>Hey, GM?
>Thanks for the work you put into doing what you do. It really means a lot to us.
>I know we're not always the best group possible, but we try -- and we'll do our best to try harder next year!
>Oh, and merry Christmas!
Hey, GM?
You too happy elf! Go be happy!
I know this isn't aimed at me, but it's still making me smile.
Thanks. I try.
Things that never ever happened ever.
I'm smiling against my better judgement.
Thank you. And evidently, I'm sorry for dropping that one game a session in because of outside problems, and have tried to make sure that I can feasibly schedual for sessions in the future in such a way as to not let that sort of disaster happen again. I might grumble from time to time, but you guys really are the best I can hope for especially given you were all picked up online.
Said nobody ever
Only half my players showed up this week thanks to irl trips and such for the good lords day, so instead of running a session I instead told a story to my players of how I screwed over my middle school roleplaying group. Anyone interested? Partly because I don't want to start an entire thread for this shit.
Sucks to be you guys then.
Meanwhile, for those of us with well-adjusted socially functioning players: feels good, man.
Change your group then.
No, your story doesn't sound nice and this is a nice thread.
Eh my party thought it was funny, it was mostly me trying to act as a host because I had two guys over who were expecting a game and all I could think of was half decent stories.
I had a player for whom I'd been GMing for 3 years ask me, upon a new game in the same setting, what my Dwarves were like in the setting.
There are no dwarves in my setting. There never have been. They've never even met an unusually short person.
Fuck you Kyle, you fucking commie bastard I should have gotten you a noose for Christmas so you can make the world a better place by leaving it.
Seriously? There are people who play regularly and never thank/see anyone be thanked?
I run games for the Adventurer's League at my FLGS, and one of them gave me a beanie baby dragon and an amazon gift card for running stuff every week. Feels good.
Play once a week, sometimes more.
Haven't been thanked in at least two years across two groups.
Toss them user.
Thanks john for running a game that will have lasted a year and allow us to actually watch our character grow. Here's hoping next year will be as good and you won't burn out
It takes time for children to develop the moral conscience needed to express gratitude.
>Have a great party with good chemistry between members
>Slowly everyone moves to distant places
>Someone comes back on a very rare occasions, but it's impossible to play again
>In my city it's hard to find people interested in playing PnP, let alone someone with actual experience
>Finally be able to gather a party of 3 people
>Everyone is a veteran player who had the same problem as me
>Everyone is happy to play something other than D&D
>TFW soon I will be GM for the first time in years
It's a good time to be alive
>You guys are the best.
>You're here every week, and you give me new books all the time.
>You play really well together and always work as a team.
>Getting together with you guys to play is the best part of my week.
>Merry Christmas. And thank you.
Nice try, elf!
Day of the rocks is coming for all your shitty edgey characters, you hear me!
Haha! Nice one fellow DWARF bro fucking got em xD
Christmas, that one day of the year when you look at what everyone else has and bitterly curse your own shitty life.
Nicey OP
I wish I had a group to even have a chance at getting that
Just talk about your interests at work/school sometime and see if anybody might be interested in trying it out.
I've actually tried to run I think four different games for my friends, and they shit on me each time. Completely shit on me- once they put the blame on me for their characters getting killed (this was in a cyberpunk 2020 game).
GM is not always a fun thing.
Sounds like you just have shitty friends.
>Shit I wish players said
DOIT Storytime
I support Storytime is always a good thing.
You only do that ONE day of the year?
Its post USSR and work is full of guys over sixty, I reeeeeeeeallly doubt any interest at all.
Really, players are not a problem with online games its just my own inability to get shit done.
I'm from post USSR country too. You would be surprised how often even small towns have RP community in it. And I'm pretty sure that even if you will not find local community, there always will be a global organised one.
As I know, LARP is generally more popular form of roleplaying in post USSR, so, if you'll find one, they're more likely to be LARPers, but most LARP communities I know like tabletop too.
So unless you have a really hard time communicating, I think you will be able to find some people.
Yeah, as long as I'm not forced to be together with my family, I can usually keep it together.
>my group thanks me after every session
They've played with some bad groups before, so I think they really do appreciate me.
...and this is one of the few reasons why I dont finish it all.
I am pretty glad for my group. One of the few people that do care.
I know this isn't aimed at me, but I'm taking it, it's better than anything my group has ever given me.
What's wrong, didn't get that Dwarf versus Graboid campaign for Christmas?
It's not the DMs fault you didn't want to sign up as caravan guards with the merchants heading to the vaguely Arabian Knights setting. Everyone knows Graboids prefer desert settings with loose sand. Yes, merchants are snobby jerks with no real survival skills, but at least a few people always die in the Tremors movies. Besides, once they reach the little town with people hiding on the roof, the carts of the dead merchants might have had useful stuff
>things I've never heard
>GMed a group of 2 for a few months
>Moments I liked and moments I disliked
>Honestly, session prepping was eating away at all my study time
>Probably going to have to let the group know that I'll need to stop soon
>Feeling really guilty about this
>One member of the group goes off on me during board game night because I don't play to win
>Full blown 'why the fuck are you even here if you're not here to win'
>Act pissed off and leave
>Future Sessions canceled implicitly because one guy could not suppress his 'everything's a competiton' complex
Thank you dickweed. The greatest gift you could have given me was letting me leave the group guilt free by being the competitive asshole you always were.
>Been running a campaign for over a literal year
>Starting to drag on me
>People keep dropping out
>Down to two guys
>They're up for another recruitment drive
>I need four new characters
>I get nine applications, eight of which are good
>Most of them are actually pretty excellent
Y-You too.
You are supposed to play to win in 99.999999999% of boardgames though.
>That one guy that joined my group 6-ish years ago, and always thanked me for the fun times after every session
>Now, as a hardened veteran, he still does.
Johannes, you're a great pal.
>All my group quit on me for various reasons that may or may not be true
>Recruited two others from a friend of a friend, but they didn't tell me they lived 30 miles away and thought that I would pay for their gas.
>Going to be starting up a recruitment drive, but I have little faith due to being in Uni and most players being my former "friends" who dropped me like hot shit when I didn't want to go drinking with them 24/7.
Thanks, at least someone likes my games
False hope is the most disgusting thing imaginable. My group would never be this thankful. Pretty sure they'd want me thanking them instead.
Friends my ass.
they give you free books?!?!?!
woa, rich friends, that seems nice.
pnp are not boardgames
Are you me?
Group, you've given me a lot of shite lately, lots more than what happened in that one campaign and those that tried to follow. But hey, at least you showed up and played. Merry goddamned Christmas, you crazy people you.
He was talking about BG night.
The reason I GM at all is so that I can see the fun and excitement on the faces of my players, especially the younger ones who are getting their first tastes of roleplaying.
It's a beautiful thing to see.
>thanked my group for staying in the game and always showing up during thanksgiving
>they haven't thanked me back
It's a thankless job, but I still love em.
Now I feel all happy and stuff. Players really dont understand the burden of a true DM.
Thanks bud
That's the objective in board games, but the reason for playing is to have fun, for most people.
No, having fun is the objective.
Ribbon is cute and I'm not sure whether I want to DM a game for her or just tug her elf ears.
>Too bad at storylines and description to GM
>Too bad at dialogue and RP to play
>Will never have a group or enjoy RPGs
End me
>tfw my players actually bought me a gift this year
>I totally dropped my spaghetti everywhere
>they fucking bought me three squads of Death Korps troops
>I didn't have anything to give in return
>they were cool with it
I don't know how to feel. I really don't. It's the first time I've gotten gifts as a DM.
>>Too bad at dialogue and RP to play
Just join random online games to practice.
bump for the goodfeels thread
its a sad sight to see threads like this wither while that guy bitching soars to many hundreds of posts
Said no one ever
It's all about Katharsis. Katharsis is active, while good feels are passive.
This thread didn't even need a single reply. You read the OP, you feel good, and the majority of the discussion here has been the ever-present contrarians coming to complain about how people don't ever thank them.
That Guy threads need participation to feel good. You need to talk about someone behind their back, confirm that someone's one-sided account of another person makes it appropriate to dislike them, and otherwise bitch in order to get any good feelings out of it. It's unfortunate, because for all the effort they put into spinning so much negativity, they only get a fraction of that in good feelings.
From a post count to happiness ratio perspective, this thread makes a That Guy thread look rather pitiful, and genuinely sad.
Well kinda yeah...
Still would like to see more good stories.
>mfw my players thank me for running even though we all know I'm a hack and they just won't say it to my face
>the campaign where I'm a player has developed a meme about it not being a true fight until I'm knocked unconscious
Guys, it's okay. You can be honest with me.