>board game has cards, plus one modifiers, dice, more then two players or units that start either in different areas or uneven amount of unit distribution between teams
Board game has cards, plus one modifiers, dice...
>I enjoy casual shit
Fuck off fag
whats wrong with different starting points?
So only symmetrical, deterministic games for two players allowed? That's fine as a preference but, personally, sounds a bit limiting.
Chess is the only good board game since it doesnt allow chance to have a play in the game. All characters do the same moves, can kill one another, and are equal amounts at begining as well as same starting location allowing maximum fairness.
Not fair. some locations better than others
Come back when you've eliminated first turn advantage within a single game.
come back when you get good fggt black wins too you just suck guy who came up with the theory couldnt even replicate the situation
Is there a chess variant in which both players move at the same time?
Like, writing down what they'll do and then carrying out the move at the same time?
10/10, would play
Now there is
I'd watch that. Shit would be tense.
You'd have to work out what happens in certain cases.
What if both pieces moving land on the same spot, for a start.
>both players plan out their strategies
>an A.I simulates the game in real time
A. Rank system where the piece with a higher rank takes the other piece and the spot
B. They take each other and no one gets the spot.
You can do something like this in lichess by having blacks pre-move their pieces, but it's obviosly not designed for this.
It would have some interesting ramifications for checkmating.
Congratulations Veeky Forums, you just improved a several thousand year old "perfect" game.
>not liking asymmetric games
Lol pleb
Chess is so fucking casual, chess masters get into checkers to have a challange for once.
>You'd have to work out what happens in certain cases.
>What if both pieces moving land on the same spot, for a start.
I assume it would be like the board game in star wars where the pieces rassle to the death in a quick mini-game
>Chess is the only good board game since it doesnt allow chance to have a play in the game.
>chess is the only abstract strategy game
Go is also completely luck-independent AND humans can still beat computers.
>playing warmahordes
>armies are asymmetrical in every way
>newfriend wants to make board symmetrical
>this makes it even
thats not how it works you little fucking piece shit.