/cyoag/ - CYOA General

Previous thread: archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/50876365
Pastebin: pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu

Starting this thread with a nine-pager, because why not.

4plebs link because previous thread was deleted for some reason.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why the fuck was the previous thread deleted?

Page 2/9.

Page 3/9.


All cyoa threads were deleted. Jumpchain and Magical Girl as well.

Page 4/9.

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Page 6/9.

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Page 8/9.

And finally, page 9/9.






So, uh, I have an idea for CYOA. Working name is "Banished" and its about a group of castaways in very low magic fantasy/medieval setting. I think about dividing it into 3 or 4 Acts, each Act 1-3 pages long.

>Act 1 Banishment
Here you determine what your group is consisting of, starting supplies, and perhaps reason for banishment. One of the leading ideas here is, the more capable companions you have, the more chance there is they will challenge/betray you

>Act 2 Establishing colony
In this act you "build" a new colony, spending points in terrain and socioeconomic perks, traits, etc. For example access to river will give you bonus to trade, but it may also carry the danger of invaders/neighbouring tax officials to come. Setting in uncivilized area on the other hand will hinder cultural progress etc.

And here I have trouble, I dont exactly know what the next Act should contain. Any ideas? Is the game even playable?

>pic unrelated

You made your bed. Now lie in it.

Daily reminder that Royal Revival is the best CYOA of all time. ALL TIME.

two anons answered you in the previous thread
see archive

What? Why?

Looks like we're getting evicted for Christmas then, boys.

We all knew this day was gonna come, but I want you all to know it's been a pleasure.

No one knows.

Yeah and Im still looking for more suggestions.


Keep calm and carry on, boys. You're not the only ones to get targetted by some ballistic mod, and they didn't get their way on our end. Just stay the course and everything will be fire fine.

>implying these threads aren't infested by weaboos
>implying you belong here and not in your anime containment board

Veeky Forums was founded by and for weaaboos my friend
A japanese manchild is currently in charge of it

>your anime containment board
It's an animoo site, butthurt!user. Every board uses Chinese cavedrawings as their sekret maymay language. I understand this makes you mad, but that's the way it's been from the get-go. If you don't like it, maybe you're the one who needs to find a new home.

Veeky Forums is and was always a weaboo site, you fucking mongoloid.

What's the expression? Ah, yes.

Lurk. Moar.

>Rape Time
>Personal Bitch
I'd take Laci Green as my personal bitch. There is no one who I would rather hate fuck then her.

4/10, made me reply.

this needs proper builds from other CYOAS as springboards doesn't it?


Yeah or you could use a build you have made yourself. Or You can use this random build I provided you with. ^^

What did you use to build this builder? Is there a template? Can a coding neophyte like me use it too for my own CYOA?

How did you make that shit?

Someone posted a webpage for the Magical Realms CYOA. It was along time ago, I don't have the address but it sure was handy.

Pics is another build I made which can be used as a rival.

Here u go!

PDF version. Might be more complete?

>Here u go!
Alas, the page was taken down a while ago.
The google drive page that created builds for you was made based on that last version, I think.

I miss it.

I want to build a magical realm linked to the real world, whose purpose will be to help humanity help itself. In regards to the environment, wars, existential threats, avoidable suffering etc.

Let me see. I need it to be safe from humanity's bad tendencies. With a benevolent attitude and a diplomatically inclined culture. And also to be technologically and magically advanced. Anything I can bring to the real world that can be useful, I'll bring. Oh and as a last, desperate measure I need the space to relocate refugees from the real world.

[91] Area Increase 5
[87] Portals
[86] Attitude Adjustment
[84] Culture & Customs
[81] Population Longevity
[77] Metahuman Population
[71] Technology Upgrade 6
[61] Magical Upgrade 5
[60] Public Education
[58] Diplomatic
[53] Technomagic
[51] Infrastructure
[50] Sanitation
[49] Secure
[48] Healthy
[46] University
[45] Intellectual Affinity
[44] Nature Affinity
[43] Fertile
[40] Exceptional Materials
[37] Afterlife
[62] Benevolent!
[87] Bound!
[82] Gateways 3
[79] Transient
[73] Protection 2
[71] Division
[69] Wealthy
[66] Industrial
[62] Mystical
[60] Rich
[56] Pantheon
[53] Influence 2
[51] Immortality
[48] Spirit Walk
[47] Tongues
[45] Memory
[43] Inspiration
[41] Peak Condition
[39] Blessing
[36] Friendship 2
[34] Healing
[24] Guidance 2
[22] Machina Mind
[17] Automatons 2
[13] Theme
[8] Fauna & Flora 3
[5] Magical Phenomena
[0] Dominion

I made myself Bound to my words and Benevolent, also Inspiring, Blessed and temporary leader. The theme of my magical realm is Utopian Omnibenevolent. There are demi-gods, Gods, super IA and all have had their culture, attitude and ontological being shaped into good intentions and an inability to hurt others. Everyone is immortal, including myself and anyone I deem my friend. Anyone who wishes to can be brought to my Magical Realm through a gateway or a portal, healed of any afflictions, blessed and made immortal too.

I think I'm pretty much unassailable?

So how many decades until this Utopia goes down in flames?

>The Badass
>Fire Elemental (10)
>Banished (9)
>Realm Knowledge (8)
>Got Style (7)
>Flash (6)
>Unbendable Time (5)
>Final Form (2)
>Elementalism: Fire (2)
>Legendary Weapon: Eruption, Fire Spear (1)
>Legendary Weapon: Pyroclasm, Fire Bow (0)
>Legendary Armor: Basalt (-1)
>Divine Essence (-3)
>Familiar (-5)
>A Fair Warning (-3)
>I See You (-1)
>Signature (0)
>Agent of Chaos

I am Igni. I erupt on a thousand thousand worlds with one purpose; to be the agent of change and destruction that will reap a great hero from the seeds of an ashen soil.

Prepare yourself. The molten champion arises.

'Cause the last thread totally broke the rules.

cute. I give it 5 or 6 years, much shorter if he gets a Nemesis.

>confusing anime with Laotian dirt scribbles
fucking pleb

what cyoa would work well to produce heroes to rival?

>dragonborn must be human
Nigga what. The Dragonborn could have been any fucking race.

I would recommend Alternating History, Arch Demon, Dark God, Domain Master, Eldrich Estate, Magical Realm and Overlord.






Why do you think so?

Short OC




>Time Compression
not sure how this works but it seems awesome. can I witness past and future events? change I change the past? can I use my knowledge of the future to change fate?
>Collective Unconscious
magic wikipedia?
>Temporary Genius
being somewhat retarded half the time... sounds worth it.

Not evil enough for such a cool dude. (Big S, not you.)

Now Laci Green being forced into barious Beast relationships and put online, that's hot.

Is this another Angel Rape build?

Of course, I'll take Harmless Possesion and make bitches fuck around. (Also beast and other fun stuff.) Watch as they have 'too much fun'.

Also I can get some killed. Who cares about my own memories when I can keep possessing bitches and give them what they deserve?

Collective Unconcious, Holistic Deduction, Aura of Awesome

I guess I'll just be the most interesting guy ever now.

Holistic Deduction
Time Compression
Aura of Awesome

Get stuff from the future claim I created it myself; people will believe me since I'm such a cool guy after all. Holistic Deduction will make it all easier while preventing screw ups.

>Time Compression
Pull future stuff from the future, historical relics from the past, and whatever else it happens to work for.
>Holistic Deduction
I can just blindly grope around the timestream and find useful stuff.
>Cartoon Physics
Invulnerability? Sure!

>Time Compression
>Cartoon Physics
>Skill Balancer

Cartoon Physics makes me nearly unkillable and impossible to seriously inconvenience short of that. Skill Balancer also makes me a master of anything humanly possible via Time Compression giving me access to the whole of human history on demand. I don't think I need to explain why Time Compression is probably the best option on the list.

Looked through the thread, it was /pol/

Full/pol/: For ruining existance, I sentance you to death!

Time Compression
Collective Unconsciousness
Hollstic Deduction

The Pevert:
Astral Injection
Wall of Information
Emotion Invertion (So she she's 'turned off' by a rape, I can reverse that emotion and get her into it. Bitches need to make it fun for the guys.)

Area Increase 3 -5
Portals -4
Protection -3
Population Increase 2 -4
Pretty Population -2
Population Demographics -2 1.5:2 Male:Female ratio
Extrahuman Population -4
Metahuman Populaton -4
Technology Upgrades -1
Magical Upgrade 1 -2
Public Education -1
Infrastructure -2
Technomagic -5
Sanitation -1
Healthy -1
Literature Affinity -1
Intellectual Affinity -1
Landscape Adjustment -3 High mountains with deep valleys leading to hilly plains
Fertile -1
Dungeons 3 -5
Lifestyle Upgrade 2 -3
Influence 1 -1
Spirit Walk -3
Inspiration -2
Memory -2
Alchemy -2
Rivalry -3

58 points spent, and I already have my perfect comfy adventureland.
Maybe get a Harem, Divine Spark, and Flora & Fauna 3 for some more interesting bits, but that seems like overkill.

>The Shadow
>Human (+1)
>Banish (-1)
Now I've got 13 shards to play with.

>Got Style? (12)
>Flash (11)
>Shapeshifting (9)
>Divine Essence (7)
>Monstrify (with +3)
>Waifu Catcher (with +2)

>The Needle (6)
>Secret Hideout (4) (Hidden in a city, for convenience)
>Legendary Weapon (Shadow) (with +1)

>Diviner (3)
>Noblewoman (2)
>Amazon Warrior (0)

>The Sword
>Mai Waifu! (with Adventurer)

No combos, so (+2)
I'll throw in Signature for (+1)
And then Fair Warning (+2, with my warning being the lyrics to X 'Gon Give It To Ya) and Adventurer (+1)

I am the man with no name... The Shadowman, at your service. I frustrate my rival at every end, using stealth and deception to infiltrate his homes and sabotage his defenses. Giving him, or her, a fair warning is only sporting.

As for my quests, I will start with Mai Waifu. After kidnapping my rival's waifu, I will use monstrify and the needle to turn her into a loyal, loving monster girl waifu of my own. Not only will my rival lose the love of his/her life, the waifu will be almost corrupted beyond recognition... almost.

As for The Sword, I get to put together a heist of mythic proportions, putting all my skills to use. Leaving a calling card to let my rival know he was beaten will be all the sweeter.

I tried to cover my bases with my companions. The Amazon Warrior will cover for my lack of sheer brute strength, as well as potential snusnu. The Diviner will be useful for devising plans and schemes and predicting my rival's movements. Finally, the noblewoman gives me an ear on the upper strata, as well as a source of funding.

I'd try not to be too evil, though. In fact, treating the land better than my rival and getting his subjects to favor me would twist the knife that much more. Should be fun, mate.

>1.5:2 Male:Female ratio
why even bother with males?

He's one of those disgusting deviants.

Because I'm immortal, the place is the size of Australia, and only has a million people. I want the population to increase slowly, so hopefully the civilization grows and develops in an interesting way.
Plus, I like ladies, but I also enjoy interacting with dudes.

That's what I thought. Disgusting deviant.

Fair enough.

>I'm immortal
but other people aren't, right? they have pointy ears or superpowers but they still croak like the dogs they are

>Not wanting to bang the great, great, etc daughter of the woman who made fun of your novel 127 years ago.

Right, which means he needs dudes to propagate the race so he can watch it grow. He can't do it alone.

Condemning others to die but giving yoursel immortality is... a bit tacky imo.

Not with that attitude...

>Condemning others to die but giving yoursel immortality is... a bit tacky imo
The alternative, giving everyone immortality but still allowing them to reproduce, is untenable. You'll run out of resources.

There wasn't an option for reincarnation or anything similar, so I went with what I had. Also, given that it is a very healthy, clean society where everyone is going to be physically fit to a degree, everyone will most likely have relatively long and pleasant lifespans.
Hopefully with Alchemy and a few hundred years I can manage a philosophers stone or something similar, so if I find a waifu I can extend her lifespan as long as necessary.

There's a few ways to have infinite resources.
Also from the Population Longevity option: population control won't become an issue and immortals can still pass on if they wish to

The issue is stagnation. Even if they can pass on, the fact that people live for as long as they want makes me leery of things changing and developing at an interesting pace.

Oh, I forgot that was built into the option.

Holistic Deduction, Cartoon Physics, Aura of Awesome

We don't know if that's true. We have no experience irl. And those immortals would have eternal youth and live in a utopia.

....We had issues with stagnation when people lived an average of 60 years.


We're not weeaboos, man; we just like Japanese pop culture.

Collective Unconscious, Holistic Deduction, and Cartoon Physics. It's time to take over the world, one step at a time.

Mm it's a lot easier to make skills that aren't class restricted.

How goes your day fellow CYOA and CYOA accessories enthusiasts?

Bretty good. Mainly just waiting for the new edition of Traveller's Tale.

How are things going with your projects Ordion?

what happen

are we being targetted

we dindu nuffin

Baby Boomers exist, refusing to retire, tying up jobs and constraining industries by refusing to modernize because they don't understand the last twenty-thirty years of technology.


I got the combat skills for AITO v.2.0 mostly done, mainly need the magic ones now.

After that it's either Berserk or Manifest Destiny.

Speaking of which, do people mind having Overwaifus if they have a lesser used image and differing abilities?

>falling for the generational war meme
age barely matters it's all about dat sweet capital

I wouldn't mind at all, especially if you use best girl Symmetra .

Also, could you elaborate on Manifest destiny? It's an intriguing name but I'm not sure what the premise really is. Is it actually pioneering themed?