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It's been so much time since additional content started getting released. Do you see non-PHB material in your games often? Personally, aside from swashbucklers, I've never seen any of them - battleragers, bladesingers, arcane clerics, masterminds, none of those.

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The secondary campaign i was in i played a Ghostwise halfling information broker, built in telepathy is baller for passing along informationm.

Repostan this in case its useful to others and because I had fun making it

> tfw cleric
> tfw the only attacking cantrip is save or damage
> tfw never hit
> tfw no magic items that improve your chance to hit with it exist
> tfw bless doesn't work on it

Pick up a hammer or ask your god for a level of warlock

Chop some fools up with your martial weapon proficiency

Play a sun soul monk instead.

What martial weapon proficiency?

The one that the Only Worthwhile Domains give you, cretin

anyone know where I can find the old Dragons of War PDF for Dragonlance?


Trying to make a paranoid PTSD vet character that has seen some shit, man. Uses a heavy crossbow. Race will be variant human for the extra feat, need crossbow expert to be usable. Background obviously soldier.

Now for class, I am torn between a Ranger/Hunter and a Fighter. Both battlemaster and UA Sharpshooter seem a good choice.

Waht do

hume is literal shit
what the fuck

Can you turn Warlock spell slots into sorcery points if you multiclass?

Rogue for sniper and special ops
Ranger for scouts and gorilla warfare
For everything else, good ol' Fighter

Any sharpshooter in there?

>gorilla warfare

desu I didn't like the UA sharpshooter very much since it has some overlapping with feats, but it's fine I think.
If I wanted to be a fighter sharpshooter I would just pick battlemaster with the actual sharpshooter feat and call it a day.
The sharpshooter is supposed to be the more snipey fighter, but overall I think the rogue fits it better, since he gets into place quietly, fires that one shot who does a truckload of damage and then gets out. Being a sharpshooter firing four times a round seems odd to me.

Reposting cause I'd like more opinions:

>party walks down corridor with Egyptian-style paintings along the walls, 4 humans figures on each side
>each figure holds or wears the symbol of a different god of knowledge and/or magic and has a name (or number) written beneath
>at the end of the corridor is an angular room with 9 tapestries decorating the wall
>each tapestry has one of those human figures, but each on a different pose and there are no religious symbols
>they hear a deep voice say "those who show respect in the way of Mystryl open the path to knowledge"
>none of the figures in the corridor holds Mystril's symbol
>party has to cross-reference the names (or numbers) to discover which of the figures in the tapestries is not represented in the corridor, she's the one making the right gesture
>if they open the doors while making the right gesture, they pass unharmed
>if they don't, mummies rise from sarcophagi behind each tapestry and attack

How's this for a puzzle? It feels like they'll figure it out too easily.

Guess I should shoot for easy rather than difficult, since I haven't been doing a lot of puzzles in the campaign so far. I have 6 players, though. I assume the booming voice should hint them there's a puzzle, but then again I probably shouldn't assume what players will do.

Use bless on all the other party members, sit back and laugh to yourself.
Or take a level of wizard for the shield spell, rituals and green flame blade + booming blade.

Agreed, humes seem to be weaker than 5e standard (they're simply a worse version of humans) while the other races seem to be significantly better than baseline.

Anyone else think the 5e races are crying out for a point buy system? We've already got the basic currency in place thanks to the feat system; one feat or a stat +2 or a stat +1/+1 is a point. Starting from that, you could create a series of racial feats and work from there. Ideally the system should acknowledge the difference between "get this feat" and "get a feat of your choice" and should have feats be a bit less abstract and more specific than the feats that characters can learn. Similarly, +1 to all stats is only a little better than +1 to two stats of your choice. (I'd be happy to see a feat which gave you a +4 or more to your weakest stat.)

In any case, your standard human has 2.3 or so feats worth of features (whether it's a good trade or not, the Skilled feat prices a skill proficiency at 1/3 of a feat), a Hume has 1.3, and every other race in that list has about 4 points worth of features. Let Humes start with four extra feats of their choice and you're getting closer to balanced, which tells you how far off being balanced you are at the moment.

Bane works with it, though. Once the cleric in my party made someone blind (Blindness/Deafness) for a full minute because of Bane.

Bane is a shit spell, though.

He's on fire!

there's this stuff here which weights races features, giving a guideline to messing with races


Nothing says you can't.
Warlock spell slots are still spell slots.

If for some reason you have only a few levels of sorcerer, your max sorcery points can actually be less than what you get in exchange for your warlock slots.

What if I were to change it to all ability scores increase by 1, and then a select 2 get an extra +1 AND they get the free feat

Sorc level doesnt cap sorc points

>Paladin UA is out!
Boring paladin shit.


A revised version, a little more in-depth.

now that's too strong
just use variant human's +1 to two, 1 skill and 1 feat

So Archfey, Fiend or Great Old One?

The UA sharpshooter could be worthwhile in a game where feats are entirely optional; speaking of which, are feats more worthwhile than an ASI or vice versa or are they roughly on par?

>Being a sharpshooter firing four times a round seems odd to me.
Why's this? They should fire more times? Cos I agree.

After all the UAs have been released, Wizards should release a round two version of those classes.

Undying Light

> I want to be a warlock, but not really.
For what purpose?

Ah no wonder its so weak. I misinterpreted Variant Human as being replace ability score increase with the free feat OR the +1 to two OR the skill.

Most feats aren't worth it, but those who are, really are. Like sharpshooter. And you'll hardly find a table where feats aren't allowed but UA is. So it's better to just go battlemaster for le trick shots with sharpshooter feat for added damage.

It does, RTFM.

So variant human is roughly as good as these other races?

Undying light would have been a better Sorcerrer bloodline but warlock has better utility with invocations.

Variant Human is generally better than standard races, and the races in this pdf are somewhat more loaded than the official stuff, so I think they're in a similar position, if a bit on the weaker side. Assuming you choose your feat carefully, of course.
Maybe give one more skill or +1 on top of that just to be sure.
But that race with 4 resistances tingle my bones.

Fey is cutest

So starting a campaign at lvl 7 next week.

Playing a Variant Human with the Alert feat.
Sun soul Monk 6/ Undying Light warlock 1

Stats are:

10 Str
16 Dex
10 Con
10 Int
16 Wis
13 Cha

Sage background
Medicine, Athletics, Accrobatics and Survival skills.
Tool proficiency: Healers kit
Instrument: Flute

Backstory is a guy who was raised by his father in the deep woods and knows jack shit about society.
Had to use a warlocks tome to understand light based magic and continue his training as a Sun monk.

>hume is literal shit

You need to be more skeptical, man.

Any news on today's UA, what's going to be about, etc?

Personally, I want to play one where it's flavored as receiving the powers from an angel, myself.

>today's UA

It doesn't exist user, it's Cristmas break

is it supposed to be anything in particular?

>They said every monday on December will get an UA
>Christmas break
Woah, once again they lie to our faces and get with it

There's a class for you, it's called cleric.

It's almost as though you picked the least offensively oriented class in the game.

Flavored Soul is your subclass user

How would you implement an Archmage character option (and equivalent for other classes)?

>minus 1d4 to enemy attacks and saving throws
I'm sorry for your ignorance, user.

If he wants to play it as a warlock, let him.
As long as he doesn't go all magical realm on the 'receiving the powers' part.

Will a ranger's spellcasting fit the flavor you're going for?

Cleric is directly God-powered tho
Angel would either be a patron, so UL or reflavored feylock maybe, or a bloodline, so favored soul


Is bone tingling a good thing?

I wouldn't make it a subclass or a prestige class, just a title for the foremost members of that class. Maybe if you really wanted to get fancy you could make it a feat with a prerequisite of a high level in that class.

As long as your timbers don't shiver

Do you allow higher than 15 in point buy?

If MAD classes or character concepts are involved, yes, after all you can't buy more than a 15 so you don't have the problem of SAD classes having 18 on stats or similar like in previous editions.

I've given that some thought, and I don't think it's beneficial to allow more than 15 in point buy, but I do think it might be worthwhile to allow less than 8 in point buy.

>It feels like they'll figure it out too easily.
That's a good thing. Easy, entertaining puzzles are better than the alternative.

Nope. Minmaxers should not be humored.

Is there any fluff from 4e you miss?

Now that I think of it, it would make a good epic boon.

Oh fuck, I somehow read 27 instead of 15. Sorry, no, 15 is ok.

Aasimar Sun Soul Monk Undying Light Warlock?

Roll stats and these questions need not be answered.

No. This rule was placed there for a reason.

There is hardly any fluff from 4e to begin with. They didn't even finish their own setting.

It's a strange, probably harmless thing. But you still think that maybe something isn't right about it.

20 INT gnome wizards at lv1. 20 CHA half-elf bards. This stuff is a problem.
If I were to make any change to point buy, it would be a few more extra points, like 30-33 to make a more well rounded character.

There's some wizard related boons, like extra lv9 spell slot or making a spell into a cantrip. I would just roll with that and leave Archmage for a title, to be given to the best wizards around, with the benefits being purely social, like influence, being able to use facilities at will and such.

What do you do when someone rolls shit and another person rolls godly?

Is it worth it to get Eldritch Kinght 3 for a monk wants a fighting style action surge and Shield spell?

No, because it's all still there whenever I want it.

>Fighting style
>On a monk
Which one may I ask?

Also no, is not worth it, you delay your ASI, your extra attack our unarmed damage, your ki. Monk is not very multiclass friendly.

The player who rolled shit sacks up.

I'm playing two characters in two different campaigns, both rolled. One has a primary stat of 14 and nothing else above a 12. The other rolled two 17s (now raised to 18) and a 16.

I've had plenty of enjoyment in both games.

The plural of anecdote is not data. If you can enjoy being weaker than the rest of your party, good for you, but not everyone likes to roll with that.

Might sound weird but some people don't like to be outclassed by everybody else and be dead weight

Then either the situation resolves itself quickly when one or either of those characters dies, or you're playing the game wrong by combining classic high mortality DnD with modern continuous characters DnD.

Stat rolling and minimum customization character building is great for a high mortality game, because you can make lots of characters quickly and don't feel sad when they die horribly from a failed save or from opening the wrong door. Point buy, feats, skills, and other pre-play character customization is great for a low mortality game, since ideally all that paperwork gets you more invested in your character and gives you a greater sense of agency over your characters' successes than simply rolling dice alone would. Do not mix these systems. No one wants the character they love and spent ages making to die to a failed fortitude save. No one wants to play through an epic, year long, world-spanning campaign as a wizard who can't cast spells.

>This system that can create unfun situations is fine, because it doesn't always create unfun situations. I don't mind, so you shouldn't mind.
And my cat only shits in your shoes some of the time. Yeah, no.

this, to be honest, famiglia
but you could still make 8 INT wizards with no problem at all

Anons, I've been trying to make a new dwarf subrace based on the Forgeborn Dwarf race from 4e, which were basically dwarves who sacrificed a feat to gain a little resistance to all four of Acid, Cold, Fire and Lightning and who could do bonus damage with a melee attack 1/encounter. How overpowered is this current writeup?

Forgeborn Dwarf:
Ability Score Increase: +1 Charisma
Born of Creation's Forge: A Forgeborn Dwarf is considered to be Acclimatized to any extreme environment it encounters, from extreme temperatures to high altitude to deep water to any other environmental extreme. As part of this, Forgeborn Dwarves are also immune to Exhaustion gain imposed as a result of their environment.
Primordial Sustenance: A Forgeborn Dwarf doubles its Constitution modifier for determining how long it can hold its breath and how long it can go without food and water.
Tempered Through Creation: A Forgeborn Dwarf that takes Elemental Damage (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Radiant, Thunder) can reduce the amount of damage it takes by an amount equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 point).

You must be playing one of the classes that aren't stat dependent, then.

If you played, say, a monk, you'd honestly be a sack of shit with those stats.

A fighter on the other hand can do okay.

For what purpose?
Rolling stats in order, then sure, there's actually a purpose there.

Not unless you increase the number of points you have to buy with. It would nerf MAD classes by giving them effectively lower stats than people pumping over 15s into their best stats.
Monks already don't need that nerf.

Not really. You don't gain enough benefit from action surge, you only get two shield spells and unless you're using plate armour or something you're not getting much from fighting style. In the end, you're giving yourself less monk features and less ki to spend on those monk features.

You're only dead weight if you're bad.


Has anyone actually played a Kensai monk yet? Open Hand has been on my short list since the game came out, but the idea of making a halberd monk is pretty arousing

If you already have 6 monk levels then go ahead.
Dueling is so far the best fighting style for monk if you ignore Mariner from UA.
Use spells that don't rely on your casting stat.
So booming blade, mage hand etc...

>Viera paladin/druid1
>+2 dex, because you don't really need strength for anything other than wearing heavy armour because you're using fucking charisma to fight with
>+2 cha
>quarterstaff with charisma shillelagh + shield
>has gnome's best feature - advantage on all non-physical saves
>35ft speed
The only problem is they don't get PAM at level 1 like a variant human would. But then the humes suck here anyway.

The class is best off using a shortsword so it doesn't loose Martial Arts.

However with a Halberd you can dip a level into fighter for GWF.

I'd limit the elemental resistance to the same four types the original protected against. Not so much of a balance thing but it doesn't make as much sense.

The +1 Charisma is... fine, I guess. I have no idea what the forgeborn is supposed to be like so I can't say if the flavor and resulting synergies are what you're looking for.

Beyond that it's maybe on the weak side. Might want to throw in that bonus melee damage thing.

>Dueling is so far the best fighting style for monk
Dueling doesn't work with unarmed attacks though

Is that the case? I'm not sure that was intended, given the twitter noise.

Monks can still use weapons

>The plural of anecdote is not data.

That's surprisingly snappy. People probably feel an urge to tell you to shut up on a fairly regular basis.

Aside from that, you're right. Carry on.

I thought they Twitterrata'd that problem away

But it does work with one handed monk weapons


Polearm Mastery.

A paladin staple.

Even works with shillelagh.

>quarterstaff, 1d6 weapon
>duelling fighting style, +2 damage, essentially like a 1d10 weapon now that works alongside a shield
>shillelagh allows paladin, a stat hungry class, to use charisma for pretty much everything