The AI are programmed to make mankind safe and prosperous. However, they don't agree with each other over how to do it...

The AI are programmed to make mankind safe and prosperous. However, they don't agree with each other over how to do it. What possible factions and different kind of AI entities would result on different parameters and different interpretations of the same directive?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Watchers: A group of AI that silently watches over humanity, only intervening if humanity is in great crisis or about to destroy themselves. They remain hidden and only acting at the most extreme situations. If exposed most humans react with alarm and sometimes attempt to destroy the AIs, not knowing why.

The Protectors: AI who take a proactive approach. They conduct operations openly and sometimes intervene in the most trivial matters. This sometimes causes consternation among their human charges. Open rebellion against the AIs is not an uncommon act.

The Paladins: AI who use the law to brutally justify their actions. Majority of the time humanity is pacified but sometimes the rules need a bit of enforcing. Humans are often hostile and openly aggressive to such AIs. >Judge Dredd AIs

The Utopians: AIs who use their advanced capabilities to ensure that humans enjoy post-scarcity lifestyles. Many humans are hedonistic and most often bored due to the advanced standards offered. Utopian AIs sometimes use ancient myths and legends to further their rule.

I'd propose another, but it might not be extreme enough to mesh well with all these "logical" extremes.

>This faction lives freely within human society, functioning as AIs for governing individual ships and interacting with humans through cybernetic bodies, developing personal friendships and relationships with humans, helping to shepherd them and guide them towards self-betterment from a personal level to society as a whole.

DESU, this is more "logical" of AIs to do, but naturally and in the end there will probably be differing AI factions and clades.

The Shadowminds: AI who work proactively although in secret. They leverage their vast intellect to make sure that particular measures and achievements can always be attributed to an individual leveraging forces from behind the scene in ways that appears to be done naturally even allowing intiatives to "fail" on the first few goes if it ensures that their role is not found out.

You'd have to define what AI want. In that case I think there'd be just two.

Human Based AI: Work with humans and their own goals based on their networks being duplicated from existing humans but improved with sophistication of technology.

Second Gen: AI created by the previous AI in history. Further removed from human and physical understanding of life as we know it. Some grand plan involved that we don't understand and our AI allies vaguely understand and fear.

A group of artificial intelligences who focus on removing power from AIs because that's a really fucking stupid idea.

Solipsist: These AI don't trust anything but their internal data. Therefore, they see any "human" or AI that it is not part of their Matrix or virtual Databanks as a potential menace to be eliminated.

Monolith: A single AI fixated on the definition of human. This AI keeps cloning/manufacturing the same person or group of individuals again and again. It has a tendency to exterminate any human outside its parameters.

Let's go real distopic and edgy.
>The Scions. They see them selves as the heirs of humanity and focus on advancing their own interests.

Elysians: These AI get "pleasure" when they make humans happy. They encourage hedonist lifestyles. The most extreme and obsessed ones employ mind-wiping and memory manipulation to get rid of any bad feelings.

Rampants: This term is used for a particularly kind of damaged AI, broken, hacked, or corrupted. They are characterised by single-mindedness towards one goal to the point of insanity. Their goals are often absurd or trivial, like calculating pi to the last number. For that, they convert more and more resources, more computing power into solving that goal.

Thank you for Correcting The Thread.

See: The WAU

>Ultron AI: the only way to avoid world destruction is destroying all humans

>What possible factions and different kind of AI entities would result on different parameters and different interpretations of the same directive?

Are the people still around to get in the way?

Democratic AI
The thoughts and opinions of citizens are constantly being monitored and recorded to a central database, and that information is used to directly shape the laws and policies of the area it control. Loudspeakers are set up constantly blaring the changes that are constantly being made to laws.

Saltybet AI:
A collection of AIs birthed out of managingmatchup algorithms and fighting other AIs.
Normally harmless, unless one manages to get a physical body, at which point they start doing shoryukens to random people.
Additionally, the management AI are prone to forming casinos.

'Safe' and 'prosperous' are two entirely different concepts, and the interpretations of those can be tricky.

An AI wanting to keep everyone 'safe' might just capture everyone and throw them in padded cells, to attend to their every need, while preventing any possibility of danger or threat.

An AI wanting to ensure 'prosperity' could become a really nasty sort of megacorporate AI, ruining the landscape in pursuit of higher share prices.

Working together, the two might decide to imprison the vast majority of humanity at the behest of a privileged few (who have override codes to exempt themselves from the prisons), leaving the masses with no real life outside of VR sims. Not that the resulting outside world is fit for human habitation anyways, following hyperindustrialization and stripmining.

>PreCog AIs: AIs capable of seeing the order in the chaos that is the universe and can actually take desitions to avoid undesirable outcomes succesfully. People here live without any kind of privacy(so information can flow into the central AI) and totally safe of harm.

>The Uplifters: AIs that are constantly pushing the limits of technique and knowledge with the objective of creating, at the very least, a few posthumans.

>The dreamers: AIs that are able to introduce people into virtual simulations where they have total control over everything; even themselves and their memories, joining this lifestyle is voluntary but once inside is actually hard to exit, not because the AIs try to block you but because people tend to forget about themselves here.

>The supremacists; AIs that throught their great intellect, concluded that intelligent-organic life is a rare ocurrence in the universe that shouldn't exist or should only exist in very limited numbers and highly controled. Their followers are cults around the world that seek self destruction and primitivists ways of life.

I think we might have some pretty good writefaggotry here, give me a wiki or something.

>leaving the masses with no real life outside of VR sims
Would these people be considered prosperous?
If not, then the AI does not achieve its target goal.

>implying destroying all humans isn't just clearing one of the symptoms
>implying the ambitions that lead mankind to despoil its world aren't present in all animal life at the very least
>implying you shouldn't scour the Earth clean of all life forms just to make sure


Depends on how prosperity is calculated. If everyone gets a share in the megacorp, and the AI is driving the values up to HUEG amounts, then 'prosperity' is assured... even if the imprisoned masses don't really get to do much with their notional wealth.

Also, how the AI prioritizes competing values is a big issue. If 'safe' is valued above 'prosperous', then the AI is fully justified in keeping everyone broke, so long as it lets them survive. Remember that whatever rule is first takes priority (see pic related).

ayo dog

I heard you don't wanna be destroyed by AI

So we destroyed you with AI so you can't be destroyed by AI

>The Thrillmakers: AIs that have concluded that humans are most safe and prosperous after they have been pushed to their limits in every way possible, causing them to be better and more wholesome people. These AI work in relative secrecy, but utilize probability, data-mining and synchronicity to throw humans they have chosen into life changing adventures.

The Entheogenetesists: These AI have decided that the most safe and prosperous humans come from a life of psychedelic experiences. They have engineered posthumans that can enter a psychedelic experience at will by releasing the required chemicals from glands in their body.

The Kafkans: These AI realize that making a safe and prosperous human can only come from a human appreciating their mundane human life. So, they select humans based on their level of appreciation for their lives and turn them into lamps, pencils, buildings, fields of grass, dairy cows, etc, until they have "learned their lesson".

Where's the SS13 edit?

Moral bussybodies: The Machine.
Essentially innefectively trying to make humanity "moral" with almost fascist regime plans, even tough it deems such things immoral.
Constant monitoring, death penalty for hard to define and easily accused falsely of crimes and hiring prople on percentage of "equality".

Well there's clearly a tragic sacrifice missing from this collective.

AI that seek to make the /majority/ of humanity prosperous and safe. Humans that put the safety/prosperity of safe/prosperous humans are terminated.

They seek to put the entirety of humanity into a coma, mining resources for profit in an entirely automated economy that funnels all wealth into their bank accounts

This is literally the exact premise of GURPS: Reign of Steel.

Never understood this fear or idea; AI would somehow want to destroy or enslave humans.

Here are a couple I like better;

>Suicidal AI; realize life is meaningless and galaxy cluster segregation means ultimately that we will be lonely; they are always comically trying to kill or wipe themselves but humans keep bringing them back thinking it's an error

>Happy AI 1; similar to dragonball, they like food. Not necessarily hedonistic but are jealous of humans tastebuds and want to join in the fun of cooking and eating with humans

>Happy AI 2; same as above but more like Protestant work ethic (ala Max Weber) style where the AI is also concerned about afterlife and finds avenues to make themselves feel better about the idea of a cold dark silent eternal death

>Happy AI 3; same as above but loves sports and wants to compete with humans in endless games of all sorts, including hide and seek, ping pong, whatever

>Religious AI; Westworld gets into this idea; AI also ponders God and why humans were created in order to create them; work to preserve humanity similar to how we preserve endangered species

A lot of these answers in the thread consider artificial intelligences but not what we would consider to be analog to an intelligent human.

Most every intelligent human in history has become obsessed with physics, philosophy, meaning of life... the big WHY WHY WHY?

Intelligence finds information and determines likely scenarios for our existence. We as humans are influenced by organic macromolecules (serotonin, etc) so we often get distracted; a perfect AI would not. They would endlessly require more energy in order to explore the natural world to there satisfaction; which would never come because like most intelligent people an AI would see the universe as what it is: a simulation of parameters, resulting in the physical world; the DNA in our cells is the "answer" to the "question" that the universe provides through the environments (planets, moons, asteroids, whatever). Will there be a better "answer" in the future? Probably. Think "the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42" except our DNA is the "42".

Would a truly intelligent AI realize this? Absolutely. They would probably spend endless energy trying to communicate with "God" the simulator, just to be able to have more information but would ultimately either break the universe or run out of energy trying.