn't I put in sphere of safety as well?

Serra Ascendant, because it's a bullshit card that should've been banned in the format years ago and I'd punch you for playing it

But user, otherwise it would just collect dust, it's not like it's playable in any other format.

Other cards I could swap out?

Cryptolith Fragment perhaps
>turn 1 baneslayer slayer because lol edh
Stay classy, white

The draining is really damn useful though. It never flips but when I get it out decently early it often does 10 damage around the table. I mostly play 4 and 5 player games, so it does tons and tons of work.

Not to mention that using magister sphinx on myself when everyone is below 10 to style everyone to death is enormous disrespect, which makes my table salty as hell.

I realize that I sound like "help me edhg, what should I swap? Oh not that one though, that one is good" but both of these cards have proven themselves very well.

Fumiko forces people to attack.

If they attacked each other, they would lose their creatures. So they attacked the guy with Fumiko, and he got mad.

He was just bad at explaining it.

Possibility Storm and Knowledge Pool are really fucking annoying, but they do not remove all strategy from the game at all, they just change it up.

I win pretty much every game someone casts a Possibility Storm as I start repeat casting creatures until I hit Teferi.

spoken like a true level 1

>The Meathead's hair

I'm making a「Scary Monsters」deck, I'll probably have Saskia as my general.
Recommend me some super creeps.


Dude, this Braids deck looks really cool.
Is it good? Do you manage to win often?

What are some good beaters for yidris?

that looks like a fun play group, kinda jelly

Consuming Aberration and Lightning Reaver

fast duels only matter on turn 1 or 2 and even then the chances of you actually putting them to use is next to nothing most of the time unless you run really low on the curve. if you just happen to have fast duels from other formats or more money than sense use them but if not you wont really notice a difference. its not like anyone even really does anything in edh for the first like 5 turns anyway

Add Blind Obedience for the Extort triggers.

Swapped for what?
For authority of the consuls?

Marches-user here from a few days ago.
Initial draft of (probably) a shitty deck looking for feedback and advice.
Thanks all!
Deck: tappedout.net/mtg-decks/queen-marchesa-v10-1/

>lightning reaver
Holy hell that's cool af, thanks

I think Knowledge Pool is fun to shoot instants in to flash creatures, I'll ask the shop when I finish the deck

Don't you have another meme chart to design to justify your awfulness?

It depends on the style of deck you run. If you've stacked your deck with answers and want to be prepared for any attacks, it would fit the bill. Kruphix is sort of like that. Play defense until you've banked enough mana to pop off.

>there are people in this thread that not only take the chart seriously but are still butthurt from the last thread when it was jokingly posted

Good lord you people are sad.

Actually it's more like my deck is half pillowfort/O-ring enchantments for 3-5 mana. I just don't know what cheaper options for a similar effect I should include (Zedruu)

I have tasigur, is it that great? I also have yasova dragonclaw but I love my wife

this took me like 30 minutes to make in MS paint

holy fuck im bored

I have a few suggestions for pillowforting in those colors if you'd like to hear. Even in aggro decks, I think a solid defense is a valuable part of long term games. Look into crawlspace, ghostly prison, norn's annex, propaganda, collective restraint, dissipation field, and aurification. Do you have a deck list? What are some of your win cons?

Do you have any tips for Bruna? I've had one that I've been meaning to rebuild for a while. It's always been inconsistent so I took it out of service.

Haven't transferred my decklist to computer yet, but I use Ghostly prison and Propaganda.

I'm still working on getting good wincons, but presently Laboratory Maniac (w/ Thought Lash), Felidar Sovereign (which never works and I'll probably replace him), Words of War, Transcendence in a pinch, Shared Fate, and some stealing/chaos effects like Thieves Auction.

i basically just stuff the deck witha bunch of board wipes, self milling cards, tutors, and aura. the rest of it is pretty much just some spot removal and low drop creatures that get value from enchantments. everyone know that if i get attacked ill just board wipe so they stay away from me most of the time. the whole idea is to get your auras anywhere but in your library and try to make sure you get indestructible and an unblockable enchantment out. eldrazi conscription is basically your game ender and that one blue enchantment that give you infect

>Show me your playgroup
I'm not filling out the summary for each deck and all that shit.

We also have the 20 Infect Rule but thats our only houserule.


I really like stealing effects in a deck like that. It gives you more options for political play. For example, you'll be able to ally yourself with someone by giving him a permanent you stole from the threat on the board. I'd take out Felidar Sovereign unless you have intense life gain. It paint a target on you, and most people consider a win with cards like that aren't 'true' victories. Are you playing group hug? If not, I'd replace Shared Fate with Rhystic Study. It gives you better draw power for cheaper and doesn't help your opponents. How does the deck stand when it comes down to the final two? Pillow forting is great, but it'll be hard to pull out a win if you deck doesn't have any teeth to it.

>Self proclaimed only spike player in group
>Only plays blue decks

Checks out, how much fun does everyone else have?

Probably not very many since the infect house rule seems to specifically benefit his matchup against Atraxa.

Why do people like you even bother with EDH?

thanks senpai!
I do! I play it more casually and I have cards like timesifter in there in case people are running goodstuff decks. people don't try to kill you because braids allows them to play a card or two for free. You combo Great whale, capsize, extraplanar lens, and Mind's Desire and shit out your entire deck on the board/gain infinite life with kraken's eye. You are welcome to give it a try, it doesn't break the bank.

>there are people in this thread who take anything against them seriously, but insist everything they do is all for larks


Gitrog or Rasputin. Gitrog, because it's basically a hermit Druid deck where my Druid is in the command zone + dredge is insanely busted. Rasputin, because it's draw-go control/permission that finishes with an eleborate yet elegant combo.

But you're my kind of man. Prison and taxes are the best way to bend a group to your will.

This is probably the closest you could get to 「Scary Monsters」

what chart?

My mom wanted me to tell my "online commander friends" that she's a part of the "club" too.

She bought a precon, mat, dice, sleeves, box, dice bag, etc.

She's practiced for quite awhile and has been borrowing my decks to play with my brother and i, (and our friends!).
She's going to try to get my dad into it too,
should I be worried?

She's playing gisela in place of kalemne.

thats pretty cool user, i wish my parents would give it a shot instead of telling me to stop wasting money on "stupid card games" even though i make more money than both of them combined

Your mom has godlike tastes, encourage the fuck out of this user.

be worried, you know thats how parents stop their daughters from being sluts and twerking
Instead of condemning what is cool and putting an end to it, they choose to engage in what is "cool"
By engaging in that behavior their children get burned out and then their parents don't have to worry about unplanned pregnancies
Just be aware that your mother may be trying to engage in this game in order to get you to go outside more.
But if you are aware of the method, it doesn't work so well

also your mom is hot, would bang and be your new daddy

Would play against

Gentlemen, question for you. When "Crowning" a deck what do you do for cards that either do not have a foil or a foil is simply not available (I.E. you can't seem to find it anywhere).

Use the coolest sleeves you have, get foreign versions if you're into that and get the version of that card with the best artwork if you don't already have it.

One of two things:
>high quality full proxy
>most expensive and nicest version you can find.

Can't get a foil version of an old card? Get the NM alpha version. Oh it's $450? I'm sorry, I thought we were pimping our decks not playing the sand box in our new dresses.

haha, yeah fair nuff. I ask this question because last night I decided I was going to Crown my Lu Bu deck after seeing that all 5 of the swords are going to get masterworks now and wanting an excuse to get them. My concern is that things like Masterwork of ingenuity and Lu bu himself don't have foils