Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Greyfax edition

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>Freshest Rules in Epub (Use Readium for PC or Kobo on Android)

>Older stuff in PDFs:

>As current as the FAQs get

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Dragons are red, Avengers are blue, the Wraithknight is huge, and he's going to kill you):

>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you

Sisterfag SJWs gtfo.

word bearers a shit

I'm new to 40K am I building this right?

t. Mad Gullimanfag.


neat dreadknight dude

Yes this is exactly how you build devastator marines

i don't know if i want the emperor's champion and a bunch of scouts and be locked into black templars chaptact or a cheap iron hands hq and a group of non-slot techmarines and some scouts, throwing relics all over.

>being a WAACfag
The system was designed for narrative and casual play. All the tips in the rulebook are about how to better do narrative play. The most important rule is basically "don't be a dick, feel free to modify anything if it makes the game more fun for everyone".
Ypu are quite literally playing the game in a way it was not intended to be played, and WAAC practices ruin the game for people who want to use the system to have fun, not just win.
The only faggot here is you.

>calth still around, has thriving popullace under the surface thanks to the work of the ultramarines
>Colchis is a lifeless shithole of a planet, the lifeless part thanks to the work of the ultramarines
>worst bearers still think they can talk shit

How would you suggest I base my Custodes?
I was thinking about a palace interior i.e fancy floor but I don't know how to go about doing it.

Hope this is the right place to ask.
What is a good but cheap airbrush for painting warhammer 40k models.
I play Tau but do not have any big suits if that matters. I do have 2 remora drones and a barracuda if that matters. I also live in Australia so I would prefer a model or company rather than a link. Thanks in advance

Then he should just play with people who are focused on winning instead of funning. Its not wrong, its just different.


this argument pops up often and is really saddening desu

you can play casual games and narrative campaigns with friends and have a good time

he can play competitive games and tournaments with friends and have a good time

IT IS POSSIBLE to engage in social interaction with people to talk about what kind of match you're keen for in advance

the answer here just seems plainly obvious to me and should be to anyone who isn't deliberately trying to have a sad time

I'm not saying he can't, he can play however he likes, only fags try and control other peoples lives.
I'm just pointing out the system was made for narrative play, and calling someone a "whiny little cunt" for telling a new player to use the system for what it was made for makes him a massive faggot.
But he is free to be a massive faggot, it's his god given right.

>that feel when your bro got you limited edition 1k sons dice for christmas

silver and black marines with the iron cross so you can do both

do stone tiles or metal grates, also gold and eagles could work

This mentality almost killed AoS till GW wised up and made the GHB.

Take model putty of choice, carve out tiles. Check out the prospero board for some inspiration.

I'm not saying that competive play is bad wrong fun, I'm saying the system was built for it.

WAACfags are fine as long as they are playing other WAACfags.

If you show up ready to stomp someone's face in and they showed up to have a good time than that's a shitty situation.

Gee it's like you should be open with your opponent about the type of experience you want to get before you schedule/start a game or something.

To quote you:
>casual and narrative play, which is the only type of play one should ever consider

exactly. casual play has no longevity. the novelty wears off quickly.

it's why casual video gamers will go through 100 video games in a year and competitive gamers will be happy playing and mastering their 1 or 2 games for a decade.

wargames are expensive and preparing your minatures is time consuming. AoS has this massive buy-in and time sink for something you'd quickly give up after you got bored.

>implying a shitty rule system and horrendous fluff wasn't what almost killed AoS
That game could have been purely competive focused and it would not have changed a god damn thing, a 4 page rule set by GW will never turn out well.

but if i notify my opponent he might turn down my skyhammer spam list.

before they added the handbook, I should clarify - and even then it's one fucking flimsy bandaid.

This really. There is no wrongfun. You just need to find a playgroup that's looking for the same thing out of the game as you. 40kgen of course crosses both groups and so you get the tension.

mad about angron coming to save your pussy ass when I was kicking your shit in

Yes, and? Should I have told a new player to go buy Taudar wraithknight plus riptide wing and only play hyper optimized lists? Is that what you would prefer people suggest?

> a 4 page rule set by GW will never turn out well.

What about a two page rule set?

No I just don't think you should smugly act like everyone agrees with your worldview and then start arguments when you get called out on it.

>casual play has no longevity. the novelty wears off quickly.
No, a shitty 4 page rule system that shat all over a beloved setting has no longevity. Focus on casual games was in no way the problem with AoS, seeing as both 40k and WHFB had that same focus and and are/were still competent rule systems.


No. You could have said. "Depends on your playgroup. If you mostly play friendly narrative games Orks and IG are both great, have cool models, etc. etc."

Basically you deliberately baited the WAACfags with that comment and reaped what you sowed.

So am I the only one always reading WAAC as Waagh! ?

Waagh at all cunts.

>your brother shoots you in the back because his new imaginary friends told him too

Posted this before, but what left-handed models are there? The 25th/30th anniversary models are, but what about the rest?

I really like the emperor's champion but i'm not fond of the black templar's chapter tactics, and i'd be mainly using scouts as an add-on to an inquisitor and his human task force. Iron hands has a hella nice chaptertactics and the idea of a cheap hq and techmarines bringing the scouts along and being festooned with relics also amuses me.

I never once said that everyone agrees with my worldview. I disparaged those who don't. And considering tourneyfags are a cancer on the game responsible for such great contributions as riptide wing, gravhammer, scatbike spam, SMASHFUCKER PRIME, screamerstar, etc. etc. I stand by my insult.
Feel free to play WAAC lists, but deal with the fact that I will call you a faggot for doing it.
That said, if two players agree to play that, all power to them.

not sure, but marines are ambidextrous

>chaos gods

are you still stuck in the great crusade user

you can use the emperor's champion model as a count-as chapter master, unless it's the rules you like, in which case you're stuck.

Looking for Deathwatch modeling advice.

Should I bother with making any of my veterans close combat units, or should I just use terminators for that? I was thinking of having a unit maxed out on frag cannons, a close combat unit with a blackshield, and the last unit being equipped with shotguns/flamers.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

of course they're imaginary dont you trust your local priest?

I'm still waiting to decide between 30k and 40k Thousand Sons so I'm only theory crafting but it seems super hard to make a good TS list under 2000 points. My list here is 1995 with the Exalted loci of Creation (which the builder doesnt appear to have) on the Herald allowing the horrors to split twice. Anyone else got any ideas/criticism?

Also Thousand Sons have been out for a bit now so who's played a game with/against them? How did it go?

What's the best option for storing and transporting minis that doesn't involve paying GW $100+ dollars for a glorified briefcase made of plastic?

Only if you invest in a Corvus.

So, the Forge World puzzle jigsaw is.....?

This looks like an axe.

Or maybe it's Magnus's glaive? That was like a giant axe thing in Blanche's art? Magnus was suppose to be the next Forge World Primarch.


Maybe in the future. What about beacon/drop pod shenanigans?

Khorne daemon prince.

Also: Opinions on shotguns & heavy combi-flamers for a squad?

I want to mathammer Emperor's Champion vs Brotherhood Champion. Then maybe Emperor's Champion vs Crowe.

Wonder who wins.

Is that a new starter set?

Ah. I seem to have missed that picture. What other models have I missed then?

Thanks for that though. Is it a generic or a named one or what? It has a shield. I don't think any DP's, AoS or 40k can use shields?

Pay some other company $100+ dollars for a glorified briefcase. You get what you pay for with carrying cases. If you're too cheap for that then just used a cardboard box with eggcrate foam / toolbox with eggcrate foam.

We don't know, that was at the Amsterdam open day, and all that's known is Daemon Prince of Khorne.

>want to collect Deathwatch
>love Cassius' Kill Team
>see Deathwatch release
>all excited
>then notice the models have gorgets on their power armour

Dropped. Even if I liked the gorget, Cassius' team doesn't have that armour type so it wouldn't uniform in.

No. It's a special line of 40k products designed to be sold at toy stores.

To anyone who got it, would picking up two Armored Claws give me enough GSC decoration bits to do up a Guard Sentinel and Russ? Want to put Cavalcade together.

Competitive hammer might be cancer, but I still felt like a hard mother fucker that time when a dude pulled out inquisition/imperial guard list with wryvens and tanks out the ass against my poor little skitarri and I held him to a tie.

The minis are the old Black Reach starter set ones.

Probably. They also make a GSC Russ that comes with the upgrade sprue too.

The Battle for Vedros stuff has been out since early this year.

It's basically the old Assault on Black Reach kits but with new simplified rules (two pages) and fewer references to the more grimdark elements of the universe.

They're sold in Toy and Hobby stores that don't traditionally carry GW stuff. The idea is to get kids or people with no knowledge of 40K eased in to the game at a low cost (that kit is only $50) with easy to put together minis (they're all pushfit) to try and get them to later transition into the regular 40K rules and gametypes.

Hmm. Thanks. Probably named then.

I'm aware, but Russes are available really cheap on ebay and so I'd rather just pick one of them up while buying the great package deal from the store.

The GSC Russ box art does look really spiffy though.

>Still believing it is impossible to have fun by playing a competitive game
>Still being a competitive player that is so bad he must pretend winning strategies are against the rules in order to justify to himself why he keeps losing, and to give himself a chance to win
>Still trying to ruin edh and Warhammer with your passive aggressive bullshit

"""casuals"""" like you are the worst.

Most likely.

Dark angels are the best chapter hands down

>1st legion
>chased down Konrad Cruze like a dog
>fucks him up
>purges his ranks of traitors
>only space marine legion to not seriously get BTFO during the horus heresy.
>It takes the dirty trickery of all the chaos gods plus luther to take him out
>gets blown up and spirited through the warp and survives

meanwhile the "ultra" marines primarch got stabbed with a slightly dirty dagger and now is fucked up.

pic fucking related, there is no cooler image of two primarchs fighting

>not reading the thread

slaaneshi or nurgle daemonkin fucking when GW?

I've actually been eying the $50 skirmish case because my army is small, but it looks dumb as fuck with all of those weird lines on the outside. I already take the bus to the gamestore I don't want there to be any more reasons for me to look like an idiot.

Not to mention having a giant CITADEL logo on the side is a good "STEAL ME" sign for anyone who knows how expensive Warhammer models are.

Gotcha. As long as you stick to one big emblem per vehicle two claws will give you enough for 2 Chimeras, a Russ, and a Sentinel even if you give them all visible tank commanders.

>dark angels
why are you lying to yourself user

they are too busy with SOB and Deathwatch to pump out a new codex

ya they released some new nurgle models when AOS hit but besides that they would have to make new casts

>Talking about fluff
>Using BL shit
Pick one.

I did. It makes no difference, """casual""".

Death Guard are rumored since "Deathguard Green" paint showed up in the Christmas Gift Guide.

except that models have literally piss poor resell value?

I can go down to my game store and buy a set of tactical marines for 35 bucks, or by the same marines assembled for 15 or less on ebay.

Fucking disgusting heretics.

Your Legion-building, Fallen-hiding, Xenos-loving days are over soon.

Would love to see deathguard

they are hands down my favorite looking Chaos models. People go nuts with making them look like disgusting puss fill heaps of shit, its awesome.

Has anyone run a vanquisher cannon, lascannon and multi meltas in a GSC army? Considered the load out on my second tank for my GSC

>it's a /pol/tard acts like a faggot episode
Nobody said you couldn't have fun playing either way. Nobody said you couldn't play either or both ways.
I know that retardation is common amongst /pol/acks, but at least try to apply yourself

Yet, there is, and continues to be, a /aosg/

Even the smallest Citadel carrying case can hold 60+ infantry plus a bunch of vehicles.

Repostan my murder talon list because I only got retard replies bitching about lack of raptors
Chaos Lord, Stormbolt armour, power fist, aura of dark glory, Jump Pack
Sorcerer, ML3, Termy armour, Force Stave

Chaos Termies, 3 men, 2 Chainfists, combi-plas all around

2X Chosen, 5 man, 4 plasma guns, Dreadclaw

Warp Talons, 6 men

Helbrute, Reaper Autocannon

2X 10 man CSM squads, 2 Meltagun, combi melta sarge with bombs, Extra CCW


except their were basically the only chapter to see through horus's bullshit about scattering the loyalist legions

>basically prevented the entire imperium from falling apart during the horus heresy

Anons, how is the Pyromancy and/or Divination tables? I want to start up a ML1 Psyker heavy 30k WB army, and I thought a trio of dudes given 'Holy and Divine Flames' or the power to divine their foes sounded cool.

How would you rate either of those disciplines?

Why does everyone including 40k fans shit on this general?

That was 10,000 years ago, today you kill loyal Impeial citizens, Inquisitors and fellow Space Marines, basically have an entire Legion and consort with Xenos and let them in on all your secrets, that you kill Imperials for learning.

You're a bunch of renegades and need to be stopped.

I don't like the Space Marine motorcycles, but I like their capabilities.

Thinking of replacing them with these since my group is fine with plays as rules as long as they aren't cheese (since these would be bigger than the bikes I don't think that would be an issue).

Reposting my trial paint scheme for critic. Haven't thought of a name yet either. How do people come up with the lore behind their armies anyway?

I mean, I guess. But seeing as the WHFB General is more alive, that's not saying much

What does pol have to do with anything? Are you retarded or something?

I just know your type m8. Seen enough of you in Warhammer or edh. You're fun police, but your real goal is to set up the rules of the game such that only you can win. You don't actually care about fun, just winning. Except you're so bad at the game, the only way for you to win is to try and outlaw every strategy that beats you. You'll very carefully construct a definition of casual to exclude everything good you don't play, but coincidentally include everything good you do play.

Things will be alright, and you'll largely be ignored in your local community, until a second player like you comes along and tries to declare the stuff you use as antifun. Then shit hits the fan.

"""Casual""" players like you, if not ignored, destroy local gaming communities.

absolutely disgusting.

I love it.

What 40k fan was shitting on here? Because as bad as this place may be, it leagues better than anywhere else on the internet.

It's the rule of generals. Those who post in it hate those who post in it, and so they post.

Following this, whats the most competitive way of running solo deathwatch
