Newspag wants to play

So uh. Normie heré. I found this board through 1d4chan which I found through dorftress which I found through my prof. And I need your help.
I've never played or even know anyone who plays dungeons and dragons style games, where you sit around and come up with a story but it always sounded fun to me. I always wanted to try it but none of my friends are into that stuff. I don't even know where to begin to look. I've tried my university's club but the dudes there had some pretty bad hygiene problems and didn't seem to want a normie there.
Any advice? I'm a uni student who live in Ottawa if that helps.

Other urls found in this thread:

> That's a very tasty pic you've got there, OP... Do you have the sauce?

Op is clearly a newfag, I'm verily more interested in his pic than in his question.


Buy a core book, grab a bunch of friends, play together.
Or look for another group that has no hygiene problems.

Have you petitioned the demons of Selzar for assistance yet?

Idk I'm into Indian women so I collect porn of them, I don't remember where I got it. Sorry bro. Do you know the character's name? I want to find more of her

Memes and saucefags aside, if you really want to get into tabletop RPGs, you have a few options:

1. Suck it up and try to join a university group. Even if you have a terrible time, you might meet some other people who are equally repulsed by the group, and then you can split off into your own, better group.

2. Get a rulebook for a popular game, teach yourself the system, and try to get your friends to give it a shot.

3. Play online with strangers.

#2 is really, genuinely the ideal.

I think that might be Connie's mother from Steven Universe.

Where do I find the books? Which one should I get?
My friends aren't into it. Aside from another girl who plays Xenoverse with me none of them areally into anything remotely related to this.
I don't know where to look for another group, that's the point of the three. Also, I don't remember where I found the picture. But if anyone knows the character name let me know cuz I like Indian chicks

Dude there are a TON of places around Ottawa to play. When I lived there the Wizard's Tower was a decent place, I see their website is still there (But alot of MTG stuff now).
Fandom II right by the Rideau.
Carlton, UoO, all easily can snag a bus to them. There are two other places escaping me right now...

ANYWAY. Swing by those places ask about a D&D group or Roleplaying night, then drop in on those nights. If you don't like one try the other place as every LGS attracts different people.

I guess you could say it's quite the,

> GEM!


I'd say, get yourself the Dungeons & Dragons starter set that's sold on amazon and places for like 20 dollars or so. Read it and play it with friends.
Looks up some "how to start playing D&D" stuff on youtube too.

If there's any store that sells RPGs, tabletop games, miniatures and so on, you could check there. Many of these stores serve as a meeting and recruiting spot for gamers and sometimes they offer tables to play there too. Or maybe, if the owners/clerks are friendly, you may ask them if they know anybody.
Otherwise you can look up at general nerd conventions like comic cons.
Otherwise, Internet groups and loneliness.

What kind of adventures do you want to have? What setting do you like ?

Have you asked your frieds or are you just making assumptions ? I've played tabletop rpgs with criminal teenagers and navy officers, among other people; you could probably convice them to give it a try.

Tried 1, I've went there like three times and it was really awful. Felt unwelcomed.
Tried 2, in asking around if anyone would be interested. No go.
Where do I try 3? I would prefer real life meetings but beggars can't be choosers.

Apparently you're also in french canadian girls with issues.

I'm screenshotting your post for later, that's awesome, thanks user!

OP, don't listen to these faggots. What you need is GURPS. It fits literally any setting, tone, or game, ever, and it does it perfectly. Seriously, d&d is obsolete, you need the most versatile piece of delicious gaming hardware, to ever grace the dinner table, that is Tabletop Gaming. Honestly, if you want THE game, go GURPS, all the way.

Op here, thanks dude!
It's Priyanka Maheswaran if anyone else is wondering, and I found a bunch of really great lewds. Thanks!

Find local tabletop game store and do D&D adventurers league to at least get an idea or accquire the 3 core books and grab some friends. Even if you do it "wrong" you will have fun.

There are various player locator websites as well to help you find a group.

He needs to get his bearings first. Let him find out the problems with D&D later.

I like mindfuckery. And Fallout. And Peeling the brain. And I like stuff that can be adapted.
I'm a huge dbz ho, its what got me into sports, so if there's a tabletop that can be adapted into like, a Cthulu cult on planet Vegeta (it's a story I'd like to Dm and or play in, lame I know).
Where can I play online? I looked before but didn't find

What? There aren't that many french-Canadians in Ottawa

Nvm I'm retarded I forgot that was bellybutton fanart

I'm looking it up and I'm so confused. There are so many different tabletop game books I don't know where to begin. I mean I know the basics, make character roll dice.

Is gurps a machine? Or is it a system? Wikipedia is unclear.
If it's so good why isn't everyone playing it, not to shot on it but you're making it sound amazing so I'm wondering

Find Players/Groups

GURPS is a system with lots of bolt on cross compatible rules subsystems. The idea being you can play any setting, genre, historical period, etc using one rule system.

Starting RPG's with GURPS is like deciding to try alcohol and skipping straight to absinthe, start with something more beginner friendly.

Roll20 is a popular place to play online.

One thing to keep in mind is that D&D is all it's various editions is a monolith in the RPG world. We can argue the merits of the rules but it is unquestionably the leader in terms of size of fan base.

On thing that took me awhile to figure out is that once people find a stable long term role playing group there is little reason to interact with or look for other gamers.

Exalted, Anima or CthulhuTech, I'd say.

>Into Indian women

Good man.

Thanks for the info guys, looking forward to starting.

Happy new year!

looking for group threads here or on reddit. Search lfg in catalog, or if you really want to play with total retards go on the roll20 lfg boards/section. Online games with people you don't know often peter out very quickly, but some people manage to find a decent group.

>I don't remember where I got it. Sorry bro. Do you know the character's name? I want to find more of her
OP pic is the mother of a character named Connie in Steven Universe.

>What? There aren't that many french-Canadians in Ottawa

There are plenty. Starting at the U of O, and in the Public Service.

Thanks, someone mentioned it earlier. Honestly it's the only example of representation (spoiler) we (/spoiler) Indians get. If you're not white or black then you might as well not exist.
Kind of wish we got more though

Brackets not parenthesis.

>mother of a character named Connie in Steven Universe.

Her name is Priyanka Maheswaran.

Just dropping into say Indian girls a best, Arabs are a close second.

I imagine you could probably wrestle up some like minded normie-ish people to play. D&D is something a lot of people will actually enjoy if they give it a chance. Shop the idea around with friends you think you might like it. Snoop around LGS's as well, there will probably be some folks like yourself.

For games I'd actually recommend the fifth edition of D&D. It's a good balance of rules while still being light enough to be easy to understand. The core books also has some basic intro to role playing stuff that is damn handy if you're just getting started.

[Spoiler] Thanks [/spoiler]

I'm pretty much a normie myself, I guess. I tried my friends, none of them are really into it. Come to think of it I don't really have non-normies in my life. The whole reason I made this thread is to find how people find people basically, and see if there was anyone around me. People here were super helpful.

Also you are not wrong. Being Indian helps to hide that I'm Jewish which helped me get Muslim girls. Nothing like fucking a horny girl in hijab my friend. It's true what they say about good girls.
Highly recommended, as long as you're careful.

If your gonna start with GURPS start with GURPS lite, it's completely free and easy to understand and when you get more experienced you can branch out to more books.

If you're not on mobile, just highlight the text you want to spoiler and control s.

Yeah, I guess the people I hang out with are teetering on the far edge of normie to begin with. Unfortunately sometimes you have to create an entire new circle of friends just to facilitate gaming. Veeky Forums can be pretty helpful if you know the topics to avoid and how to present yourself as honest.

I'm from Toronto where we're silly with brown girls, but most of the white and Asian guys tend to avoid them it seems. The biggest problem with Muslim university girls is when they're still close to their parents and you have to dance around the fact they disapprove of her dating whiteys.

there are Indian Jews?

Hah, I might be moving there next year. Yeah that's the biggest problem, when they're still with their parents. Honestly they're really sweet, I dated one seriously for a couple years and she even came to synagogue with me once. Its too bad Muslim dudes tend to not be like the Muslim chicks

[Spoiler] yep, folks are both Jooz, but mom is indian and dad is Israeli. There's Asian jews and black jews too, tons of em. It's really surreal to hear a Japanese person speaks fluent hebrew [/spoiler]

And yes I am. Idk why it worked for one post but not the other two.

Hey, if you're moving down here you'll probably have an easier time finding games anyway. More people in general helps with that, and more student age people. I'm sure UofT or Ryerson could easily supply a group of normie enough people to make a game. I met most of my groups through classes and just meeting people around.

Tons of them might be kind of relative, seeing as there's only like seven million Jews in the whole world. I've met tons of black Jews though, there were a decent number of Ethiopian ones in my neighbourhood growing up.

I think it's because you're capitalizing the first spoiler. I might be wrong though.

Fallout has a tabletop system. I'm rather fond of it, it's very close to the games (More Fallout 1/2 than any of the 3D ones) but I have strange taste.

Well there's always online.
Granted it still has the problems, and even more frequently than in-person... But dropping out an finding another is much easier than in meatspace.

We discussed this at game night last night. DM made several good observations.

1. Why would you want to engage in a deeply social activity of playing cooperative make believe with complete strangers?

2. Healthy long established groups don't recruit new blood often and when they do it can be daunting for an outsider to meld with the existing group.

3. Amongst roleplayers there are social lepers I.e. "That guy" that are disruptive anti social players no one wants. These chameleons will act like normal players at first before being totally disruptive assholes. They are perpetually being kicked out of groups and are always looking for a group. This makes established groups all the more wary of outsiders.

4. Back in ye oldene days of yore we didn't have no internets. If you wanted to play tabletop RPGs you either knew someone IRL, had a game club at your high school or college, or you recruited your friends and muddled your way through it. I see people, and I hate to exclusively blame this on the "young" who constantly say they are looking to get into this but don't know how to start. It really is as simple as acquiring the rule book, reading it and getting your friends to play. But they aren't into this sort of thing you whine? Well since they and you have never tried it how the fuck do you know what you are even into?

- Grognard out

Remember to argue with the DM over every little detail! Slowing down the game gives other players a chance to check their phones!!


Are you mad at a new person for wanting to get into it? Or for being unable to convince friends?
If new people don't get into it, how do you expect it to survive and expand?
How old are you, user?