Love and Krieg 2.0 the 3rd

The ongoing story of a guardsmen and a Krieger.

First Thread

Second Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm afraid i can't update just yet, but i will be back later this morning. In the meantime the game is ongoing. For those of you who are unaware here are the rules.

If you wish to participate, when you bump the thread rather than just bumping it post a request for a piece of writefaggotry, along with your best guess at who i used as inspiration for the Medicae's character.

First user to guess correctly wins. For right now, unless someone else gets closer, the user who requested a story about a Hospitaler and a Krieger is winning.

To keep things interesting i'm going to start giving out hints. Here is your first clue. The Medicae was initially based off of a character from a TV series.

Hope you are all having a good day.

>I'm afraid i can't update just yet, but i will be back later this morning
Then why even start the thread? It comes across as attention whoring at best.

I'm sorry if i have offended you. I did not mean to be rude, and it was not my intent to seek attention. If i have violated board culture i apologize. I was informed that the previous thread was about to hit auto sage, and in the first thread when that happened i had had numerous anons telling me to start up the next thread before the thread auto saged and died. Since i wasn't sure when the second thread would autosage, and i didn't want it to die before i had the chance to start the next one, i did this when i had the chance. I am sorry for the error, i was just trying not to inconvenience the other anons who had been following along, i didn't mean to bother anyone.

Ignore that stupid twat. Proceed with updates. I need my daily chuckles.

keep going lad

Lurk more faggot

Excuse me for calling out not!tripfagging. Lurk more too.

Seven of Nine?

As for a request... eh, if I get it right, I'll figure out something then...

River from Firefly.

Seven of ni-shit someone already said it. I got nothing. But this doesn't belong on page 9.

Is it a meat people television show or a slanteye cartoon program?

they happen. the biggest cunts are your biggest fans because they will ALWAYS post in every thread and be moved by everything they do.

Until the author becomes the biggest cunt

Bob from Blackadder, I dunno.

Last thread an user expressed his excitement at gentlemen orks.

Alright i'm back. I'll drop a bit now, and then more this evening.

well considering how long i've been away and made you all wait, and that i'll soon be making you wait again, i may already be the biggest cunt.

Thank you

Nice guess

I've not actually seen all of Blackadder, though i do like what i have seen and watching the rest of it is on my to do list. A good guess.

Afraid you were just a bit too slow mate. Meat people (never heard that one before) i guess

>My designation is Quartermaster seven zero nine

ding ding ding we have a winner. That was both faster and slower than i had expected. In any case congratulations, go ahead and request something, or if you don't have one consider some of the requests made by other user's previously.


I like techpriests... do Kriegers have Armored Regiments?

If you can't figure out a good way to finagle that in, I'm fine with the Hospitaller/Krieger story.

With one arm still around the Krieger Gelen took his other hand and waggled his pointer finger under the Medicae's gas masked nose.

"So the first thing you gotta understand is that it's gonna get hard sometimes" he began " and that's okay. It's supposed to do that, cause if it didn't get hard then you wouldn't be able to stick it into a woman"

The sergeant dropped his head into his hands. 'Oh this is terrible' he thought. His mind whirred. He needed to find a way to stop this, but he didn't want to get involved. 'Maybe i'll just let Koenraad explain it' he thought to himself 'I mean how bad could it be?' While he agonized over what to do Gelen paused to take a breath before continuing , and the Medicae interjected.

"Trooper Gelen, i believe you are attempting to deceive me." Replied the Krieger "It is unreasonable to believe that a man's penis could be capable of penetrating through a person's flesh, even if it became stiff."

"No no no you're not stabbing them with it like it was a knife." responded Koenraad with a huff "Don't interrupt, i wasn't finished yet. Course it don't make sense if you cut me off. Now as i was saying it gets hard cause if it weren't you couldn't get it in them. See where you got your pecker a woman's got a hole. You stick it in there. Usually at least. Sometimes a broad will let you put it in her mouth, and a few birds will even let you shove it up their a-"

"Gelen" Rochus cut across him before he could continue. Letting Gelen do it had been a terrible idea he thought to himself. "I think that's enough. If we let you explain it you'll make the Medicae into a Slaaneshi cultist." The men chuckled a bit and Rochus gathered his thoughts before continuing. Emperor preserve him there was no helping it now, he was just gonna have to give it to her straight as clinically as possible.

Oh god this is funny as hell with all the cringe. I feel the sarges pain.

"The phenomena you described is referred to as an erection." He said while looking away. "It is a natural function which facilitates sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, which is when a man's genitals are inserted inside a woman's genitals for the purpose of procreation." 'there' he thought to himself 'that sounds like something right out of a text book. Hopefully now that she's got her answer she'll move on and forget about it'

"Sarge that was terrible. You make it sound boring when you say it like that. Don't listen to him" Gelen said to the Krieger "Sex is great, and it's so much more than just pumping a broad to knock her up like Sergeant stick-up-his-ass over there is saying. I remember there was this one Joygirl on Trieste that-"

"Koenraad" the Sergeant bit out "shouldn't you be eating? It's nearly time we went back on watch, and it would be a shame if you didn't finish your rations before then"

The man cursed and then applied himself to his food. Having been reminded that they didn't have long the whole squad focused on finishing their meals and the conversation was forgotten temporarily, but deep in his gut he knew it wouldn't be forgotten forever. Gelen would bring it back up, and if he didn't the Krieger probably would. 'Oh Emperor what did i do to deserve this' he thought. He'd just have to take each of them aside and see to it that neither of them brought it up. 'No wait' he thought to himself 'that's a terrible idea.' He could tell the Medicae not to listen to Koenraad. That he was trying to pull her leg. 'That might work' he thought, and decided to give it a try unless he thought of something better.

They finished eating and returned to their posts, but they weren't there long before Lieutenant Goossens came and pulled Rochus aside.

"Cap'n wants to see you" He said "I'll take over for you here"

"Yes sir" Sergeant Brinkerhoff said, before snapping a salute and leaving. 'What could the captain want?' He wondered.

Alright well i gotta go. Sorry everyone. I'll be back.

I'm sure i can figure something out.


Woot woot!

I imagine the kriegers saying "My underside has been lubricated, let us commence procreation" before having sex

>having sex
That sounds a lot like heresy to me, friend.

>tfw you get a captacha with a picture from your town

what's heretical about having sex for the sole purpose of procreation?

>wasting time not venerating the Emperor with their blood

>not setting up a shrine to the emperor mid-coitus
>not crying out to him and his glory throughout the process

>reproduction is for the technicians
>lesbionics are not Emperor-approved
>idle hands are the hands of Chaos

>mfw the Imperium lacks the mastery of genetic engineering to keep the benefits of being a testosterone infused young male without the detriment of the biological imperative to breed.

>mfw a nutted soldier is a content and focused soldier.

>Births in the field complicate logistics uneccisarily, so all kreiger formations have a proportion of sterile female soldiers the men can use to defuse their hormones and stay on task.

>No emotion involved, just utter silence, and workmanlike efficiency.

>not just replacing hormones with dedication to the Emperor

Hello, this is the post office, did you order more Kriegers?

Update incoming

how incoming? About to go to bed

You may want to just read it in the morning, i'm typing it up now. I'm sorry i wasn't here sooner. Sleep well user.

i mean I won't mind waiting like 10-15 minutes. how long do you think i'll take? Also please do feel like you need to rush on my account.

>Please do rush on my account


In any case don't deprive yourself of sleep. I'll get it done as quickly as i can without compromising quality. Just check to see if i've dropped it once before turning in, and if not you can go to bed knowing there will be stuff waiting for you in the morning.

fucking typo, Do not rush

>tfw you will never be the Departmento Munitorum approved platoon cumdump.

I just want to be used by loyal servants of the Emperor. Again and again and again.

When he arrived at the captain's bunker he found the captain waiting for him along with Sergeants Dirchs and Teunissen. Slightly confused he came to attention, and then took a seat when the captain gestured towards a chair in front of him. As he sat down between Dirchs and Teunissen the captain spoke.

"Good, now that all three of you are here we can begin the briefing." Said the Captain from behind his small desk. "As of 0300 last night the Imperial Navy drove off the final remaining elements of the Xenos fleet, and achieved orbital supremacy. We control the skies. Unfortunately, the Xenos have retreated and hidden in a dense forest 20 klicks from here which encompasses roughly 300 kilometers. The Navy has been unable to ascertain where the Xenos are inside of that forest. Therefore teams are being sent in to find the Xenos, and then transmit their location for Orbital strike. Your squads were selected."

"Permission to speak freely sir?" Asked Rochus

"Granted Sergeant" Replied the Captain

"Why doesn't the navy just glass the whole forest? Throne, why don't they just pull us out and glass the whole continent to be sure?" The Sergeant asked. In his opinion sending Hivers into a forest to hunt Xenos seemed like a loosing bet.

"Because Sergeant the powers that be want as much of that forest intact as possible when the colonists arrive." Replied the Captain.

"Colonists?" Said Teunissen "What colonists Sir? I thought we were just here to clean off the Xenos to prevent them from using this world as a possible staging point in the event they launched an invasion."

"Those were our original orders yes" the Captain said. "However in light of this planets proximity to other worlds held by man in this region it has been decided that the surest way to secure our position is to establish a permanent presence on this planet. Once we have removed the last of the Tau we are to be left as a garrison for the new colony."

>The ultimate city boys
>Being sent innawoods
>After kroot

Place your bets on who dies boys.


GuroVore is my fetish


I don't think Koenraad is going to do all that great....

Gelen, conveniently before gets to educate/corrupt the Medicae anymore with his explanations of sex

When I say "conveniently" I don't mean "Rochus shoots him in the back conveniently" but more "Now the Medicae has to ask Rochus about it because the one person who was willing to give an in-depth explanation of it died, thank you Law of Conservation of Plot."



I am excited. I will enjoy them all working to defend and build a new civilization on this planet. I hope you are going to give us loooots more story. Hell, I would be happy as fuck with monthly or so chapter drops if you ever want to do that. I like your work and will gladly read it for as long as you do it.

Following this revelation each of them sat up a little straighter and leaned in slightly.

"If we find the Xenos how do we call in the strike?" asked Sergeant Dirchs. Whether or not they would willingly accept the mission was a forgone conclusion now. For a chance at garrison duty and being given a planet to settle on they'd gladly risk it.

"Each squad will be given a homing beacon" said the Captain. "When you have located the enemy you are to approach as close as you can, and then input the Xenos location relative to your location into the beacon. Once you've done that, you activate it and then you run."

"How long is the window for us to get clear once the strike has been called in?" asked Teunissen. Rochus could see the gears turning in his head as his brow furrowed. No doubt he was trying to decide how close he could get comfortably without being caught in the blast.

"The strike will happen less than a minute after the beacon has been activated.The Navy assures me that it's safe, and that the barrage will be accurate within meters of the intended target" replied the Captain sardonically "However since they failed to specify how many meters, best to be safe about it and put a little distance between you. I'd rather not loose any of my men to friendly fire, and i don't trust the squids."

"Understood sir" Rochus chorused with the other two sergeants before asking "Sir, may i tell my men about the change in our regiment's orders?"

"Of course sergeant" Replied the captain. "If you believe it will increase their moral. It's going to be general knowledge soon anyway, no reason your men can't hear it first."

"Thank you sir" said Rochus. Garrison duty. He felt something bubbling in his chest every time he thought about those two words. Garrison duty. After ten years of service the Emperor had decided it was time his men had their reward, if they could just see this last mission through. He just had to get them through one more mission, and then they'd be safe. No more dead friends, no more mementos.

"You'll be airlifted to the edge of the forest tomorrow morning. Rest up, and get your men ready" said the Captain before handing each of them a sealed envelope. "These, are maps marked with the area's you are to search. We've divided the forest into equal portions, and will have teams sweeping each zone. This will allow us to thoroughly search the entirety of the forest in short order. While you are in the forest maintain radio silence. May the Emperor be with you"

"The Emperor protects" They said in unison as was the customary response in a Batavi regiment, after which they were dismissed and each sergeant left to inform his squad of their new orders.

Sorry that took so long, the muses aren't being kind to me at the moment.

That is a much stronger reaction than i had anticipated.

Thank you, i hope i can continue to write a story you will enjoy.

I'm going to try for one more update, and then i'm off to bed.

Rochus gon' colonize the shit out o' that fine eugenic trench maiden. Yes sir. We already know she has a pelvic girdle fit for the birthing of many strong Aryan children.

Many apologies, but it's just not working out. I'm going to sleep on it, and come back and update in the morning.

An addendum concerning the idea of monthly chapter drops. If that's what people want, and if the way we've been doing this doesn't work for you all i can try it, but i'll be honest what we've got going right now works for me. Keeps me motivated to wright and update, cause i know ya'll are waiting for it and have been bumping the thread to keep it alive, so i feel obligated. in a good way. It's kinda like giving myself a soft deadline where i have to write and update at least every morning and evening, and that's good. I'm not certain i would have got this much done if i didn't have that. So unless everyone really wants to shift over to a different way of doing this, i'd like to just keep it as is.

Good night Veeky Forums. Sorry again, i promise i'll do better in the morning.

>platoon cumdump
>implying a slut like yourself won't be issued at the Regimental level
Also I like to pretend that is an animals point of view on Kreig training

If I remember it correctly, Krieg produces everything but drop troops, so armoured regiments are definitely possible.

Medicae won't like this. She's been told her entire life the greatest thing she can do is die for the Emperor, and now the regiment's about to be pulled out of active duty. Either she heroically sacrifices herself to save the rest, or Rochus talks her over and we get a happy ending.

You don't deserve those quads.

Gelen, 5 keks says he fucks a plant he shouldn't.
And family Krieger girl time just shot up in possibility.

Dubs tell the truth.

Where ever you take the story, count me in. I am invested.


Writerfag, please don't break my heart

Ere we go ere we go, updates in the works.

If you worried i shant update, be ye not afraid. If you are worried about that which is to come... well just trust me.

I shall endeavor to continue to create content you can enjoy.


Too late faggot your sexy quads are mine now.

Sexy kroot carnivorism when?

I worship not the Chaos god Kek, for i am a loyal servant of the God Emperor of Mankind. Your number based Sorceries mean nothing to me. Even if you did just get dubs.

>Dub an trips

That night was spent in focused preparation. Whatever weariness the men had felt after their duty shift had evaporated when he told them the news. They had all perked up immediately after hearing those magical words. Garrison duty. There was no overt celebration, they hadn't won yet, but the mood as they gave their weapons and armor a final once over that night and got their packs ready was light. The only one who didn't have a grin ear to ear was the Krieger, and for all he knew she was smiling under that gas-mask same as the rest of them. When their preparations were complete they dove into their bunks.

In the morning as they geared up and made their way to the flight pad where the Valkyrie would be waiting for them the mood was much more reserved. The fact that they had one last mission before they earned their easy living, and that it was a dangerous one, had hit like a load of bricks. There were no smiles as they boarded the aircraft and lifted off, just visages of grim professionalism.

After the Valkyrie dropped them off at the edge of the woods they raised their weapons and slowly crept into the trees. They had only gone a few paces before Ramaaker stopped at a puddle of mud and crouched down. He then reached in a hand and drew out a scoopful of liquid filth and began to smear it onto his armor.

"Trooper what are you doing?" hissed Rochus quietly

"I saw it on a vid about Catachans sarge" He whispered back "If you smear yourself in mud and leaves the Xenos can't see you"

"That sounds like groxshite" He replied

"Listen sarge, i don't know the first thing about forests and neither does anyone else on the squad. Now it may have just been a vid, but it was a vid about the most woodsy madmen in the Imperium." Ramaaker quietly said back "So maybe this is stupid, but maybe it actually helps my odds of making it through this to see the arrival of that colony ship. I'll take my chances"

They all ended up smearing themselves with mud and leaves.

Ramaaker's gonna die first. Calling it now.

Also, are you Dutch or Belgian, writerbro?

>"So maybe this is stupid, but maybe it actually helps my odds of making it through this to see the arrival of that colony ship. I'll take my chances"

I've heard shit like this so many times, really took me back OP

Murican, but my mom's half of the family is Dutch. I may or may not have pulled some names out of the family tree.

Can't wait to see how Medicae reacts to the idea of permanent garrison and that she's been assigned a duty that isn't dying for the Emprah.

They swept through the trees and foliage as silently as they could, but knowing how to move silently in the under hive did not necessarily translate into being able to move quietly through the woods. They made a lot more noise than Rochus was comfortable with. He prayed to the Emperor the Xenos didn't find them before they found the Xenos. Every so often they would stop, and he would triangulate their position on the map using a compass and a some mountains for landmarks. It slowed them down, but it was necessary to make sure they covered their search area. The Sergeant was fairly certain that they were within their search parameters. At worst they may have deviated and overshot their boundaries by half a klick, but he figured as long as they covered all the ground they were supposed to it wouldn't kill anything if they covered just a little bit more.

They didn't find the Xenos that first day, but he hadn't really expected they would. He suspected that they would be further in where the trees were thicker and provided better cover from the air.

As the shadows began to lengthen and it grew more difficult to see Rochus decided it was time to stop for the night. They set up camp underneath a small overhang. Apparently determined to do everything he had seen in the vid Ramaaker gathered up fallen leaves and other detritus from the forest floor and piled them over himself when he lay down to sleep. The rest of the men didn't bother though. They set a watch, and then turned in for the night. They lit no fire, as the light would have betrayed their position. Even Hive boys like them knew that, so they spent the night in darkness. There was no conversation, just silence and the sounds of muted breathing.

Rochus took first watch with Eikenborn. He stared out into the darkness. With the trees obstructing his line of sight, and the canopy overhead blocking off most of the light, he couldn't see far, but he didn't think he saw anything moving in the trees.

Alright, be back tonight, i've got to get going. Hope you are all having a nice day anons.

i sure am boss, I hope you do as well.

Just for fun, you have any idea what the Batavians' colour scheme is?

Currently? Mud and leaves colored.

>troops including surviving kreigers stay on the planet

I somehow knew those two would find a way to stay together and start a family.

Page 8 is no place for a thread like this, bump.

>The only one who didn't have a grin ear to ear was the Krieger, and for all he knew she was smiling under that gas-mask same as the rest of them

Oh boy Rochus how could you be so blind, even after she opened up to you about that whole "my greatest Ambition in life is to die in service to the Emperor" thing in the shower.

Do you think she's gonna tell him, or will she just try and kamikaze and have to get "saved" by Rochus.

If Medicae dies I will never buy any book you publish!

Except I won't know who you are.

And I'd probably buy the book anyway if it looked good.

please dont kill medicaechan :

terranis holds, as will this thread.

But why?

Because good writefagging is a godsend in these dark days of Veeky Forums and this specific writefag is a pretty solid one. So we keep the thread alive so he's got somewhere to writefag.

Now I wish someone would writefag the Veeky Forums apocalypse. I wonder how that shit would go down. I'm imagining Veeky Forums as a city under attack by some sort of skellybro army.

Terranis holds. God I didn't need those feels today.

The scene in the shower with Krieg-chan examining the guy's erection was fuck hot. Just need a drawfag doing a pic(no bits needed to be shown, just her looking at the guy's crotch) of a puzzled Krieger looking down.

Bump for Cadia,where everything is fine

Alright i'm back. Updates are on the way.

Well im no drawfag, but if i was I would do that scene something like this. With her squating down in front of him as was described and the viewer looking at it from behind. No bits (unless you count her ass) and personally I think that would be hot as fuck.

Yea. I think he would have this WTF expression.

The night passed without incident, and after eating a breakfast of cold rations they resumed their sweep of the Forest. They slowly moved ever deeper into the forest looking for signs of the Xenos. Honestly Rochus wasn't entirely certain what tracks were supposed to look like. He'd been born in a hive and his father had been a waste processing plant worker for the Emperor's sake. He'd never even seen a tree before they got deployed to this rock, but he figured that if an entire army of Xenos had been through here they would have to have left some sign of their passage obvious enough that even he could recognize it. After they had been searching for a few hours his hope was realized when Pender came running up to him holding a broken off branch.

"Sarge I think we got something over here" He said. With his helmet on Rochus couldn't see his face, but his tone was jubilant, and the sergeant could imagine his buck toothed grin. The trooper lead him off about twenty feet to where he had been searching. The ground was churned up a bit, and the undergrowth stamped down, but the most damning evidence was the scrape marks along the side of a tree where a branch had been torn off by something large passing it. Raising his hand Rochus signaled for the squad to converge on his position.

"This is it boys" He said when they were all gathered "Has to be. We're gonna follow this right back to them. Keep to the treeline, and stay low. They may have left behind watchers, so we prioritize stealth over speed, and keep your eyes peeled"

The men nodded and then they moved into the trees along either side of the path that the Aliens had cut through the forest. They ghosted from tree trunk to tree trunk and hid behind bushed when tree's weren't available. They followed the path for Hours. Fortunately they didn't run into any Xenos pickets, but when night fell they still hadn't caught up to the army, and Rochus signaled the squad to fall back into the trees to make camp.


After they had moved a ways away from the path Corporal Haanrath walked up next to him and whispered "Sir, why are we stopping?"

"Too much can go wrong in the dark" He replied "We could loose the trail, or run into an ambush. We'll continue in the morning"

"Sir we don't know how close we are to their camp" said the Corporal " I don't think that remaining stationary is wise, and we could use the darkness to sneak up on them."

"And if they can see in the dark better than we can?" He asked

"We have no way of knowing that Rochus, but if we just sit here we may be missing out on our chance!" Haanrath said emphatically as he brought a fist down on his thigh next to where he had strapped his favorite knife.

Rochus thought about it for a minute. They could be set upon by the enemy here just as easily as they could while on the move. Hunkering down for the night was no guarantee of safety, and the cover of darkness would increase their chances of sneaking up on the Xenos and catching them unawares. But they didn't know how far it was. If they pushed through the night and then didn't find them then that could leave them exhausted. After mulling it over for a few second more he decided Haanrath was right. They had better chances of pulling this off without getting seen now than they did in the morning. He came to a halt and then began to signal to the men to return to following the trail, and to stay in sight of one another.

Perhaps an hour after the sun had set they began to hear the noise of crackling fires, Alien voices, and movement. Rochus signaled for the squad to drop, and they inched their way forward slowly on their elbows and knees, until finally they had crawled close enough to see the Tau encampment. They'd covered their vehicles and suits with netting and branches to hide them from the air, and likewise disguised the structures they had built to shelter in. They huddled around fires built in pits, with branches hanging over them to hide the light and disperse the smoke. Most of the Aliens Rochus could see were the tall avian ones that had staged the surprise attacks. They outnumbered the blue skinned Tau perhaps three to one, and both races of Xenos kept to their own groups.

He reached down and grabbed the homing beacon from where it was attached to his belt. They were maybe 100 yards out, it was hard to tell the distance in the dark while lying prone. He punched in his best guess and then set the beacon on the ground. Around him the men readied themselves to get up and sprint when he gave the signal. He hovered one hand over the activation button on the beacon and put up three fingers on the other.

He had put down the first finger, and started to curl the second, when a loud crack rang out and out of the corner of his eye he saw Mulder's head jerk to the side. As the corpse fell limp they all started shouting, Rochus couldn't tell who was shouting what. He slammed his thumb down on the button and then shot to his feet and roared "RUN!"

I will continue in the morning. A million thanks to everyone who has kept this thread alive, i'm grateful to you all.

Thank you.

We love you bro, sleep well

I honestly figured it from 3/4th angle with Med off to the right and Him in the left foreground. She's bug eyed and has an emotionless stare. More with the faint hint of concern that she can muster as her face doesn't really have the muscle memory for emotion displays. An almost innocent curiosity as she doesn't have even the slightest concept of everything thats implied. To her reaching out and grabbing it is no different than inspecting a wound to be sewn up. So its meaningles

Rather adorable for me, not erotic in anyway. But this is also the guy who writes a lot about the drow, and empires with roman style sexuality. I might be a bit jaded.

Cadia you say? Maybe more Men of the 89th some other time

We need a drawfriend.....

good luck. I never get anything drowfagged for me.. cept yanno. This. but direct requests don't count

Hm. I was wrong.

But this makes me think, is the squad purely named characters, or are there unnamed grunts along as well? I haven't really been keeping track, but sending only five or six guys out per sector seems pointless and wasteful.

Kinda reminds me of a scene in The Right Stuff movie from way back. One of the pilots in training is a kinda skeeze and has been hitting on a nurse who goes around pretty much deadpan all the time(Nurse Murch) When they want sperm samples, said guy tries a line on wanting her to show him how to do it. She lays on a deadpan putdown on him on how to jerk off whichw as funny as hell and how I imagine Medicae would do any examination jerk offing

Have you written chapters 5 and 6 for the 89th?

MULDER!! Noooooooooo

Read all the posts so far, loving it.
Makes me want to sell a kidney to start a Death Korp army