Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

How do you like your cute wizards? Can they still be cute if they dump Str and Cha and use Int for their social skills? Can they still be cute if they bend game balance?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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So I reworked the family banner. This is what we fly in times of war.

Next pic is the family sigil.

What kind of freshly-landed knight would it take to choose a blazing golden sun on a field of sable as their sigil?

The Sigil, by itself.

Family name:
House Maar

"Torn From The Roots"

Is there anything else an aspiring noble house needs? We have a plan for the village which is:
>begin with brewing
>move into alchemy
>move into higher education
>form college of the mortal sciences

Also what professions does a leader need? I have Profession (Barrister) at the moment as what as what I think is a pretty good skill suite. +17 to Diplomacy & Bluff, but not for feinting or gather information.

Unoptimized wizards are cuter.

There seem to be a lot of items with lewd potential in Pathfinder.

Same for abilities, monsters, etc, but less so.

What are your favorites?

Not exactly lewd, but I want to fill a portable hole full of water and put a cauldron of brewing in so I can have a hot tub that fits in my pocket.

More lewdly, I like rings of bondage.

>tfw building wizard
>tfw this stat block
>Str: 9
>Dex: 14
>Con: 14
>Int: 20
>Wis: 16

Sure, that's cute, and it means lots of opportunity for stripping down and relaxing together, so it can count as a lewd or at least sexy use of items.

Hearken to me, servants of Evil, and tell me of your inglorious misdeeds!

How have you served your dark masters in your campaigns?

We captured a good guy (a real paladin) through the use of disguises, though we had some trouble with nets along the way.

How did we do?

Much better opening post but you need to make it about the actual game, not waifus

Glad you're learning

Did you forget to take Weapon Focus (Net)? I'm sure you can find a bonus feat somewhere for that - or maybe there's a Damnation Feat that covers it?

Either way, you've done well enough for Stage One. Do you know what you plan to do with said Paladin now that you've captured him?

Mostly capturing souls.

It REALLY pisses of demons, let me tell you that.

an incredibly arrogant one?

the kind of family that names their firstborn "strongest under the heavens", utterly heedless of what that will do to him in school.

>"Torn From The Roots"
Kind of seems to be referencing Nirmathas


Is there any spell that's similar to 'helm of opposite alignment'?

Serious lack of cute wizards in thread.


Atonement gives people the opportunity to willingly change alignment, and Alchemists can get a Grand Discovery that permanently changes alignment... but that's it. I think.

You are number one!

Remove deneb remove deneb you are worst pumpkin

So does each major god have their own spin on Atonement that the target feels when cast on by a Cleric of that god?

>Did you forget to take Weapon Focus (Net)? I'm sure you can find a bonus feat somewhere for that - or maybe there's a Damnation Feat that covers it?
We mostly had some trouble making ranged attacks with nets into melee, because nobody had Precise Shot.

>Either way, you've done well enough for Stage One. Do you know what you plan to do with said Paladin now that you've captured him?
We have him in a cage in our underground hideout.

VILLAIN number one!

Part of me recalls reading something like that, but I don't recall where. Or if it was an official thing, or just something some people came up with.

It occurs to me at this point, we don't have a Vigilante Archetype that gets you a small number of similarly-dressed goons.

This is a tremendous oversight.

What class is Sportaflop, /pfg/?

Does he worship Kurgess? IS he Kurgess?

He's a Speedster Monk, obviously!

I dearly hope you are the last of your bloodline.

Ooh, or alternatively, he's a Speed Motif Henshin Hero, but one who recovers Transformation rounds from healthy food and proper exercise!

Sportaflippity-flip never henshins though.

Well that's just, like, your opinion leader, man

OR, he's never NOT henshin'd. He's just got so many rounds from all his exercise and proper diet that he never runs out!

Plus, he's got his transformation trinket as that thingie on his chest!

Honestly, Transformation Rounds being limited is the only thing I don't like about Henshin Hero. Like your entire class turns off once you've run out.

I'm losing my mind.

Glory to Molthune


>tell players they're investigating weird raids and kidnappings
>they think it's the hobgoblin nation next door
>doesn't fit their MO
>find tracks heading into the woods that form the border
>follow them
>find goblinoid camp
>fight them, killing one, interrogating one, and letting one escape
>last one says his commander will buy him as a prisoner and that they didn't do the raid
>party head out
>find the hobgoblin military camp
>turns out they were sent to investigate the raids as well, as it's happening both sides of the border
>hobgoblin commander thanks them for bringing his subordinate, kills him for his cowardice and pays the players (the one that escape came and told the commander what happened)
>commander makes it clear he does not trust the party, but knows they are hired swords and not soldiers of the other nation, offers an exchange
>they have one of the people who has been raiding
>they have him tied to a pole inside the camp, skin flayed off of one arm and left to fester, nails torn off both hands, etc.
>tells party he isn't giving up info, but they're welcome to go through his belongings and interrogate him as well
>players get really uncomfortable as the obvious torture
>don't like the fact that a few other bodies are stacked outside of camp (gonna be fed to goblin dogs)
>go through the belongings
>turns out letters have a hidden message the commander current interpret because he isn't great with the language
>one player really gung ho to also torture
>rest still not sure

So how would you react as a player to this series of events. The guy in question was part of a fanatical political movement backed by demons.

If he hasn't given up info under torture of that magnitude, it's a pretty sure thing he's not gonna unless we break out some heavy-duty enchantments. Party should find another way to go about this.

Also, torture fetish dude really needs to calm his tits.

time to soulsearch the fucker.

I split myself into two distinct entities one who continues travelling with the party and the other who's acting as the messianic figure for a cult that worships constructs.

Fuck it, one more.

I quite like the purple on this one. How's everyone else feel about it?

What are other spell choices/items which have potential for cute? Either on their on, or combination thereof.

My initial response to OP was filthy wizards can never be cute.

But I thought about it, and a wizard who chooses to prepare spells to cheer party members up could be cute.

What are you using to make these?

Excellent work! This is, of course, all in service to the cause of Evil, correct?

Were they the stolen souls of the righteous?

The cause of causing as much chaos and misery as necessary is evil so... yes?

Gonna be honest, mostly the stolen souls of demons trying to invade and summon through their repulsive slug demon lord, since he thinks there's a cure for his whole 'being a slug' problem on the material plane.

As well as other miscellaneous shitbags who have the audacity to try and kill me.

I mean, it is technically still in the service of evil. Since it's in the service of myself.

I got one that's 24 whole HD! And I'm only level 13!

It's salt.
The cure to being slug is salt.

He wants to survive it is the thing.

Besides, after Asmodeus cursed him into being a slug and trying for thousands of years to get it fixed, now having a wandering band of assholes fucking with his plans, I think salt is something he has plenty of.

>Can they still be cute if they dump Str and Cha and use Int for their social skills?
No, because those are called "know it alls" and they're inherently obnoxious.

Int to social skills should get you looked at in the same way as you would look at an autistic dickhead for proving you wrong or claiming that they are right and you should do as they say. They might actually be right but it doesn't make them less obnoxious about it. Int=/=Cha.

> one on one Jade Regent
> possible lewds
> maybe flexible scheduling

Ooooh oh hooo. This might be something worth looking int-

>all these applicants already

Aw... hm. Maybe I should try one of these "living" campaigns.

How do you feel about those, /pfg/?

Think it might be a good way to get some pathfinder experience as a new player?

Some program called flagmaker I found on r/vexillology.

But Int to social skills actually lets you convince people effectively.

This, Int to social skills is about knowing psychology and shit and choosing your words carefully as opposed to slapping together some Kamina bullshit and relying off raw animal magnetism.


True, true.

You are both technically correct, which is perhaps the best kind of correct to be! How utterly devious!

Could it also be about being a shy and endearing meganekko?

>want to be a vigilante spellcaster
>vigilante spellcasting classes
>Magical Child

I just want to cast from the wizard spell list without all this bullshit. Is that so wrong? None of them from Legendary Vigilantes cast from it either.

I am really tempted to be an Alchemical Scoundrel though.

No, that's Charisma. It's just manifesting itself differently.

What class is he?

Some sort of vigilante with Everyman?

Bitch, Warlock is literally right there, and it works with the stuff from Legendary Villains: Vigilantes.

>tfw don't want bullshit bolt shit

It really is a pain that none of them have access to the Wizard spelllist but speaking from experience in the form of my current character being a Cabalist, that archetype is really fun.

>tfw want bolt shit but don't want vancian casting

What's Everyman do again?

Have you considered Eldritch Scoundrel Unchained Rogue instead? It's not quite a Vigilante, but it's still pretty good.

Be a zenko kitsune Gifted Blade/Psychic Armory/War Soul!




Fuck you.


Maybe because the wizard spell list gives them way too much versatility?

If you want to cast from the wizard spell list, be a wizard

What's with this massive increase of Robbieposting?

>bolt shit
>implying the bolts are shit
>implying anything the Zealot, Cabalist, or Magical Child get are better when taking into account Jolly's stuff
>implying it isn't just an upgradeable MegaCantrip

You get your spellcasting from the wizard list, what more do you want? What are you even trying to do with 6th level casting as a vigilante that it doesn't do what you want?


So in other words, the soulless sociopath way of convincing people.

No unless you're very cynical. But yeah, it can be fluffed that way. Granted sociopaths can be high Cha, it just comes to them "naturally".

He's a Vigilante, but also one with an as-yet unwritten archetype that gets him a small number of similarly-dressed goons as he levels.

I already have plans to bully Jolly into making this archetype a reality.

I wish I was the book experiencing her charisma.

I guess, but is it just youtube/reddit fads leaking? REEEE

Can a character still be endearing and attractive without Charisma? Or is that more like having just middling/above-average Charisma without any social skills?


Molthune is usually characterized as villains, so people have decided to make fun of/own that expectation.

For you.

no, endearing pretty much requires charisma.

like, when a cute girl trips up and people think that's cute, it's because she's cute.

when Mr.Garisson trips up, he ends up mocked on tosh.0

>not high heels

Shit girl.

>gets him a small number of similarly-dressed goons as he levels
That was only one episode.

Holy shit, user.

A bit late, but Merry fucking Christmas.

Happy to be of assistance, user. It's always an absolute treat to hear someone enthusiastic about my work.

Yeah, but we're talking memes here. And by the memes, he has his goons.

Attractive yes. There are characters that are described as physically attractive with low Charisma (see Orik).

Endearing, generally no. That being said, you could grow used to their behavior.

Much as this crowd and paizo likes to pretend charisma (which in the stat description includes appearance) doesn't matter, the fact is, you need to be attractive to be attractive.

Hackmaster did it best: Looks was a separate base attribute but connected to Charisma. Looks governed initial reactions while Charisma let you work from that initial result with social stuff from that point on. Which is quite sensible.

The two also grew and fell together: post character-creation If your charisma went up, your looks did too, and vice-versa; because yes, handling yourself better and having more self-confidence shows, but being just plain hotter also gives you those in return too.

Looks COULD go negative (bad roll and shitass charisma, or various disfigurements) too, but negative looks was equal to positive looks when dealing with naturally evil inhuman intelligent monstrous creatures.

In other words nothing likes someone with 0 looks, but get yourself to -25 and gibbering mouthers will land to sing on your shoulders, and otyughs might fucking die from the exact same effects that seeing a nymph does to us.

Ayy, this is too corporate/space-y but I'll drop it here.

This isn't a thread about Hackmaster, this is a thread about Pathfinder. Charisma is a mental stat fist and foremost. It plays a part in appearance, but you can be physically attractive and have low Charisma.

You won't be endearing though. People won't naturally flock to you.

Doesn' mean they're attractive, charming, cute or cool, it just means they're smart enough to talk circles around you and convince you through arguments and being a stubborn dickhead about it.

Collette is a int based social person. His argument are very factual and often convincing, but only a moron or ignoramus thinks he's cute.

Still enjoy crunching out Comeliness scores, but it's kind of over-complex. That said, I do like it better than the "take the average of all physical scores plus Charisma", since it ends up with more variance.

user, that's an awful lot of flags considering the time.

only one stat in pf has anything to do with it:
>Charisma measures a character's personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance.

>Charisma measures appearance

people say what they fucking want in their descripts but let's be honest for a second: that ability score governs it, and mechanically almost nothing else ever does so.

> convince you through arguments and being a stubborn dickhead about it.
> being a stubborn dickhead about it.
Where are you getting this from.

Forming a fucking argument and not just using "Feels" to convince people doesn't automatically make you an stubborn dick head about it. Especially since a Charisma person can also be a stubborn dick head, they just get results.

And there is precedence for characters having low Charisma in Paizo materials being described as attractive.

There are examples in other versions of D&D that decribe people that aren't attractive, but have high charisma.

Charisma is not the end all be all of physical attractiveness. The attractiveness part comes from you knowing how to carry yourself/personal presence.

user, you can be hot as fuck and still be an unlikable greasy asshole


Also by this logic. Chicks must be lining up to receive the constentacle from Aboleths, Krakens, and the like.

do recall though that paizo views charisma the same way they view martials. so it's kinda natural that they'd backtrack after turning it into a dump-stat.

"even though we gave her 5 charisma she's really beautiful because she has 21 int"

and this is why we need a comeliness score for the bloody game.

Charisma is not Comeliness

Have you even read the traits that give you Int instead of wis or cha bonuses to skills, user?

"Pragmatic Activator"
"Precise Treatment"
"Bruising Intellect"
"Clever Wordplay"
"Student of Philosophy"

They read between "autistic" and "asshole" literally.