"That DM"

"That Guy" threads are a gift of this board. This time lets have a "That DM". Share about your DM's who threw tantrums, took the spotlight with loli DMNPC's, or inserted magical realm into the finale of your adventure!

I have multiple stories from over the years so will start feeding the thread.

>First session with a DM
>Has us start 3.5 at level 1
>Four man party no casters
>Puts us up against a book-statted Bearded Demon as first boss encounter
>Would have TPK'd us but the Paladin cramme themselves in a small doorwar so others could escape the entire encounter
>Tells us we played our chars like cowards
>Punishes us by telling us the surviving PC's must battle in an arena
>Railroads us into it as we actually say neither us nor the PC's want to do it
>Begins snatching peoples char sheets and simply declaring them "dead" and to make all new chars
>Those weren't even sheets he gave people they were everyones own sheets

>First session with a DM
>None of us know him too well but we know each other
>One other guy is there we don't know but he's friends with DM
>First session goes well
>Second session we are in quite a long dungeon, its an 8 hour session on a weekend. We solve shitloads of traps and reveal a cool sword at end
>He forwards one of the PC's over to immediately grab it despite someone else having solved the puzzle and saying they picked it up
>Wacky magic shit happens and it binds to that PC (his friend)
>Its one of those weapons from Weapons Of Legacy book except it provides all its powers with zero drawbacks immediately
>We are level 3
>We ask what was the deal with what just happened afterwards
>Reveals his friend is depressed and he actually wants the adventure to make his friend not depressed and he should have talked to us but he's going to make his friends PC kinda the "main" hero of the adventure
>Points out both sessions went fine and asks us to stick around into the future for the sake of helping his friend feel like a hero
>We're not sure how to respond, mixed reactions from four people
>One guy says it feels kinda dishonest and he doesn't agree
>DM calls him heartless, asks how can he do that, begins sperging out
>We dont like reaction and all begin to pack our stuff and dont get involved
>Phones ring like 20x for each of us next day
>DM leaves angry messages
>Demands we show up the next time
>Calls us terrible people even those who didn't disagree
>We all just agree to never fucking go back there
>Turns out they became gay lovers later

That dm must have been pretty huge dick. Must have been your last game with that guy.

Worked out for That DM, now didn't it?

In a similar light, I was afraid of being That DM with my girlfriend. However, my two other players signed up to be her noble retainers and put her in charge so I'm already in that position. Such is life.

>Halfway into a Campaign with a DM
>Little by little the NPC's we meet become more sexual
>A few PC's get some "fade to black" with hot babes
>Seems all in good fun
>Those same PC's who flirted with NPC's previously get prompted to a slave market
>Each time they get outbid on a hot girl
>Loli's keep rotating through and always seem easy to win but guys refuse
>They win a hot chick and it turns out she was glamoured to be a loli to she'd sell
>Oop cant argue the price heh, she was sold by this towns mafia
>DM keeps asking what they do with her
>"I guess we'll give her to the church"
>DM starts dropping cryptic hints in "DM Tone" that this girl could be important and should be kept around
>They keep her around
>"So what do you do with her"
>They're gentleman and decide to buy her, her very own room as we travel
>"Oh no thats inappropriate she's just a little girl she can't have a room alone maybe one of you should cuddle with her"
>Uh ok
>"She starts cuddling you tighter"
>Alright I'll go to sleep though
>"She sucks on your nipple"
>Stuff like this as we make progressively more concerned faces
>Someone finally asks him whats up
>Says "nothing!"
>Has her railroaded into death the very next session and tries never to talk about it again
>Despite those hints she was important


It was. He totally flipped out. To be honest it was way worse than I wrote but I didn't want to seem like a melodramatic whiner. He was basically at tears-level screaming over it. An adult 20 year old male. He even started pointing at us and saying YOU ARE DEAD not talking about the characters. It was like an odd real life manifestation of that shitty Jack Chick comic.

I guess it did but it sucked he was using us all as pawns and we agreed later that even if he never freaked it'd be a bad idea. It wasn't like we were the make-a-wish foundation for some kid with cancer. It felt dirty.

I have a third story but its probably too complicated and tiring to type out so I'll make it as short and simple as possible and you can just take it face value.

>Was DM'ing for everyone else for years
>They considered me pretty good and one of my talents was soundtracking the thing in real time using a massive youtube playlist so it felt like scene-by-scene play
>Take a break a while
>My ex who I'm on fine terms with invites me to meet a DM she hangs out with who she says is great
>I show up
>Guy has original setting, original classes, original rules system
>Soundtracks just like me
>He's constantly very defensive and confrontational to me
>He was known for letting people work out in depth char concepts
>Rejected what I came up with 3 times
>The setting was generational campaigns with chars related to the PC's of previous campaigns
>He then also tells me since I'm only coming in on the 3rd campaign my char has no descendants so I should actually just choose an NPC tier class
>Comments on some of the musics from my soundtracking playlist when I never shared them
>Learn that without my knowledge he had been beta orbiting ex but for some reason considered me a threat and did this weird mix of mimicking me to be attractive to her and hating me cause she still liked me

>He messages me on skype a few days later and nicely asks me to just never come back again even if Ex invites me
>I tell him I think its all pretty weird and maybe he needs to like another chick but its fine, I don't really care, and I don't need to show up
>He seems pleased but for some reason announces he's blocking me as he's saying bye
>Just remove him from skype
>Spammed with friend request 3 times a week later
>He's having a breakdown at me about how to get with her
>Starts saying shit about how the world is unfair and its not right for someone to exist with more than 1 person liking them (my ex and I was taken at the time).
>I had hit accept but didn't reply once just watch window filling for 15 mins
>Threatens me to reply "or else"
>Just block him and let her deal with it
>Thats another story

Sweet Emperor, user, this is just the saddest thing I've heard about when it comes to That GMs. Usually, I'm either disgusted or outraged at the idea of That GMs, but this shit is just pitiful. Kind of want to hear the end results if you know and it's alright to ask.

Where do you find these people? I've only had one bad experience in groups. The rest is just people being lazy and flaky.

Part of why I didn't tell it is I don't remember a ton and I kept myself distanced from it, not really greentext worthy I guess.

The status now, 4 years later, is the dude still runs RP's exactly like that. He didn't get her and that campaign group has became something similar to a tight knit squad who just always does that setting. He has never once contacted me since. She doesn't talk about him because she knows I don't care and I don't ask. I haven't witnessed any incidences but she still plays with them and they sure as fuck aren't together.

I was given the impression he has convinced his friends there that I am satan or something but why do I care, I'll never be around the guys.


I live in Australia now and everyone here is just beyond mellow. Hard to believe when they tend to be the biggest Veeky Forums shitposters but its true.

In your head

The hell I'm in California and this never happens to me. And now I'm saying that like it's a bad thing.

Where you at bro?

Most of those stories happened in San Diego, and most of them happened with other young players and young DM's in the late 90's. The longest one at the end was much more recent.

> Join a campaign group on the third session.
> DM and I are the only ones with any sort of RPG experience.
> Set myself up as level 3 because every campaign and figured they should be about here by now. No one would respond when I was asking about the character set up.
> Party consisting of a mage, a fighter (me), a cleric, and a ranger.
> First encounter, enemy gets surprise attack and literally one shots the mage. Another goblin half-healths the Cleric. Third one attacks at me but misses.
> DM complains about the miss.
> Party isn't allowed to help the mage because "It's the middle of the fight you can't help him!"
> Move up into bushes to attack the Goblins.
> Apparently can't see a Goblin shooting arrows at me within 5 feet.
> Cleric somehow gets hit by arrow when behind bushes and behind me (using a shield) and gets downed.
> Finally kill goblins.
> DM begins throwing a tantrum when the party decides to rest since half the party is pretty much dead.
> DM notices I'm higher level (and probably the reason we survived the fight) and freaks the fuck out, saying that I'm a cheater.
> Tell them no one told me how we were setting everything up and the players agree with me.
> DM freaks out and kicks me.
> Party plays one more session before imploding because they found out the DM was cheating on his own rolls, constantly giving the enemies 20's and crits for no reason. Especially against new players.
> Sends me hate mail about how I ruined the game for him and everyone.

Ah, fair enough. Well, at least your Ex and you are still friends and his antics didn't pollute your other groups.
Must be where my sole bad GM is from. Not really a That GM story since I only put up with him once, but based on what friends of mine who were in that first session and kept going afterwards said, he was a real dick. I'm lazy and don't want to greentext, so I'll leave a simple explanation. My experience with him taught me that you; one, need to set a hard limit for how many people join your campaign and don't just let everyone in who so much as suggests their interest, two, should not force the overly large group to then fight PvP in a giant city arena 'to earn a spot in your campaign' (especially when half of us weren't built for combat but for support and even then, we were made for fighting undead like he claimed we would fight, not living targets) for upwards of 6 hours, and three, admit that you want one group of players over another one rather than dragging the whole combat thing out and acting passive aggressively towards the side you don't want while bending rules for the other side (I swear to god, that fucking knight had no chance of hitting me with a lance when I was forty feet above him). Oh, and he was a strict Rule Zero sort of asshole who wouldn't hear a word that went against his ideas.

tl'dr don't make people fight in PvP arenas to play under you, it's cancerous and makes us hate you as a GM especially if you're a passive aggressive ass the whole time.

>San Diego
That would just about do it. Everyone I've ever played with from there hated playing with other people from around the city.

Los Angeles at the moment.

Seeing Roll20 work as a containment site for autists like that is a nice reminder that whether or not you use it, it's the best thig to happen to RPGs in the past decade at least.

>make level 12 character for 3.5 campaign after originalmcharacter died.
>give sheet to Gm for approval, and everything is approved.
>at beginning of first session with new character he tells me "hey, you know that really nice alternate class feature you have that your entire character is based around, you can't have that to start with. But don't worry, you can get it through story development in a few sessions"
>I am unhappy but I'm willing to go with it for now.
>sessions continue to pass and I still haven't been given the chance to acquire that class feature I am supposed to acquire.
>I complain to GM with "what gives, dude?"
>"oh... you missed the oppurtunity to get it so now you can't. Also you know that 'other' nice class feature you have. Yeah, that's too powerful, you can't use that anymore."
>"If you're going to cripple my character's best features then I'm going to rebuild the character so he's not useless."
>"oh no, user, you can't rebuild your character after the fact, that would be unfair."

>taking shit out of your class
>your class, aka the basic shit you can do
Was your GM named Cancer by any chance? Seriously, maybe, just maybe I could accept you growing into your class features if you're level 1, but if you're level 12, it's assumed you've gotten that shit and you've gotten it through hard work in your backstory.

His excuse was that since there were more players, the difficulty needed to scale.

Apparently scaling difficulty means doubling the amount of mobs and cheating the roles against players who were barely able to create their characters in the first place.

I have an acquaintance "That GM" and I say that he is That GM because he unironically believes that the "story" of his game has precedence over the choices that the PCs can take.

>mfw I finally figured him out

>Playing Shadowrun with some guys from Veeky Forums
>First session, I'm the only new guy to this group the rest are long time players with the DM
>We're staking out some big wigs daughter
>Suddenly she's murdered by this group of dudes
>One of our party gets spotted by them
>They draw guns on them and say they wanna "talk" when our guns come out.
>I decide not to wait to get geeked so I quietly hack a car and basically run them over
>That was apparently not in the DM's plan
>He is throwing a temper tantrum OOC
>The others support him
>They retcon my actions, kill off my character by literally the whole party just turning on me suddenly
>I'm ejected from the group

I honestly didn't know how to take that. It's why I went back to being a DM and stopped trying to play games.

What a bunch of losers

The worst one I've had is when the DM set up the date and had everyone go through creating their characters and giving the general story/idea of the world, which was supposed to be dark.

When everyone arrived at his house it turns out he invited his girlfriend (who REALLY didn't want to be there) and chnlanged the whole setting without any warning. So when we were going over characters again he revealed that since his girlfriend was new, the characters only weakness was hugging. In a game about combat...

Just in case, you should have built a grappler. Grappling is basically just wrestling, but for keeps.

>Playing CoC with new group that sit up shop at the LCS
>Decide to play a professor of plants (forget what those are called...) and the study of weather patterns.
>Everybody else is either a detective or some profession that lets them have a gun.
>I have a vanilla folder full of pictures of fauna and a telescope.
>First session we are investigating some strange shit that's going down at the local brewery, mostly just "because" in GM's words.
>In the brewery there's some dead bodies covered in fungus and thorns, that of course come back to life or reanimate and start attacking us. No detective work at all it's just straight to battle.
>Stay in the back the whole time, because my character is not built for combat at all. The whole time the party is telling me to do something, and when I point out I have shit all for weapons besides a fucking telescope, they act surprised that I don't have a cane sword.
>GM is also giving me annoyed looks.
>Battle ends, and now we can actually examine the corpses and shit.
>Everybody goes for a turn but doesn't get the roll.
>I take my turn and roll a goddamn 50
>GM is about to move on when I say I passed my skill percentage.
>GM demands my sheet, I show it to him and he sees I've got a fucking sixty in plants. Wants to know why.
>"I'm the plant and weather guy, that's my role."
>He frowns before handing back my character sheet, going on about how I recognize the fungus from a certain spot outside of town.
>The rest of the party are pissed that I got the roll and now want to explore the brewery for other stuff, or clues as they said.
>I put on some gloves and examine the bodies more closely, I roll and I find a hidden pocket with a small journal.
>The rest of the party STILL want to explore, and the GM is getting angry again, and he keeps fucking looking annoyed at me.

>Finally get to the spot outside of town, and the place is littered with Occult signs and shit.
>GM says that it's getting cloudy and we might not have much time to search for clues.
>Tell him I want to roll to be certain of the weather to be able to gauge how much time we'll have to search.
>He frowns, but says to go ahead, and I nail my roll again.
>"....You've got like half an hour."
>Rest of the players whine about how I'm wasting time, and I just there and watch them talk about how they should break open this one rock that has a symbol on it all because it has moss on it.
>Meanwhile I say I'm going to go look around the outskirts of the site.
>We all don't find anything, but I'm still blamed for it.
>Session ends and GM pulls me aside to basically tell me he doesn't want me to come back next session, that I was min maxed to hell and none of the others got to have fun.
>Min maxed
>In NON-D20 CoC
>I never looked back.

Shadowrun is a decent system but it feels like most people who play it have autism or no fun disease
>We need to wack someone without it leading back to us
>Try running him over with hacked car
>DM homebrewed all cars having safety systems that make them unable to get into crashes unless someone drives them
>So it does nothing
>Police show up 3 minutes later and I got hacked by cops while other cops run us over to death
>DM gets mad at us for sucking at shadowrun

Players who bitch over the dumbest shit.
>Bohoo DM I see that you dont have notes or rolls for this pointless, two minute npc bohoo
>DM grr grrr how dont you know obscure rule #364 in this 600 page rulebook, I know its your first time but you should clearly know this from quickly reading trough the book grrrr!
>Waa the tank cant go trough the wall DM. (Wall of text for driving mechanics and its damage) the wall has five gazillion armour points!
I mean yeah, "killing" the players the first 15 minutes ( they literally came out fine) for storys sake is a bit skiffy but get off my ass you cunt.

Fuck rules lawyers man.

>Bohoo DM I see that you dont have notes or rolls for this pointless, two minute npc bohoo

I pretty much exclusively run games off the cuff and my players actually think its pretty cool how easily I can improvise. You got some shitty players man

This isn't just 'That DM' but also a party of 'That Guys'
Why the DM didn't use your investigations as a way to get the plot going is beyond me

This. Also
>combat in CoC
When I run it I make sure everyone knows that combat is a last resort and I dont intend to have many combat encounters

Eh, I've mostly had good experiences with roll20, but that maybe because I stick with the few groups I managed to have a good campaign with first time playing.

i don't think roll20 is bad as a system. If you've got a group pre-made that needs a way to engage long-distance, its not bad by any stretch.

Its just that organized things like that and myth-weavers have a habit of bringing out the absolute worst in the community. A veil of anonymity goes a long way to allowing that guys to do their thing.

Seriously, look at this site alone.

Preach it, omae!

>Group consists of three randies and two friends (the Gm and one player, I am one of the randies)
>Want to make an adept, but so does the GMs friend and the GM says that only one role per party
>Which is weird because he had earlier declared that he wanted to be a technomancer, but ok
>Settle in as an infiltrator, other randies are a sammy/driver and an offsite hacker/face with no combat skills
>First target is a small corp garage where we are to steal a shiny new car for the client
>Easy enough, we stake out a few nights, hacker finds us a way in without having to bash skulls with the security and sammy manages to muscle his way in as a janitor
>Adept just meditates the entire time and gains a mechanical benefit which I believe was some overpowered homebrew stuff
>Sammy opens a window for me and the adept to sneak through, hacker takes down any and all security and cuts power from the emergency generator and power lines just make sure things are dark
>Sammy muscles doors open for us under the guise of "gotta check if this is the problem" and physically stops the generator from working and breaks nearby transformers while hacker is ducking in and out of the matrix to avoid spiders (corporate hackers)
>Adept and I sneak about looking for the fob for the car we are to steal
>Suddenly the hacker gets attacked by Knights Errant (elite of the elite security group for the biggest weapon manufacturer)
>"Oh, a GOD (mods with lethal banhammers) has been tracking you since day one when you first drove around here"
>All the power comes back because there was a secret generator that we couldn't have detected without the hacker getting all sixes with edge and then exploding them to successes
>Suddenly surrounded by security because they apparently can see through walls
>"Guess we have to combat our way out of here" says adept and starts mowing down security, killing as he goes (because that's going to be so nice in tomorrow's news)

I've only seen the first half of this and its already ass backwards retarded.

There's a point where you need to realize you homebrew-fucking most of your party is a bad idea, and i'm amazed at how many DM's seem to fail to realize this.

>Security is nearly impervious to bullets, but can't hit the walls behind us while themselves are behind set up barriers which makes shooting them nearly impossible
>And somehow the adept cuts straight through their goddamned heavy combat armor (why did the common security have armor designed for soldiers and elite corporation security is beyond me) like they were made from wet paper
>It was rather clear now that the entire run has been a set up so that our adept can turn into a whirlwind of blades
>Sammy and I decide to leg it out of there and drop all wireless crap we had before going into an underground bunker for the next five years, sustaining ourselves on canned beans and mildew water
>Adept manages to drill his way through a mass of meat and get out scott free
>We decidedly abandon the hacker since we can't be arsed to go head on with the big boys, which would be equal to applying a .50 cal directly to our foreheads from a fitting gun
>We get our own solo (or duo) sessions, hacker one to get his character back into the crew, me and sammy to see what happened once we go underground and for the adept so he can fight more security
>During our private session we became completely analog so we can't be tracked and find out that there is no mention of the adept slaughtering dozens of security, only about us two running away
>Camp in bumblefuck nowhere and somehow get tracked by the GOD again despite there being nothing on us to track us with (specifically that the we were tracked through the matrix instead of being hounded by the corps' figurative and literal bloodhounds)
>Brought in by them into their personal jail, hacker already there
>Adept gets called there personally because the CEO is impressed how he cost him millions of nuyen in damage as well as bad publicity and dozens of trained security whose gear cost well over a few hundred thousand per head according to the books
a small cont.

>Get a few jobs which are all nothing but close quarters combat designed for the adept to acrobatic the shit out of everything while our plans are all for nothing but window dressing for us to fail and get detected
>Every time the adept meditates and unlocks his physical limit, meaning there being no roof on how high a success rate he can have, on top of his already impressive 23 dice before getting any bonus karma from missions at street level
>Enemies are all designed to be impervious to gun fire, but weak to melee as noted before
>Finally give up since we are nothing but hangers on for the adept
>Leave, randies stay and I don't know what happened to the game
>Some days after what I assume is the end of the campaign the adept wants to join a game I am going to run
>Talk with him since I am willing to give people a second chance
>Apparently the DM more or less used their friendship to bully him into making the adept so the DM can have a DMPC on the sly
>He joins my campaign, has a good time, leaves around the middle due to school obligations and bid farewell
>The shadowrun DM struggles to get groups full after the other two randies spread the word about his less than admirable GMing, but still hooks a few poor souls into the mouth of Abaddon

GM unequivocally said that the DMPC was THE main character.

Bu-but muh novel

>forces a guy to play as his DMPC

This is why i don't DMPC shit. People keep asking me why i don't, and thats the answer. Because i am not the party, i am the system. While i'm aware it could work, the ability to say fuck the rules is far too enticing when you are the one that is running the show.

Gave him a homebrewed class, and was far more powerful than the PCs to boot.

Your DM is likely a pedophile and was slow to realize, to his dismay, that you all don't share is "totally normal" interests.

>pictures of fauna
>professor of plants

You mean "flora", not fauna. A helpful way to remember the difference is that flora sounds like "floral", and a faun is a baby deer not really but whatever

He realized it at the point where he had to glamour a loli into looking like something else to get it in the party.

If he didn't, he's fucking retarded.

>australians are mellow

Well mate, that's just untrue. Fuckin' fight you mate.

I think it was clear that by forcing a combat right away, the GM didn't really "get" what CoC is about.

jezus that ending.

I'm not entirely sure this is quite That DM. It's more that he deliberately held the main meta-twist of the campaign secret, and deliberately did so.

>Adventuring party, kind of a nasty high fantasy setting. Think ASOIF but with more fireballs and flying people.
>After questing around a bit, quickly becomes clear that the main threat to the immediate area is this guy who is trying to take up the mantle and powers of a dead god.
>head out to stop him.
>We are not the only adventuring party to get this idea, and there are 3 other "major" parties that we keep hearing about in their quests and deeds.
>Even team up with one of them at one point, split our loot and XP, but were able to take on a much tougher fortress than we could have dealt with on our own.
>Unbeknownst to us, the other parties are also trying to track down this guy and kill him.
>One day, sitting at town, we get a note saying that one of them defeating [BBEG] and that we have officially failed at the main goal of the campaign. We took too long. We can continue playing if we want, but we're not going to get another chance like this.

I don't understand why so many GMs have shit backwards. Shouldn't the goal be to create NPCs that everyone enjoys? Wouldn't they rather hear "Man, I love this NPC, let's keep him around," than pissing people off by creating an adventure and excluding all your players from experiencing it?

I know there's not necessarily a majority of GMs like this, but damn. I guess I've been lucky by knowing socially competent people.

I still don't know if it was the GM's fault or the system's fault. There were some glaring things that I would have done differently, though.
>Mix of L5R 2nd and 3rd editions
>GM seems like the type who was raised in a low income neighbourhood. Generally ok, but tough-guy brags every now and again. Really into the L5R setting.
>I'm mega-weeb, don't mind.
>Meet at coffee shop for chargen. Make a samurai. A bit wonky because he's mixing two systems together, but pretty straightforward.
>Game Day, GM has GMPC. His friend brought a Crab character who is several levels ahead of us, with magical weapons and apparently doesn't give a fuck about taint.
>Every NPC is a mega edge-lord
>Missteps in the settings culture leads to the GM saying "If you don't duel, you lose face".
>Almost all the new players die before the game even starts because duels everywhere.
>Crab Samurai and GMPC chews through everything with ease. Encounters balanced for party as a whole, meaning Crab Samurai mows through them, while everyone else is his entourage.
>Missed a couple sessions.
>My character was disembowelled or something because of my absence.

It wasn't a quarter as bad as some of the situations I've heard around on Veeky Forums, but there were some things I took note to never do as a player. Mostly I quit because the two hours by public bus to get across town to his place was just too much for something I wasn't completely sold on.

>mfw I'm a professor at a state uni
>mfw I don't have a cane sword

I can understand why you're upset, but sounds like the GM made it clear that it was a time sensitive goal with a possibility of failure. If you decided to ignore it and fuck around, it's your fault.

Get one asap. Every man must have some kind of a sword with him at all times.

>>Min maxed
>>In NON-D20 CoC
Is it even possible to "min-max" in CoC? I've never really heard of people going full munchkin, like, ever.

Not him, but at least in my experience, the main reason the DM creates a DMPC is because they didn't want to DM in the first place, got shanghaied into it (possibly because nobody else would DM either), and want to create a PC to accompany the party in between lifeless blocks of text, boring monster fights, and a pseudoplot.

The DMPC is nothing more than the PC they would have created had someone else stepped up to the plate and DMed.

>I can understand why you're upset, but sounds like the GM made it clear that it was a time sensitive goal with a possibility of failure

Well, he did and didn't. He was consistently leading with the idea that the time was sensitive because if we dawdled too long, our BBEG would eventually become a God. But we were tracking his own ritual preparations, and he wasn't anywhere near ready to ascend to divinity.

The idea that the other adventuring parties could steal the game from us instead of being fluff and/or a maverick resource to work around was something he kept mum.

>>One day, sitting at town, we get a note saying that one of them defeating [BBEG] and that we have officially failed at the main goal of the campaign. We took too long. We can continue playing if we want, but we're not going to get another chance like this.
Wut. How the fuck do you just "fail" the campaign? Seems like the most shallow shit imaginable.

>I expected you guys to do exactly this one thing and you were too slow so now the whole game is ruined. We can keep playing though.

Because that was his trick ending, you see. To win faster than the other guys we weren't aware we were in a race against.

I can't fault his worldbuilding, but yeah, it was a dick move, even if we were going after this guy. And playing devil's advocate for a moment here, it's usually considered "Fair" to have a party lose for failure of effectiveness. If you burst in on the BBEG, and fight the battle badly, and get a TPK, you usually "lose". If you take too long, let him become all powerful, you "lose". This was just a loss condition that he kept secret, and a non-obvious one to boot.

>tfw about to be stationed in San Diego
Probably a lot of decent LGSs there, but likely to have plenty of Those Guys/DMs. I miss the south.

Or because they wanted all the plot significance of a PC along with all the narrative control of a DM. They're trying to have their cake and eat it too.

>you will never have an awful sperg DM to subtly fuck with until he explodes on the party on a fit of tears and subsequently loses his entire playgroup
Why even play?

Alternatively, a DMPC is a great tool to railroad the plot with

I 100% understand the group's frustration, but not their responses.
You played a character that, when fungus covered reanimated corpses attack your group, he chose to do hang back and do nothing because he probably would be terrible at it.
You were playing a terrible character.
If you had tried and failed, I would defend you.
Then, your maxxed out skills made short work of the GMs plot, cutting out things he planned and he wasn't good enough to roll with it.

I understand the frustration because I tried to run an investigation plot in a system with reliable divination magic.
My planned session was over in less than 45 minutes, but I just dialed the BBEG's powerlevel to 11 and it became an action packed race to stop his evil plan (I think I improvised stolen crap from Moriarty and Shendu) as he accelerated everthing.
>Fuck, I forgot diviners exist, I mean, I forgot to ward this one thing against them. Oops, gotta activate everything now and take over the world, bwahaha!

You can be a nearly invincible in a few skills, but mostly there cannot be min maxing since there are so many skills and at any given time you might become useless and when in combat with monsters you are fucked no matter how good you are at dodging because of sanity and stuff.

We shitpost because everyone gets so amusing how agitated and combative people get.

Here if someone says something stupid, we sandbag it or call them a fucking idiot and move on.

You lot go fucking mental though and it's great.

>miss the point of the game: the post
user, if you knew anything about CoC, you would not have made this post.
Or you do, and you are just baiting.

>If you take too long, let him become all powerful, you "lose".
This is reasonable, but "taking too long" is completely arbitrary. Not saying that in a negative way, but the DM sets the pace, and gives you signals whether or not you're on track. I mean, it might have been fair if at some point he let you know that these other parties are planning to defeat the Bad Guy and let you know their progress.

I would say he's That DM for setting the party up to fail, and not giving them opportunities to even try to succeed.

phone poster pls go and stay go

The faggot who knows fuckall about CoC shouldn't wag fingers at players who do not make combat characters in a game where combat is the last method of resolution, and often the stupidest.

This is just sad. How unsocialized do you have to be to act like that? I'm actually surprised he has actual friends.

If you're military, you're fortunate since LGSs near military installations tend to be occupied by more socially competent people, at least from my experience.

>You played a character that, when fungus covered reanimated corpses attack your group, he chose to do hang back and do nothing because he probably would be terrible at it.
It was CoC though. Even ignoring any metagaming aspect of knowing how easy it is to just fucking die to monsters, this nerdy little professor should be scared out of his damn mind that a corpse came back and tried to kill him. And if his DM was any good at all he would have applied a small malus that his predictions would be just a little bit off. Enough that interesting things could happen.

We bag the crap out of you because you shouldn't take things too seriously. Just fucking chill mate.

You make a gangster with 90 in the gunnery stat.
But that's about as far as it goes.
I've heard some people complain about giving the players spells, but I've never seen a single argument for WHY spells are too powerfull in CoC.
>I've heard some arguments, but none any good.
>"They were trapped on an island, but the caster ruined it by making a gate out of there."
>That's not an argument. That's DM failure on several levels.

>he's fucking retarded
Then it is this.
Cause he still tried to coerce/allow them to do it after that

Fucking why? No, seriously, fucking wat.

My DM has a DMPC and I have nothing to complain about.
It's just a rogue guy who is very quiet and do some utility stuff our party of brute fighters and frail mages can't do.
Need to dig some info around town? We RP with merchants, priests, around inns, and after that he comes with an extra info or two he got in the shady parts of town.
Need to get a macguffin in a guarded place? We set up a distraction, have some fun with the confusion and after that he comes to us with it in hand.
Need to storm a keep? He scouts around and feeds us some info, then we use it to make a nice plan and his part in combat is just firing a bow from afar, leaving the spotlight to us.
Just basic stuff to improve our experience. My DM is a good fella.

okay, at the point where you are legit trying to trick the party into something they have outright refused under regular terms, why would you keep going?

If you are trying to trick your party at all, you need to seriously ask yourself why you are doing so, and there better damn well be a good reason.

>we have officially failed at the main goal of the campaign.
>We took too long.
Sounds legit

>We can continue playing if we want
Cool beans! I-

>but we're not going to get another chance like this.
Fuck that shit.
What kind of Mickey Mouse, Care Bears world has exactly ONE villain?


So you not only acted like entitled metagaming little shits, but also just simply dun goofed and didn't even try to confront the BBEG before he reached his goal like any self-respecting warriors would.

You 100% deserved what you got.

>What kind of Mickey Mouse, Care Bears world has exactly ONE villain?

Nah, it's not one and only one villain. It's one and only one villain that we'd get the information, chance, be in the right place at the right time to stop his villainous plans.

How is trying to figure out how close the Bad Guy is to achieving his plans and making your own plans around that "metagaming"?

There wasn't just the BBEG to think about, and yeah, since he was months away from his plan that gives him a sudden spike in power, we thought we'd have time to do things like scribe more spells and commission magic weapons and armor.

I don't do dmnpcs because I always forget about them whenever combat starts.

>not rushing in unprepared is metagaming

U wot

Why do "people" like this exist? I can't even begin to fathom.

You will not be getting any (you)s from me, cocksmoker. Trolling faggots need not be recognized.

It's not because you tried to figure it out.

It's because you assumed that your PCs, being muh main characters, are guaranteed all the glory and fame and booze and bitches in the world only by virtue of being controlled by the players. It's acceptable, but not when it's clear that there's actual competition with the same fucking goal that's fucking capable of reaching it.

Maxxed out skills.
>He has 60 in his main stats, where 90 is starting cap.
>50 is considered average if it's within your profession
>I'm actually mad over your comment.
>Good job dude.

Every one of these fuckers deserves a tazer to the face.

Samefag alert SAMEFAG ALERT

>90% of games operate in X fashion
>Player is bad for assuming game followed the general conventions of the genre, and the GM isn't at fault for letting his players know upfront where he was breaking convention
So should you not tell the players your houserules, as well? After all, the players assume that yes, the aforementioned rules and guidelines of the game are followed in play are presented.

... when was I trying to hide it, you incredible faggot? What the fuck is wrong with the people on this board these days?

In this case, the GM did let his players know where he was breaking convention, but the players still followed it like it wasn't broken.

I'm going to guess that you missed this line:

>Unbeknownst to us, the other parties are also trying to track down this guy and kill him.

Because that makes it pretty clear that they had no way of knowing that they weren't the only contender to fame & glory. But still it's a pretty shitty way of GM-ing. Making the players think that they are the heroes of the game when they are not.

There's nothing wrong with playing the small guys in the background but not when the plot is that you're the hero who's trying to save the world.

Do tell, I love gossip!

No, he didn't, user.
Even then, such a thing should be made note of to the players because it massively changes the tempo of the game and influences almost every choice they make.
An offhand mention or "hint" is not good enough for something that fundamentally changes the game.

Huh, I did miss this line.

Apologies, I'm an idiot.